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Fight for Venden Stefan Batory planned not only to repulse the cities and fortresses of Livonia conquered by the Russian troops, but to inflict a series of decisive blows on the Russian state. The Polish king planned to cut off the Russian troops in the Baltic from Russia and capture Polotsk and Smolensk, so that then
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435 years ago, on January 5 (15), 1582, the Yam-Zapolsky peace treaty was concluded. This peace was concluded between the Russian kingdom and the Commonwealth in the village of Kiverova Gora, near Yam Zapolsky, in a town not far from Pskov. This document, among other diplomatic acts, summed up
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On the eve of the 200th anniversary of the Bucharest Peace Treaty on May 16 (28), 1812, the REGNUM IA publishes an article by Vasily Kashirin, Candidate of Historical Sciences, Senior Researcher at the Russian Institute for Strategic Studies (RISS), which is an expanded version of its
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Colonial possessions in the West Indies have always been of strategic importance to the British Empire. First, they allowed control of the military-political situation and trade in the Caribbean; secondly, they were important producers and exporters of sugar cane, rum and other
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Shot from the series "Mehmed: Conqueror of the World" The seventh Ottoman Sultan Mehmed II, as you know, went down in history under the nickname Fatih - the Conqueror. Paolo Veronese. Portrait of Sultan Mehmed II It was during his reign in 1453 that Constantinople fell, and the territory of the Ottoman state for 30 years (from
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The Mongol invasion of Russia in 1237-1241 did not become a big disaster for some Russian politicians of that time. On the contrary, they even improved their position. The chronicles do not hide especially the names of those who may have been a direct ally and partner of the notorious "Mongol-Tatars". Among them is a hero
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Until recently, Normanism was understood as a system of views, resting on three pillars: the first is the Scandinavian origin of the chronicled Varangians, the second - Rurik was the leader of the Scandinavian detachments, moreover, either a conqueror, or a contract soldier (for more than 200 years, the Normanists have not
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This year the country will celebrate the 67th anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War. But even so many years after the end of that terrible war, its history is full of blank spots. One of these white spots is the history of Soviet fighter aviation, or rather its main tactical
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Since the time of the notorious "perestroika", historical science has turned into a field of political battles, which are often waged not only by professional historians, but also by numerous "folk historians" who do not even have elementary knowledge. The purpose of information wars is to deform consciousness
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Taking Tenochtitlan. 17th Century Spanish Image Exhausted by a 93-day siege, the city was finally conquered. You could no longer hear the furious cries of "Santiago!" Or the hoarse war cries of Indian warriors on its streets. By the evening, the merciless massacre also subsided - the victors themselves were exhausted by stubborn battles and
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As a rule, in life, the most difficult questions are to answer the simplest questions. It was this "simple" question of what prompted us to turn to the topic of air rams committed by Soviet pilots during the Great Patriotic War, and was asked to the authors when preparing this article for publication. Wanted
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Not so long ago, one of the visitors to the VO website asked me what kind of armor survived from the 12th century, and was there really stainless steel then? Amazing, isn't it? Why is it amazing? Yes, simply because in XII there is no armor, that is, protective equipment made of solid forged metal plates
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The ranks of the knights mingled, there were hundreds of them, and everyone struck and attacked, using their weapons. Whom will the Lord choose, to whom will success send? There you could see stones deadly years, A lot of torn chain mail and cut armor, And how spears and blades both wound and sore. And the sky is such a jumble of arrows
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225 years ago, on August 28-29 (September 8-9), 1790, the battle took place at Cape Tendra. The Black Sea Fleet under the command of Fyodor Ushakov defeated the Turkish fleet under the command of Hussein Pasha. The victory at Cape Tendra in the military campaign of 1790 ensured the lasting domination of the Russian fleet in the Black
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The history of the most famous German raider of the Great War The light cruiser Emden of the German Imperial Navy can literally be considered one of the most famous warships of the Great War. His combat path is short-lived - just over three months. But during this time he
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Varanga was a source of personnel for both the Byzantine and European armies. The great Aetheriarchs and Akolufs led military formations and formations at different theaters of operations. So, Feoktist in the 30s. XI century acted in Syria, and Mikhail in the middle of the same century - on the Pechenezh front and in Armenia
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“I will overthrow you from the firmament, I will throw you up like a lion, I will not leave anyone alive in your kingdom, I will betray your cities, lands and lands to Fire.” (Fazlullah Rashid ad-Din. Jami-at-Tavarikh. Baku: "Nagyl Evi", 2011. P.45) Recent publication on the "Military Review" of the material "Why did they create
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Pierre de Coubertin, reviving the Olympic Games, preached the principle of "Sports outside politics". However, spectators of the first Olympics already witnessed political demarches. And in 1936, the Olympic Games were first used for political purposes by the state. The "initiator" of the tradition of "political
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Sweden was the traditional rival of Russia-Russia in the North of Europe. Even after the Russian state crushed the Swedish Empire in the Northern War of 1700-1721, the Swedes unleashed several more wars. In an effort to return the lands lost as a result of the Northern War (Estonia, Livonia
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The beginning of the 1720 campaign was characterized by the fact that Sweden almost completely depleted its military potential and became dependent on British diplomacy. London tried to create a broad anti-Russian coalition to "protect Europe" from Russia. January 21 (February 1) a union treaty was signed
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Russian Archangel A word about Alexander Vasilyevich Suvorov … On the day of the solemn celebration of the 100th anniversary of the death of Alexander Vasilyevich Suvorov, the great commander was called the Russian Archangel. The Archangel Michael is called the Archangel of the Heavenly Host. Sovereign Emperor Paul I
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Unfulfilled Hopes In the mid-1960s, the Soviet Union embarked on an unprecedented hydrocarbon megaproject - the development of unique oil and gas fields in Western Siberia. Few then believed that such an undertaking would be successful. The natural resources of Siberia were
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One of the favorite topics of historical and political speculations of Russophobic orientation is the history of the dissolution of the Zaporizhzhya Sich. Supporters of "political Ukrainianity" view this event unequivocally as another confirmation of the "anti-Ukrainian" policy of the Russian state throughout history
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Foreword: I had the pleasure of spending 9 months in kindergarten with pay, allowance and uniforms. This kindergarten is proudly called the Bundeswehr and is a holiday home combined with a playground for young and old, and even old kids. German army, gee. In three months
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By the end of 1916, economic difficulties worsened in Russia, and the country and the army began to lack food, footwear and clothing. The origins of this economic crisis go back to 1914. Because of the war, the Black Sea and Danish straits were closed for Russia, through which up to 90% of foreign trade went
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The battle of Sarmed went down in history under the name "Bloody Field". Then out of almost four thousand troops of the crusaders, only two hundred were lucky to survive. And only they could then tell the whole truth about those terrible events. And it all began like this … The troops of the First Crusade in 1099 entered
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400 years ago, on March 9, 1617, the Treaty of Stolbovo was signed. This world put an end to the Russian-Swedish war of 1610-1617. and became one of the sad results of the Troubles of the early 17th century. Russia ceded to Sweden Ivangorod, Yam, Koporye, Oreshek, Korel, that is, it lost all access to the Baltic Sea, except
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The beginning of the 13th century is not the calmest time in the history of Europe. Many still dreamed of the return of the lost Holy Sepulcher, but during the IV Crusade, not Jerusalem was captured, but Orthodox Constantinople. Soon the armies of the crusaders will again go to the East and suffer another defeat in
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The Swedish plan for the seizure of Novgorod by the army of Jacob Delagardie The time of trouble brought Russia ordeals, misfortunes and disasters - a set of difficulties in which it is not easy to separate the primary from the secondary. Internal chaos was accompanied by massive foreign intervention. Neighbors of Russia, traditionally not
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Union with Sweden Finding himself in a hopeless situation, Tsar Vasily Shuisky decided to stake on the outskirts and foreign aid. Sheremetev received an order to unblock Moscow to recruit a host of Tatars, Bashkirs and Nogai in the Volga region. Moscow turned to the Crimean Khan for help. Shuisky also decided
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Interstate relations, like people, change little. As soon as the state weakens for some reason, close and distant neighbors immediately recall their claims, hidden grievances and unrealized fantasies. Whoever finds a neighbor's crisis suddenly has to compose and formulate his own
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The story of how Bohdan Khmelnitsky tried to "integrate" more tightly into the Rzeczpospolita with the help of the Crimean Khan and the Turkish Sultan, and as a result he became a subject of the Russian Tsar and defeated the Poles with the Russian army. under
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There are still different versions about the origin of Bogdan (Zinovy) Mikhailovich Khmelnitsky. However, most scientists, in particular the Russian historian Gennady Sanin and his Ukrainian colleagues Valery Smoliy and Valery Stepankov, claim that he was born on December 27, 1595, either in a rich
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I receive about a hundred letters every day. Among the reviews, criticism, words of gratitude and information, you, dear readers, send me your articles. Some of them deserve immediate publication, others should be carefully studied. Today I offer you one of such materials. Topic covered in
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Unless in the imagination of citizens living in an alternative reality or in the descriptions of paid propagandists, the situation in "Russia We Lost" seems to be almost an earthly paradise. It is described approximately in the following way: “Before the revolution and collectivization, whoever worked well lived well
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King Henry VIII of England (1497 - 1547) is known to most people mainly for the fact that he was a polygamist king, and that he started the so-called "Anglican" church in England, and not so much for the sake of faith itself, as for the sake of to be able to marry without hindrance. but
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The bloody war in Novorossiya has been going on for a year. During this time, the Kiev regime could not, and did not try to understand that Ukraine is not an ethnically unified state, and the model of constructing the Ukrainian nation, invented in Austria-Hungary a hundred years ago and adopted by
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In 1781, on the site of the settlement of Anapa on the eastern coast of the Black Sea, the Turks, under the leadership of French engineers, began to build a powerful fortress. Anapa was supposed to ensure the influence of the Ottoman Empire on the Muslim peoples of the North Caucasus and become a base for future operations against Russia in
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White condottiere roam all over China with impunity and, using their high military qualifications, win victories.”
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“Shoot rarely, but accurately. With a bayonet, if it is strong, the bullet will cheat, and the bayonet will not cheat. The bullet is a fool, the bayonet is good … The hero will kill half a dozen, and I've seen more. Take care of the bullet in the barrel. Three of them will ride - kill the first, shoot the second, and the third with a karachun bayonet.”A. V. Suvorov Vesuvius spews flame, Pillar