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Recently, we have increasingly had to ask the question: will we be able to build a Mistral-class ship ourselves? The answer is, of course we can. Another question is where? It is impossible to answer unequivocally to it because there are enough production capacities in Russia to create such
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Hello, we were overtaken by melancholy the day before, showing how many warships have been decommissioned from the fleet since 2000. Let's look at the opposite trend. How many large warships have been accepted into the Russian Navy since 2000? Only large ships were taken into account. V
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Hello, yesterday we reviewed the main warships that have replenished or replenished our Russian Navy over the past couple of years. Let me continue to expand on this topic in more detail. Today, your attention is a couple of main ships that I forgot to insert in the first part, as well as support ships
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So, it's time to summarize what kind of ships the Russian Navy has replenished with over the past couple of days. We reviewed the main ships and combat support ships earlier. But this third part is devoted specifically to the "workhorses" of the Russian navy. That is, these are auxiliary
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So. If anyone remembers. In July, I published a photo review article on the site What ships will the Russian Navy receive in 2013? The year is coming to an end. That is why I am making another photo report on those ships. What our sailors received and what they will receive next year (lagging behind). So let's go: 1. SSBN pr. 955
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A brief history of the squadron looks like this: On July 2, 1938, by the decision of the Military Council of the Pacific Fleet, three submarines: L-7, L-9 and L-10 of 41 divisions of the 6th naval brigade of submarines under the flag of the brigade commander, Captain 1st Rank Zaostrovtsev were relocated from Vladivostok to
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US command of special operations forces USSOCOM tested various "invisible boats" for use by reconnaissance and sabotage units and special forces of the US Navy. Although these trials were carefully concealed, over the years several boats were still spotted by onlookers. V
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The Hamina boats were built in the late 1990s and early 2000s. They are the fourth generation of Finnish missile boats. All boats are named after Finnish coastal cities. The first boat was ordered in December 1996, and the fourth entered the Finnish fleet in
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The family of light amphibians for supplying US cargo includes three types of light amphibians capable of moving by land and sea LARC V, LARC XV and LARC LX capable of carrying payloads of 5, 15 and 60 tons, respectively. Light amphibious cargo supply (LARC V, Lighter, Amphibious
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One of the first boats pr. 03160. Photo of the Pella plant / pellaship.ru One of the most interesting shipbuilding programs in recent years is the production of high-speed patrol boats pr. 03160 Raptor. The new project appeared at the beginning of the last decade and soon reached the series. Already
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Atomic "Leader" at work. Graphics of the State Corporation "Rosatom" / rosatom.ru On January 15, the government adopted a resolution on the construction of the lead nuclear icebreaker, project 10510 "Leader". The project is already ready, and this year construction financing will open. In a few years, the ship will stop at
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Since the late nineties, non-nuclear submarines of the French Agosta 90B project have been serving in the Pakistani naval forces. These ships and the contract for their construction have a very interesting history, the echoes of which influenced the political situation in France for a long time. Sami
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The undisputed brand of modern domestic shipbuilding is the non-nuclear submarines (NNS) of project 877 "Varshavyanka" and its development - 636. The project, created in the 70s of the last century, is still in demand. For a number of reasons (about them below), its planned replacement with a new project 677 ("Amur") has not yet
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According to foreign media reports, the command of the United States Naval Forces has begun to consider returning to the construction and operation of frigate-class ships. Currently, the US Navy does not have such ships, but in the medium term
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And in general, it is high time to decide whether we (Russia) are a maritime or continental power? To date, everything is ambiguous, although in principle it has always been ambiguous. Russia is generally a unique country in terms of
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After years of decline, the Russian navy is gradually recovering its potential. New ships are being built, new trips to remote regions are being organized, and real combat operations are being carried out. Nevertheless, while the Russian fleet in its power cannot be compared with the fleet
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The great and mighty American fleet is in a panic. Russian submarines scare American sailors so much that the naval command decided to create an unmanned ship to fight them. A ship that can be controlled from a distance and thereby exclude the possibility of influence
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The author would like to devote this study to one known substance. The substance that gave the world Marilyn Monroe and white threads, antiseptics and foaming agents, epoxy glue and a reagent for the determination of blood, and even used by aquarists to refresh the water and clean the aquarium. This is about
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Prologue. Late 80s, Northwest Pacific. The region of the Kuril straits From the memoirs of an officer of the anti-submarine warfare department of the Kamchatka flotilla about the actions of diesel submarines (diesel-electric submarines) of project 877 of the Kamchatka flotilla on the Kuril border (stylistics slightly changed): … American
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On October 25, at the Admiralteiskie Verfi shipyard in St. Petersburg, a solemn ceremony of launching the lead patrol ship Ivan Papanin, under construction under the new project 23550 Arktika, took place. Construction of a second ship of the same type is expected soon. Two new
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In the last decade of the XX century, the armed forces (Armed Forces) of the United States have repeatedly successfully used sea-launched cruise missiles (SLCMs) in regional armed conflicts (in the Middle East, the Balkans, in Afghanistan) and due to the fairly high combat effectiveness of these weapons
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In addition to the remarkable systematic development of large torpedo boats for the German Navy in the second half of the 1920s and early 1930s, in the interwar period in Germany there were repeated attempts to develop small torpedo boats for performing a number of special operations. In 1934, based on
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Foreword Linkor is the abbreviated name for a ship of the line. The battleship is the largest, most powerful and balanced in all respects warship among the ships of other classes of its day. The battleship was the striking force of the navy from the 17th century to the middle of the 20th century
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Project 12411 missile boats are designed to destroy enemy surface warships, transport and landing vehicles and ships at sea, basing points, naval groupings and their cover, as well as to cover friendly ships and vessels from surface and air threats
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This is a continuation of the article on Romanian frigates. The first part is HERE. Back in the campaign After the once formidable Coventry with weapons at the level of a patrol boat went to the Romanians, it's time to test it on long campaigns. And the NATO allies persistently reminded of the commitments
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In the last article, we examined the situation with the repair and modernization of the existing composition of non-strategic nuclear submarines of the Russian Navy. Today the atomarines of new projects are next in line: "Ash" and "Husky". So, the pride of the domestic nuclear submarine fleet is the SSGN of project 885 "Ash". History
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Of all the ships of the 3rd generation of the USSR Navy, the destroyers of Project 956 suffered the greatest non-combat losses. Of those laid down in 1976-1992. 22 corps (planned 50) were transferred to the fleet 17, and to this day only 10 survived in one state or another. Of these ten, three are listed in the combat composition of the Navy, two
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Serbia's modern river flotilla The disintegration of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, triggered by a surge of nationalism actively supported by Western "democracies", was a true tragedy. A series of interethnic conflicts, territorial claims, economic collapse, and
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Bolivian Navy Flag If you talk about the Bolivian Navy, then you will be suspected of either problems with geography, or problems with your head in general. However, oddly enough, the Navy of Bolivia, a landlocked country in principle, does not just exist, but even brought the number of sailors to 5,000 people
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A target ship, according to the Great Soviet Encyclopedia, is a target ship, a ship or a ship specially equipped for conducting artillery fire, missile and torpedo firing at them. Control of the target vessel is carried out, as a rule, by radio or by simple towing. According to others
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The author has always been interested in, so to speak, small forms in the navy. And at one time I could not pass by a rather promising, albeit crude development in the form of an Italian missile boat on hydrofoils of the "Sparviero" type, simply could not. Moreover, in his humble opinion, these boats are simply
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Unfortunately, neither "Peresvet" nor "Oslyabya" became those "battleships-cruisers" that the Naval Department wanted to receive. Errors in their design and construction led to the fact that these ships, due to their relatively low cruising range, could not perform the functions of ocean raiders. And that's all
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The flagship of the Hochseeflotte - "Friedrich der Grosse" Having considered the accuracy of the battlecruisers of both opponents, let's move on to the battleships. Unfortunately, the information available in the sources about the Grand Fleet and Hochseeflot dreadnoughts is much less detailed and does not allow for a cross-sectional analysis
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In the previous article, we talked about the effectiveness of the impact of medium-caliber artillery on Russian warships in the Battle of Tsushima. For this, we, using the statistics of battles on January 27 and July 28, 1904, made an attempt to calculate the number of hits on the ships of the Russian squadron in Tsushima. TO
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In the distant future, the Russian navy will have to receive promising nuclear submarines of the Husky project. Work on this project started not so long ago, but by now they have managed to give a certain result. Recently there were new official reports on the progress of the project
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The project of battleships of the "Sevastopol" type is very often called "the project of the frightened" - they say, Russian sailors were so frightened of Japanese high-explosive shells in Tsushima that they demanded for their future battleships a continuous booking of the board - and do not care about the thickness of the armor, just to protect themselves from monstrous
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In this article we will try to understand the armor penetration of the guns of the Bayern, Rivenge, and Pennsylvania battleships, as well as the comparative quality of German, American and British armor. It is extremely difficult to do this, because the data on the American 356-mm, German
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The latest news about the shipbuilding programs of the future allows us to better predict the composition and size of our submarine fleet than we could have done in the cycle “The Russian Navy. A sad look into the future.”As we said earlier, today the fleet includes 26
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Soviet battleships between the wars. It is well known that of the three remaining Soviet battleships in the ranks, the Marat received the minimum modernization, and the Parizhskaya Kommuna - the largest. Consider the changes in the combat potential of the main caliber of ships of this type. What
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So, in the last part of the series, we completed the description of the weapons of battleships of the "Pennsylvania - time to move on."