
How to disturb the restful sleep of American aircraft carriers?

How to disturb the restful sleep of American aircraft carriers?

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

I will start from afar and with absolutely known facts. Since we are talking about the fact that in America everyone can sleep peacefully (let's not talk about Poseidons and other fantastic cartoons now), then this peace of mind of citizens must be based on some kind of foundation. Otherwise, it is not calm, but so … Such a foundation

Combat ships. Cruisers. "Perefurutaki" in metal

Combat ships. Cruisers. "Perefurutaki" in metal

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

In fact, we are continuing the conversation that was raised in the topic of Furutaki, because our two today's heroes, Aoba and Kinugasa, are nothing more than the Furutaka project, but with some alterations. Here you need to know the Asian trick. The history of these cruisers was born under the cover of cunning

Combat ships. Cruisers. Not a pancake and not lumpy

Combat ships. Cruisers. Not a pancake and not lumpy

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

In one of the first articles on cruisers, we explored in detail what the Washington Agreement is and how well it fought the evolution of warships in general and cruisers in particular, but it was this agreement that drew the line between light and heavy cruisers. Yes, exactly to the British, stubbornly not

Copier corvette

Copier corvette

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

On June 18, 2020, at the PLA naval base in Xiamen, an ordinary event took place: the ceremony of entering into the PLA Navy a new corvette of Project 056A "Jingdezhen" (tail number 617). Information about this really passed in passing. Well, what's wrong, one more corvette got into operation. Is it not so?

Combat ships. Cruisers. The sea god really loves the trinity

Combat ships. Cruisers. The sea god really loves the trinity

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Continuing the topic started in two articles earlier. That is, on the agenda we have to go through the agony of Italian shipbuilders in an attempt to create a normal light cruiser. Some researchers generally consider "Condottieri" of the first two episodes to be almost overgrown leaders, but here I am not with them

Combat ships. Cruisers. We would immediately build a dry cargo ship

Combat ships. Cruisers. We would immediately build a dry cargo ship

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Continuing the theme of the Italian-French confrontation in the Mediterranean Sea, we will analyze the next series of Italian light cruisers. "Condottieri B". It is clear that, having burned themselves on the "A" series, the Italians realized that the first pizza came out not only lumpy, but something terrible. And you have to do something. AND

Funny ancestor of an aircraft carrier

Funny ancestor of an aircraft carrier

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Yes, perhaps the material will seem funny and frivolous, but believe me, the direct participants were absolutely not laughing. They, the participants, were engaged in a very serious matter of creation. Today the aircraft carrier is a very serious weapon. And the countries that have aircraft carriers in service are

Combat ships. Cruisers. Neither steal nor guard

Combat ships. Cruisers. Neither steal nor guard

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

In the previous article on La Galissonniere, I promised that I would be distracted by the Italians. Yes, it will have to, because such a show, which unfolded in the confrontation between two Mediterranean countries, France and Italy, can only be viewed this way and nothing else. So to make comparisons and comparisons easier

Combat ships. Cruisers. Almost flawless chevaliers

Combat ships. Cruisers. Almost flawless chevaliers

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

The first half of the 20th century between the two wars is a truly interesting time in terms of maritime engineering history. When there was a turning point in the minds of the designers, and then it was reinforced with a Washington kick, then very interesting ships began to appear. Although I still believe that

The Kriegsmarine vs. the Red Fleet: A Possible Scenario

The Kriegsmarine vs. the Red Fleet: A Possible Scenario

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

The question that I will try to consider here is inspired by the previous article (“On the role of the Soviet Navy in the Great Patriotic War.”) Yes, the answer to the question “And if” lies in the realm of fantasy, and often not even scientific. Nevertheless, it makes sense to consider the Red Army Navy and the Kriegsmarine in a hypothetical

Combat ships. Cruisers. Cardboard Gold Carrier of the Republic

Combat ships. Cruisers. Cardboard Gold Carrier of the Republic

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

The history of this ship is very interesting, full of contradictions. "Emile Bertin" was planned as a cruiser-scout, leading destroyers, but in the course of development it was redesigned and built as a minelayer cruiser. The French command initially prepared for a series of ships of 3-4 units, but then decided

On the role of the Soviet Navy in the Great Patriotic War

On the role of the Soviet Navy in the Great Patriotic War

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

An article by the well-known to us Alexander Timokhin attracted my attention, but on a different resource. And the topic that Timokhin touched upon, on the one hand, is very interesting, on the other, it is just as controversial. Was the Soviet fleet useless in the Great Patriotic War

The tragedy of Marina Raskova: can such losses be justified?

The tragedy of Marina Raskova: can such losses be justified?

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

In general, the story is tragic and strange at the same time. It happened in the Kara Sea and became the largest in terms of human losses during the Great Patriotic War in the Arctic. The tragedy occurred on August 12, 1944, in principle, when the war was already going on in the enemy's territory, which also probably played

How a game of poker robbed the Japanese of the aircraft carrier Shinano

How a game of poker robbed the Japanese of the aircraft carrier Shinano

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

When the first torpedo struck the rear of the Japanese aircraft carrier Shinano, no one could even imagine that the poker royal flush and the insolent tactics of the game were to blame. But nevertheless, everything was exactly that. Let's go in order. So, the torpedo hit the stern of the aircraft carrier, and within 30 seconds there were

Americans think Virginia V could have been better for the money

Americans think Virginia V could have been better for the money

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

We are already used to the fact that thanks to tough guys like The National Interest, Purple & Heart and others, everything made and invented in the USA has two categories: good and very good. No, there are, of course, F-22s, but this is an evolutionary process, so anything can happen

Combat ships. Cruisers. Such controversial heroes

Combat ships. Cruisers. Such controversial heroes

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Preface to the comments in the previous article Dear readers and understanding, I am really pleased that you read and understand. And you criticize, without it nowhere, I agree. In the last article, about "Duguet-Truin", I was pointed out that everything comes out a little chaotically. I disagree. All of you

Combat ships. Cruisers. Error in working on errors

Combat ships. Cruisers. Error in working on errors

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

A strange feeling from this ship. It seems like working on mistakes, but there are even more mistakes than in work. They began to build the ship after the cruisers of the Zara project, but completely without taking into account the experience of building and operating ships. "Bolzano" rather turned out as a return to "Trento", and this is a logical

Combat ships. Cruisers. A trick that didn't go well

Combat ships. Cruisers. A trick that didn't go well

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Continuing the theme of Italian heavy cruisers, we move from Trento to Zaram. Zara was a more thoughtful job. Italian shipbuilders very seriously approached the work on the last four of the cruisers allowed by the Washington Treaty, so seriously that … they decided to deceive everyone

Combat ships. Handsome, fast, useless

Combat ships. Handsome, fast, useless

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

The history of our heroes began almost immediately after the First World War, where Italy, frankly, did not win laurels. Italian battleships and battleships calmly defended themselves in the harbors, not trying to catch adventures aft, so there were no victories, but there were no defeats. The Italians even "won", here

Combat ships. Cruisers. Handsome loser

Combat ships. Cruisers. Handsome loser

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Yes, since January 1 of this year, such a country as Holland does not officially exist, so our story is about the light cruiser of the Netherlands Navy "De Ruyter." to the opposite side. Exeter

Combat ships. Latest British Light Heavyweight

Combat ships. Latest British Light Heavyweight

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Having talked in the previous article about the Deutschlands, including the Admiral Graf Spee, we now turn to his opponent in the battle at the mouth of La Plata. Our character today is a York-class heavy cruiser. Mainly about Exeter, as York played very quickly. York type well, very

Combat ships. Wrongly stuffed will not be good

Combat ships. Wrongly stuffed will not be good

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

If now someone says: "Ah, pocket battleships …" I don’t know what is in them a pocket battleship, let alone a battleship. Regular heavy cruisers, except with the main caliber, it turned out to be serious. But even in this regard, it does not quite match. The Deutschlands had a main caliber of 283 mm, and all normal battleships of that

Washington cruiser killer

Washington cruiser killer

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Yes, perhaps, in terms of chronology, when talking about cruisers, I ran a little ahead, but all these armored deck and armored cruisers puffing on the angle will not go anywhere. Precisely because they are unhurried. And to start with the "Washington" cruisers, although a few readers quite rightly reprimanded me

Combat ships. Cruisers

Combat ships. Cruisers

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Yes, in the new year with new combat (in the sense of literary) tasks. Let it be a month before it, but we, in accordance with the covenants, in advance. Today we can say that the cycle "Combat aircraft" has taken place quite well, and he can fly and fly. But there is one more topic that I like well, no less (or maybe

"Admiral Kuznetsov": everything or almost everything?

"Admiral Kuznetsov": everything or almost everything?

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

The entire world interested in military affairs is watching with interest as Russia loses its last aircraft carrier. Well, maybe he doesn't, but somehow it turns out that soon everything will come to the cruiser. Meanwhile, many rightly note that the end of "Admiral Kuznetsov" is the end of the whole story

Combat ships. Stubborn perfection

Combat ships. Stubborn perfection

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

It probably looks a little strange, but I decided to start with the Japanese cruisers. Why? Well, first of all, these were interesting ships. Secondly, they, unlike many colleagues (Soviet, French, Italian, German), really plowed the whole war. Some even lived to see the inglorious

Ship propulsion: a disaster with a delayed perspective

Ship propulsion: a disaster with a delayed perspective

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

On June 28 this year, the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia published a draft strategy for the development of the shipbuilding industry until 2035 (Order No. 2553-r dated October 28, 2019). This document is very difficult to read as it is replete with general phrases and an almost complete lack of specificity

Hear a bell instead of a bell

Hear a bell instead of a bell

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

It so happened that two articles, published with a fair amount of time, played in unison. And it turned out, as it were, about nuclear-powered ships, and about diesel-electric submarines. Thanks to everyone who agreed with the point of view expressed, thanks to those who argued reasonably. It was really interesting. When the second article in the comments

The National Interest sentenced the Russian fleet

The National Interest sentenced the Russian fleet

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

It's nice to read intelligent people. And the smart ones are even nicer. In my opinion, Robert Farley is one of the latter. That is, smart. Having carefully studied his article on the problems of the Russian fleet Russia Is Not The Soviet Union (But It Has the Same Navy Nightmares), given that for us this is also a very topic

Do ships for the "Star Wars" of the Russian fleet threaten the world?

Do ships for the "Star Wars" of the Russian fleet threaten the world?

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Recently, some situations in the media have caused, if not laughter, then surprise. And the accompanying question: in the name of what is it all? This is the case with the theme of amphibious assault ships on an air cushion (hereinafter referred to as DKVP). It is easier to find a specialized media outlet that did NOT write that our DKVP will be "seriously modernized"

The massacre as the rise of the submarine class

The massacre as the rise of the submarine class

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

You know, in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, more than one novel was written about what the world war would be like. Yes, they were somewhat fantastic, but the authors tried to anticipate what would begin in them. More precisely, what began some 10 years later, I do not mean treatises on strategy and tactics, but

What to do with RTOs with "Caliber"?

What to do with RTOs with "Caliber"?

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Recently, quite controversial materials have appeared in many media about a whole class of ships. We are talking about small missile ships, or MRKs, armed with "Caliber". The appearance of these ships over the past decade is perhaps the only ray of light in our dark surface fleet

The fleet follows the DOSE

The fleet follows the DOSE

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Information is primarily what the media convey to the consumer. This is a postulate. Information in the media can be radically different from what actually exists, and this will not even be a lie. This is simply "such a method of presentation" or facts interpreted by an expert in this way. Let's take a business newspaper

Whom will the "Gadflies" bite?

Whom will the "Gadflies" bite?

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

In many media outlets there was information that the Smerch, an upgraded MRK of project 12341 Gadfly, came out for testing in the Pacific Fleet. you need to plunge into history, that, fortunately, there are no problems

Tango with helicopter carriers

Tango with helicopter carriers

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

The state armament program until 2027 includes "ships similar to helicopter carriers." These words were given by the Deputy Minister of Industry and Trade of Russia Oleg Ryazantsev. The ship is uniquely similar to the helicopter carrier "Ship similar to the helicopter carrier". Yes, the Russian language is great and mighty, especially in

Weapons of the Second World War. Torpedo boats

Weapons of the Second World War. Torpedo boats

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Let's make a small digression from our aviation reviews and get to the water. I decided to start like this, not from above, where it is important to blow bubbles of all sorts of battleships, battle cruisers and aircraft carriers, but from below. Where passions boiled no less comic, albeit in shallow water. Speaking of torpedo boats, it is worth

And they finished their trip on the Pacific Ocean

And they finished their trip on the Pacific Ocean

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Not the first article on the topic, obviously not the last. But - in a radically different key. To begin with, I am happy to state the fact that something has broken down in the Ministry of Defense. And it broke for the better. Let me boldly emphasize my personal opinion that it was the General Staff that finally got through to our managers in the Ministry of Defense. Other

Historical detective. Four flags and five names of one destroyer

Historical detective. Four flags and five names of one destroyer

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

It is not in vain that you can never write about planes or tanks the way you write about ships. The ship is a thing in itself, as if playing for a long time on the stage of history, if you're lucky. Therefore, fate often arranged such tests for them that one simply wonders how this could have happened at all

Aria made a requiem

Aria made a requiem

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Dedicated to Italian ships … The word "seems to be" is very suitable for many definitions concerning Italy. It seems to be a sea power at the beginning of the 20th century. It seems to have had a navy, an army and an air force. It seems to have participated in both world wars. It seems that one of them was among

Triumph of the "Blue Dragon" to the sounds of "Varshavyanka"?

Triumph of the "Blue Dragon" to the sounds of "Varshavyanka"?

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Many specialized naval publications, depending on their own loyalty and attitude to the subject and accessory, began to either glorify the Japanese submarines of the "Soryu" type, or carefully promise the coffin to the Russian "Varshavyanka". It is worth understanding the subject, why would it suddenly. Japanese