Military prosecutors of the North Caucasus Military District (SKVO) in 2010 revealed serious violations in the military-economic activities of the North Caucasus Military District, said the military prosecutor of the district, Lieutenant General of Justice Vladimir Milovanov.
“This year alone, at the request of the military prosecutors of the North Caucasus Military District, over 7,600 violations of the law in the economic sphere were eliminated, and over 1,700 officials were brought to disciplinary and material liability. The damage caused by them amounted to 720 million rubles, Milovanov said at a meeting of the collegium of the military prosecutor's office of the North Caucasus Military District, Interfax reports.
According to the military prosecutor's office of the North Caucasus Military District, about 160 million rubles were returned to the state by measures of the prosecutor's response. Based on the materials of the prosecutor's checks, 262 criminal cases were initiated.
At the collegium, attention was drawn to the fact that the troops still often violate the bidding procedures, products that do not meet the requirements are supplied to military warehouses, with expired or limited storage periods. In addition, there are many facts of illegal use of federal budget funds allocated for capital construction, repair of weapons and military equipment, the report says.
Most offenses in the economic sphere are committed by officials who, due to their functional duties, are related to the disposal of material and monetary funds, are responsible for ensuring their safety, the prosecutor's office notes.
Milovanov pointed to the omissions in the work of individual military prosecutors of garrisons to ensure the safety of federal property with supervisory means. Inadequate prosecutorial support of audits, lack of proper interaction with security agencies in the troops were named as the most characteristic, the report says.