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Slavic horseman in the East of the 7th - 8th centuries Drawing of the author In a number of articles that we have planned for publication on "VO", we will talk about weapons and how they were used by the early Slavs. The first article will be devoted to the tactics of the Slavs during the 6th and up to the beginning of the 8th centuries. We will separately consider the issue
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Siege technique of the Slavs What kind of siege technique, according to sources, did the Slavs use? shows that it, as a science, was based on combat experience and on the theory emphasized from the studies of ancient authors (Kuchma V.V.)
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Khan Kubrat with an army. Hood. Dmitry Gujenov Slavs in the Danube and the Balkans from the middle of the 7th century to the middle of the 7th century. the Slavization of the Balkans was over. The Slavs were actively involved in the economic development of the occupied regions, for example, the tribe of the Velegisites from the region of Thebes and Demetriada sell the besieged Thessalonica
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Prince Dervan and the Sorbs of the 7th century The author's drawing
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The assault on the Byzantine fortress in the 6th - early 7th centuries. Drawing by the author (not reconstruction) Foreword The development of siege work among the Slavs (according to the available evidence in historical sources) shows how in a very short period of time they were able to master a rather complex military craft
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Slavic warrior in the East of the 7th century Reconstruction of the author Introduction In the previous article on "VO" we touched on the topic of the actual military organization of the early Slavs within the clan system, as well as the issue of the absence of a military "aristocracy" at this stage of development. Now we turn to the other military
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In the initial period of its activity, the Soviet government attached great importance to the upbringing of the future generation. Therefore, special attention was paid to the toy as one of the educational tools. Of course, technological capabilities were more often lacking than enough during this period, but since 1930
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Siege. Early Slavs of the 7th century Drawing (not reconstruction) by the author After in the two previous articles on "VO" we considered the existence of a princely and druzhina military organization among the early Slavs, we will describe the role of secret alliances and tribal militias as the basis of military forces of the 6th-8th centuries. at
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Introduction In the article "Slavs on the Threshold of Statehood" we have outlined the important moments of the beginning of the formation among the Slavs of a pre-state mechanism and foreign policy situation. Himself and his soldiers. Rice. At the beginning of the 7th century, a new migration movement of the Slavs began, which occupied the entire
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Slavic colonization and the beginnings of statehood The Slavic colonization of the 7th century in Central and Southern Europe was significantly different from that of the 6th century If the first one was mainly attended by Slovenia or Sklavins, who inhabited vast territories, then the next one also included Anty
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I called this work by analogy with the famous work of the French historian Lucien Fevre "Fights for History", although there will be no battles, but there will be a story about how the historian works. another article from military history, but about
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A campaign in the heart of the Avar Empire. In 600, the emperor-general of Mauritius sent a large army that was freed up in the East on a campaign against the Avar state. The expeditionary army was to strike at the lands where the Avars lived. In the basin of the Tisza River, the left tributary of the Danube, originating in
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How did the Slavs appear on the Danube? The Antes, subordinate to the Huns, entered their "union". They were forced, voluntarily or forcibly, to participate in the campaigns of the Huns, although there is no direct mention of this in the sources. But there is indirect evidence: Priscus, the author of the 5th century, reported that his embassy to
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“When he the Emperor Alexei V Duca saw Monsignor Pierron and his people, saw that they, being on foot, had already penetrated into the city of Constantinople, he spurred his horse and pretended to rush at them, but galloped halfway, making only an appearance such a great sight, and when all
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I decided to continue my excursion into the world of soldiers with an article dedicated to the medieval warriors of Russia. I. Bilibin. Prince Igor Every boy in the Soviet Union played with these heroes. And the origins of these flat soldiers can be found in the so-called Nuremberg miniature, which became massively
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I smoked heaven of God, I wore the royal livery, I littered the people's treasury, And I thought to live like this for a century … And suddenly … the Righteous Vladyka! Nekrasov NA Who lives well in Russia Mosaic. Victory parade. Authors G. Rublev, B. Iordansky Metro Dobryninskaya Moscow As we wrote in previous articles on VO, devoted to key stages
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As it was written in the previous article, this work does not claim to fully cover the voiced problem, and this is not possible within the framework of a small article. We are talking about the most important moments in the history of Russia's participation in two world wars. The task was to consider the corresponding events within the framework of logic
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The last legions of the Roman Empire, or those army units that were named after the Roman legions. We are talking about a period when, in fact, the very system of forming combat units - "regiments", changed, the structure of the army, which we previously wrote about in the article on "VO" "Army
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The second traditional part of the infantry of antiquity were psils (ψιλοί) - the generic name for lightly armed warriors who do not wear protective equipment: literally - "bald." Mosaic of the Great Imperial Palace. Museum of the Grand Palace. Istanbul. Turkey. Photo by the author
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“Have mercy, Alexander Sergeevich. Our tsarist rule: do not do business, do not run away from business. " the uprising of the Decembrists. He is not the first
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This work does not claim to fully cover the voiced problem, and this is not possible within the framework of a short article. We are talking about the most important moments in the history of Russia's participation in two world wars. Of course, the view of these events today, for many, has an extreme ideological connotation. We tried
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Preface In the literature on the reconstruction of the Huns' weapons, it is customary to write about it against the background of a wide time period. It seems to us that with this approach, the specifics are lost. This can be explained by the fact that we do not have the proper material for specific, definite
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All the soldiers of this period were called "militia", or stratiots. And if the division of riders according to protective weapons did not exist during this period, as we wrote above, then in the infantry the division into heavily armed and light infantry was preserved. from the Danube border "
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Instead of a preface The origin of the Slavs. This very phrase immediately raises more questions than answers. V. Ivanov "Housing of the Eastern Slavs" Soviet archaeologist P. N. Tretyakov wrote: "The history of the ancient Slavs in the coverage of archaeological materials is an area of hypotheses
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Based on the tactics of the Byzantine troops, including those described in the Strategies, the key principle of the conduct of hostilities was reduced to skirmishes and attempts not to converge hand-to-hand for as long as possible. But, for example, the decision of King Totila not to use bows and arrows, but only spearmen, in
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Byzantine cavalry of the 6th century. Bucellaria, the division that gave the name to the feme in Asia Minor in the 8th century, had only two tagmas (gangs) in Mauritius Strateg, which, I emphasize again, reflects the frequent situation of the 6th century Miniature. Iliad. 493-506 biennium Library-Pinakothek Ambrosian. Milan. ItalyIn the 5th century at
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Yes, we are the Scythians! Yes, Asians - we, With slanted and greedy eyes! Blok, "Scythians" Not so long ago, "VO" hosted a series of materials about written historical sources dedicated to the Mongol conquests of the 13th century. Judging by the comments, topics related to the Mongol campaigns are of immeasurable interest
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The reasons for the fall of the city of Constantinople, the early medieval center of the world, are described in great detail, on the VO website there were enough articles on this subject, in this article I want to draw attention to a number of key factors that led to the fall of the civilization of the Romans. Diorama of the fall
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Byzantine cavalry. The riders, like the infantry, could use any type of protective weaponry. In real combat conditions of the VI century. the line between them was blurred: so on the images that have come down to us we see cavalrymen both without protective weapons, and in it. We would like to dwell on
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Foreword Men always play, play football and politics, meaningfulness and chess, war and importance, but isn't our life a game? Conte Collectibles But my humble story is not about the psychological sources of war and play. It's just about the soldiers, in which they played and, as it seems to me, should
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With this work, we end a small cycle dedicated to the palace units of the Byzantine army in the 6th century. It will be about scholaries and candidates. Iliad. 493-506 biennium Library-Pinakothek Ambrosian. Milan. Italy Sholarii (σχολάριοι) - warriors from the schola, a unit originally
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VII anti-French coalition. Napoleon's new policy The intransigence of the European powers that met at the Congress of Vienna, the unconditional rejection of all Napoleon's peace proposals, led to a new war. This war was unjust and led to the intervention in France. Napoleon
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At the village of Waterloo, on June 18, 1815, the combined Anglo-Dutch army under the command of the Duke of Wellington and the Prussian army under the command of Field Marshal Gebhard Blucher inflicted a crushing defeat on Napoleon's army. On Thursday, Friday and Saturday at the memorial field near the village of Waterloo
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Among the events of world history most familiar to the Russian reader, the Civil War in the United States (War of the North and South, War between the States, War of Independence of the South, War of Secession) occupies one of the most important places. It is covered in school and university textbooks, the works of historians and
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23 August is the International Day of Remembrance for the Victims of the Slave Trade and its Abolition. This date was chosen by the General Conference of UNESCO to commemorate the famous Haitian Revolution - a major slave uprising on the island of Santo Domingo on the night of August 22-23, which subsequently led to the emergence of Haiti
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As you know, in the "union of the indestructible republics of the free" was created "a new historical community - the Soviet notoroth people." "An indestructible bloc of communists and non-party people" regularly won 99.9% of the votes in the most Soviet elections in the world, "the people respected the soldier and the soldier was proud of the people", "my
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Commander of the Western Front, General of the Army G.K. Zhukov, member of the Military Council N.A. Bulganin, chief of staff, Lieutenant-General V.D. Sokolovsky. Autumn 1941. Source: http://billionnews.ru/war/1891-foto-vov1.html Regarding Soviet strategic planning on the eve of the Great Patriotic War
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COLONEL ALEXANDER REPIN IS 60 YEARS OLD! With the current workload of the Russian special forces, it is difficult to imagine a professional with twenty or more years of service. One of such long-livers of Group "A" is Colonel Alexander Repin, who celebrated his
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Adolf Hitler and the Bulgarian Tsar Boris III. With the destruction of the French army by the Nazis and the naval forces by a recent British ally, the question of whose corpse America will go further to its longed-for world domination - England, Germany or the Soviet Union - has arisen. Hitler undoubtedly wished
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Brief summary. The epaulettes on the Russian military uniform, in their unambiguous understanding and official name, appeared: * On the uniform of the lower ranks of the Uhlan regiments in 1801. * On the officer's uniform in 1807 * On the uniform of the lower ranks of the dragoon regiments in 1817 In 1827, epaulettes become a means of discrimination