So the reform of education and the armed forces in our country crossed. Starting next year, such a "beast" as a military bachelor is no longer a nightmare of a Russian citizen, but an objective reality. To get a higher education, you will need to determine its level. In principle, there is nothing new for higher military education, however, the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation decided not only to start teaching freshmen of military universities in a new way, but also to take on existing officers and even generals. It is interesting who will act as the main teacher for all those who have to retrain according to a new approach to military education. Maybe Mr. Serdyukov?
So, the training of a Russian officer in accordance with the Bologna system adopted in the army will be divided into three stages. The first is bachelor's degree. After four years of training, the military department will receive a junior officer who can command a platoon or battery. The second stage is specialization. People who have received a higher military education of this level will have the opportunity to lead army units associated with the use of high-tech equipment. For example, a military specialist, after receiving a diploma and gaining a certain experience in the troops, will be able to command a communications unit or a Strategic Missile Forces regiment, where, as we are assured, over the next five to seven years, the number of innovative technical receipts will increase several times. The third stage is a military master's degree. Diplomas of military masters will be received by senior and senior officers who will be trained for 2 years at the Academy of the General Staff.
If you believe the military reformers, then such a system allows graduates of military universities to make a career, as they say, and "in civilian life." In the conditions of today's fierce competition in the job market, not every employer will decide to use a graduate of a military university as an engineer, manager or manager. This is due to the fact that trust in graduates of current military universities is at an extremely low level. Such a fact, despite all its regret, has a place to be.
The people who initiated such a pedagogical reform in the higher military education system say that the new approach to obtaining a military diploma is aimed at increasing the level of motivation of the graduate. If earlier it was believed that getting stars for shoulder straps was only a matter of time, regardless of the level of training and knowledge of the officer, now the emphasis is on getting a high-quality education and further impeccable military service.
The idea, like all others related to the reform of the departments of recent times, is a blessing. But the result may be far from the wishes of military officials. There are several problems with such a discrepancy. First, there is the need for a serious modernization of military universities. In most of the surviving higher military schools, the material base is so worn out that it will be necessary to completely re-equip educational institutions for literally everything, from educational places to technical teaching aids.
Secondly, it is necessary to prepare completely new training programs that will be implemented by high-class specialists who are competitive in modern conditions. Where can we find such specialists? For twenty years of confusion and vacillation, all military teachers managed to scatter from universities to "free bread". Remained, as they say, the old guard. With all due respect to these people, who in difficult years did not go against the oath, they themselves need to be prepared in accordance with the new military and socio-economic realities.
Once again, the question arises of where to find people who, on the basis of the new requirements for the training of military graduates, will be able to conduct educational activities in Russian military universities of various levels. Do we really have to "hire" specialists from foreign countries. In this case, we may generally lose our authenticity, the core for which the Russian army was famous at all times.
In general, good intentions are not always an adequate result.
The main thing is that the reform of military education does not make our state defenseless.