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The current negative attitude towards Japan from China, North Korea and South Korea is mainly due to the fact that Japan has not punished most of its war criminals. Many of them continued to live and work in the Land of the Rising Sun, as well as to occupy positions of responsibility. Even those who
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That now forgotten tragedy shook the Russian Empire no less than the death of the Kursk Russian Federation. A terrible event - in peacetime, a combat ship died with the entire crew. Not that this has not happened before - it happened: there was an explosion at the Plastun clipper in 1860, with 75 dead
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1904 By the beginning of the Russo-Japanese War, Sakhalin Island was practically defenseless against an external invasion. Moreover, they did not think much about his protection. Although against the background of Kamchatka, which was not prepared to defend at all, Sakhalin looks almost like a fortress. 1,500 people with six guns, absence
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After the outbreak of the Civil War, the Spanish Republican fleet found itself in a difficult situation - having in its composition a sufficient number of ships, it lost most of the officers who supported Franco. And this personnel gap was closed by Soviet specialists - pilots, tankmen, sailors
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In the history of the Great Patriotic War, unfortunately, there were many examples of the betrayal of Soviet citizens - military and civilians, who went over to the service of the enemy. Someone made their choice out of hatred of the Soviet political system, someone was guided by considerations of personal gain, having fallen into
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The stories about the disproportionately large losses of the Red Army in 1941-1945 have long become a kind of base on which the myths about the inferiority of the Soviet people in general and the state in particular are piled up. And these myths are dangerous. The stories about the filling up of corpses do not hit the communist ideology, not the
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First view: Soviet tragedies “There is reason to believe that the submarine was lost at great depths. Due to the fact that there is no reliable data on the reasons for the death of the "S-117", one can only guess about the circumstances of the death of the submarine. Death could occur during the following
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And it sounds in all - a terrible tragedy, miscalculations, unprofessionalism, stupidity, the wrong choice of the route … As for me, it was a tragedy when 83.6% of the servicemen involved in the operation died in the Smolensk battle, and that one with signs of optimism - during this time we prepared for the defense of Moscow. it
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The Hetmanate The wars subsided, the Right Bank and Volhynia were harshly bent over by the Poles with unions and other serfdom, and the Cossack state, the Hetmanate, remained on the left bank. Although it did not remain Cossack for long. And again, it's not about ordinary Cossacks, it's about the foreman - leadership, both military and civil
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Ancient Russia At the dawn of Russian history, there were no, strictly speaking, Russians, Ukrainians and Belarusians, and any textbook will tell you about tribal unions, like the Volynians or Vyatichi, about the beginning of the formation of their statehood. And about the Varangians, they are Vikings, they are normal. It is from these elements
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Ivan Nikolaevich The founder of the dynasty of sailors in the Butakov family was Ivan Nikolaevich Butakov, born on June 24, 1776. After graduating from the Marine Corps, Ivan got to the Baltic Fleet, where in 1790 he took part in the Krasnogorsk and Vyborg battles in the rank of midshipman on the battleship Vseslav
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General outline All the same, it is worth starting with the global - with those responsible for preparing for war. Directly the commander-in-chief was a certain Nikolai Alexandrovich Romanov, who calls himself the Master of the Russian Land. General Kuropatkin was responsible for the army, Grand Duke Alexei Alexandrovich was responsible for the fleet, and
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Any heroic deed always has moral, propaganda and military aspects. And there is nowhere to get away from this: this is how people and the world are arranged. Even the designation of the "S-13" strike as the attack of the century carries all three elements. If from a military point of view and for the twentieth century, I would still call the attacks of the century drowning
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Formation After the Crimean War, the Russian fleet on the Black Sea was destroyed. In the Baltic, the handsome sailing ships have lost their military significance. And the problem of relations with England has not gone anywhere. A new fleet was needed - a steam one. And new ships - steamers capable of cruising in the ocean for a long time
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It all began with the statement of Lord Balfour in 1918: "The new anti-Bolshevik administrations grew up under the cover of the allied forces, and we are responsible for their existence and must make efforts to support them." The statement had purely pragmatic reasons - property
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The Japanese Empire, which showed great interest in the coastal and northeastern regions of China, took advantage of the 1930s. the weakening of the "Celestial Empire", torn apart by internal contradictions, and partially occupied the Chinese territory. In the north and northeast of China, two formally
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The extreme northeast of China, hanging over the Korean Peninsula and bordering in the north with Russia, and in the southwest with Mongolia, has long been inhabited by local Tungus-Manchu peoples, in addition to the Chinese. The largest of them are the Manchus up to the present time. Ten millionth
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Entry of Alexander Nevsky to Pskov after the Battle on the Ice. V.A.Serov. 1945 800th anniversary of the birth of the Russian prince Alexander Yaroslavich. Prince Alexander Nevsky is one of the most prominent figures in our history. And connects the most different and dissimilar epochs
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In Ukraine, the thesis is widespread that the Nazis, who were not shy in their methods, forced S. Bandera, who was thrown into the Sachsenhausen concentration camp, to cancel the "Act of Proclamation of the Ukrainian State", but the head of the OUN did not submit to the monsters even after the death of his two brothers, who experienced
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German paratroopers are landing on the island of Crete under enemy fire. On May 20, 1941, 80 years ago, German troops invaded Crete. Strategic Operation Mercury became one of the brightest amphibious operations of the Second World War. The Germans captured the island by airborne assault
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Dying "Szent István" (newsreel frame) Since 1939, Navy Day in Italy has been celebrated on June 10, on the anniversary of the sinking of the Austrian battleship Szent István during the First World War. This event, forcing the command of the Austrian fleet to cancel the planned large-scale operation
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At the end of April 1904, at a special meeting chaired by Emperor Nicholas II, it was decided to include the battleship Navarin, which was being repaired and partially modernized in Kronstadt, into the 2nd Pacific squadron. Due to the forced reduction in the time allotted for implementation
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Those interested in the history of the Russian fleet are well aware of the caricatured image of Ch. Crump, derived in a number of sources, where the American shipbuilder is presented as an energetic businessman who came to St. Petersburg for profit with grandiose plans. After visiting the participation in the upcoming international
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"Catapult" In early July 1940, the British navy carried out a series of operations that claimed the lives of over 1,300 French sailors. United by the common name "Catapult", they provided for the capture or destruction of the ships of their yesterday's allies in the British and colonial
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The heroic fortress of Osovets is inextricably linked with the figure of its commandant - General Nikolai Aleksandrovich Brzhozovsky - a Russian military leader, lieutenant general, participant in almost all the wars that Russia waged in the late 19th - early 20th centuries
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115 years ago, Artemy Artsikhovsky was born, an outstanding scientist, specialist in Slavic-Russian archeology Artemy Vladimirovich was born on December 13 (26), 1902 in St. Petersburg in the family of the famous botanist Vladimir Artsikhovsky. Studied at the Faculty of Social Sciences of Moscow University at
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“It was a victory of the spirit.” Emperor Nicholas IIAfter entering service as early as next year, 1898, the coastal defense battleship “Admiral Ushakov” was annually included for three weeks in the Training and Artillery Detachment of the Baltic Fleet to improve the training of artillerymen. Intensive
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In the Soviet Union, physical education was very popular. A healthy mind in a healthy body, that was the slogan of many Soviet citizens. The parades of athletes were also very popular. In its beauty, the number of spectators present, the event could be compared only with military parades
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Monument to the peasants Nikon Shilov and Pyotr Slota in Sergiev Posad, near the walls of the Trinity-Sergius Lavra
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The fact that in Spain the republican army with the participation of advisers from the USSR was defeated by the troops of General Franco, who was assisted by the Nazis, is well known to everyone. But about the fact that around the same years in South America, the army of Paraguay, which was also led by Russian officers, utterly
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By the middle of the 11th century, the nomadic Turkic-speaking people of the Polovtsy came close to the eastern and southern borders of the Old Russian state. The first contact of the Russians with the Polovtsians was peaceful, the Kiev prince Vsevolod, the son of Yaroslav the Wise, entered into an alliance with them against the common enemy of the Torks. After the victory over the Torks
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On August 13, 1850, at the mouth of the Amur, Captain Gennady Nevelskoy hoisted the Russian flag and founded the Nikolaev post. The rich Amur region has long attracted Russian settlers. The first Russian settlement on the Amur, Albazin, appeared in the middle of the 17th century. Albazin was formed here in 1684
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On July 16, 1944, the famous partisan parade was held in liberated Minsk.This parade rightfully stands out from all the solemn military marches and reviews in the history of mankind. After all, it was not soldiers of the regular army who participated in it, but soldiers who fought in the occupied territory in partisan
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Unknown feat DATE September 23, 1941 is included in all history textbooks - on this day our troops stopped the Germans at the Pulkovo Heights. But in reality, the battle for Leningrad began two days earlier. Before the ground offensive, the Nazis threw their aviation to destroy the Red Banner
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On August 4, 1944, a member of the French Resistance with the underground pseudonym Viki was beheaded in the German prison of Ploetzensee
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Yampolsky IM - a participant in the Battle of Stalingrad- I repeat once again, a lot has been written about Stalingrad. But what case has remained in your memory that is not mentioned by historians in numerous monographs? - Probably, the case at the Tractor Plant remained unknown or not mentioned in publications. V
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This happened in 1905, during the Russo-Japanese War. Our regiments were stationed in eastern Manchuria in the Sypingai positions. To them, from the disposition of the Japanese, a rider with a white flag came forward. On behalf of his commander, he invited any of the Russian officers to go out and fight in a wide field with sabers with
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As part of the implementation of the shipbuilding program "For the needs of the Far East", adopted in early 1898, the Russian government, represented by the ITC, announced an international competition for the construction of battleships, cruisers and destroyers to strengthen the Pacific squadron. However, already in the spring of 1898, the Russian side in
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At the dawn of the formation of Soviet Russia in the 1920s, the bully became the figure that determined the life of the cities. The account of crimes of this kind (beatings, robberies and other violence) went to hundreds of thousands. Gradually, hooliganism began to turn to terror - "rail war", disruption of rallies and mass events
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Officers in tsarist Russia have always been a special "caste", different from both soldiers and civilians. The alienation from society was explained, in particular, by the fact that officers did not have the right to join political parties, but had to be guided throughout their lives