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Gladiators women

Gladiators women

Duel of female gladiators of Achilia and the Amazon. Bas-relief from Halicarnassus. (British Museum, London) It just so happened, purely biologically, that the main goal of human life on planet Earth is … no, just do not tell me that this is labor for the good of the Fatherland. No, there is a more important thing and that is … reproduction. That

The source of information is the psalter

The source of information is the psalter

A variety of "things" are a source of information for the historian. These are artifacts that have come down to us from time immemorial and preserved in private collections and museum collections, finds of archaeologists obtained by them in the dust and dirt of excavations, these are ancient manuscripts - torn papyri from Egypt, silk scrolls from

Czech castles: Hluboka castle (part one)

Czech castles: Hluboka castle (part one)

An old castle passing from hand to hand If we follow the example of the American writer Mary Dodge, who called Holland the "Land of Oddities" in her novel "Silver Skates", then everyone, probably, will be able to give his equally capacious characterization to any other country. That's just how much she

Poisoned Feather. Three "roads" of the post-revolutionary Bolshevik press of 1921-1940. (part ten)

Poisoned Feather. Three "roads" of the post-revolutionary Bolshevik press of 1921-1940. (part ten)

“On the first road to go - to be married; On the second road to go - to be rich; On the third road to go - to be killed!”(Russian folk tale) We continue to publish chapters from the monograph“The Poisoned Pen”and, judging by the responses, these materials arouse keen interest in the VO audience. On

A little bit about revolutions: modern theories of social revolutions

A little bit about revolutions: modern theories of social revolutions

We will destroy the whole world of violence to its foundations, and then … ("Internationale", A.Ya. Kots) We continue to publish materials of Ph.D., associate professor O.V. Milaeva, dedicated to the theme of the upcoming anniversary of the October Revolution. The principle is this: she writes, I edit her materials. Accordingly, it is published “at

Propaganda and agitation in the USSR in the era of perestroika (part 2)

Propaganda and agitation in the USSR in the era of perestroika (part 2)

“… Seeing they do not see, and hearing they do not hear, and they do not understand; and the prophecy of Isaiah is coming true over them, which says: hear with your ear, and you will not understand, and you will see with your eyes, and you will not see”(Gospel of Matthew 13: 13,14) As already noted, an important role in the training of propaganda cadres was assigned

Church from the Russian hinterland

Church from the Russian hinterland

“Whatever you bind on earth will be tied up in heaven, and whatever you permit on earth will be permitted in heaven” (Matthew 16:19). I’ll say straight out that I am not a religious person. And it would be strange for someone who has been teaching cultural studies for many years to get carried away with religion (and before that he taught history for ten years

Battle of Saul: "brothers in arms" - crusaders and pskovs

Battle of Saul: "brothers in arms" - crusaders and pskovs

"If there is among you … a man or a woman who … will go and serve other gods, and worship them, or the sun, or the moon, or all the heavenly host … then stone them to death" (Deuteronomy 17: 2-5). Earthly life was full of worries, Let now, at the first abusive call, give Himself for

Assessment of the collapse of the USSR and the prospects for "Free Capitalism" by the international community

Assessment of the collapse of the USSR and the prospects for "Free Capitalism" by the international community

I personally have always disliked that information of generally useful value is in one place, and people who may be interested in it are in another. The people themselves are partly to blame for this. For example, they talk (and write!) About the ancient history of Russia, but they did not open the "Archeology of Russia" in 20 volumes

Models and technologies of "color revolutions" (part three)

Models and technologies of "color revolutions" (part three)

“Since they sowed the wind, they will also reap the tempest; he will have no bread in the stump; grain will not give flour; and if it does, strangers will swallow it "(Book of the Prophet Hosea: 8: 7) The color revolution is by no means" soft power ", as it is often said about it. Not at all. Rather, it is a set of tools for

Anti-communism and anti-Sovietism at the turn of the XX and XXI centuries

Anti-communism and anti-Sovietism at the turn of the XX and XXI centuries

"… for sinning deliberately and by simplicity," (Book of Ezra 45:20) Anti-communism and anti-Sovietism, as systems of views aimed at condemning the communist and Soviet ideology, its political goals and statements, were formed not spontaneously, but purposefully, starting with 1920s. In our

Siege of Brno: why the clock strikes noon at eleven (end)

Siege of Brno: why the clock strikes noon at eleven (end)

War at all times has been a difficult, bloody and dirty business, that is, it was the legalized murder of one's neighbors, covered with a veil of various verbal nonsense, arising from the inability to solve the matter peacefully. However, then, during the Thirty Years' War, things worsened by the fact that the war

Siege of Brno: why the clock strikes noon at eleven

Siege of Brno: why the clock strikes noon at eleven

As you know, in a war, a lot is decided by chance. After all, it so happened that a German observer officer, while the German pocket battleship Admiral Graf Spee was parked in the port of Montevideo, looking through the rangefinder, mistook the English heavy cruiser Cumberland for the battle cruiser Renaun! But how is he

Mexican eagle warriors and jaguar warriors against the Spanish conquistadors. "And a fight broke out, a mortal fight!" (part six)

Mexican eagle warriors and jaguar warriors against the Spanish conquistadors. "And a fight broke out, a mortal fight!" (part six)

"… and they will burn their skins and their flesh and their filth in the fire …" (Leviticus 16:27) pyramids, which would be very problematic. The enemy had to be defeated in

The sad end of Baron Trenk, the fearless commander of the pandurs (or about the mummies from the Capuchin scripts in the city of Brno)

The sad end of Baron Trenk, the fearless commander of the pandurs (or about the mummies from the Capuchin scripts in the city of Brno)

“We were already like you. And you will also be like us.” (Inscription on the tombstone) When you travel in a foreign country or countries on a comfortable tourist bus, you don't need to write about a light breeze blowing pleasantly at you at a good speed because in the cabin it

Poisoned Feather. Provincial press of the period from February to October and the first years of the victory of Bolshevism (Part 9)

Poisoned Feather. Provincial press of the period from February to October and the first years of the victory of Bolshevism (Part 9)

“And you, fathers, do not irritate your children, but bring them up in the teaching and admonition of the Lord.” (Ephesians 6: 1) After the October Socialist Revolution, several new children's and youth publications also appeared in Penza. In many ways, their appearance was due to the rise of social life

Models and technologies of "color revolutions" (part two)

Models and technologies of "color revolutions" (part two)

“Their tongue is a deadly arrow,” he says slyly; with their mouths they speak friendly with their neighbor, but in their hearts they build coats for him. " (Book of the Prophet Jeremiah 9: 8) All revolutions, especially if they are "colored", have the same structure. Like any other social structure, it has the form

Models and technologies of "color revolutions" (part one)

Models and technologies of "color revolutions" (part one)

“Beware, every one of your friends, and do not trust any of your brothers; for every brother stumbles another, and every friend slanders. " (Book of the Prophet Jeremiah 9: 4) Today it has become fashionable to talk about color revolutions. Despite the fact that the concept of the revolution itself has stuck in the head of many

Czech castles: castle-palace Troy

Czech castles: castle-palace Troy

Usually the name Troy is associated with the city, which, as everyone knows, was ravaged by the Achaeans. Well, the blind man Homer sang this act of violence and vandalism in poetry that spoiled the mood of more than one schoolboy who studied the Greek classics. I thought so too, until I ended up in the city of Prague, which also has its own

Nikopol 1396 Crusaders against "fence"

Nikopol 1396 Crusaders against "fence"

After the defeat of the Crusader forces at the Horns of Hattin in 1187, a little over a hundred years passed before they were finally expelled from the Holy Land. Another Christian power in the East also had a hard time. We are talking about Byzantium, which was attacked from both the West and the East and which had no one to attack