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In the previous part, we began to consider the deployment of the German headquarters of the associations, which will concentrate on the Soviet-German border by 22.6.41, It was shown that the reconnaissance materials (RM) indicated German formations, most of which could not be located in the indicated places
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Dedicated to Victoria. The person who pushed the author to search for materials about the beginning of the war Therefore, we will first finish our consideration of this topic. According to RM
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In the previous part, a review of the disappeared infantry units and formations of the enemy, concentrated at the borders of the PribOVO and ZAPOVO, was begun. Among the disappeared infantry regiments (rp) and infantry divisions (pd), many had numbers known to our intelligence. For a long time these formations were in
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In the previous part, we compared the data presented in the reports of the Intelligence Directorate of the General Staff of the spacecraft as of June 1 and 22, 1941, with the actual presence of German formations at the border. It was noted that the leadership of the spacecraft incorrectly estimated the minimum number of German troops required for
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In the previous parts, we examined reconnaissance materials (RM) about the enemy grouping concentrated against the troops of the PribOVO (part 1 and part 2). In accordance with the RM, on June 21, German troops were located at a fairly large distance from the Soviet-German border
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The following abbreviations are used in the article: A - field army, AK - army corps, VO - military district, GRA - Army Group, SC - Red Army, MK (MD) - motorized corps (division), RM - reconnaissance materials, RO - reconnaissance department headquarters of VO, RU - Intelligence Directorate of the General Staff of SC, TGr - tank
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In the previous part, reconnaissance materials (RM) about the German troops at the end of 1940 were considered. These RMs overestimated the total number of German troops, including those concentrated near our border. Based on the overestimated number of troops in the General Staff, they made an erroneous conclusion that for
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In the previous parts, reconnaissance materials (RM) were considered about enemy groupings located against the PribOVO troops (part 1, part 2) and KOVO. In accordance with the RM and with the presented maps with the plotted situation about the enemy as of June 21, near the border of the PribOVO
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This part is the final one in the article on the Southern Front. In part 1 and in part 2, we examined intelligence materials and events on the eve of the war, documents on the expected number of German troops expected by the leadership of the Red Army (KA), which will take part in the war with the USSR, and documents on the creation
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In the previous parts (part 1 and part 2), documents and memoirs of war veterans were considered, which indicate that the leadership of the USSR and the spacecraft was not worried about the deployed number of German troops near the border and the places of their concentration until the evening of 21.6.41. Therefore, 21 June on the first
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The opinion of individual readers and the opinion of the author Recently, the last part on the deployment of the field command of the Southern Front was published. Pointing out the problems with the signal troops, the author named the General Staff as one of the culprits of this:
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Various publications on intelligence materials In many publications devoted to the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, intelligence materials (RM) are considered very superficially. With such a consideration of the RM, the wrong conclusion is made that the intelligence reported everything accurately and in great detail
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My grandfather, an engineer-inventor Vasily Mikhailovich Maksimenko, was a particularly valuable specialist and, in fact, should not have gone to fight. But at the beginning of the war, he said something about Stalin, someone denounced him, and his grandfather was immediately sent to the front as a foreman of a mortar crew (although in terms of his engineering and
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In the previous article, we examined in detail and criticized the thesis about the possible Slavic origin of the name "Rurik". In this article, we will consider the statement that the Rurikovichs used as their generic (some even use the word "heraldic") symbol, namely the "sign of the falcon"
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A Necessary Foreword A Winged Robot versus an Air Defense System Recently, I, the author of the memoir "Seven Thirty-seventh Fighter," was contacted by a person via the website. I didn't pay much attention to his first letter. He answered, of course, but that's all. Not a fellow soldier, they did not serve together
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The next case that may interest us in the framework of this study is the capture and blindness of Prince Vasilko Rostislavich Terebovlsky. Vasilko Terebovlsky was the younger brother of the aforementioned Rurik Peremyshl and Volodar Zvenigorodsky. All three princes by virtue of dynastic
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"It was not Rurik who made the ancient Russian state great. On the contrary, this ancient Russian state made his name, otherwise forgotten, in history." Recently, in historical science, it has become increasingly popular
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Recently, Voennoye Obozreniye published an article by a respected author on a similar topic, however, it seems to me, it formed a somewhat distorted idea among readers of how members of the ruling dynasty of the ancient Russian state settled political scores with each other. Many readers
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Rurik. It would be surprising if, as part of the study of Rurik's personality in the light of his Norman origin, researchers did not attempt to establish his identity with any historically reliable character of that time. Oddly enough, but the only worthy candidate for the role
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It cannot be said that the appearance of the Mongols on the borders of Russia was unexpected. After the defeat at Kalka in 1223, information about Mongol affairs periodically appears in the Russian chronicles. The defeat of the Volga Bulgaria in 1236, an eternal rival and political enemy, finally put Russia in front of
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After the victory at Omovzha in the spring of 1234, Yaroslav did not go to Pereyaslavl, but remained in Novgorod and, as it turned out, not in vain. In summer, Lithuania attacked Rusa (present-day Staraya Russa, Novgorod region) - one of the nearest suburbs of Novgorod. Lithuania attacked suddenly, but Rushans managed to give
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Enlightened sovereigns and wise generals moved and won, performed feats, surpassing all others because they knew everything in advance. Sun Tzu, "The Art of War" (no later than IV century BC) Mongol Empire The phenomenon of this state is so unusual, grandiose and large-scale, which is difficult
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Having received at the end of 1242 a call to Khan Bat at the Mongol headquarters, then located on the Volga, Yaroslav Vsevolodovich faced a choice: to go or not to go. Of course, he understood how much depends on this choice, and tried to predict the consequences of one or another of his decisions
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The next stage of the struggle for the Novgorod princely table Yaroslav Vsevolodovich began immediately, having received information about the reign of Mikhail Chernigovsky in Novgorod. With his squad, he occupied Volok Lamsky (present-day Volokolamsk, Moscow region) - a city that, as researchers believe, was in a joint
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On June 10, 1233, the eldest son of Yaroslav Vsevolodovich, the young prince Fyodor, died in Novgorod. He died unexpectedly, on the eve of his own wedding with the daughter of Mikhail of Chernigov, Theodulia, “the matchmaker is attached, honey is boiled, the bride is brought in, the princes are called; and go into joyful place to cry and lament for sins
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It is assumed that Yaroslav went to the headquarters of the great khan with two purposes: to confirm his ownership rights and as a personal representative of Batu Khan at the great kurultai, assembled for the sake of electing a new khan to replace the deceased Ogedei. In any case, someone else instead of himself at the kurultai, where
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In 1217, Mstislav Mstislavich Udatny, having received news of the repeated occupation of Galich by the Hungarians, convened a veche in Novgorod, at which he announced his intention to “look for Galich,” resigned, despite the persuasions of the Novgorodians, the powers of the Novgorod prince and departed south. In its place, the Novgorodians
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Finally, completing this small study devoted to the hypothesis of the Slavic origin of the ancestor of the first Russian princely dynasty, it is necessary to mention one find that took place during an archaeological expedition to the Zemlyanoy settlement of Staraya Ladoga in 2008. V
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The fall of St. George's and the death of Prince Vyachko in 1224 at the hands of the Germans did not make a depressing impression on Russian contemporaries. The annals speak of this event as, of course, sad, but insignificant. The attention of the chroniclers was distracted by the battle on Kalka, which took place a year earlier, an event
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In the spring of 1228, Yaroslav Vsevolodovich, while in Novgorod, began to prepare a global campaign against the most important center of the crusading movement in the Eastern Baltic - against the city of Riga. One should not think that at that time Riga at least somehow resembled modern Riga. In 1228 Riga was not yet
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On April 15, 1212, in his capital city of Vladimir, after thirty-six years of reign, Vsevolod Yuryevich the Big Nest, the Grand Duke of Vladimir, died. Vsevolod was buried in the Vladimir Assumption Cathedral next to the brothers Andrei Bogolyubsky and Mikhail. The funeral was attended by all the "chicks
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Yaroslav Vsevolodovich, Prince of Pereyaslavl, Pereyaslavl-Zalessky, Novgorod, Grand Duke of Kiev and Vladimir is a remarkable personality in all respects. Determined and aggressive, energetic and enterprising, irreconcilable with enemies, loyal to allies, in achieving
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Rurik. In the last article, we described the historical setting in which Rurik had to act. It's time to go directly to the main character of our research. Chronicles about Rurik About Rurik himself in the Russian chronicles there is very little information. Here is a lengthy quote from "The Tale of Temporary
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Rurik. Perhaps we will hardly be able to find at least one more hero in our history, about whose personality, deeds and significance for our history pundits would argue for so long and fiercely. Normanism and Anti-Normanism In 2035, we can rightfully celebrate three hundred years since the beginning of this dispute and in
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In the previous article, we examined the methods of work of the strategic intelligence of the Mongol Empire. Let's try to analyze what the Russian princes knew about the impending war and the likely enemy on the eve of the invasion. So, in 1235, at the general kurultai of the leaders of the Mongol Empire
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Rurik … "How much of this sound has merged for the Russian heart …" In this article I do not want to go all over again, proving the Norman origin of the founder of the ruling dynasty of the Old Russian state. Enough has been said about this. And nothing new on this issue in
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Another reason for Russia's defeat in the Russo-Japanese War is the condition of its fleet. Moreover, everything is criticized, from ship designs to the personnel training system. And, of course, goes to the naval command, who, in the opinion of many critics, showed simply epic incompetence
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More than a century ago, the battles of the Russo-Japanese War died down, but disputes about it still do not subside. How could it happen that a small island state utterly defeated a huge and powerful empire before? No, of course, there have been defeats in the history of Russia before, but I'm not afraid of that
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Among the reasons for the defeat in the Russo-Japanese War, many historians, including very respectable ones, name the unsuccessful choice of the main base for the Russian Pacific Fleet. Namely - Port Arthur. They say that it is located unsuccessfully, and in itself is inconvenient, and in general … But how did it happen that of the multitude
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Mario goes to rob the bank! “Robbery by …” Partisan Meat In 2007, in one of the restaurants in Crete, we were served by an Armenian waiter who offered me a meat dish called “kleftiko”. To my question "what is this?" he replied that it was lamb according to a partisan recipe and told the following story. In