Climate Weapons: Bluff or Reality?

Climate Weapons: Bluff or Reality?
Climate Weapons: Bluff or Reality?
Climate Weapons: Bluff or Reality?
Climate Weapons: Bluff or Reality?

Food for thought and grave concern

The global catastrophic events of the summer of 2010 again exacerbated the discussion about the possibility of artificial human intervention in the natural environment and the use of climate as a weapon of mass destruction. Moreover, such accusations fall primarily on the United States. Let's try to understand this problem, based on known open materials and the opinion of experts.

From the history of science, repeated attempts are known to use the natural environment in the interests of mankind, to comprehend and harness the energy of space and near-earth space for the economy and military affairs. Nikola Tesla achieved the greatest success in such studies at the beginning of the 20th century. It was he who managed to solve the problem of transmission of electricity over long distances. That is, broadcast it in the atmosphere, focus and project it to any point on our planet (in 1900 he filed an application for patenting the invention "Transmission of electrical energy through the natural environment"). That is why some Russian scientists are convinced that the incredible power of the explosion over the Siberian taiga on June 30, 1908 was not caused by the Tunguska meteorite, but was the result of Tesla's experiments.

The reason for the heat, according to the weather forecasters of the Hydrometeorological Center of the Russian Federation, was the anomalous "blocking" anticyclone, which has been holding over the territory of central Russia for more than a month. This is more than strange, since usually such anticyclones last no more than a couple of weeks, and then are forced out by fronts of cold air.

Studying the anomaly, meteorologists recorded a very high pressure in the middle troposphere at an altitude of 5 km, where the atmosphere is warmed up not only below, but also in the thickness. The situation is completely outlandish: the entire multi-kilometer pole is very hot. There has never been a blocking anticyclone of such duration and intensity in our area in the entire history of instrumental observations. Meteorologists have no unequivocal answer about the reasons for the appearance of the anomaly.

An undeclared war is being waged against Russia


The Americans not only persistently developed methods of using climatic conditions for military purposes, but also actively applied these developments in practice. (I will note, by the way, that all types of weapons that the Americans had a monopoly on were immediately used by them in the course of hostilities - be it nuclear weapons, napalm, defoliants, etc.) So, for example, they managed to cause heavy rainfall in the "path Ho Chi Minh "in Vietnam. The large-scale dispersion of defoliants over forests and agricultural lands in Indochina led to the destruction of the traditional habitat and means of survival of the local population, and altered the natural habitat.

The United States is using the development of world scientific thought in the interests of its military programs. Programs for the creation and use of climatic, psychotronic and other types of weapons based on new physical principles were no exception.

Publications of the open foreign press are quite obvious and clear evidence: in recent years in the United States, not only has been actively developed, but also tested the so-called wave or geophysical weapon.

The Pentagon has a very interesting structure - the Advanced Armaments Division B, which includes two departments: Department C (apparently from the English climate - climate) and Department P (possibly from the English policy). Until recently, the first had a meteorological service, a group of special developments, a construction and installation team and a number of other divisions. In addition, the cruiser Virginia, equipped with a certain complex of secret equipment, was transferred to the disposal of this department.

Department "C" is constantly deployed at the base in Bermuda. There is both direct and indirect evidence that unexpected catastrophic natural disasters such as the December 2004 tsunami in Southeast Asia and Hurricane Katrina in August 2005, which almost completely destroyed New Orleans, were the result of the United States' use of (in particular by the Department "C") new wave weapons.


The fact that Katrina struck one of the largest cities in the United States should not mislead anyone. The percentage of African Americans among New Orleans residents is much higher than the national average, and it was he who was the concentration of almost every famous black organization - from "Black Panthers" and "Farahan" to "New Africa". They not only actively defended the rights of the black population, constantly heating up the internal political situation in the United States, but also came up with political programs that spoke about the secession of the southern states and the formation of an independent state. That in Washington they could not allow, therefore (I ask you to consider it as a version) they decided to strike at the internal enemy on the territory of America.

Based on the results of the tests, the US leadership recognized the effectiveness of the wave climate weapon as very high. The Pentagon was advised to continue improving it, and the US Navy was advised to install it on several more warships.

At the same time, intensive studies of zones of seismic intensity have been and are being carried out. In the zones of tectonic faults of the earth's crust, force energy fields are formed, which, having reached a certain level of intensity of the bifurcation point, "explode" by earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, hurricanes, tsunamis, etc. It seems that the Americans have found a way to influence the fields of tectonic tension, amplifying them and artificially bringing to the point of bifurcation.

That is, we are talking about geophysical weapons.



The third direction of the work of the Department of Advanced Weapons B is the impact of wave processes on the psyche and consciousness of a person. This is the responsibility of the "R" department. By causing artificial magnetic storms and using diffuse or targeted radiation of waves of different wavelengths and frequency ranges, it is possible to slow down and disrupt the functioning of the brain. The secret tasks of this department include the development of methods of influencing large masses of people at various distances in order to generate fear, apathy, depression in them, or, conversely, excitability, aggression, a state of passion. Simply put, to control the behavior of the population of any country.

Russian scientists discovered the conduct of such experiments by Americans in the Russian Federation in August 1999, when the residents of Moscow and the Moscow region, as well as the Krasnodar Territory, turned out to be "experimental". In 2000, the department received the newest cruiser "Wisconsin", on which the appropriate equipment was installed and specialists were sent to service it. The operation of this equipment was recorded in 2003 during the operation against Iraq and in 2005 during the days of the Orange Revolution in Ukraine. The report on these approbations emphasized their high efficiency.


There is information that now "Wisconsin", other carriers of equipment, similar to that of this cruiser, are being used against Iran and Turkey with the aim of overthrowing regimes unwanted by the Americans, as well as Russia (North Caucasus). Wave impacts on the Russian population are recorded - both from outside and from the territory of the Russian Federation itself.

It is impossible not to mention one more direction in the creation of geophysical types of weapons - the development of means for both suppressing the enemy's electronic systems and protecting their equipment of such a purpose from attempts to neutralize it or disable it. We are faced with the fulfillment of the first task by the Americans during tests and planned launches of ballistic missiles in the North-West region of the Russian Federation, and also, possibly, in the civilian sphere (recall, for example, the recent blackout in St. Petersburg).

Plasmoid - plasma bunch, limited configuration of magnetic fields and plasma


Nikola Tesla obtained spherical plasmoids on a resonant transformer using high-voltage discharges.

Plasma weapon of the future

The second task is solved during the deployment of the American missile defense - it is assumed that on the beam of the trajectories of Russian ballistic missiles, which can be launched towards the United States as a retaliatory strike, it will be possible to create a plasmoid cloud with a diameter of at least 100 km.


All of these studies in the United States are carried out within the framework of the Strategy for Indirect Actions. At present, efforts are focused on the problem of strengthening vortex gravitational fields. In other words, the United States has not only broken away from all other countries in the world in the class of modern highly effective conventional weapons, but is also getting its hands on new weapons of mass destruction with global impact. Nuclear weapons look very outdated against the background of the above-described systems, hence - Washington's "peace-loving" calls for general nuclear disarmament. It is important to make all competitors and rivals defenseless against American democracy.

But back to the impact on the weather on the planet. The formation of climatic processes on it is based on the natural unity of the earth, near-earth and outer spaces, which are in a state of natural harmony. Violation or change of this state, one or several natural elements leads to the destruction of this harmonious system, which is what the US scientists have learned.

Today, changes in the Earth's atmosphere are caused by natural space processes, are a consequence of the intensive development of industry, transport, mining … And the deliberate purposeful activity of forces dreaming of world domination, trying to turn the natural environment into a weapon of world domination.

However, if natural harmony is violated, there is a risk of an uncontrollable situation, when the safety of the population of the United States itself and its allies will be called into question. Therefore, it is necessary to learn how to manage natural climatic processes, which required carrying out not only serious scientific and theoretical research, but also large-scale experimental work.

Alaska was chosen as a place for such experiments, where the HAARP experimental system appeared, which was legendary for the program "Active high-frequency program for the study of the northern lights". (As if the Pentagon has nothing more to do than study the glow of the upper atmosphere at high latitudes.) This is one of the most secret US military installations. The choice of Alaska to study ways of influencing the planet's atmosphere is associated with the proximity of the Earth's magnetic pole and, naturally, the distance from prying eyes.

But for the development of climatic (and psychotronic) weapons, an appropriate field base is needed.180 antennas with a height of up to 25 meters each and a total area of equipment of 13 hectares were not enough. In order to develop the current system of research and combat use, powerful facilities have been erected on the territory of Greenland, Norway (in Troms, near the Russian borders). A new antenna field will soon appear in the Anchorage area (450 km from HAARP). Equipment is being installed on warships, ground facilities in East Asia, and a grouping of space assets is being formed.

However, already operating facilities allow the creation of highly concentrated plasma zones (lenses of secondary radiation) with a radius of up to 100 km, capable of solving both the simplest tasks (rains, showers, avalanches) and more complex ones (droughts, tornadoes, hurricanes, tsunamis, earthquakes, cyclones, anticyclones).


A small digression from the topic of the article regarding fires in the Russian open spaces. The United States is completing tests of laser weapons on board the Boeing-747, designed to destroy ballistic missiles in the active phase of the trajectory. The essence of the system: a powerful laser pulse burns through the body of the rocket, destroying its electronics. Could this laser pulse set fire to forest tracts, flying, for example, along the route to Afghanistan? But this is just a posed question for Russian scientists and the military.

So, in the framework of the program for the creation of the National Missile Defense (NMD), which is now very fond of in America, it is planned to use a whole set of lasers installed on satellites and aircraft.

Back in September 1992, Boeing and Lockheed received contracts for the technical determination of the most suitable aircraft for the Airborne Laser (ABL) project. Both teams reached the same conclusion, recommending that the US Air Force use the time-tested Boeing 747 heavy aircraft as the platform for the system.

Death rays

It is appropriate to ask: why should the United States condemn millions of people, entire peoples, regions and countries to suffering and even death? Of course, we are not talking about ordinary American citizens, but about those who really rule America and shape its political strategy. This really ruling class understands that its power is directly related to the material well-being of the American and part of the European peoples, with the possibility of keeping them (through controlled democracy) in a state of submission.

At the same time, these rulers cannot fail to see the pace of development and population growth in third world countries, which poses a threat to their eternal power. The US National Intelligence Council has repeatedly emphasized in its forecasts that already on the planet 2.5-3 billion people are becoming superfluous: there are not enough natural resources. Therefore, to reduce the number of inhabitants of the Earth, to reduce the level of consumption and the rate of economic development - the most important task of "supermen" to maintain their dominant position in the international community, to maintain the level of profit.

If we look at the geography of the summer climatic catastrophes in 2010, we can conclude that it was mainly the economic and geopolitical (civilizational) competitors of the United States that suffered - Europe, China, India. Russia and Pakistan stand apart in this list. Russia is an eternal potential adversary, and now a coveted resource target for US corporations. Pakistan is a populous state of the Islamic world, also an eternal rival of the United States, which also possesses nuclear weapons. All "victims" are supporters of a multipolar world order.

How can we respond to the qualitatively new challenge of oligarchic America to the international community?

Here, it seems, a complex and somewhat asymmetric answer is needed. This is the discussion of the problem in the UN Security Council, other international organizations, the enrollment of climatic and psychotronic weapons in the category of weapons of mass destruction and the extension to them of the relevant international norms and rules, the organization and support of a broad public movement against interference in natural processes and the establishment of international control over ongoing research in this area.

Another area of countering the threat could be joint scientific research of scientists from interested countries on the problems of natural and artificial changes in the planet's climate. An important deterrent would be a clear signal to American and transnational dreamers about world domination about the unacceptability and impossibility of a unipolar world order.

The third possible direction is the development by international efforts of military-technical means of protection against new types of weapons of mass destruction, as well as a response to the aggressor.

Following the beginning of the implementation of American projects in the field of the use of atmospheric phenomena for military purposes, the Soviet Union also began work in this direction and achieved certain successes. At the same time, military and scientific-technical intelligence structures were formed to oversee research in the United States. But in the 90s, our scientific developments were curtailed (the basic facility in the Nizhny Novgorod region was mothballed), and some of the results obtained were transferred to the overseas "partner" of the Russian Federation. Intelligence units that showed activity after the use of climatic and psychotronic weapons against Russia were urgently disbanded, employees were fired from service …
