Plans for the destruction of the USSR, and then Russia, as well as other potentially dangerous states for the United States, were accepted and are in effect without a statute of limitations. Much has been written about them in both print and online sources, but for many years the Russian leadership, following those who rose to power in the USSR after Stalin, continue to demonstrate their political tolerance and truly amazing "pragmatism." They prefer never, we repeat, never, no matter how tense our relations, not to remind the United States of the indefinite American Law on Captive Nations.
For those who have no idea about it, and there are, alas, the majority in Russia, we recall that it has been in effect since the fall of 1958, and initially on the basis of the corresponding August (the same 1958) resolution of the US Congress. A year later, on July 17, 1959, this resolution became a law signed that day by President Dwight D. Eisenhower (Public Law 86-90: "Captive Nations Resolution-1959"). Note that this happened just two months before the visit of Soviet leader Nikita Khrushchev to the United States.

But this visit was not only not canceled by Moscow: Khrushchev did not say a word during the visit about the subversive nature of the law …, extremist, anti-Soviet and Russophobic organizations not only in Russia, but also in other countries of the now former USSR. And not only the USSR, in the countries of the former socialist camp the situation is not much better.
In fact, the ultimate goal of this seemingly outdated document in the current realities is the dismemberment of Russia regardless of the ruling political and ideological regime in the country. That is why this law was by no means canceled even after August 1991 and October 1993. We repeat, it directly concerns not only the ex-USSR.
It is very characteristic that the list did not include the socialist Yugoslavia that called itself (first the People's Democratic People's Democratic Republic of Yugoslavia, then the Socialist Federal Democratic Republic of Yugoslavia), the successor to the United Kingdom of the SXS - Serbs, Croats and Slovenes. Yugoslavia, under the leadership of the most "outstanding", as he called himself, the fighter against fascism, Marshal Josip Broz Tito, as you know, had a very special relationship with the United States. First of all, due to the fact that it did not take part either in the Warsaw Pact or in the CMEA, and at the same time opposed the USSR on very many foreign policy issues.

Suffice it to recall in this connection about the indefinite American-Yugoslav treaty "On mutual security" of 1951, or about the so-called "Balkan Pact", which was in force from 1953 to 1985 (1). The Balkan Pact was initiated by Marshal Tito and US President Harry Truman, and NATO members Greece and Turkey participated in this pact, along with Yugoslavia. It is no less characteristic that very soon after the collapse of the USSR, a unified Yugoslavia went under dismemberment: it was simply unnecessary for the Americans … And American bombs fell on Belgrade, where the overseas allies were once literally idolized.
However, the American register is by no means exhausted by the "enslaved" peoples mentioned above. Everything in the list looks like some constants from the distant past - but today these are some kind of promising "states" that still appear in the document. So, also according to the list:
In 1963, this list was supplemented by Cuba, in 2008-2009 - by Iran, Libya, Syria and Sudan. Although, what does “Russian-Soviet aggression” have to do with it, which did not even remotely exist in relation to these countries? But it is significant that for some reason the register was not supplemented, for example, by the Pol Pot Kampuchea, although the cannibalistic nature of this regime was always condemned by the American press. However, this is not surprising, because the Pol Pot people, who declared war on Vietnam in 1978 and lost it already in 1979, received American weapons and commercial loans through the PRC and Thailand until the mid-1980s.
Just do not think that everyone is silent about this truly unique legal act today. Not at all. So, unlike the Soviet and Russian leadership, the Congress of Russian Americans (CRA) has periodically, or rather with enviable consistency, initiated the abolition or at least a change in the text of the law on enslaved nations since the beginning of the 60s of the last century. The fact that by this law the Russian people are actually recognized as the enslaver of other nations is regularly written with indignation by the Russian-language press in the USA and Canada. However, all is in vain. And at the same time, there is practically not a word about these requests, initiatives, and even more so about publications in the central Soviet and Russian media …
Now this has become known, but few people remember that even when the USSR existed, the authorities of the PRC, Albania, North Korea, Vietnam, East Germany, Romania, Cuba, the Islamic Republic of Iran, the Libyan Jamahiriya more than once offered Moscow to achieve the abolition of this law through the Security Council or General Assembly of the United Nations. They promised all-round support and votes, but the Soviet leadership for some reason staunchly ignored these proposals. Over the decades, representatives of the PRC and Albania have repeatedly accused Moscow from the UN rostrum of actually pandering to the US policy of destroying the USSR and other socialist countries. In response, Soviet representatives always defiantly left their box …
Meanwhile, in the USA, in accordance with the same law, the "Captive Nations Week" is held annually. And this is a whole complex of annual anti-Soviet and then Russophobic events. "Week" was first organized in the United States in June 1953 - soon after the elimination of Stalin (see details on the pages of the "Military Review"), then in June 1957 (shortly after the well-known events in Hungary) and 1959. And since 1960, the "Week" has been held annually - in the second half of July.

An unbiased look will immediately notice that the link between the same law and the infamous Ost plan of Hitler's Minister of the Eastern Territories Alfred Rosenberg of 1941 is quite obvious. The full name of this ideological addition to the Barbarossa plan is "On civil administration in the occupied eastern regions", and it is there that one can immediately find such geographic delights as "White Ruthenia", "Idel-Ural", "Cossackia - Mountain Confederation" and Turkestan. It is these names, as the newly formed post-Soviet protectorate countries of Germany or jointly Germany and Turkey, are designated in that German plan. And then - already in the American federal law.
Simply put, the plans of the National Socialists in a timely manner and safely "migrated" to the CIA and similar structures of the United States. Moreover, they have become almost the main perpetual task of Washington's policy towards not only the USSR, and then Russia, but also many other countries. China, DPRK, Vietnam, Cuba, Iran, Syria still demand the abolition of that law. So isn't it time for Russia to raise the issue of abolishing such a subversive American document?
Notes (edit)
1. The "Balkan Pact" was not officially dissolved: since 1985, simultaneously with the beginning of Gorbachev's perestroika, only the concrete measures of this pact have ceased.
2. This refers to Belarus with the inclusion of the Smolensk region, as well as the adjacent districts of the Pskov and Bryansk regions.