State armaments program: Siluanov defeated Shoigu

State armaments program: Siluanov defeated Shoigu

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

For several years now we have been talking and writing about new Russian weapons systems, about new ships, about modernizing tanks, about all kinds of PAKs … Almost every day in various publications you can read about something that other countries do not have. Any speech by the President or the Minister of Defense concerns

National peculiarities of trade in multifunctional fighters

National peculiarities of trade in multifunctional fighters

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

The announcement of the "baptism of fire" F-35 Lightning II (in the Israeli version of "Adir" (mighty)) of the Air Force of the Jewish state inspired the expert and journalistic community. Everyone expected the details of this, probably the first combat use, this most popularized and accompanied by many

Su-57 and "Armata" against economics and expediency

Su-57 and "Armata" against economics and expediency

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

In recent years, the Russian defense industry has developed several fundamentally new models of military equipment for the ground forces and aerospace forces. They are undergoing the necessary tests and should soon appear in the army. However, not so long ago it became known that in the higher echelons

"New ship in the old hull", what's going on?

"New ship in the old hull", what's going on?

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

The capabilities of the Ministry of Defense and the shipbuilding industry do not yet allow to quickly and in large quantities build the necessary ships that meet modern requirements. The way out of this situation is the modernization of existing ships and submarines, providing for the installation of a new

Black Sea shipyard: production decline

Black Sea shipyard: production decline

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

The 1980s were the peak of the industrial power of the Soviet shipbuilding giant, the Black Sea Shipyard. The highest point of his performance, successes and achievements. The enterprise had a lot of merit to the Fatherland too: the ships built in Nikolaev on the stocks of the ChSZ numbered in the hundreds

Black Sea shipyard: modernity

Black Sea shipyard: modernity

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Early 1990s for the Black Sea plant was marked by great changes. And these changes were by no means for the better. This was far from the first crisis period that the company experienced. The first time this happened during the Civil War and immediately after it. Then, busted and

Excellent students - according to "Kalashnikov"

Excellent students - according to "Kalashnikov"

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

The Russian Defense Ministry has held a single day of acceptance of military products and infrastructure of the Armed Forces. The numbers have been named, the addresses of arms and military equipment deliveries are indicated, which creates a complete picture of equipping our Armed Forces with modern models. Over the past year, more than 3,500 promising units have been delivered to the army and navy

Ukrainian new - well forgotten Soviet old

Ukrainian new - well forgotten Soviet old

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

The boundless patience with which we have been observing the Armed Forces of Ukraine and the Ukrainian defense industry for almost five years now is not that ending, but the laughter is gradually ending. We are observing, of course, not out of idle curiosity. The Armed Forces of Ukraine are still the closest army fighting with Russia on paper, and with the Russians - in

Export of Russian arms. January 2018

Export of Russian arms. January 2018

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

The most significant event in January was the discussed contract for the purchase of 6 Su-30SME multifunctional fighters by Myanmar. It is reported that an additional impetus to this deal was given by the visit of Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu to Myanmar. Also in January, India approved the purchase in Russia of a consignment of 240

Results of the special operation in Syria and the state armament program until 2027

Results of the special operation in Syria and the state armament program until 2027

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

On January 30, 2018, President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin visited the National Center for Defense Management, where he took part in a military-practical conference to summarize the experience and summarize the results of the military operation in Syria. As part of the conference, the President called on the audience to frankly and

What to do with imports allegedly replaced in the army?

What to do with imports allegedly replaced in the army?

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

I would like to talk about tomorrow's day of our army. And not only the army, but the army issue - it seems to be very burning. When I have every household appliance in my apartment, from a TV to a coffee grinder, talks about how much the sanctions helped us to become more independent from the outside world and what

Truth and fiction about the Ukrainian cruise missile "Neptune"

Truth and fiction about the Ukrainian cruise missile "Neptune"

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Recently Kiev conducted another missile test. This time, the new Ukrainian cruise missile "Neptune". At the same time, the opinion of the "experts" was divided. Kiev "experts" write that the new missile can fly almost de Moscow, while the Russian basically agree that this is all a bluff. How

Battles for the drone market

Battles for the drone market

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

The Dubai Airshow 2017, recently completed in the suburbs of Dubai, has traditionally become a venue for exhibiting not only a variety of manned aircraft, but also unmanned aircraft systems of various classes and types. At the same time, one of the central tendencies that manifested itself at this exhibition was the abundance of

Export of Russian arms. December 2017

Export of Russian arms. December 2017

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

The main news regarding the export of Russian weapons in December 2017 can be attributed to exhibitions and the continuation of the supply of aviation equipment to foreign customers under previously concluded contracts. In the last month of the outgoing year, Rosoboronexport demonstrated various military equipment

Export of Russian arms. November 2017

Export of Russian arms. November 2017

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

In November 2017, information on several defense contracts important for Russia was finally confirmed. In particular, the delivery of Iskander-E missile systems to Algeria was officially recognized, which became the second foreign customer of this operational-tactical missile system, the first

Results of 2017 for the Russian military-industrial complex

Results of 2017 for the Russian military-industrial complex

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

For the Russian defense industry, the outgoing 2017 was a rather fruitful year, which was not accompanied by scandals and disruptions in the delivery of military products. The Russian defense-industrial complex (MIC) is loaded with orders for many years, as part of the implementation

Export of Russian arms. October 2017

Export of Russian arms. October 2017

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

In October, the main news stories about the export of Russian weapons covered not the deliveries themselves, but about export issues. In particular, the details and possibilities of execution of the contract for the supply of S-400 Triumph air defense systems to Turkey are still being discussed. At the end of October, information appeared about

US military budget: new increase and new spending

US military budget: new increase and new spending

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Traditionally, in mid-September, American lawmakers complete the discussion of the submitted draft military budget, make the last amendments and approve its final version. A new budget to allocate defense spending in FY 2018 has been adopted

Why does Baku need "black transit" of weapons

Why does Baku need "black transit" of weapons

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

We are following the events in Syria. We are following developments in Iraq. We follow the events in Ukraine. In principle, we are following events in any region that in one way or another concerns our borders. The situation is difficult. There are more and more players. Intrigue is tied, not untied

Israel shows weapons of the future

Israel shows weapons of the future

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

The Department of Defense's Arms Development Authority presents a number of developments that will soon enter service with the Israel Defense Forces, including advanced drones, remotely controlled armored vehicles and reconnaissance submarines

Russian arms export order portfolio is estimated at $ 50 billion

Russian arms export order portfolio is estimated at $ 50 billion

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

The existing portfolio of export orders for the supply of Russian military equipment abroad is approximately $ 47-50 billion. Dmitry Shugaev, Director of the Federal Service for Military-Technical Cooperation (FSMTC) of Russia, told reporters about this at the very end of August 2017

Export of Russian arms. September 2017

Export of Russian arms. September 2017

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

September 2017 turned out to be rich in news regarding the export of Russian arms. In particular, it was in September that details of the deal for the supply of S-400 Triumph air defense systems to Turkey appeared, as well as information about a very large contract for the supply of BMPT-72 Terminator-2 to Algeria. Besides

Export of Russian arms. August 2017

Export of Russian arms. August 2017

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

In August 2017, the main news on the export of Russian arms was mainly related to aircraft. In particular, a very important event was the signing of an agreement with Indonesia for the supply of 11 Su-35 fighters totaling $ 1.14 billion, as well as information on India's plans for

Under the banner of renovation

Under the banner of renovation

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

The joint special exercise of forces and means of technical and logistic support of the armed forces of the Russian Federation and Belarus was in many ways experimental. The problems generated by outsourcing were solved, the most important issues of material and technical support (MTO) of the army and navy were worked out. What conclusions

Make way for the Red Javelin

Make way for the Red Javelin

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

On August 16, Norinko Corporation held the Day of Armored Vehicles and Anti-Tank Weapons on the territory of a test site near the city of Baotou (Inner Mongolia). For the second time in the history of the Chinese military-industrial complex, 34 samples of tracked and wheeled armored vehicles were displayed in a closed pavilion. For

Recycling program for decommissioned equipment: cut can not be used

Recycling program for decommissioned equipment: cut can not be used

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Despite massive reductions in the army and full-scale decommissioning programs of equipment that were carried out in the past, significant stocks of materiel remain in storage in the Russian armed forces. Unwanted samples are continually sent for recycling, freeing up space and reducing costs

Concern "Kalashnikov" creates combat robots. Gunsmiths prepare for the war of the future

Concern "Kalashnikov" creates combat robots. Gunsmiths prepare for the war of the future

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Engineers of the Kalashnikov concern (part of Rostec) have developed an automated combat module that is able to independently recognize targets and make decisions. According to Sofia Ivanova, director of communications of the concern, in the automated combat module were used

Offshore capital

Offshore capital

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

The Naval Salon opened in the northern capital. Maxim Meiksin, Chairman of the St. Petersburg Committee for Industrial Policy and Innovation, told VPK how the guests of the largest industry exhibition will be surprised by shipbuilders and city authorities. - The Naval Salon is a significant event not only for

Export of Russian arms. July 2017

Export of Russian arms. July 2017

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

In July 2017, most of the news related to the export of Russian arms was related to aviation and helicopter technology. However, they were not the most talked about news of this summer month. The greatest resonance was caused by the statement of the President of Turkey that Ankara and Moscow have reached

Export of Russian arms. June 2017

Export of Russian arms. June 2017

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

June 2017 was comparatively rich in news regarding the export of Russian weapons to various countries. The main news concerns the supply of aviation equipment, armored vehicles and air defense systems. Perhaps one of the main news in June was information about a possible delivery to Egypt up to 400-500

"Diamond" became "Star"

"Diamond" became "Star"

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

What were the cosmonauts doing on the secret space station? What kind of space cannon did our designers invent? How long did the spy satellites last on alert? The developers of Almaz, the most closed military space project in the USSR, told RG about this

Aviadarts, ARMY-20 .. and others. For what?

Aviadarts, ARMY-20 .. and others. For what?

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

In the comments to one of the materials dedicated to Aviadarts, there were very harsh remarks about the fact that all this is window dressing, all prizes are distributed in advance, and in general, this is a senseless and useless matter. Let me disagree. The finals of AI-2017 still to come, just like the forum

On June 10, 1807, the Izhevsk Arms Plant was founded

On June 10, 1807, the Izhevsk Arms Plant was founded

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

On June 10, 1807, the Izhevsk Arms Plant was founded, after 210 years the name of this plant is known all over the world. But then, back in 1807, in Izhevsk, on the banks of the small river Izh, only a modest arms office was founded. At that time, a small ironworks already existed in the city

Congratulations to Egypt on the successful acquisition of Katran?

Congratulations to Egypt on the successful acquisition of Katran?

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

One of the news from Le Bourget, where the international air show opened on June 19, was the news that Russia won a tender for the supply of combat helicopters for Egypt. It is planned to supply the Ka-52K, a naval version of the Ka-52 strike. characterized by the presence of a shortened folding

Export of Russian arms. May 2017

Export of Russian arms. May 2017

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

The main news regarding the export of Russian arms in May 2017 was about the supply of aviation equipment. In particular, details appeared regarding the export deliveries of Ka-52 helicopters to Egypt, information on the creation of a joint Russian-Indian enterprise for the production of helicopters

To preserve the space industry, Ukraine is ready to go to the sale of Soviet space technologies

To preserve the space industry, Ukraine is ready to go to the sale of Soviet space technologies

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

A person, no matter what nationality he belongs to, is always proud of his country. He is proud of his ancestors, proud of the victories of his ancestors, proud of the artists and the works created by him, proud of even the unique natural "masterpieces" that can only be found in his country. Man looks at

"Come on ahead", or How Ukraine "forgets" about international military contracts

"Come on ahead", or How Ukraine "forgets" about international military contracts

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

We often write about what is happening in Ukrainian society. The topic is quite interesting already because exactly the same fate was intended for us in the very recent past. We had our own "pravoseki", and fascists, and separatists, and civil war … Even the state was ruled

The army is striving to become technological leaders

The army is striving to become technological leaders

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

In the complex mechanism of searching for advanced ideas, solutions and technologies, international exhibitions have a special role to play, since they allow creating conditions for the introduction of advanced technologies into the production of Russian weapons, as well as identifying priority areas for its development. For example

Isn't it time for the generals from the defense industry to stop solving the tasks of lieutenants and colonels?

Isn't it time for the generals from the defense industry to stop solving the tasks of lieutenants and colonels?

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Less than a month has passed since the moment when we published our version of the development of events in the light of the adoption of the new State Program for the Armament of the Army until 2025. As is often the case, the stakeholders took a wait and see attitude. Someone has to take the first step. And the first is always

Belarusian aiming sector

Belarusian aiming sector

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

The 8th International Exhibition of Arms and Military Equipment MILEX 2017 was held in Minsk three years after the previous review of the achievements of the defense sector of the Belarusian economy. He, as shown by the compact exposition, keeps pace with world trends. Many samples presented are not only