
Against the background of others: the promising French aircraft carrier PANG and its capabilities

Against the background of others: the promising French aircraft carrier PANG and its capabilities

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Photo: Naval Group Concept evolution In April, the French Ministry of Defense presented new information about a promising aircraft carrier for the French Navy, designated Porte Avion Nouvelle Generation or PANG. It must be said that this ship has been successfully "forgotten" in recent months. However, about everything on

New features of "Marshal Shaposhnikov"

New features of "Marshal Shaposhnikov"

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

"Marshal Shaposhnikov" in the first years of serviceAfter a long program of repair, modernization and testing, the large anti-submarine ship / frigate "Marshal Shaposhnikov" pr. 1155 returned to service

Contracts and Experience: Sentinel Diving Patrol Project

Contracts and Experience: Sentinel Diving Patrol Project

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Submersible patrol ship at work The Russian Central Design Bureau MT "Rubin" has developed an original project of a submerging patrol ship. Such a ship should combine the main features and advantages of submarines and surface patrols. The project is offered for export - they should

Nuclear Non-Nuclear Dolphin: The Final Component of Israel's Triad

Nuclear Non-Nuclear Dolphin: The Final Component of Israel's Triad

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

The Mediterranean Sea is inherently a body of water no less hot than the Persian Gulf. Just with hot water, not boiling water, but events that may begin to unfold in the Mediterranean can easily warm up the whole world. The main troublemaker in the region is Turkey, led by Erdogan

Combat ships. Cruisers. And what was it all for?

Combat ships. Cruisers. And what was it all for?

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

We have already spoken about the family of Japanese light cruisers of the Kuma class, now it makes sense to consider one of the class representatives in a little more detail. He deserves it, and not because one survived from the whole family, but because he became the object of serious experiments. Kitakami. The motto of this

1962 Cuban Missile Crisis: Correcting Errors. Learning to use the Navy

1962 Cuban Missile Crisis: Correcting Errors. Learning to use the Navy

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Soviet transports heading to Cuba had no other protection. The Caribbean crisis was the first large-scale clash between the Soviet and American fleets, in which weapons tracking, pursuit and the willingness of participants to use weapons against each other, including nuclear ones, were carried out. As is known

"Admiral Kuznetsov". Why does Moscow need this "junk"?

"Admiral Kuznetsov". Why does Moscow need this "junk"?

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Caleb Larson of The National Interest has an interesting perspective on Russia's only aircraft carrier. Larson thinks Admiral Kuznetsov is "junk." And then he raises the question why Moscow continues to support him? Russia's Only Aircraft Carrier Is Junk. So Why Is Moscow

Combat ships. Cruisers. "Yamato", come out We will beat

Combat ships. Cruisers. "Yamato", come out We will beat

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Today we'll talk about record holders from American shipyards. In fact, it was a feat of labor: to rivet in the literal sense of the word such a crowd of light cruisers that could actually perforate any battleship to death, be it Yamato at least three times. 27 ships built out of 52

Which is more useful, "Admiral Nakhimov" or ten "Buyans"?

Which is more useful, "Admiral Nakhimov" or ten "Buyans"?

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Not so long ago, our audience, which is attentive to the naval theme, expressed satisfaction with the fact that the second heavy cruiser of the Orlan project, Admiral Nakhimov, is getting up for overhaul. And one more representative of the project, "Admiral Lazarev" is going under the knife on needles. And this news

Destroyer and frigate: talking about the future

Destroyer and frigate: talking about the future

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

It seems that everything is clear and understandable with modern classes of warships, but if you just look at the terms "destroyer" and "frigate". And if it is thoughtful, questions and bewilderment begin. Yes, at first glance everything is clear - the ships theoretically differ in displacement, armament, size

"Arlie Burke": modification for the Black Sea

"Arlie Burke": modification for the Black Sea

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

It is interesting when discoveries in the military field are made not by intelligence officers, but by journalists. There is no doubt where it is necessary and who needs to be in the know, but usually intelligence agencies around the world are in no hurry to shout about their super victories and share information with the layman. Yes, intelligence - they are … who turned out to be superfluous

Sea warfare for beginners. Targeting problem

Sea warfare for beginners. Targeting problem

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

The power of anti-ship cruise missiles is great, but in order to hit a target with them, you need to know much more about it than just coordinates. The photo shows the launch of the P-1000 Vulkan anti-ship missile system from the Project 1164 Varyag guards missile cruiser of the Pacific Fleet

Rocket catamarans of China "Type 022"

Rocket catamarans of China "Type 022"

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Boat "Type 022" at sea, 2014 Photo by US Naval Institute The PLA Navy has a fairly large fleet of missile boats - about 130-150 units. several types. The most widespread representatives of this class are Type 022 or Hubei catamarans. They were built from the beginning

Combat ships. Cruisers. Not perfect, but hard to sink

Combat ships. Cruisers. Not perfect, but hard to sink

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

The beginning of the series of these ships was here: Warships. Cruisers. Shot Damn, That Didn't Come Out Lumpy "Pensacola" was the debut of a new generation of American heavy cruisers, and, despite some opinions, turned out to be quite a decent ship. Naturally, not without flaws. So

The Varan project and its technologies: groundwork for the future

The Varan project and its technologies: groundwork for the future

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

A family of promising ships and vessels from the Nevsky PKB. The system is headed by the aircraft carrier "Varan", on the flanks - universal landing ships Not so long ago, materials about a new development of the Nevsky Design Bureau under the name "Varan" appeared in the open press. This project

Non-aircraft carriers and their aircraft. A little about ersatz aircraft carriers of the 80s

Non-aircraft carriers and their aircraft. A little about ersatz aircraft carriers of the 80s

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

The use of non-military vessels for military purposes has a long history in the world's navies. There are countless examples. This is due to a simple fact - it is technically impossible for any country to have and maintain a military fleet large enough to provide potential

Why are British gentlemen so scared?

Why are British gentlemen so scared?

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Honestly, when some materials are published on the Review, no one intends to make a nightmare in a single country, even if it is Great Britain. It just happens sometimes. Tell me, what does the Review and Great Britain have to do with it? It's simple. Following some Russian media

Fleet near-term perspective: R-29RMU2.1 "Liner" ballistic missile

Fleet near-term perspective: R-29RMU2.1 "Liner" ballistic missile

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

SSBN K-114 "Tula", a standard carrier of missiles "Sineva" and "Liner", as well as a test participant R-29RMU-2.1 At present, submarine missile carriers of three projects are operated as part of the naval component of the strategic nuclear forces of Russia, carrying three different missile

Why are 11 US Navy aircraft carriers not enough?

Why are 11 US Navy aircraft carriers not enough?

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Kyle Mizokami, whom we have already studied perfectly thanks to his impressive competence in naval matters and such a charming sense of humor, pleased with another masterpiece (I really am not afraid of this word). The Senate and the US Congress are arguing whether it is time to stop in terms of building aircraft carriers

Far Ocean Black Hole

Far Ocean Black Hole

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Let's talk once again about the exorbitant ambitions of some of our military regarding the "presence" and "demonstrations" of Russia in the so-called far ocean zone. Because the ambitions that are then laid out on the pages of the media are no longer quite ambitions, these are the positions expressed by people "at

Technical descent: Project 20386 Corvette was removed from the boathouse

Technical descent: Project 20386 Corvette was removed from the boathouse

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

And this is him again. Drawing of the alleged project 20386 corvette, originally "Daring", now "Mercury". Picture of the Central Design Bureau "Almaz" In the first half of March 2021, a new turn took place in the fate of the unfortunate for the Navy "corvette" of Project 20386 "Mercury" (before that - "Daring"). PJSC "Severnaya Verf", as

Does our fleet need a small multipurpose nuclear submarine?

Does our fleet need a small multipurpose nuclear submarine?

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

According to GPV-2020, the Navy was supposed to receive 8 new multipurpose nuclear submarines of project 885 (M) by 2020. In reality, he received only one (and with a "bouquet" of critical shortcomings described in the article AICR "Severodvinsk" was handed over to the Navy with critical deficiencies for combat effectiveness). In fact, the program was also disrupted

"Varan" - is it worth wasting time and money?

"Varan" - is it worth wasting time and money?

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Our media know how to catch up with the wave. Especially in the field of shipbuilding. You look at the headlines, and pride bursts. Now we will show them all! And Kuzkin's mother, and Seregin, everyone! Then, however, comes the understanding that we are once again, and you can safely disperse. As an example, here is the headline from

TAVKR project 1143 and SSVP Yak-38 - "the maximum possible"

TAVKR project 1143 and SSVP Yak-38 - "the maximum possible"

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

In the articles published by "Military Review" by Alexander Timokhin "Yak-41 against further development of Yak-38. Lesson from the past”and“Aircraft-carrying cruisers and Yak-38: retrospective analysis and lessons”far from all theses can be agreed. This in no way means that their author needs to be "given

Combat ships. Cruisers. Pioneers of heaven, light and strange

Combat ships. Cruisers. Pioneers of heaven, light and strange

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

In one of the previous articles on the maritime theme, it so happened that a very remarkable ship became a participant in the narrative. Correct battle in reverse In this battle, the Germans very hard hit the British, sinking the cruiser and the destroyer. Yes, torpedo attack correctly timed

A blow against reality or about the fleet, Tu-160 and the cost of human error

A blow against reality or about the fleet, Tu-160 and the cost of human error

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Better that way than delving into these strange and incomprehensible questions of naval warfare. Alas, the enemy will not appreciate it. On March 10, 2021, Voennoye Obozreniye published an article by the authors Roman Skomorokhov and Alexander Vorontsov entitled “Does Russia need a strong fleet?” True, the answer to their own

A few questions to the opponents of aircraft carriers

A few questions to the opponents of aircraft carriers

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Fighting without aviation is difficult, sometimes impossible, and the only means to have it anywhere and on time is an aircraft carrier. There are no others. Photo: Press Service of the Northern Fleet

Stanovoy ridge NSNF: strategic missile submarine cruisers (SSBN) of project 667

Stanovoy ridge NSNF: strategic missile submarine cruisers (SSBN) of project 667

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

The submarine and its chief designer Sergei Nikitich Kovalev On November 1, 1958, the USS George Washington (SSBN-598) lead SSBN was laid down at Electric Boat. was only signed on November 12

Why do they all need aircraft carriers? South Korea

Why do they all need aircraft carriers? South Korea

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

We all know Kyle Mizokami from The National Interest has a very funny saying, with which he begins many of his articles: “Do you like cool ships? And so do we. Let's make fun of them together!”This is the case when you just want to make fun of them and ask: why do you need all this? Why do you need

Not an easy choice for the US Navy

Not an easy choice for the US Navy

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

In connection with the change in the country's leadership, the US military, especially the naval, are looking at tomorrow very painfully and with apprehension. Those statements that appear in the press (and with censorship in the United States there is complete order, democracy after all), testify to this very vividly. Admiral Mike especially stood out

Combat ships. Cruisers. More useful than many who fought

Combat ships. Cruisers. More useful than many who fought

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Today we are not starting with curses against the Washington Treaty, today we have Versailles as the culprits. In accordance with the articles of this treaty, Germany was deprived of its armed forces and defense industry. Naturally, at that time the second-in-the-world Kaiser's fleet also ordered to live a long time

New flagship - old problems?

New flagship - old problems?

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Many media outlets have already spoken about the fact that in 2022 the Peter the Great TARK will go for modernization and the Russian fleet will have another flagship. TARK "Admiral Nakhimov" will replace a colleague. The question of how much "Admiral Nakhimov" will increase the power of our fleet is being discussed. In numbers. But it's very difficult to judge here

Tomahawk Block V cruise missiles approaching adoption

Tomahawk Block V cruise missiles approaching adoption

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

The launch of the Tomahawk Block V rocket by the destroyer USS Chaffee (DDG-90), November 30, 2020 In the United States, work continues on the creation of new modifications of the Tomahawk cruise missile, known under the general designation Block V. The first version of the updated missile has already been brought to operational tests, and in this year

"Leopard" and other modernized "Pike-B". Development of the fleet of multipurpose nuclear submarines

"Leopard" and other modernized "Pike-B". Development of the fleet of multipurpose nuclear submarines

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

"Leopard" in the process of withdrawal from the boathouse Severodvinsk Ship Repair Center "Zvezdochka" continues work on the repair and modernization of the multipurpose nuclear submarine K-328 "Leopard". The ship, built according to the project 971 "Schuka-B", is being upgraded to the state "971M". Recently renovation work

Zamvolt vs. Peter the Great: Who Has More Chances to Survive?

Zamvolt vs. Peter the Great: Who Has More Chances to Survive?

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Overrated. Here's how it is - overpriced. In a couple of previous materials, I spoke so flatteringly about the work of Kyle Mizokami that now I'm sitting here, and I can't understand. Kyle, buddy, how was it possible? Water War: Russia's Battlecruiser Kirov vs. America's Stealthy Zumwalt (Who Wins?)

The main achievements of Russian shipbuilding in 2020

The main achievements of Russian shipbuilding in 2020

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Photo: forums.airbase.ru Shipbuilding in Russia traditionally has a difficult time: especially in light of the introduction of sanctions by the West and the already familiar coronavirus pandemic. Nevertheless, the country in 2020 was able to boast of a number of major achievements in this area. It is (including) about

Deliveries of ships and vessels for the Navy in 2020

Deliveries of ships and vessels for the Navy in 2020

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

SSBN "Prince Vladimir" on the basis of Gadzhievo, July 2020 The program of modernization of the navy continues. This year, the shipbuilding industry has handed over several dozen ships and vessels of various classes, having fulfilled most of the established plans. In addition, measures are being taken

"Pyotr Morgunov" as the future of the amphibious forces of the fleet

"Pyotr Morgunov" as the future of the amphibious forces of the fleet

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

On December 23 at the Baltic shipyard "Yantar" a solemn ceremony of raising the flag was held on the large landing ship "Pyotr Morgunov". The new BDK became part of the Navy and will soon go to the duty station. From contract to service, "Petr Morgunov" is the second BDK

Multipurpose nuclear submarines of the Astute type. Problems and their causes

Multipurpose nuclear submarines of the Astute type. Problems and their causes

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

The lead nuclear submarine of the Astute type on the eve of launching, June 2007 Currently, the submarine forces of the Royal Navy of Great Britain have seven multipurpose nuclear submarines. Three of them belong to the old Trafalgar project, four others are built according to the modern Astute. Construction of such nuclear submarines

Sea warfare for beginners. Sea battle

Sea warfare for beginners. Sea battle

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Today, there are a number of postulates regarding the conduct of war at sea, from which the secondary role of surface ships in the destruction of other surface ships follows. So, in Western countries, the basic point of view is adopted that submarines and aircraft should destroy surface ships. In countries whose