
Ancient ship from the bottom of the sea

Ancient ship from the bottom of the sea

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

By God, we have a good president, to be sure. Moreover, in my opinion, not even by the way he presides, but by the fact that … he behaves like a normal person, that is, he takes everything from life that he can and is not ashamed of it. Had the opportunity to fly on combat aircraft - flew, dive in a bathyscaphe on

Armor and weapons of the conquistadors

Armor and weapons of the conquistadors

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

“Brothers, let us follow the cross; having faith, by this sign we will conquer "(Hernando Cortes) The conquistadors, that is, the" conquerors ", were a mass of small-scale nobility, for the most part ruined and hired into the army in order to somehow exist. It was possible to fight in Europe, but even more interesting

Crosses in all their diversity (continued)

Crosses in all their diversity (continued)

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Boulevards, towers, Cossacks, Pharmacies, fashion stores, Balconies, lions on the gates And flocks of jackdaws on the crosses. "Eugene Onegin." A.S. Pushkin We have already talked about crosses here, since this symbol was used by the knights-crusaders, the story of which is still ahead! However, this topic is so deep and

Weapons and armor of the Mayan and Aztec warriors (part two)

Weapons and armor of the Mayan and Aztec warriors (part two)

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

The original weapons of the Indians of Mesoamerica were matched by the same original armor. The main means of defense were wicker chimalli shields, sometimes so strong that they withstood the hits of arrows from European crossbows. The shields were abundantly decorated with feathers, fur, and below they had a peculiar

Weapons and armor of the Mayan and Aztec warriors (part one)

Weapons and armor of the Mayan and Aztec warriors (part one)

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Not so long ago, many people in our country seemed to be obsessed with the prophecies of the Maya Indians about the imminent end of the world. And for some reason they referred to the drawings depicted on … the calendar disk of the Aztecs, although they are "from a completely different opera." At the same time, few people think that the "end of the world" among these Indians

What was before the "battle ax culture"? Funnel Cup culture

What was before the "battle ax culture"? Funnel Cup culture

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Give me the study of native history !!! More articles that are good and different (and maybe even controversial) !! Someone JääKorppi The unfeigned interest caused by the material about the "culture of battle axes" once again reminds that knowledge of the history of its origins is a very, very important thing. Moreover, this knowledge should be

Samurai and ninja (part two)

Samurai and ninja (part two)

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Among the flowers - cherries, among people - a samurai. A medieval Japanese proverb: The path of a samurai was as straight as an arrow fired from a bow. The path of the ninja is winding, like the movement of a snake. Samurai tried to be knights, and fought openly under their banners. Ninja preferred to operate under the banner

Samurai and ninja (part one)

Samurai and ninja (part one)

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

This is completely out of place - the guy has a long dagger! Mukai Kyorai (1651 - 1704). Per. V. Markova Well, now it's finally time to talk about the so-called ninja - Japanese spies and assassins, people of a truly unusual fate. Is that only about the Knights Templar there are so many all kinds of rumors

Dilemma: 47 loyal samurai or what should they have done?

Dilemma: 47 loyal samurai or what should they have done?

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

The life of the master is more weighty than a thousand mountains, while mine is insignificant, even in comparison with a hair. Oishi Kuranosuke is the chapter of 47 devoted samurai. Translation: M. Uspensky Many peoples have legends about heroes who honestly fulfill their duty. However, remember that the main duty of a samurai is to die for his own

Belly's casus or "Remember Maine"

Belly's casus or "Remember Maine"

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

When the aggressor wants to be good … Today the world is constantly shaken by the disasters of both civilian and military ships and aircraft, many of which very often look as if they were organized on purpose. The latest example is the crash of the Asia Minor Boeing in the skies over the Donbass

Baby Aim Shot

Baby Aim Shot

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

He fired once, and fired two, and a bullet whistled into the bushes … You shoot like a soldier, - Kamal said, - I'll see how you ride! ("Ballad of the West and East", R. Kipling) … World cultural history knows thousands of famous poets and musicians

Legendary Troy and Schliemann's Mycenae

Legendary Troy and Schliemann's Mycenae

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Then the ruler of husbands Agamemnon objected to Achilles: “Well, run if you want! strife, war and battles to you and

Postgraduate Studies in the USSR: Past and Present

Postgraduate Studies in the USSR: Past and Present

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Postgraduate studies are a direct road to science. So, we are finishing a series of materials about those years that the author spent in graduate school at KSU. Many readers asked questions in their comments, asked to clarify some circumstances of interest, and they will receive answers in this article, but later, in the meantime, we

Knights of Armenia 1050-1350

Knights of Armenia 1050-1350

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

I saw more than one daredevil, -Now they lie in the graves for a long time, And even the ant to drive away from the face, Walking on the lions, they are not able. Hovhannes Tlcurantsi. Armenian medieval lyrics. L.O. publishing house "Soviet writer", 1972 Knights and chivalry of three centuries. In our "journey" through the "era of the chain mail knights" we

Warriors of the Bulgarian elite 1050-1350

Warriors of the Bulgarian elite 1050-1350

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

I've been there. I have been in the valleys, Where everything is tenderly caressed by the gaze, I have been on the formidable rapids of the Balkan inaccessible mountains. I saw in the villages of those distant Behind the bright plow of a young man, I was high on the peaks, Where the clouds rest, I was there and in the sultry summer, I used to bloom in spring. - The whole region breathed with the labor of the deceased

Postgraduate studies in the Soviet Union. The result is the head of everything

Postgraduate studies in the Soviet Union. The result is the head of everything

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Postgraduate studies are a direct road to science. The publication of this series of materials, as it turned out, aroused the most genuine interest of the VO reading audience, where there are many people who have followed the same path as the author. Of course, there were also comments like “And someone was doing business then!”, That is, a hint that

Postgraduate studies in the USSR: lunches at the Ulyanovsk Regional Committee

Postgraduate studies in the USSR: lunches at the Ulyanovsk Regional Committee

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Postgraduate studies are a direct road to science. One of the characteristics of Professor Medvedev's leadership was that he usually invited graduate students to his home. His apartment was large, "Stalin's", and in it he had a separate office. Purely professorial: bookcases to the ceiling on both

War dream mysticism

War dream mysticism

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

"Tanks came to the casino" This material of mine is 1111th in a row, which means it is a little mystical, just as the materials that fall under the numbers 666 and 999 are "mystical". And I would like it to be different from something ordinary, ordinary … But what to write about? About malevolent "them" who

Lend-Lease on Pravda

Lend-Lease on Pravda

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

“All this led to a weakening of our defenses and put the Soviet Union in a mortal threat. Here the question is pertinent: how to get out of this more than unfavorable situation? I think that there is only one way out of this situation: to create a second

Rimini. House of the Roman military doctor

Rimini. House of the Roman military doctor

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Open-air museum in the Italian city of Rimini. On the pages of "VO" at different times, articles were published about the Roman soldiers and their weapons, battles that they won or lost, and even about British designers of Roman weapons and armor, such as Michael Simkins and Neil

Italic walled city

Italic walled city

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

As Monteriggione is surrounded by towers in a circle on its summit, So here, crowning a circular barrier, Lighthouses, like strongholds, Terrible giants … Divine Comedy, Canto XXXI, 40-45, translated by M.L. Lozinsky The round fortress city of Monteriggioni. What should be an ideal medieval city? Well, or in

Knights and "non-knights" of the Baltic States

Knights and "non-knights" of the Baltic States

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Letter to Prince Mindaugas Oh, eternity! Tribesmen of Mindaugas, I would like to talk to you and hear the truth … Is Voruta Castle real? Or is it just a dream? Lina Adamonite. Letter to a fellow tribesman of Prince Mindaugas (2001) “The heart of“Baltic Europe”is made up of the lands of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania (together with

Historical illustrations. Drawing is not easy

Historical illustrations. Drawing is not easy

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

The pictures of supposedly Byzantine warriors are touching. Perhaps the thousand men had such an "outfit", but not the rank and file and not even the foremen. And even the English inscriptions in the pictures do not convince me, but on the contrary

Large-scale modeling: between the USSR and Russia

Large-scale modeling: between the USSR and Russia

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Scale models for every taste. The last article about large-scale models in the USSR ended in 1987 for a reason. This year, the Minsk publishing house "Polymya" finally (5 years after writing!) Published my first book "Out of everything at hand" with a circulation of 87 thousand copies. And split in two

Under the Stars and Stripes "Hunger Fleet" is sailing to Russia

Under the Stars and Stripes "Hunger Fleet" is sailing to Russia

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Aivazovsky on American aid to starving people in Russia. It happens that a journalist talks about something. It happens that an artist talks about the same thing! So today our story will be about two unusual paintings by I.K. Aivazovsky, who, with their help, told about one little-known episode of Russian-American

Croatia: Krk Island and Krk Castle

Croatia: Krk Island and Krk Castle

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

The Frankopanov Castle in Krk is one of the most important ancient monuments and part of the architectural heritage of northwestern Croatia from the 12th to 17th centuries. And this is not only an interesting object for studying the military and peaceful history of the city, but also a very, I would say, an unusual place that allows you to feel

Scandinavian knighthood 1050-1350

Scandinavian knighthood 1050-1350

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Smerds that are quiet to me are dear to me in a peaceful field. King Sigurd Magnusson (that is, the son of Magnus), nicknamed the Crusader, ruled Norway from 1103 to 1130. He is credited with the authorship of this visas *. "Poetry of the Skalds" / Translation by S. V. Petrov, comments and applications by M. I. Steblin-Kamensky. L., 1979. The Thorn of Glad

Japanese about the Mongol invasion

Japanese about the Mongol invasion

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Autumn storm - What will it be like now for Those five houses? .. Buson Contemporaries about the Mongols. And it so happened that in 1268, 1271 and 1274. Kublai Khan (Kublai Khan), the emperor of China, repeatedly sent his envoys to Japan with an unveiled demand: to pay him tribute! The attitude of the Japanese towards

Polish chivalry. From Boleslav the Brave to Vladislav Jagiellon

Polish chivalry. From Boleslav the Brave to Vladislav Jagiellon

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

"When Poland has not yet perished …" A bloody cloud hung over Poland, And red drops burn cities. But a star shines in the glow of the past centuries. Under the pink wave, rising, the Vistula cries. Sergei Yesenin. Sonnet "Poland") Knights and chivalry of three centuries. Today we continue to consider the military affairs of Europe with

Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact. All the secrets became clear

Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact. All the secrets became clear

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

“The government cancels secret diplomacy, for its part expressing a firm intention to conduct all negotiations completely openly before the whole people, proceeding immediately to the full publication of secret treaties confirmed or concluded by the government of landowners and capitalists from February to 7

Petershtadt. The abandoned toy of Peter III

Petershtadt. The abandoned toy of Peter III

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

I'm like a broken toy forgotten on the shelf … Alice Cooper Once upon a time Tsar Peter III walked here … The life of each of us never stands still. We are constantly striving for something, losing something, often changing positions and professions. Our hobbies also change with age, as well as the objects that we

Chinese sources about the Mongol-Tatars

Chinese sources about the Mongol-Tatars

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Both the sea and the mountains saw me in battle with numerous knights of Turan. What did I do, my star is my witness! Rashid ad-Din. "Jami 'at-tavarih" Contemporaries about the Mongols. Among the many sources of information about the conquests of the Mongols, the Chinese occupy a special place. But it should be emphasized that they are very

Spiritual treasury of humanity. Library run by the cardinal

Spiritual treasury of humanity. Library run by the cardinal

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Learning is light, but the ignorant is darkness. Information is illumination. Svirin. Expedition to the ancestors. Moscow: Malysh, 1970 Vatican Apostolic Library. And it so happened that at all times there were people who understood the value of the written word and collected for their descendants and for themselves contemporary manuscripts and

Chivalry of medieval Hungary

Chivalry of medieval Hungary

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Then Jesus says to him: Return your sword to its place, for all who take the sword will perish by the sword. Gospel of Matthew 26:51 Knights and chivalry of three centuries. How interesting history is sometimes! The Hungarians were one of those peoples who came from Asia along the Steppe Corridor to Europe and for many years led

Byzantine and papal sources about the Mongols

Byzantine and papal sources about the Mongols

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

“I think you just won't find it. They simply do not exist. All references to the Mongols from Arab sources.”Vitaliy (lucul) Contemporaries about the Mongols. The publication of the material "Persian Sources about the Mongol-Tatars" caused too heated discussion on "VO", so you will have to start with some "preamble" to

Croatia: history in stone

Croatia: history in stone

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

“A very interesting topic: the outskirts of the former Roman world - from Ireland to the Volga. It seems that the chroniclers were working, diplomats were cruising, but there was a place for dragons, warriors, magic with the addition of everyday details.”Konstantin Viktorovich Samarin, samarin1969 New meeting with Croatia

The real era of King Arthur

The real era of King Arthur

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

I will not allow the glorious bards to lavish raptures; They did not see Arthur's feats of valor at Kaer Vidir! On the walls there stood five dozen hundred day and night, And it was very difficult to deceive the marines. returned back from Caer Kolur! "Trophies

Persian sources about the Mongol-Tatars

Persian sources about the Mongol-Tatars

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

But you know yourself: the senseless rabble is Changeable, rebellious, superstitious, Easily betrayed to empty hope, Obedient to instant suggestion, To the truth is deaf and indifferent, And it feeds on fables. S. Pushkin, "Boris Godunov" Contemporaries about the Mongols. Needless to say, our great

Chivalry of the medieval Balkans

Chivalry of the medieval Balkans

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Dear God, what should I do? And which kingdom to cling to: Will I choose the Kingdom of Heaven? Will I choose the kingdom of the earth? Song: Knights and Chivalry of Three Ages. How

Experience of the Battle of Yalu. Armor against projectiles

Experience of the Battle of Yalu. Armor against projectiles

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Battle of Yalu. In the two previous articles, we talked in detail about the number and technical characteristics of the Japanese and Chinese ships that met at the Battle of Yalu. Today, the story will go about the battle itself - the death of a Chinese cruiser. Japanese lithograph (Cruiser is mistakenly depicted on the right