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On the last Sunday in October, veterans of the battleship Novorossiysk and the public of Sevastopol celebrated the mournful 60th anniversary of the sinking of the flagship of the USSR Black Sea Fleet. As a result of this tragedy, played out in the internal roadstead, over 800 people died in one night. The battleship turned over, and in his
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A veteran of the special division of combat swimmers of the 10th flotilla of the Italian Navy reported that the battleship of the Black Sea Fleet of the USSR Navy "Novorossiysk", which died under mysterious circumstances on October 29, 1955, was blown up by Italian combat swimmers. Hugo de Esposito made this confession in an interview
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The birthday - or, more precisely, the "conception" - of the BB-1 / Su-2 aircraft should be considered December 27, 1936. It was on this day that a resolution of the Labor and Defense Council was issued (hereinafter - a quote from the Khazanov-Gordyukov monograph): "on the construction high-speed long-range reconnaissance attack aircraft according to the scheme
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Captured Soviet generals P.G. Ponedelin and N.K. Kirillov talking with German officers in the area of Uman (Ukraine). August 1941 Source: K. Simonov's book "One Hundred Days of War". The 12th Army was surrounded. Tens of thousands of soldiers were captured along with the commander of the army Ponedelin. Germans
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"The mad baron dressed as a Mongolian" "The mad baron" was the name of the contemporaries of Baron Ungern-Sternberg. The white commander was accused of mass terror, which the commander of the Asian division used against everyone who did not accept the white idea. Historian, leader of the cadets, one of the leaders of the February Revolution
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Reagan, speaking before the British Parliament on June 8, 1982, predicts that "Marxism-Leninism will be thrown into the dustbin of history." The Achilles' heel of the USSR was found in Washington. They created the illusion of their power, invincibility, and made Moscow believe in its alleged weakness. This was enough to
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Drake arrives in California. An engraving published by Theodore de Brie in 1590 Conquest of the World The basis of Western (European) civilization is parasitism. In the Middle Ages, the Europeans, who obeyed the "command post" in Rome, first suppressed the resistance of the pagan peoples, the Celts
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The start of the destructive processes in the domestic economy was given by all those "conquests of perestroika", which its adherents called "the transition to market relations", hiding behind these words the destruction of Russia's most powerful national economy inherited from the USSR and the robbery of the country's population
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Thirty years ago, something happened in Chile that seemed unthinkable to many: Augusto Pinochet left the post of president (in fact, an all-powerful dictator who ruled the country alone). At the same time, for many years he remained commander-in-chief and holder of the highest military rank, as well as inviolable
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For a long time, people's imaginations have been excited by stories about distant countries, in which gold, silver and jewelry can be found in abundance and at every step. Pliny the Elder wrote about the golden island of Chryza, located somewhere in the middle of the Indian Ocean. Later, Ptolemy even reported one of the coordinates of this
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It is unlikely that Hitlerite Germany would have been able to hold out against its opponents for so long if not to go over to its side, not only a number of European states, but also millions of people in the occupied countries. Their traitors were everywhere, but in some countries and regions their number is simply
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In the mass consciousness, the archers appear as some kind of idiots in red caftans, rushing about the Kremlin in fright, shouting: "Take demons alive!" Thanks to the film "Ivan Vasilyevich Changes His Profession". Perhaps someone will remember from the school history course that Peter the First replaced the archers with units
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At all times, sleep was rightly perceived by people not only as a necessity, but also as the greatest good. It is no coincidence that various variations of the expression "sweetly slept" are found in many languages of the world. However, at the same time, sleep as a special state of the body in which a person, albeit temporarily
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November 7 (October 26) 1888, 130 years ago, was born Nestor Ivanovich Makhno - one of the most controversial and controversial figures during the Civil War. For someone a ruthless bandit, for someone - a fearless peasant leader, Nestor Makhno most fully personified that
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Autumn 1941 is one of the hardest pages in the history of the Great Patriotic War. Hitler's armies are rushing to the capital of our country - Moscow. A significant part of the territory of the USSR, including the regions of Moldova, Ukraine, Belarus, the Baltic states, has already been occupied by the Nazis. Red Army at the limit
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Recently, the UN International Court of Justice in The Hague made a very important decision for a number of Latin American countries. He refused to allow Bolivia to return access to the Pacific Ocean. A longstanding dispute between Bolivia and Chile ended in favor of the latter state. Despite the fact that depriving Bolivia of access to the Pacific Ocean
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On July 24, 1783, 235 years ago, Simon Bolivar was born - a man who in many ways turned the history of the New World. His contribution to the transformation of the Spanish colonies into sovereign states is enormous, and a number of South American countries keep the memory of Bolivar both in their names and in national symbols, not
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They betrayed on time In 1981, just a year after the death of Josip Broz Tito, a book was published in New York by the not-too-famous Croatian dissident. It was the work of the disgraced ex-director of the Zagreb Institute for the History of the Labor Movement Franjo Tudjman "Nationalism in Modern Europe", in
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Hello, comrades Elizarovs Young Jiang Ching-kuo, the future head of the Kuomintang Party and the President of the Republic of China in Taiwan, was sent to study and work in the USSR by his own father in the late 1920s. And the father of the Chinese comrade was none other than Chiang Kai-shek, whose name should sound like Jiang
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Probably, each of us from childhood is familiar with the expression "in bellies". And it is connected in our minds, first of all, with a special way of crawling. "On their bellies" means to spread out and crawl, huddled to the ground. But if there is a word "in bellies", then there is also a word "in bellies". In the Russian Empire
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Forty years ago, on February 17, 1979, a war broke out between the two leading socialist states of Asia at that time - China and Vietnam. The political conflict between neighboring states, which had been smoldering for many years, turned into an open armed confrontation, which could well have developed into
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The last weeks of summer. Previously, these blessed days were associated with a cold cutlet on the beach under the scorching sun, a coveted can of kvass or a barrel of beer with an indispensable group of suffering and busily bored saleswoman. But everything is changing: globalism, you know. Modern philistine
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In modern historiography, the flight of the Armed Forces of the South of Russia (ARSUR) from Novorossiysk is presented as a highly spiritual, so to speak, tragedy from the category of those that knock out a mean male tear. In this scenario, the White Guards are credited with the role of knights without fear and reproach, with
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The first phase of the destruction of Soviet civilization began under Khrushchev, when the Soviet elite abandoned the Stalinist course of development of society, the creation of a society of the future. The Communist Party has abandoned its role as the moral, intellectual leader of civilization and people. That is, she refused
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The feats of our contemporaries, heroes of the Afghan, Chechen and other wars of the late 20th century are no less impressive than the heroism of those who went through the Great Patriotic War
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Russian soldiers on the Caucasian front in 1914. They will also become the protagonists of the tragic events of 1918. The Caucasus has been a specific region since its inclusion in the Russian Empire. There was either no order, or it was specific, “compromise”. Environment and cultural differences dictated
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The Kalmyk ASSR was abolished on December 28, 1943, shortly after the complete liberation of the Caucasus and the Lower Volga region. The resettlement of Kalmyks from there and from neighboring territories to Altai, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and the Krasnoyarsk Territory was carried out on the basis of the relevant resolution of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR dated December 29
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The very presence of tanks in the Reich is not an answer to the question of the reason for the success of the "lightning war". German tanks were inferior in quality to their rivals. A significant part of the Wehrmacht's tank forces, in 1939-1941, were light tanks "Panzer - 1" and "Panzer - 2" (in fact, tankettes with machine guns). Even
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Magellan's ships leave for the Pacific Ocean On September 6, 1522, a ship entered the Spanish port of Sanlúcar de Barrameda at the mouth of the Guadalquivir River, whose appearance indicated a long and difficult journey. This ship was called "Victoria". Those of the locals who had a good memory, not without some difficulty
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At about 2 am on October 12, 1492, the Spanish sailor Rodrigo de Triana, who is in the crow's nest of the Pinta caravel, shouts "Earth!" heralded the beginning of a new round of European and world history. The expedition of Christopher Columbus, like nothing else, justified the saying “Good luck accompanies
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It is unlikely that those who are close to 60 in age, or older than these years, do not remember how they first heard about Gagarin's flight. I personally heard about this on the way to the military registration and enlistment office from the Frunze Academy. Suddenly, one of the loudspeakers, which, as it turned out, had been installed that day in advance, spoke up
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If Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin had lived to this day, on March 9, 2019, he would have celebrated his next anniversary, the first cosmonaut on Earth would have turned 85 years old. In reality, Yuri Gagarin left us early, as really great people often leave. His life ended tragically on March 27, 1968. On
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As you know, already the first cities on Earth were surrounded by walls and had towers built into them. Fortresses with high walls and, again, towers were also built by the ancient Egyptians (and not just pyramids and temples!), Which were erected on the border of the "land of Nub". Well, the Assyrians became famous for learning
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On April 13-14, 1861, newspaper boys on the streets of the northern cities of the USA - the North American United States, gathered an abundant "harvest" - they literally pulled out newspapers with their hands, they did not ask for change. But they too tore their throats and tried with might and main: “Southerners fired at Fort Sumter! Southerners fired
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By the beginning of 1943, the situation in Leningrad surrounded by German troops remained extremely difficult. The troops of the Leningrad Front and the Baltic Fleet were isolated from the rest of the forces of the Red Army. Attempts to release the blockade of Leningrad in 1942 - the Lyuban and Sinyavinsk offensive operations, did not bring
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75 years ago, on January 12, 1943, Soviet troops launched a de-blocking operation near Leningrad (Operation Iskra). After a powerful artillery preparation, the shock groups of the Leningrad and Volkhov fronts, the 67th and 2nd shock armies, went on the offensive. General situation in Leningrad
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The life story of Soviet intelligence legend William Fischer (better known as Rudolph Abel) is a chubby tome. And although it is full of white pages, the available material will be enough for a dozen spy television series. Let's open the book of the life of William Genrikhovich and leaf through several
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The shovel was invented by man even before the emergence of all monotheistic religions, the history of this entrenching tool goes back thousands of years. In ancient times, the tray, bayonet or blade of a shovel was made from bones or wood, then they began to sheathe and bind with iron, and only then came to
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People have always attached great importance to fire. On a person, a burning flame, like flowing water, still produces an almost hypnotic effect. Which is reflected in numerous sayings and anecdotes. At the same time, a person always tried to tame the element, wishing to use the power of fire in
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Today, the dove is a well-known symbol of peace. However, the bird, which man first tamed more than five thousand years ago, had to take part in military conflicts. For many years, mankind used the possibilities of pigeon mail: during the wars, feathered assistants played the role of messengers