The 9K115-2 Metis-M portable anti-tank missile system is designed to destroy modern and promising armored vehicles equipped with dynamic protection, fortifications, enemy manpower, at any time of the day, in adverse weather conditions.
Created on the basis of the Metis ATGM. The concept of modernization consisted in maximum continuity in ground-based facilities and ensuring the possibility of using both the standard Metis 9M115 missile and the new modernized 9M131 missile in the complex. Taking into account the prospects for increasing the security of tanks, the designers drastically increased the dimension of the warhead, moving from the 93mm caliber to the 130mm caliber. A significant improvement in tactical and technical characteristics was achieved due to an increase in the mass and dimensions of the ATGM.
The Metis-M complex was developed at the Instrument-Making Design Bureau (Tula) and put into service in 1992.
Designed to replace the previously created complexes of the second generation "Metis", "Fagot", "Konkurs". In the west, the complex received the designation AT-13 "Saxhorn".
The complex includes:

- 9P151 launcher with a sight - a guidance device, guidance drives and a missile launch mechanism;
- thermal imaging sight 1PN86BVI "Mulat-115";
- missiles 9M131, placed in transport and launch containers.
- control and testing equipment 9V12M and 9V81M;
The wings of the 9M131 rocket are made of thin sheets of steel and open after launch under the influence of their own elastic forces. As in the 9M115 Metis rocket, the adopted technical solutions, in particular the placement of the tracer at the tip of one of the three wing consoles, made it possible to abandon the use of gyro devices, on-board batteries and electronic units. During the flight of the rocket, the tracer moves in a spiral, the ground equipment receives information about the angular position of the ATGM and corrects the commands issued via the wire communication line to the rocket controls.

1 - precharge tandem warhead;
2 - semi-open type air dynamic drive;
3 - aerodynamic control surfaces;
4 - propulsion system;
5 - channel for a cumulative jet;
6- the main charge of the tandem warhead;
7 - wings;
8 - tracer;
9 - a coil with a wire;
10 - starting engine;
The new powerful tandem cumulative warhead of the ATGM complex is capable of striking all modern and promising enemy tanks, including those equipped with mounted and built-in reactive armor, lightly armored vehicles, and fortifications. Moreover, a high level of pressure arising during penetration both in the axial and in the radial directions leads to crushing of concrete in the area of the cumulative jet, breaking of the rear layer of the barrier and, as a consequence, a high beyond the barrier effect. Thus, the defeat of manpower located behind objects made of concrete monoliths or in structures made of prefabricated reinforced concrete with a wall thickness of up to 3 meters is ensured.

In order to expand the range of combat use of the Metis-M complex, 9M131F guided missiles are equipped with a thermobaric warhead weighing 4.95 kg with a high-explosive effect at the level of a large-caliber artillery projectile, especially effective when firing at engineering and fortifications. During the explosion of such a warhead, a shock wave that is more extended in time and space than in conventional explosives is formed. Such a wave spreads in all directions, flows through obstacles, into trenches, through embrasures, etc., striking manpower, even protected by a shelter. In the zone of detonation transformations of the thermobaric mixture, oxygen completely burns out and a temperature develops above 800 ° C.
Placed on a tripod, the launcher can be equipped with a 1PN86-VI "Mulat-115" thermal imaging sight with a mass of 5.5 kg, which provides target detection at a distance of up to 3.2 km and their identification at a distance of 1.6 km, which ensured the launch of missiles at night at a maximum range. The dimensions of the thermal imager are 387 * 203 * 90mm. Field of view 2.4 ° * 4.6 °. Battery life is 2 hours. Application temperature range from -40 ° С to + 50 ° С. In order to increase efficiency, a balloon cooling system is used in the sight, which provides an exit to the mode in 8-10 seconds.
The rocket is launched using the starting engine, after which the sustainer solid propellant is launched
The calculation of the complex consists of two people, one of whom carries a pack N1 weighing 25.1 kg with a launcher and one container with a rocket, and another pack N2 with two containers with a missile weighing 28 kg (instead of three for the Metis ATGM). When replacing a TPK with a rocket with a thermal imager, the weight of the pack is reduced to 18.5 kg. The deployment of the complex in a combat position is carried out in 10-20 s, the combat rate of fire reaches 3 rounds per minute.

Along with the main purpose - the use as a wearable complex, "Metis-M" can also be used to arm BMD and BMP.
Shooting can be carried out from prepared and unprepared positions from a prone position, from a standing trench, as well as from the shoulder. Shooting is also possible from buildings (in the latter case, about 2 meters of free space is required behind the launcher).
Main characteristics
• Range of fire, m - 80-1500
• Rocket weight, kg - 13.8
• Average flight speed of a rocket, m / s - 200
• Caliber rocket, mm - 130
• TPK length, mm - 980
• PU weight, kg - 10
• Temperature range for combat use - from -30 ° C to + 50 ° C
• Time of transfer from traveling to combat position, sec - 10-20
• Armor penetration, mm - 900
• Combat crew, people - 2