Like other leading countries in the world, China is developing its own variants of the new fifth generation fighters. In recent years, the Chinese industry has created several promising machines of this kind at once. To date, one of the aircraft has been adopted and put into production, while other projects are still far from a similar ending. For example, the promising light fighter Shenyang FC-31, first shown several years ago, has not yet reached military service, and its fate has remained uncertain for a long time.
Recall that the existence of another Chinese project of the fifth generation fighter became known back in 2011, when a photograph of an unknown aircraft with the designation "F-60" was in the public domain. Later, aviation enthusiasts photographed a product that could be a prototype of a future aircraft. Soon there was information about the possible name of the project. Sources said the aircraft for the Chinese Air Force would be named the J-31 and the export version would be designated the F-60.

First prototype FC-31 / J-31 at AirShow China 2014. Photo Wikimedia Commons
At the very end of October 2012, the first prototype took off for the first time. Just a few days later, a mock-up of the aircraft was shown at the next AirShow China exhibition in Zhuhai. It became known that the project is being developed by the designers of the Shenyang Aircraft Corporation and is called FC-31. The machine was classified as a fifth generation fighter, and it had to solve a wide range of combat missions to destroy air and ground targets. Representatives of the developer company argued that the project is being created on an initiative basis - without a direct order from the Chinese Ministry of Defense.
The characteristic appearance of the prototype and the exhibition model became a reason for suspicion expressed in various foreign publications. Foreign experts, studying the exterior of the FC-31, came to conclusions about borrowing foreign experience. Modern American F-22 and F-35 fighters could become a source of ideas and solutions. The appearance of the Chinese car united their main features; nor did he copy the existing technique completely.
Later, the layout and a full-fledged sample of the aircraft were demonstrated several times at exhibitions in China and abroad. Official statements and analytics have continually supplemented the available body of data on the aircraft and its prospects. In particular, from a certain time it was argued that the SAC initiative project still received government support. The Air Force of the People's Liberation Army of China was interested in this aircraft, but was not ready to fully pay for the work and provide other assistance. This status was maintained at least until the end of 2016.

First prototype during testing. Photo
In December 2016, the development company began flight design tests of the second prototype FC-31. It differed from the first aircraft in a different airframe design, revised avionics and engines of a newer modification. According to various estimates, such improvements should have led to an increase in the main characteristics. However, the prospects of the project have not changed from this. The further fate of the fighter was still a matter of concern. The presence of a number of equally interesting projects could lead to a variety of consequences, including negative ones for FC-31.
In the spring of 2018, reports appeared in the Chinese press about the possible continuation of the development of the FC-31 project in order to solve new problems. It was argued that the finished aircraft was considered a successful platform for creating a promising carrier-based fighter. Back in the fall of 2017, the Chinese military department opened funding for a new project. By the time this news was published, Shenyang had started designing. The carrier-based fighter at that time was designated as J-FX. According to Chinese media, a prototype aircraft of the new type will take off late next year.
The J-FX project will build on the existing FC-31 aircraft. At the same time, certain improvements are needed. The aircraft needs a folding wing, a reinforced landing gear, a brake hook, etc. In addition, during the restructuring of the finished fighter, it is planned to carry out a serious modernization of the onboard electronic equipment. The resulting aircraft in the future will be able to replenish the composition of carrier-based aircraft, and eventually replace the existing fourth-generation aircraft.

Exhibition model of the fighter, 2014 Photo
Just the other day, new information about the project of a carrier-based fighter based on the FC-31 appeared. The dimensions of the J-FX aircraft will remain at the level of the base aircraft, but the maximum take-off weight will be increased from the current 28 to 30 tons. The combat radius of the "land" fighter without outboard tanks, according to known data, is 1250 km. The larger carrier-based aircraft will have larger tanks, which will increase the radius by 250 km. In terms of other characteristics and weapons, the two vehicles should not differ from each other.
It is reported that the carrier-based fighter project is receiving support from the Ministry of Defense and has every chance of reaching acceptance into service. The reasons for the launch of the J-FX project also became known. As it turned out, the basis of the new order is not only the natural desire of the command to develop the aviation of the naval forces, but also the presence of problems with other equipment or the impossibility of adapting it to use on aircraft carriers.
According to foreign press reports, during the operation of the serial carrier-based fighter Shenyang J-15, which is considered a reworked version of the Soviet / Russian Su-33, noticeable problems arose. This machine shows good flight performance and combat capabilities. However, the takeoff and landing characteristics are far from ideal. It is argued that the J-15's controllability is insufficient for a safe landing on the deck of an aircraft carrier. Pilots master this procedure over time, but it does not become less difficult and dangerous. In addition, the J-15 belongs to the fourth generation of fighters, which limits its potential and future in terms of modernization.

Second prototype FC-31 in flight
Apparently, the Chinese command is already planning the development of carrier-based aviation for a significant period, and such plans provide for the operation of completely new aircraft. With all its positive qualities, the modern J-15 will eventually become obsolete and will require replacement. As the latter, the J-FX is now being created on the basis of the experienced FC-31. The first flight of such a machine is scheduled for the end of next year. With the successful completion of all the necessary work and the absence of serious difficulties, the J-FX fighter will be able to enter service in the mid-twenties.
It should be noted that the basis for the carrier-based fighter will be the FC-31, and not the Chengdu J-20 aircraft adopted for service. Having serious technical advantages over the FC-31, this aircraft is distinguished by its large size and weight, which reduces its potential in the context of carrier-based aviation. At the same time, the fighting qualities of J-FX will meet expectations.
A few days ago, SAC announced its plans for the baseline project FC-31. As it turned out, this plane was not forgotten, and specialists continue to develop it. In addition, the model of the fighter was shown again at the military-technical exhibition in Zhuhai. However, the development company changed the purpose of the new aircraft. Previously, the aircraft in its original configuration was planned to be offered to the Chinese Air Force and foreign customers, but now it has been decided to refuse to work with a domestic customer. Land-based FC-31 aircraft will be promoted on the international market. Now this project is exclusively for export.
According to available data, the promising Chinese aircraft Shenyang FC-31 is another attempt to create a machine that meets the requirements for fifth generation fighters. As a result, the aircraft has a characteristic appearance and resembles some existing samples of foreign development. First of all, it is similar to American technology, which at one time became a reason for suspicion and accusations.

The second prototype comes in for landing
The aircraft is built according to a normal aerodynamic configuration with an integral layout and a high wing. In order to reduce radar signature, the vehicle has characteristic smooth contours. Used a trapezoidal wing and a two-fin tail unit. Due to the requirements for stealth, the keels are collapsed outward. An important feature of the FC-31 airframe is the presence of internal cargo compartments for the transportation of weapons. Rockets and bombs are proposed to be placed in separate compartments at the bottom of the fuselage. The compartments are closed with movable flaps, which reduces the vehicle's visibility to radars. At the same time, the aircraft retains the ability to use an external sling.
In the aft fuselage of the FC-31, a pair of WS-13 afterburner turbojet engines is installed. The first prototype was equipped with engines of the WS-13A modification, but the second used the more advanced WS-13E. The afterburner thrust of the latter exceeds 9000 kgf, which should ensure a high thrust-to-weight ratio. However, the latter parameter directly depends on the take-off weight, and in a number of situations the aircraft can lose in its characteristics to other modern technology.
Earlier it was claimed that a pair of WS-13E engines are capable of accelerating the FC-31 aircraft to speeds of the order of 2200 km / h. According to the latest data, the maximum speed is much lower - only 1400 km / h. Ceiling - 16 km. Combat radius with fuel only in internal tanks is declared at the level of 1250 km. When using outboard tanks, this parameter should be up to 1900-2000 km.

Photomontage of a mixed carrier-based air group with J-FX. Photo
Under the nose cone of the fuselage, it is planned to install an active phased antenna array of the KLJ-7A type radar of the Chinese design. This station will be responsible for searching and detecting targets. In addition, it will be used to guide some types of missiles. An additional means of searching and tracking targets will be an optical location station. Also, in different parts of the glider, additional sensors for different purposes can be placed.
According to the foreign press, the FC-31 will be able to carry up to 8 tons of weapons, of which 2 tons will be located in the internal compartments. The presence of six points of external suspension is reported. The number of suspension devices inside the fuselage is unknown. According to various estimates, the fighter will be able to carry up to 10-12 small and medium-sized air-to-air missiles. When using bombs with a caliber of 500 kg, the ammunition load can be reduced to 8 units. The list of weapons compatible with the fighter remains unknown. Probably, the aircraft will be able to use existing and future guided missiles and bombs of suitable sizes and calibers.
The length of the FC-31 prototypes varied from 16.9 m to 17.8 m. The wingspan was about 12 m, the area was 40 sq. M. The maximum take-off weight of the land-based fighter will reach 28 tons. The promising deck version of this aircraft will be about 2 tons heavier. The increase in mass is not expected to adversely affect flight performance. In general, the deck modification will be similar to the base model, but will receive some new components and assemblies.
By now, Shenyang Aircraft Corporation has defined the future of promising projects. The land-based aircraft FC-31 is no longer offered by the PLA Air Force and is now exclusively an export model. As such, it is demonstrated at exhibitions and offered to potential buyers. However, the car has not yet found its customers. There is no data on negotiations on a possible contract at the moment, although it may appear at any time. The recent demonstration of a mock fighter jet at AirShow China 2018, during which the foreign military could get acquainted with the Chinese project, is able to bring this moment closer.

FC-31 (below) and other fifth generation fighters from different countries. Figure
For a domestic customer, Chinese aircraft manufacturers are developing a specialized deck modification of the original FC-31. The design of the machine with the tentative name J-FX started almost a year ago, and by now it should have yielded certain results. A year later, a prototype of a new type is planned to be lifted into the air. Then a few more years will be spent on testing and fine-tuning, after which the naval aviation of the Chinese Navy will be able to receive serial equipment. Naturally, subject to the successful completion of the project.
The history of the Shenyang FC-31 project looks very interesting at the moment. The development of a promising fifth generation fighter began at the turn of the last decades, but was carried out on an initiative basis, which reduced its potential. After several years of uncertainty, the project has nevertheless found a suitable niche. In its original form, it is now offered to foreign customers, and China can get a modified aircraft adapted to work on the deck of aircraft carriers. Thus, work on the most interesting model of foreign aviation technology continues, and new reports on their progress should soon follow.