Several years ago, the 9K333 Verba portable anti-aircraft missile system was adopted by the Russian army. It is designed to organize air defense units and is gradually replacing older models. Technical, operational and combat advantages over complexes of the Strela and Igla families are ensured both by increasing their characteristics and by improving control systems.

Tactical and technical advantages
The Verba MANPADS includes a new 9M336 anti-aircraft guided missile, which has a number of characteristic features and is distinguished by improved performance. While maintaining the general ideology laid down in previous projects, this SAM has a different composition of components and is made on a modern element base. All this leads to an increase in flight characteristics and an increase in basic combat qualities.
One of the main innovations of the Verba project is a three-band optical homing head. The search for targets is carried out in the near and middle infrared, as well as in the ultraviolet ranges. Such a seeker is more sensitive, and is also more likely to distinguish a real air target from a false one. The missile is protected from other modern countermeasures.
A new solid-propellant engine with improved performance has also been developed for the Verba. With its help, the 9M336 missile defense system is capable of attacking a target at ranges up to 6 km and altitudes up to 3.5 km. Target speed - up to 400 m / s on a collision course or 320 m / s on a catch-up course.
Thus, the 9K333 MANPADS - even without the use of communication and control means - has obvious advantages over other domestic and foreign systems of its class. At the same time, the Verba project provides for the use of additional means to ensure the integration of MANPADS into a single control system.
In addition to combat assets, the Verba MANPADS batteries should include other devices and devices that ensure the use of weapons. To simplify production and operation, these Verba components are taken from the tactical control system / automated control system “Barnaul-T”.

In the interests of the battery MANPADS "Verba", a small-sized radar station 1L222 "Garmon" is used in a portable version or on a self-propelled chassis. Such a station provides target detection at a speed of up to 700 m / s at a distance of 40 km - far beyond the Verba's area of responsibility.
Information from the Garmon radar or data from higher air defense units is processed by the control point, which can be performed in several forms. So, the 9S932-1 reconnaissance and control vehicle on one chassis carries a radar, data processing devices and target designation means. Automation processes incoming information, determines targets and distributes them between MANPADS calculations. The data for firing is transmitted to the operators of the complexes via the radio channel.
Data from the command post of the ACS are displayed on the helmet-mounted sighting device of MANPADS in augmented reality mode. The operator learns about the direction to the target and the distance to it, after which he can perform preliminary guidance. The use of data from higher-level systems allows the operator to prepare for an attack in advance, before the target appears in sight.
When the target enters the affected area, the MANPADS operator launches the rocket. Further, it all depends on the 9M336 product, equipped with a modern three-band seeker with high performance. The architecture and parameters of the missile make it possible to obtain a high probability of hitting a target of the "plane" or "helicopter" type.
Characteristic advantages
MANPADS "Verba" and controls from the air defense automation kit / tactical echelon control system "Barnaul-T" make it possible with high efficiency to solve air defense problems in the near zone. Provided significant advantages over previous domestic and foreign MANPADS, which sharply reduces the likelihood of a successful air attack.

The devices from the Barnaul-T make it possible to fully integrate the 9K333 Verba MANPADS into the general air defense system of the ground forces. The command post and reconnaissance means of the anti-aircraft battery can work independently or in conjunction with other air defense systems. With their own forces "Verba" and "Barnaul-T" control the area with a radius of 40 km. If necessary, they can receive data on the air situation from other radars or higher command posts. Thus, "Verbs" become a full-fledged element of echeloned military air defense, complementing other air defense systems.
The advantages of Verba's work in general air defense control loops are obvious. The battery command post is able to constantly monitor the air situation using third-party radars, including outside the zone of responsibility of its own "Harmony". The battery ACS processes the incoming data and issues information to the combat assets of the 9K333 MANPADS. The latter are entrusted with the task of destroying objects that managed to break through other air defense echelons.
When the anti-aircraft battery operates independently with all the necessary means, the advantage in the form of early warning of threats is lost. However, the characteristics of the 1L222 and 9S932-1 products are sufficient to maintain the necessary combat qualities. An approaching aircraft will be detected and attacked in a timely manner.
In certain situations, the "Verba" MANPADS can be used without the means of the "Barnaul-T" system. In this case, the operator will have to independently monitor the airspace, notice targets and attack them. Due to a number of objective factors, this method of application limits the capabilities of the portable complex and does not allow full use of its potential. As a result, new control systems are being developed and implemented that provide well-known advantages. The old methods of using MANPADS are now considered only as a last resort.
Implementation issues
The Verba portable anti-aircraft missile systems have been in serial production for several years and are being supplied to the troops. We are already talking about the complete replacement of older MANPADS in certain units of the Russian army. In addition, export contracts for the supply of Verb exist and are being implemented.

At the same time, the production of various means from the Barnaul-T system in different versions is underway. First of all, chassis of different types are used, unified with the main equipment of different types of troops. For example, reconnaissance and control vehicles based on the landing gear of an airborne armored personnel carrier are offered for the Airborne Forces.
The deliveries of equipment and weapons have been going on for several years, and there are regular reports of their progress. So, on August 1, Izvestia, citing its source in the Ministry of Defense, reported that by the end of the summer the army will receive the last items from the next brigade set of MANPADS and automated control systems. For which army unit these supplies are intended is not specified. At the same time, it is indicated that "Verba" will replace products of the "Igla" family in it.
The ongoing processes have several obvious consequences. First of all, weapons and control systems are being updated, which in itself is useful for defense capability. In addition, new products make it possible to optimize the composition of military air defense and increase its combat effectiveness.
The result of this is the construction of a modern, well-developed layered air defense of troops, including a variety of means and systems. It is capable of detecting and hitting targets at ranges from hundreds of meters to hundreds of kilometers. In such a system, portable air defense systems with modern automated control systems play an important role, making the necessary contribution to the combat effectiveness of troops.