
What was Stalin guided by during the repressions in the 30s

What was Stalin guided by during the repressions in the 30s

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

In the second half of the 20s, Stalin completely defeated both left and right oppositionists (Stalin's fierce struggle for power in the turning 20s), who opposed his course of building socialism in a single country, which was based on industrialization based on a mobilization economy and

Little-known pages of Stalin's childhood and youth

Little-known pages of Stalin's childhood and youth

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Much has been written about Stalin's controversial personality. His personality was viewed from different points of view. At the same time, very little attention has been paid to its formation. How and how were his character traits formed? Where did he get his thirst for reading books? And knowledge in the field of natural sciences? Quivering

How General Serov, by order of Stalin in May 1945, sought and found Hitler

How General Serov, by order of Stalin in May 1945, sought and found Hitler

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

The story of the death or disappearance of Hitler during the storming of Berlin has thrilled the minds for decades. In the late 80s, journalist Artem Borovik even showed a photo of Hitler's jaw, which was kept in the KGB archives. There were different versions of his death, but the diary of the deceased in 1990 put an end to this issue

When and why vodka appeared in Russia

When and why vodka appeared in Russia

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

The well-known and widespread concept of "vodka" raises few questions from anyone (why it is called that and when it appeared). We do not think about the origin of the words "vodka", "moonshine", "sivukha", "fume", why moonshine is not boiled, but "driven", what is the volume of the "stack", "bottle", "quarter"

Stalin's deportations of peoples through the eyes of the executive general

Stalin's deportations of peoples through the eyes of the executive general

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

In the Soviet Union, before the war, social classes were subjected to deportation, the "class alien population" was evicted, and during the war, the enemy peoples, accused by Stalin of total betrayal, were deported. In total, 12 peoples were deported who lost their native land, and

How Katukov turned the Germans to Prokhorovka

How Katukov turned the Germans to Prokhorovka

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Tank battles in July 1943 on the Kursk Bulge are associated by many mainly with the counterstrike of Rotmistrov's 5th Guards Tank Army on July 12 near Prokhorovka, ignoring the facts of stubborn tank battles of Katukov's 1st Tank Army, which were much more important in defensive battles 5-12 July on

How Nicholas II brought Russia to revolution

How Nicholas II brought Russia to revolution

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Having entered the world war, Russia was in a state of deep systemic political and social crisis, it was tormented by internal contradictions, long-overdue reforms were not carried out, the created parliament did not decide much, the tsar and the government did not take the necessary measures to reform

Was the counterattack in 1941 near Dubno - Lutsk - Brody a tank battle

Was the counterattack in 1941 near Dubno - Lutsk - Brody a tank battle

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

In modern sources, the counterattack of five mechanized corps of the Red Army in the first week of the war in the Dubno-Lutsk-Brody area is often called the largest tank battle of the Second World War, surpassing the tank battle at Prokhorovka. In fact, this is not entirely true, near Prokhorovka also on July 12, 1943

250 days of heroic defense of Sevastopol and three days of shame on the command

250 days of heroic defense of Sevastopol and three days of shame on the command

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

The heroic defense of Sevastopol for 250 days, from October 30, 1941 to July 2, 1942, is well known and described in detail. At the same time, the three tragic last days of defense are bypassed, when the command cowardly fled from the besieged city and threw tens of thousands at the mercy of the Germans

What led to the Crimean disaster of 1942

What led to the Crimean disaster of 1942

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Almost simultaneously, in May 1942, two catastrophes occurred on the Soviet-German front: the defeat of the Soviet armies near Kharkov (Barvenkovsky cauldron) and the defeat of the Crimean Front. If the first is described in detail, then they try not to remember the second, as if there is nothing terrible and not

The October Revolution was carried out by tsarist generals

The October Revolution was carried out by tsarist generals

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

The historical significance of the October Revolution (until 1927, even the Bolsheviks called it a coup) can hardly be underestimated, it marked the beginning of the "red project", which made it possible to implement a completely different model of social structure and build a society of social justice

Provincial, peripheral, but also Lend-Lease

Provincial, peripheral, but also Lend-Lease

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

According to the Dutch account, on May 15, 1945, the last group of cargoes from the Netherlands East Indies (since 1949 - Indonesia) arrived in Vladivostok (in the photo - the port during the war) as part of lend-lease goods from the USA, Canada and Australia. The received consignment of goods contained tin ore, cobalt

I was killed near Kovel. Major Blagirev's life

I was killed near Kovel. Major Blagirev's life

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

This is not quite an ordinary essay from the series "They were the first to take battle" about the border guard Pavel Vasilievich Blagirev. It was based on the essay of an eighth grade student Yegor Berezitsky from the Prigorodnenskaya secondary school in the Shchigrovsky district of the Kursk region. It was Egor who wrote his essay on behalf of our hero

Knock out an apartment for the border guard Eremeev

Knock out an apartment for the border guard Eremeev

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

It was almost 40 years ago, I remember exactly that this story happened in the late 80s of the last century. The fact that by a miracle the surviving machine gunner of the 9th outpost of the 17th Red Banner Brest border detachment Grigory Terentyevich Eremeev lives in the south of Kyrgyzstan, I learned from the legendary book of Sergei Smirnov

Junkers in Russia

Junkers in Russia

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Professor Hugo Junkers … Hugo Junkers was very surprised when the secretary reported that the Russian mister Dolukhanov was waiting for him in the waiting room. “What does this gentleman want… Do-lu-ha-nof?” “He declares that he can sell your planes in Russia “Well, let him come in,” Hugo surrendered

Roman fleet. Construction and types of ships

Roman fleet. Construction and types of ships

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

By their design, Roman warships do not fundamentally differ from the ships of Greece and the Hellenistic states of Asia Minor. Among the Romans, we find the same dozens and hundreds of oars as the main propulsion device of the ship, the same multi-tiered layout, approximately the same aesthetics for

Wait alive

Wait alive

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

As a Soviet navigator, he did not die in the Alaska mountains. A documentary story by Oleg Chechin The American film "The Survivor", which today is nominated for an Oscar and is shown in our cinemas, is perfectly filmed and well thought out. But what is fiction in comparison with the real story about which

Naval officer Anatoly Lenin

Naval officer Anatoly Lenin

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

This article is dedicated to the fate of naval officer Anatoly Vasilyevich Lenin. From his relatives, the leader of the Bolsheviks, Vladimir Ulyanov, received his pseudonym Lenin, under which he went down in history

Murka from MUR

Murka from MUR

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

The most popular song of the twentieth century, which is considered to be almost the anthem of the criminal world, is actually nothing more than a song about the secret operation of the Cheka. Marusya Klimova is a real character who has worked all her life in a secret unit of the GubChK, GPU, and then in the NKVD. The lyrics are encrypted

Day of the Bear Dashing trouble is the beginning. Russia returns to its limits

Day of the Bear Dashing trouble is the beginning. Russia returns to its limits

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Believe it or not, yesterday (December 7th) was the Day of the Bear … There is such a day. First Sunday in December. Did you think not? It was noticed: at the time this bear climbs into the den, and on Spiridon - on the solstice on December 25 - it turns from side to side, but on the Annunciation it gets out of the den

Creeping Nazism

Creeping Nazism

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

What we see today in Ukraine may well be considered the result of long-term, purposeful and well-planned work. Work on the introduction, since the mid-1950s, and even earlier, of nationalists in the highest, middle and lower leadership levels, first in Western Ukraine, and then throughout

It was in Mtsensk in 1941

It was in Mtsensk in 1941

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Once, looking at the photos in the "Military Album", I was surprised to see photographs dedicated to the capture of Mtsensk by the Germans in the fall of 1941. Why with surprise? Yes, because on it German soldiers were photographed against the background of not only our wrecked tanks, but also the "Katyusha" !!! The fact is that since childhood

Personal thanks to the great Master

Personal thanks to the great Master

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Whether you like it or not, a generational change is inevitable. That is the end of the earthly journey of the Great Weapon Master (only this way - every word with a capital letter) Mikhail Timofeevich Kalashnikov. The whole world remembers him as the creator of the machine and rightfully gives praise. I want to tell him a "separate" THANKS

1941. Where was the 16th Army going?

1941. Where was the 16th Army going?

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

The article uses the following abbreviations: A - army, VO - military district, General Staff - General Staff, railway - railway, SC - Red Army, Mongolian People's Republic - Mongolian People's Republic, MD (MP) - motorized division (regiment), RGK - reserve of the main command, RM - reconnaissance materials, RU

Preparations for the redeployment of troops of the 16th Army in 1941

Preparations for the redeployment of troops of the 16th Army in 1941

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

The article uses the following abbreviations: VO - military district, GDD - mountain rifle division, General Staff - General Staff, SC - Red Army, MK - mechanized corps, MD - motorized division, RGK - reserve of the main command, RM - reconnaissance materials, sk (sd) - rifle corps

Faithful son of the Fatherland - Marshal Semyon Mikhailovich Budyonny

Faithful son of the Fatherland - Marshal Semyon Mikhailovich Budyonny

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

In 1935, in the USSR, the "Regulations on the passage of service by the command and command personnel of the Red Army" introduced personal military ranks. Five commanders of the Red Army became Marshals, among them S.M.Budyonny (1883-1973). In the young Soviet state, he was a legendary man, the "father" of

End point of the 16th Army route

End point of the 16th Army route

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

The following abbreviations are used in the article: A - army, VO - military district, GDD - mountain rifle division, GSh - General Staff, ZhBD - combat log, SC - Red Army, MK - mechanized (in SC) or motorized (in the Wehrmacht ) corps, MD (MP) - motorized division (regiment), MPR

1941. Where was the 16th Army preparing to redeploy?

1941. Where was the 16th Army preparing to redeploy?

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

The article uses the following abbreviations: VO - military district, General Staff - General Staff, SC - Red Army, MK - mechanized corps, MD - motorized division, RGK - reserve of the main command, RM - reconnaissance materials, RU - Reconnaissance Directorate of the General Staff of SC, sk ( sd) - rifle corps

June 21, 1941. Creation of the Southern Front

June 21, 1941. Creation of the Southern Front

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Interest in the creation of the Southern Front On June 21, 1941 at 18:27, the first visitor entered Stalin's office - V.M. Molotov. At 19:05 the first meeting began, at which a draft of the Decree on the creation of the Southern Front, on the appointment of persons entrusted with the general leadership was prepared

1941. German mobile troops in the General Government

1941. German mobile troops in the General Government

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

The article uses the following abbreviations: A - army, AK - army corps, VO - military district, General Staff, ZAPOVO - Western special VO, SC - Red Army, KOVO - Kiev special VO, MK - mechanized corps in SC or motorized corps in the Wehrmacht, md (mp) - motorized

Reconnaissance on German infantry and cavalry near the border of the USSR

Reconnaissance on German infantry and cavalry near the border of the USSR

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

The following abbreviations are used in the article: VO - military district, General Staff - General Staff, SC - Red Army, cd (kbr, kp) - cavalry division (brigade, regiment), md (mp) - motorized division (regiment), od - security division, pd (pp) - infantry division (regiment), RM - reconnaissance materials, RO

The beginning of the concentration of the mobile troops of the Wehrmacht near our border

The beginning of the concentration of the mobile troops of the Wehrmacht near our border

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

The following abbreviations are used in the article: General Staff - General Staff, SC - Red Army, cd (kp) - cavalry division (regiment), md (mn) - motorized division (regiment), msp - motorized rifle regiment, pd (rp) - infantry division (regiment), RM - reconnaissance materials, RU - Intelligence Directorate of the General Staff of the Spacecraft, etc

East Prussia. German mobile troops on the eve of the war

East Prussia. German mobile troops on the eve of the war

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

The following abbreviations are used in the article: AK - army corps, ap - artillery regiment, VO - military district, General Staff - General Staff, ZAPOVO - Western special VO, SC - Red Army, KOVO - Kiev special VO, md (mn) - motorized division (regiment), mk - motorized corps, pd (pp) - infantry

Reconnaissance about German tanks and motorized infantry in June 1941

Reconnaissance about German tanks and motorized infantry in June 1941

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

The following abbreviations are used in the article: VO - Military District, GSD (GSBR) - Mountain Rifle Division (brigade), General Staff - General Staff, ZAPOVO - Western Special VO, KA - Red Army, KOVO - Kiev Special VO, MD (MP) - motorized division (regiment), mk - motorized corps, pd (brigade, pd)

Intelligence gathering on the eve of the war

Intelligence gathering on the eve of the war

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

The following abbreviations are used in the article: General Staff - General Staff, GRA - Army Group, SC - Red Army, CD (CP) - Cavalry Division (Regiment), MD (MP) - Motorized Division (Regiment), Pd (PP) - Infantry Division (regiment), PT - anti-tank, RM - reconnaissance materials, RO - reconnaissance department

1941. Radio intelligence about enemy headquarters

1941. Radio intelligence about enemy headquarters

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

The article uses the following abbreviations: A - field army, AK - army corps, VO - military district, GRA - Army Group, SC - Red Army, MK (MD) - motorized corps (division), pd - infantry division, RM - reconnaissance materials, RO - intelligence department of the VO headquarters, RU - Intelligence directorate

1941. Reconnaissance about enemy corps headquarters

1941. Reconnaissance about enemy corps headquarters

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

The following abbreviations are used in the article: AK - army corps, VO - military district, GRA - Army Group, SC - Red Army, MK - motorized corps, RM - reconnaissance materials, RO - intelligence department of the VO headquarters, RU - Intelligence Directorate of the General Staff of SC, TGr - Panzer group. In the previous part there were

What did our intelligence know about the German large headquarters?

What did our intelligence know about the German large headquarters?

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

The article is a continuation of the cycle on informing the leadership of the spacecraft and the Soviet Union by intelligence about the presence of German troops at the Soviet-German border. Earlier in the reconnaissance cycle, information was provided about what the headquarters of the four border districts knew about the enemy troops as of

Reconnaissance about German troops at the end of 1940

Reconnaissance about German troops at the end of 1940

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

In the previous part, we looked at reconnaissance materials (RM) about the German troops in 1938 and early 1940. RM at the indicated time significantly differed from the real data. With such a significant difference in data, the presence in the RM of the exact names of infantry units and formations can be

Intelligence service. Information about German troops in 1938 and 1940

Intelligence service. Information about German troops in 1938 and 1940

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

In the previous article, a review of intelligence materials (RM) was begun on the concentration of German troops at the Soviet-German border in 1940. It was shown that the data on the enemy troops in the Republic of Moldova are very different from the real information. The presence in the Republic of Moldova of the exact designations of the German armies