Strategic Missile Forces
Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01
At the end of the forties, the question of delivering new nuclear warheads to targets arose before Soviet designers. Bombers and ballistic missiles were considered as promising carriers of atomic weapons. However, the development of aviation and rocket technology at that time did not allow
Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01
On May 13, 1946, a decree of the Council of Ministers on the development of missile weapons in the Soviet Union saw the light, according to this decree, design bureaus and research institutes for rocket technology were created in the country, and the state test site "Kapustin Yar" was created to this day. To deploy works
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Topol-E ICBM launch, Kapustin Yar test site, Russia, 2009. According to Izvestia, the missile body has been lengthened and its configuration has been changed. The goal is to deploy a new type of combat load: with MIRVs, equipped with their own engines, which ensure maneuvering of MIRVs according to
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The Kapustin Yar test site is rightfully considered the cradle of domestic rocket and space technology. It was opened in the late forties and is still actively used to test new types of missiles of various classes. As it became known a few weeks ago, the efficiency of the landfill is already at the end
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Russia continues to modernize the material part of the armed forces. Along with other branches of the armed forces, strategic missile forces are receiving new weapons and military equipment. The Strategic Missile Forces are an important part of the strategic nuclear forces, and their development is one of the most
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In real time, the problem of the so-called non-strategic (tactical) nuclear weapons is once again in demand for military-political analysis. On the one hand, there is a growing understanding among many that Russia needs to withdraw from the Treaty on Medium and Smaller Missiles
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In the early days of October, there were several news items directly related to the Russian strategic nuclear forces. On October 1, the US Department of State released the latest data on the quantitative indicators of the nuclear weapons of Russia and the United States. A little later, it became publicly available
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Among the Crimean hills, not far from the Jabanak gully, there is the former military town of Shkolny. Until the 90s of the last century, highly qualified specialists of long-distance space communications lived and worked there. The settlement was founded in 1957. Together with the construction of a complex of buildings and structures for space
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Every year, farther and farther into the past, the history of the USSR goes, in this regard, many of the past achievements and greatness of our country fade and are forgotten. This is sad … Now it seems to us that we knew everything about our achievements, nevertheless, there were and still are blank spots. As you know, the absence
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According to Western military and political experts, the high accuracy combined with the range of the Iskander missiles guarantees the Russian military the defeat of even well-protected targets in Europe. "They cannot be stopped or brought down," say Western analysts
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According to popular belief, the Third World War has not yet begun due to the presence of nuclear weapons in the world's leading countries. The conflict between such powers can develop into a full-scale nuclear war, which will have quite understandable consequences for both sides and a number of other states, including
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In March 1962, the 9K72 Elbrus operational-tactical missile system was adopted by the Soviet army. Over the past half century, the complex, which received the NATO designation SS-1C Scud-B (Scud - "Gust of Wind", "Flurry"), managed to take part in a number of military conflicts, from the War of the Ship
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During the Cold War, both sides developed highly effective electronic countermeasures for enemy combat control. Therefore, it was imperative to create a system that would guarantee the delivery of combat orders issued by the highest levels of command (General Staff of the USSR Armed Forces, General Staff
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The fight was inevitable. At 17:28 the signalmen lowered the Dutch flag, and a swastika flew up on the gafel - at the same moment the raider "Cormoran" (German cormorant) fired point-blank from his six-inch guns and torpedo tubes. The mortally wounded Australian cruiser "Sydney"
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On May 13, 1946, a resolution of the Council of Ministers on the development of jet weapons in the USSR was published. According to this decree, scientific research institutes and design bureaus for rocket technology were formed in the country, and the Kapustin Yar State Range was created. By October 1, 1947, the Kapustin Yar test site was
Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01
The seventh decade since the invention of nuclear weapons is coming to an end. Over time, from a promising means of destruction, it turned into a full-fledged political instrument and, according to popular belief, more than once prevented and continues to prevent the Third World War
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In the mid-sixties, the Ministry of Defense of the Soviet Union initiated work on the creation of a new tactical missile system with a high-precision ballistic missile. It was understood that the combat potential of the new complex would be increased not due to a more powerful warhead, but with the help of
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After about 15 years of development, the latest anti-ship cruise missile, whose English name is Naval Strike Missile and the Norwegian Norsk sjømålmissil, which can be translated as "Norwegian anti-ship missile - NSM", is finally ready to take its place on
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The basis of the American nuclear shield is considered to be: nuclear submarines. However, in the 80s, the American military leadership seriously considered the issue of creating a mobile ground missile system with a small-sized solid-propellant intercontinental ballistic missile
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On August 22, the next launch of the Dnepr carrier rocket took place at the Yasny missile base (Orenburg region). The purpose of the launch was to place the South Korean satellite KompSat-5 into orbit. This spacecraft will carry out remote sensing of the Earth and collect the information needed
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Exactly a quarter of a century ago, in August 1988, the R-36M2 Voevoda missile system with an 15A18M intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) was adopted by the Soviet strategic missile forces. Despite their considerable age, the Voevoda missiles are still
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General Provisions Over the past two decades, all relatively large-scale military conflicts with the participation of the United States and NATO countries as a mandatory element included the massive use of sea- and air-based cruise missiles (CR). The US leadership is actively promoting and
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Rosinformburo publishes an article by Sergei Storozhevsky. The veteran of the Strategic Missile Forces proposes to immediately start creating a System for Ensuring the Guaranteed Infliction of Unacceptable Damage to the aggressor. A number of provisions of this article are of a controversial nature. We remind you that the opinion of the author may not coincide with
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The head of the presidential administration of the Russian Federation, Sergei Ivanov, said that an agreement on the prohibition of ground-based intermediate and shorter-range missiles could not exist indefinitely. In an interview with the Russia 24 TV channel at the St. Petersburg Economic Forum, Ivanov noted that recently this
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As part of updating the equipment of the armed forces, it is planned not only to purchase already created equipment and weapons, but also to develop new types of them. Last Friday, June 7, there were reports that the Russian strategic missile forces will soon receive a new
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Russian impassability and muddy roads have spoiled the nerves of many of our enemies. But we ourselves often suffer from them. For example, what will happen if a rocket tractor with a Topol-M gets bogged down in the mud? Who can help you pull out a heavy vehicle with a dangerous load? And who should make sure that such excesses are not at all
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Every year on May 18, the day of museums is celebrated around the world. The appearance of this holiday in the calendars took place in 1977, when, within the framework of the next International Conference of the Council of Museums, the Soviet side put forward a proposal to establish this cultural holiday
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For a beginner, the launch of the world's most powerful intercontinental ballistic missile SS-18 Satan invariably turns into disappointment. Half a day you shake the passing transport "board" to Baikonur. Then you dance for a couple of hours at the observation post, trying to keep warm under the piercing
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The best tool, however, would be to revive the Perimeter system. The media are now actively discussing military reform. In particular, many journalists demand to name all possible opponents by name. I hasten to reassure everyone, at the present time there will be no big war
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At the very end of last year, news appeared in the Russian media regarding a return to an old and almost forgotten idea. According to RIA Novosti, work is already underway to create a new combat railway missile system (BZHRK) and the first missile train of the new
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In the 50s, the dream of an omnipotent atomic energy (atomic cars, airplanes, spaceships, atomic everything and everyone) was already shaken by the awareness of the danger of radiation, but it still hovered in the minds. After the launch of the satellite, the Americans were worried that the Soviets might be ahead not only in
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"Pluton" is a short-range mobile missile system with a missile with a monobloc warhead. The development of the complex began in 1960 by the firms "Aerospatiale", "Les Mureaux" and "Space and Strategic Systems Division". Rocket system "Pluton"
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A few days ago, another exercise of the Iranian naval forces took place in the Strait of Hormuz. As after all previous similar events, the command of the Iranian naval forces responded well to the results of the exercises. Naval sailors have shown what they are capable of and how they can defend their country from attacks
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The new nuclear combat equipment of intercontinental ballistic missiles developed in Russia will be able to overcome all existing and future missile defense systems. This was stated by the general designer of the Moscow Institute of Heat Engineering (MIT) Yuri Solomonov. "In 2010, we held
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In May 2005, the duty of the 15P961 Molodets military railway missile systems (BZHRK), armed with RT-23 UTTH intercontinental missiles, was terminated. The reason for this was some international agreements regarding the reduction of offensive capabilities, as well as the receipt of
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Hot news, as often happens, comes to us from across the ocean. "The decision to create a new intercontinental ballistic missile, which will replace the RS-20 or R-36MUTTH and the R-36M2 Voyevoda (according to the western classification SS-18 Satan - Satan), has not yet been made." This was stated in Washington at
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The Strategic Missile Forces is the main component of Russia's strategic nuclear forces. The task of this type of troops is to nuclear deterrence of possible aggression by guaranteed destruction of the enemy's strategic targets, which form the basis of the enemy's military and economic potential with nuclear missiles
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At present, the main chassis for various equipment of strategic missile forces, including mobile ground missile systems, is the products of the Minsk Wheel Tractor Plant. The Belarusian enterprise produces vehicles for various purposes with wheel formulas from
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In the current State Armaments Program, a special place is reserved for the renewal of the Strategic Missile Forces (Strategic Missile Forces). As follows from open information, by 2020 it is planned to establish mass production of missiles of existing projects and develop several new ones. Simultaneously
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The Strategic Missile Forces (Strategic Missile Forces) next year will receive a new batch of special equipment - engineering support and camouflage vehicles (MIOM). These machines are capable of imitating mobile missile systems and rolling false tracks, Interfax reports with reference