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Father of Russian physiology. Ivan Mikhailovich Sechenov

Father of Russian physiology. Ivan Mikhailovich Sechenov

“Without Ivanov Mikhailovich with their sense of dignity and duty, every state is doomed to perish from within, in spite of any Dneprostroi and Volkhovstroi. Because the state should not consist of machines, not of bees and ants, but of representatives of the highest species of the animal kingdom, Homo

T-V "Panther". A little more about the "panzerwaffe cat"

T-V "Panther". A little more about the "panzerwaffe cat"

This article will examine some aspects of the combat potential of the German T-V "Panther" tanks. About armor protection As you know, German medium tanks during the war years received differential booking. On the battlefields, it quickly became clear that the 30mm armor was completely

The most faithful friend. Dogs in the service of people from antiquity to our time

The most faithful friend. Dogs in the service of people from antiquity to our time

On June 21, the Russian Federation celebrates the Day of Cynological Units of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation. In the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the country, as in other power structures, the canine service plays a very important role. Service dogs perform the functions of searching for explosives and drugs, tracing

Conversations with Timofei Panteleevich Punev. "No Air Force had a bomber like the Pe-2."

Conversations with Timofei Panteleevich Punev. "No Air Force had a bomber like the Pe-2."

I met Timofei Panteleevich Punev by chance. One of my acquaintances once let slip that she knew the wife of a military pilot who fought. “A fighting man,” she warned me, “and he has a temperament… You will see for yourself.” So I turned out to be the owner of a phone, which I immediately called. On

T-V Panther: Wehrmacht's thirty-four?

T-V Panther: Wehrmacht's thirty-four?

The collision with the latest Soviet tanks forced the Germans to radically revise their tank building programs. As you know, the largest tank that the Wehrmacht had at the beginning of World War II was the T-IV modification F (not to be confused with the F2!) Weighing only 22.3 tons, and

Top of the "thirty-four" with a 76.2-mm cannon, or T-34 model 1943 against the T-IVH

Top of the "thirty-four" with a 76.2-mm cannon, or T-34 model 1943 against the T-IVH

In a previous article, the author described the measures taken by the German military and industrial leadership to stop the threats posed by the T-34 - a tank with anti-cannon armor and a powerful 76.2 mm cannon. It can be said with good reason that at the beginning of 1942 the Germans did not have a single

More terrible than "Caliber"

More terrible than "Caliber"

With the armament of our fleet with hypersonic anti-ship missiles, even a small missile cruiser will pose a mortal threat to any US naval formations, including aircraft carriers. The appearance of a serial hypersonic missile means a revolution in naval art: relative parity in the system

Nuclear submarines with cruise missiles. Project 670 "Skat" (Charlie-I class)

Nuclear submarines with cruise missiles. Project 670 "Skat" (Charlie-I class)

In the USSR at the end of the 1950s. Russian designers have launched work on the formation of the appearance of the second generation nuclear submarine, intended for large-scale production. These ships were called upon to solve various combat missions, among which was the task of combating enemy aircraft carriers, as well as

Night attacks by destroyers in the Russo-Japanese War. The ending

Night attacks by destroyers in the Russo-Japanese War. The ending

So, let's continue the description of mine attacks. On the night of June 15, 2 Japanese destroyers tried to attack the cruiser Diana, which was at the entrance to the outer roadstead, but it is possible that they confused something, since one of the three mines they fired hit the previously killed firebreaker. The Japanese themselves believed they were attacking

Group in striped swimwear

Group in striped swimwear

The Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force (JMSDF) is the second-largest navy in the Asia-Pacific region with a sophisticated combat system where the latest technology is closely intertwined with ancient samurai traditions. The Japanese fleet has long lost the status of a "funny" formation

"Admiral Graf Spee". Pirate everyday life and the end of the sawed-off battleship

"Admiral Graf Spee". Pirate everyday life and the end of the sawed-off battleship

"Admiral Graf Spee" in Montevideo. Last parking On the evening of December 17, 1939, a crowd of thousands of spectators from the shores of La Plata Bay watched the spectacular spectacle. The war, which was already raging with might and main in Europe, finally reached the carefree South America and no longer as newspaper reports

LCS littoral warships with Mk 41 universal VPUs: the configuration of threats from the US Navy becomes more complicated

LCS littoral warships with Mk 41 universal VPUs: the configuration of threats from the US Navy becomes more complicated

One of the LCS-1 "Freedom" class single-hull littoral warships of the US Navy. This type of "coastal" is equipped with 2 gas turbine engines of the British design "Rolls-Royce" MT-30 with a total capacity of 70,700 hp. These engines are 80% unified with turbofan engines

Cruisers of the project 26 and 26 bis. Part 6: Maxim Gorky vs. Belfast

Cruisers of the project 26 and 26 bis. Part 6: Maxim Gorky vs. Belfast

At the end of the technical part of the description of the cruisers of the project 26 and 26 bis, a few words should be said about the structural protection of the hull from underwater damage. I must say that light cruisers could never boast of the proper level of protection: this is hampered by the very idea of a high-speed ship

Cruisers of the project 26 and 26 bis. Part 7. "Maxim Gorky" versus "Gatling Card Holder" and heavy cruisers

Cruisers of the project 26 and 26 bis. Part 7. "Maxim Gorky" versus "Gatling Card Holder" and heavy cruisers

Light cruiser "Molotov" So, in the previous article we examined the chances of a possible confrontation between the Soviet light cruiser "Maxim Gorky" and its British counterpart Belfast. Today it's the turn of the Brooklyn, Mogami and heavy cruisers. Let's start with the American. "Maksim

Cruisers of the project 26 and 26 bis. Part 3. Main caliber

Cruisers of the project 26 and 26 bis. Part 3. Main caliber

Of course, the most discussed topic in the design of domestic light cruisers of projects 26 and 26-bis is their armament and, first of all, the main caliber. Not only did it give rise to numerous disputes about the classification of cruisers (light or heavy?), But also the guns themselves

What are the destroyers

What are the destroyers

A destroyer is a class of multipurpose high-speed ships designed to combat enemy air, surface and submarine forces. The tasks of the destroyers include escorting sea convoys and formations of warships, carrying out patrol service, providing cover and fire support for sea

Battlecruisers Rivalry: Rhinaun and Mackensen

Battlecruisers Rivalry: Rhinaun and Mackensen

As we said in the previous article, logically, the rivalry between battlecruisers should have ended on ships of the Tiger - Derflinger types. The British abandoned the further development of ships of this class and concentrated on high-speed battleships with 381-mm artillery

Project Poseidon: Trials and Foreign Reaction

Project Poseidon: Trials and Foreign Reaction

A year ago, Russian President Vladimir Putin for the first time officially disclosed information about a promising project of an underwater unmanned vehicle, later called Poseidon. The project as a whole is still secret, and most of the information about it is not subject to disclosure. However, in

Kill Kanyon: Countering Russia's New Intercontinental Nuclear Torpedo

Kill Kanyon: Countering Russia's New Intercontinental Nuclear Torpedo

In March of this year, Russia for the first time officially presented information about a promising multipurpose oceanic system, later called Poseidon. The available data on this development has become a major concern. However, foreign experts were able to cope with the excitement and

Beat method

Beat method

This is the second article on the topic of using resonances to destroy physical objects. The first article "The Russian footprint of the Stuxnet virus" was introductory and was intended for a wide non-professional audience. Now is the time to familiarize yourself with this method in detail, but first, take a look