To the so-called. Weapons based on new physical principles include a variety of systems, including weapons that hit the target using microwave / microwave electromagnetic radiation. Such means can hit the personnel and material of the enemy, inflicting one or another damage on them, excluding further effective work. By now, microwave weapons have ceased to be purely fantasy. Some samples of this kind, created in our country and abroad, have already reached operation, and in parallel, new projects are being created.
UHF / microwave weapons can theoretically be used against a wide range of targets. Directional radiation of a given frequency and high power can literally burn out electrical and electronic components of the enemy's material part. When working on manpower, such means are capable of causing at least temporary pain. Thus, microwave "guns" or other similar weapons are of particular interest to the military of different countries.
In service
It is curious that the Russian armed forces already have serial samples of microwave weapons. It is the principle of microwave "burning out" of electronics that allows the 15M107 "Foliage" remote demining machine (MDR) to solve the assigned tasks. This model of equipment was created by order of the strategic missile forces and is necessary to protect against explosive devices of launchers on patrol.

"Foliage" is an armored car "Bulat" with a number of new special-purpose systems. First of all, attention is drawn to the large mine detector frame on the front of the machine and the parabolic antenna on the roof. The latter is the main element of the "microwave cannon" used to combat explosive devices. It should be noted that only the radiating antenna is located on the roof of the vehicle. Other microwave weapons equipment is located inside the armored hull. There is also an operator panel that controls the systems.
The principle of operation of the 15M107 in the "microwave gun" mode is quite simple. Moving along a given route, the demining vehicle automatically examines the situation and searches for explosive devices on or near the road. The possibility of detecting dangerous objects at a distance of up to 100 m from the search module is declared. If necessary, the bomb disposal can be carried out by sappers who are part of the "Foliage" crew. However, the main mode of operation provides for the solution of such problems with the help of special equipment.
The internal equipment and the external antenna generate powerful microwave pulses that propagate in the 90 ° wide sector of the front hemisphere. The radiation power is such that explosive devices with electric or electronic fuses fail. The microwave beam causes the appearance of induction currents, the parameters of which exceed the capabilities of the circuits. This leads either to burnout of the electronics, or to its abnormal operation. As a result, the explosive device fails or is destroyed.
A few years ago MDR "Foliage" was put into service and entered into serial production. Such equipment has by now entered all the main formations of the Strategic Missile Forces. Serial machines 15M107 are actively used for their intended purpose. Together with mobile ground missile systems, they go out on patrol and search for dangerous objects. The use of this technique excludes the possibility of a successful sabotage with the use of any explosive devices.
On the landfill
For a number of reasons, microwave weapons have not yet become widespread. All over the world, only a few such systems have been adopted in service. However, the development of new samples continues, and the real results of the next project can be told at any time. At the same time, the developers of promising systems do not forget to stir up the interest of the public and give it new reasons for discussions and disputes.
So, on October 1, the Russian mass media disseminated curious statements by Vladimir Mikheev, advisor to the first deputy general director of the Concern "Radioelectronic Technologies" (KRET). A representative of a leading enterprise in his field spoke about the existence of new projects for electromagnetic weapons. Moreover, some of these products are already being tested both in laboratories and at landfills. Microwave guns exist and are developing along with other systems.
However, V. Mikheev did not specify the details of the current projects. What kind of products are being created, for what tasks they are intended and how soon they will be able to get into the troops - it is not known. New messages in this regard may appear at any time, but it should be recalled that there is already some information about previous domestic work in the field of microwave weapons. In particular, it is known about some developments that are already close to being adopted.
In recent years, domestic and foreign experts have been actively discussing the "electromagnetic bomb" under the code "Alabuga". The information on this product was incomplete and some of the messages contradicted each other. About a year ago, the KRET leadership opened the veil of secrecy and told about the Alabuga project. As it turned out, this was a really important program, but it did not result in a finished product suitable for putting into service.
According to official data, in 2011-12, enterprises from the KRET were engaged in research work called "Alabuga". Its purpose was to study the potential of electronic warfare, as well as to find ways of its further development. In the course of a number of studies at different test sites, ways were found to improve the electronic warfare systems, as well as fundamentally new ideas for solving their problems. All these developments were planned to be used in the future in projects of real complexes.

However, detailed information on the results of the research work "Alabuga" has not yet been published. V. Mikheev pointed out that after the completion of this program, the entire topic of electromagnetic weapons received the highest classification. This direction was classified as critical technologies, and therefore one can speak openly only about the fact of the work being carried out.
It is curious that after 2012 the press mentioned an EMP bomb called "Alabuga". The last time they remembered about it was in the fall of 2014, and then this weapon, allegedly, was sent for revision based on the results of regular tests. Official sources did not comment on this news in any way. From last year's statements by the KRET leadership, it follows that such projects may indeed exist, but the military and industry, for objective reasons, do not disclose information about them.
While some types of microwave weapons remain at the design stage and are being tested in the laboratory, other samples seem to be approaching adoption. Several years ago, information was published about a promising active protection complex for armored vehicles, which may include electronic or electromagnetic devices that affect the target.
We are talking about a promising KAZ "Afganit", proposed for installation on a number of promising models of armored vehicles. According to the Research Institute of Steel, the new complex can use various means of protection against missiles using radar guidance or radio communication with a launcher. To combat such threats, among other things, a powerful electromagnetic pulse generator can be used. However, the developers of "Afganit" have not yet disclosed detailed information about this part of the complex, which led to the emergence of a mass of forecasts and estimates.
There is reason to believe that a fairly sophisticated system of destruction of incoming missiles, using electromagnetic radiation, can be used as part of a new type of KAZ. In fact, rockets can be "fired" from a microwave cannon. Depending on the type of ammunition and its guidance system, a powerful directed microwave pulse can disrupt the operation of the homing head or cause serious damage to the on-board automation.
The electromagnetic system is capable of supplementing the "traditional" KAZ protective ammunition and increasing the efficiency of the entire complex, as a result of which the survivability of the combat vehicle should also increase. However, it must be remembered that the full composition of the Afghanit system and all its functions remain secret for the time being.
In theory
A number of developments in the field of electromagnetic and microwave weapons have already been brought, at least, to testing. Other projects, however, stalled in the early stages and lost their chances of reaching exploitation. Nevertheless, in these cases, there were very interesting proposals.
So, in 2015, the United Instrument-Making Corporation announced a promising microwave gun intended for use in air defense. The complex of new means was planned to be mounted on one of the standard tracked chassis, which made it possible to use such a machine in the army along with other anti-aircraft systems.
It was reported that the self-propelled complex includes the so-called. relativistic generator and reflector antenna, as well as the necessary control systems. With the help of a microwave beam of the required power, such a complex could disable the onboard equipment of various aircraft. It was proposed to use it to protect areas from aircraft and helicopters, as well as unmanned aerial vehicles and precision weapons. In all cases, the neutralization of the threat had to be achieved by defeating the electronics.

Unfortunately, since then this project has not been mentioned in open sources. Perhaps the work was stopped, but another scenario is also likely. The proposed project could be of interest to the military department, as a result of which all work on it was classified, as was the case with the results of R&D "Alabuga".
Tasks and questions
In general, weapons based on ultra-high-frequency radiation have significant prospects and can be used in a wide variety of areas, where they will solve a wide range of tasks. First of all, such systems should be used in those areas where contactless destruction of electronic systems is required. This can be air defense, armor protection, mine clearance, etc. Also, microwave weapons can be considered as a special addition to the "classic" electronic warfare, which does not provide for the incapacitation or destruction of the target.
Another area of application of microwave guns is the fight against enemy manpower. However, the effectiveness of such systems is such that it is more profitable to use them as non-lethal means of influence. Thus, a microwave cannon can be useful for suppressing riots, but on the battlefield its effectiveness turns out to be questionable - especially in comparison with other weapons of all major classes.
It should be noted that in certain areas microwave weapons, even in the best case, have limited potential. For example, in combat aviation, such systems can only be used as a means of protection. The use of a microwave cannon as a strike weapon imposes the most serious restrictions. So, there is a need for special shielding of the cockpit and instrument compartments, which increases the weight of the aircraft. In addition, the effectiveness of an electromagnetic weapon is inversely proportional to the distance, and this either limits the "firing" range, or reduces the impact on the target. Thus, microwave weapons cannot show decisive advantages over existing weapons. At least not at the present time.
From the point of view of implementation and application in practice, microwave weapons are similar to some other systems based on new physical principles. It allows you to solve certain tasks, including those inaccessible to other classes of weapons. At the same time, microwave weapons are not a universal means for achieving any goals. In certain areas, its effectiveness turns out to be much lower than desired, while in other areas it may be useless.
The Russian defense industry has been studying "new physical principles" for a long time and how to use them in the military sphere. New devices for various purposes are being developed, and some projects even manage to reach series and operation. The continuation of important research and development work, capable of moving into experimental design, will make it possible to study new technologies and ensure their implementation in practice. And the correct use of microwave radiation and other non-standard solutions will lead to an increase in the army's combat capability.