Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01
Get up on a formidable battle, Defenders of the Russian land. Get up, get up, know no mercy On your harsh path. (Song of the defenders of Moscow (Farewell). Music by T. Khrennikov, lyrics by V. Gusev, film "At six o'clock in the evening after the war") (Based on the materials of award documents) How often today
Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01
We continue the story about the ancient civilizations of North America, since we know a lot about the civilizations of Mesoamerica and South America in Russia. Actually, as you know? It was just lucky: there were people who worked with this material and wrote the corresponding books: "The Fall of Tenochtitlan"
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Every year, on Victory Day, another psychic attack on the people of Russia is timed. And, what is remarkable, the characters who consider themselves to be patriots show a special zeal in it. Western Russophobes nervously smoke on the sidelines
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I was born in the ancient Russian city of Pskov and left it to go to university. But every year my family and I went to my homeland at least once. In those distant times it was not at all expensive, I could afford to travel by plane with a transfer in Moscow. It just so happens that
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January 16 - 100 years since the birth of Academician Zababakhin, under whose leadership the "Ural" half of the nuclear potential of the USSR and Russia was created
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Today's world, after a fairly long period of nuclear disarmament, is again returning step by step to Cold War-style rhetoric and nuclear intimidation. In addition to the well-known nuclear tensions on the Korean Peninsula, it looks like the same tensions are returning to Europe. V
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Kirz boots are more than shoes. Ivan Plotnikov, who set up their production before the war, received the Stalin Prize. After the war, everyone used to wear "kirzachs" - from old people to schoolchildren. They are still in use today. Because they are reliable. To the First World War in a long army
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April 12 is a rainy day for American aviation for two reasons. One is known to the whole planet - this is the flight into space of the first man, who became the Russian pilot-cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin. Another reason is very little known, although it was on this day, exactly ten years before Gagarin's flight, that the Russians
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The pre-revolutionary military motto "For Faith, Tsar and Fatherland!", Although it was finally formed in the 19th century, has a glorious prehistory. In pre-Petrine times, warriors went into battle for the “land of Rus” (The Lay of Igor's Regiment), “for the land for Rus and for the Christian faith” (Zadonshchina), “for the House of the Most Holy Theotokos
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Excerpts from the book by Yuri Vorobievsky ORDER OF JUDAS "July 11, 1709" from the train from Poltava "Field Marshal A.D. Menshikov, fulfilling the order of Peter I, sent a command to Moscow: “Upon receiving this, immediately make a silver coin weighing ten pounds
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It is significant that any event in the world of monarchies is enthusiastically discussed in countries where their own crowns have long been a thing of the past. What is it: envy, historical phantom pains or banal interest? There is no definite answer. What is clear is that even now, when kings and emperors play
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Although American troops have been used very frequently since 1776, as a sovereign state, the United States has declared a state of war only 11 times, from the first declaration of war on Great Britain in 1812 to the acts of the Second World War era. The Constitution grants Congress
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"The Bolsheviks overthrew the tsar …" - this phrase is capable of confusing not only a professional historian and just a little literate person. Nevertheless, this version very often skips in the speeches of "experts" (I wonder in what area ?!), regulars of various television talk shows and
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By the end of the 1950s, the aged President of the Republic of Korea, Lee Seung Man, had completely transformed from a popular leader and hero of the struggle against the imperial yoke of Japan into a dictator and usurper of power, hated by almost all strata of society. Under him, the country plunged deeper and deeper into an economic crisis. In
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At the beginning of the nineteenth century, the United States already had access to the Pacific Ocean, albeit on dubious rights and through territories that did not belong to them at that time. The Oregon Treaty (1846) and the victory in the war with Mexico (1846-1848) made the United States of America the largest power with
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The purchase of Louisiana on April 30, 1803 was the most important event in the history of the United States, which forever turned this country towards imperialism. The huge territory of the then Louisiana (2,100,000 sq. Km) to the current small state with the same name has a conditional relationship. To be convinced of this, it is enough
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History knows many unsuccessful rulers who, by the end of their reign, led their countries to complete collapse, ranging from the famous ones like Nicholas II, ending with the odious ones like Francisco Nguema. At the same time, the Mexican dictator Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna is rarely mentioned both in Europe and in
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On the one hand, the California Republic remains one of the curiosities of the Mexican-American War, on the other hand, it is one of the clearest evidences of the historical collapse that the Mexican state suffered by 1846. Impoverished, worn out by endless coups
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We are used to the fact that when the phrase “museum of occupation” is mentioned, we are talking about one of the countries of the former CMEA or the USSR, and the “occupation” can only be Soviet. However, there are also other museums of the occupation. In particular, there are such establishments in the Channel Islands
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In the history of World War II, there are many unsaid and deliberate omissions, especially if we talk about Soviet historiography, from which Russian historiography arose. In particular, for political reasons, she kept silent about the participation of the USSR in the European Paris Peace Treaty of 1947
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There is no doubt that when the required amount of time passes, the statute of limitations expires, and documents on the events of the border conflict near Lake Zhalanashkol in 1969 will be declassified. between the USSR and the People's Republic of China, the public on seemingly long-known facts await new discoveries
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On the day of the 85th anniversary of the Airborne Forces, we remember the heroes of the Airborne Forces. "The blue splashed, splashed, spilled over the vests, over the berets." Blue berets, vests, parachutes and blue skies are all indispensable attributes of the airborne troops that have already become elite troops. 2 August
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This story was found on the Internet and its author, unfortunately, is not known. "My grandmother always said that my mother, and I, her daughter, survived the severe blockade and hunger only thanks to our cat Vaska. If not for this red-haired hooligan, my daughter and I would starve to death like many others. Every day
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Far to the north, on the very edge of our land, by the cold Barents Sea, the battery of the famous commander Ponochevny was stationed throughout the war. Heavy guns took refuge in the rocks on the shore - and not a single German ship could pass our naval outpost with impunity
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Act One The bear was in a complacent mood. There were two reasons for this. Firstly, he won against everyone in the snowballs, and secondly, he finally received a book ordered by mail. To do this, however, I had to try a lot (it turned out that the address: "Into the forest. To the bear.", Confuses couriers)
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The case took place in Belarus. Summer 1944. Through the burnt village, stepping on the heels of the advancing army, an MZA battery was walking. 37-mm anti-aircraft guns then held the most dangerous range of heights - 2.0 - 3.0 km, reliably covering ferries, airfields and other important objects
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They say that such strange things happen in life that no fantasy is able to come up with such a thing. I completely agree with this. Here, for example, is such a life "anecdote." In the "good old" seventies, one grandmother lived in a small regional center. Grandma how
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In 1798-1801, on the initiative and under the direct leadership of Napoleon Bonaparte, the French army tried to gain a foothold in the Middle East by capturing Egypt. In the historical career of Napoleon, the Egyptian campaign became the second major war after the Italian campaign. Egypt, as a territory, had
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Conquerors in Egypt The operation to capture Egypt was a success for Napoleon. Cairo, the second of the two large Egyptian cities, was occupied. The frightened population did not even think to resist. Bonaparte even issued a special proclamation, which was translated into the local language, where he urged people to calm down
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Indeed, the devil sits in the explosives, ready at any second to begin to destroy and break everything around. Keeping this spawn of hell in check and releasing it only when required is the main problem that chemists and pyrotechnics have to solve when creating and using
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The harsh winter of early 1947 was accompanied in England by the most serious fuel crisis in the country's history. The industry practically stopped, the British were desperately freezing. The British government, more than ever, wanted good relations with Arab countries - oil exporters. 14 February minister
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On March 15, 1990, an extraordinary Congress of People's Deputies of the USSR, also called at that time "a model of an indestructible bloc between communists and non-party people," elected Mikhail Gorbachev president of the Country of Soviets. The first and, as it turned out very soon, the last. Perestroika provided a powerful
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"The man who saved the world." The very name of this feature-documentary film looked, frankly, banal, and therefore, as it initially seemed to your humble servant, it did not imply an exciting viewing. All the more strange (before watching) were the positive reviews of colleagues
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One of the most widely read newspapers in Poland, Rzeczpospolita, published last Saturday an article by Robert Heada, in which the author decided to acquaint the Polish readership with the history of Russia, namely with the stage in the history of Ancient Rus. The material is dedicated to one historical person - Rurik, and namely
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80 years ago - in January 1938, the All-Russian Central Executive Committee of the Soviets of Workers ', Peasants' and Red Army Deputies opened file No. 8/56-s, which was called “Letters on the renaming of mountains. Moscow ". The case was immediately classified as "secret" and was considered in the Secret Department
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In Kazakhstan, work continues on the future romanization of the Kazakh language with the introduction of the romanized alphabet. The idea itself, as you know, belongs to the President of the Republic, Nursultan Nazarbayev, who, apparently, decided to remain in the history of Kazakhstan not only as the first president
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870 years ago - in April 1147 for the first time in the chronicle sources the word "Moscow" was mentioned. We are talking about information about Moscow from the Ipatiev Chronicle, one of the oldest Russian annalistic collections, which is considered to be the main one for the numerous works of historians of different eras. Mention of
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Exactly 100 years ago, a country like the United States of America entered the First World War. The
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December 5 Russia celebrates one of the heroic dates in the history of the Great Patriotic War. It was on this day, 75 years ago, that the Red Army launched a counteroffensive near Moscow along a wide front from Kalinin (now Tver) to Yelets. The result of the operation was the defeat of the Nazi troops near Moscow with
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The sights of this city rarely attract tourists, although Borisoglebsk is included in the list of historical cities of Russia. And few people know that Arkady Vasilyevich Chapaev, the youngest son of the famous commander of the Civil War, spent his last days in this small cozy town