Armored wheeled vehicle "Arlan": at the world level

Armored wheeled vehicle "Arlan": at the world level
Armored wheeled vehicle "Arlan": at the world level

In 2013, Kazakhstan and South Africa agreed to launch a joint production of armored wheeled vehicles (BKM) "Arlan" - a modified version of the serial Marauder armored car. These agreements were fulfilled, and the Kazakh army received the latest armored vehicles. It still remains in the series, and in parallel, measures are being taken to improve it.

From contract to joint production

The history of the armored car "Arlan" (kaz. "Wolf") dates back to the end of the two thousandth years. In 2008, the South African company Paramount Group introduced the Marauder armored car for international sales. Soon, negotiations began with several countries on the supply of finished equipment or on the launch of joint production.

At the beginning of the tenth years, a number of developments by Paramount Group interested the Kazakh army, and the corresponding negotiations began. Like some other customers, Kazakhstan did not plan to buy ready-made equipment, but was going to launch its own production. The corresponding contract appeared in 2013. It provided for the creation of a joint venture and the production of several BKM at once.


In accordance with the contract, Kazakhstan Paramount Engineering (KPE) was established. In 2014-15. a plant was built near Astana, which was to assemble armored vehicles. It was planned to manufacture components for BKM on site and receive it from South Africa. Initially, the degree of localization was only 20%, but soon it was brought to 70%. Local production of housings and other units was established. Then the design of our own combat modules and electronics began.

The first Arlan armored cars were built and handed over to the customer in 2017. Production continues to this day, and there are regular reports about the transfer of the next batch of several dozen armored cars. In 2018-19. the army received about a hundred new vehicles. The search for potential customers among foreign countries is underway.

Foreign platform

BKM "Arlan" is a Marauder armored car with minor changes made at the request of the customer, taking into account the operating conditions. According to the main characteristics, the two armored cars are identical. The Arlan is a MRAP-class vehicle with advanced bullet and fragmentation protection. It provides transportation of personnel and can be equipped with weapons of various types.


The armored body of the Arlan BKM has 3 levels of protection according to the STANAG 4569 standard. Protection is provided against non-armor-piercing 12, 7-mm bullets and the detonation of 8 kg of TNT under the wheel or bottom. The hull is divided into a protected engine compartment and a single habitable volume that can accommodate the crew and passengers. Developed glazing is provided, providing a good overview. All windows, with the exception of the frontal glass, are equipped with embrasures for firing personal weapons. The bottom of the hull has a characteristic "anti-mine" V-shape.

Under the hood is a 285 hp turbocharged diesel engine. with an automatic transmission. The car has four-wheel drive. The undercarriage is built on the basis of an independent suspension; used tires 16.00 R20. The wheels are equipped with rigid inserts that allow them to move when the tires are punctured. The brake system is pneumatic with ABS.

The protected volume accommodates up to 10 people. For the driver and commander, there are seats in the front of the compartment with access through their own side doors. Seven paratroopers enter and exit the vehicle through aft doors or sunroofs. The habitable compartment, like the engine compartment, has a fire extinguishing system.


The climate of Kazakhstan has led to the need to install some units. For starting in cold seasons, the propulsion system is equipped with heating means. The inhabited compartment is equipped with an air conditioner.

The curb weight of the "Arlan" is 13.5 tons, the combat weight is 16 tons. The armored car can reach speeds of up to 100 km / h and has a cruising range of 700 km. The all-wheel drive chassis provides overcoming of various obstacles. Water obstacles are crossed by fords.

Armament issues

The basic Marauder project provides for the possibility of equipping an armored car with one or another weapon of various classes, primarily machine guns on turrets or remotely controlled modules. BCM "Arlan" retains such capabilities. For the installation of combat equipment, a round seat is used in the front of the roof.

In the past, starting in 2016, "Arlans" have been repeatedly demonstrated with various configurations of weapons. At exhibitions and training grounds, BKMs with machine-gun DBMs of several types appeared. An anti-aircraft armored car equipped with MANPADS was also shown. Optics and four TPKs with missiles were placed on its module.


KPE continues to develop new weapon options for the Arlans. Firing tests of several samples of this kind are now being carried out. Different types of armored vehicles with different types of weapons are displayed at the training ground. So, especially for the "Arlan" created the DBM "Sunkar" ("Falcon") with a combined machine gun armament of different calibers.

The Sunkar product is a compact turret mounted on the roof of an armored vehicle. The control is carried out from a compact panel mounted in the cab. The combat module has an optoelectronic unit with day and night channels. Armament includes a heavy machine gun NSV and a normal caliber PKT product. The fire control system is built on the Shyyla platform. Similar LMS are used together with other combat modules developed by KPE. In parallel, the Ansar DBMS is being tested for the Barys armored personnel carrier. Also, a module "Turan" was created, intended for installation on combat boats.

The Shyyla system includes devices for controlling the armament and turret, has an automatic target tracking, a ballistic computer, etc. A training mode is provided that allows you to train the operator without using a separate simulator.


The advantages of "Sunkar" include small size and weight, as well as the presence of two machine guns with different characteristics. The module can fire up to 88 °; turret traverse speed - 110 deg / sec. Due to this, the DBM can attack both ground and air targets. The range and effectiveness of fire for all targets is determined by the characteristics of NSV and PKT products.

DBM "Sunkar" is still at the testing stage and has not yet been adopted for service. However, the development company is optimistic and hopes that the Kazakh army will be interested in this product. The new module can show advantages over existing products, and its use will expand the combat capabilities of the Arlans. The new line of modules is planned to be introduced to the international market. It is also possible to create promising products on the Shyyla platform.


It is believed that South African enterprises are on the list of world leaders in the field of armored vehicles of the MRAP class. Accordingly, the Marauder armored car can be considered another success of South African engineers in this area. All this is confirmed by the presence of a number of large orders, as well as contracts for the joint production of equipment.


At one time, Azerbaijan, Jordan and Singapore opened their own assembly lines for the Marauders. Several more countries that do not have the necessary capabilities have chosen to purchase ready-made equipment. In 2013, Kazakhstan joined the countries wishing to master the assembly of equipment from their own and imported components.

To date, the army of Kazakhstan has received about a hundred armored cars "Arlan" with different equipment and weapons. At the same time, supplies of other South African armored vehicles and joint production are being carried out. These processes have a significant impact on the development of the armed forces and the build-up of defense capabilities.

Without its own competencies and experience in the development of armored vehicles, Kazakhstan turned to one of the world leaders in the field of armored vehicles for help. Due to this, in just a few years, it was possible to build a new enterprise and begin re-equipment, as well as launch the development of our own samples. The positive consequences of this are obvious.
