What are the military personnel worried about?

What are the military personnel worried about?
What are the military personnel worried about?
What are the military personnel worried about?
What are the military personnel worried about?

Over the past week, several statements from servicemen of different groups have circulated around the Internet at once: in Ulyanovsk, a hunger strike, mainly tankers, paratroopers were insulted by Serdyukov, naval sailors wrote an angry appeal to Putin, they were supported by cosmonauts. What unites and what distinguishes all these appeals?

First of all, it is united by the fact that the Internet community has high hopes for the military: it hopes that the military will be able to put an end to the lawlessness that is happening in the country, unleashed by the ruling elite. And the fact that the servicemen finally began to turn to the Supreme Commander-in-Chief - are waking up.

But there is one fundamental difference. Our army has not participated in wars for a long time. Not to be confused with conflicts on the territory of Russia (this is not a war, but the establishment of peaceful order within the country - well, that's what it's called). The war with Georgia does not even count …

Our servicemen are used to going to service as to work. They were fully supported by the state. And the main task of officers of all ranks, warrant officers and warrant officers was getting housing, moving up the career ladder, getting stars. Corporate ethics have long been developed in them: obedience to an order (no matter which one), an order from a superior is the law.

And it was deeply parallel to them that Marches of Dissent, protest rallies of all strata of the population were being held in Russia, that internal troops were being strengthened to disperse people throughout Russia. The military didn't give a damn about that - not their job.

And that these troops are formed from among those who conquered in Chechnya.

Those who fought in Chechnya don't give a damn about anything either. They have formed a psychology that there are extremists in Russia - enemies, they must be dispersed, destroyed. Those. continue the war with their own people for a salary, not bad enough. The same corporate ethics, corporate thinking.

And the task of the military is to defend the country from an external aggressor. But there is no external aggressor on the horizon. The government signed an agreement with the United States that in the event of unrest on Russian territory, NATO troops can freely enter and extinguish these unrest.

In essence, with this treaty, Putin's government declared to the whole world that he - the government - did not need his own army. But in the half-asleep of daily service (work), the servicemen simply did not notice this. They continued to be fed, promoted up the career ladder, and, like a donkey with a carrot, they continued to supply them with promises of good housing.

And then a thunderbolt struck for the military in 2008 - military reform. Serdyukov, strictly following the instructions of the government, began the systematic collapse of the Russian armed forces. And neatly, according to the type of troops. Tens of thousands began to lay off servicemen in the reserve. Naturally, having previously set a top-secret task for the commanders: to promise everything to their subordinates. Just so that there is no riot while they are together. And the fathers - the commanders did not let the higher leaders down. The generals are calm.

I watched as whole regiments, combat brigades were disbanded. The best, i.e. reliable, offered warm places in … internal troops. The bulk of the servicemen were sent to nowhere. Without the promised housing.

Now a new round of reform is coming - the elimination of the Airborne Troops, "blue berets" - the real pride of our country. And what, sorry to be proud of? They are silent. and wait …

So how did the servicemen begin to act? They, finding themselves not in a group, as they used to, but one by one, were frankly confused and frightened. Of course, the most advanced began to hang out in the courts, where a well-honed "system" has long learned to resist the statements and complaints of the civilian population.

For decades, the stereotype hammered by the military with the Charter cannot be immediately broken. They simply do not understand the political situation in the country. From the statement of the Union of Naval Seamen, it is clear that they rely on Ivashov. But he is also a member of the United Russia party. And in addition to being subordinate to the Commander-in-Chief, he is also bound by party discipline. And no matter what correct words the generals say, we can say with confidence: every general "fined" in his time and was in one way or another involved in corrupt deals, be it the sale of military property to the side, the sale of ships, weapons, etc. … And a dossier is scrupulously established for each. So the mouths of the generals have been closed for a long time.

And the servicemen, like children, began to write complaints to the Chief Commander. And he does not even think to answer anyone - he is bending his line.

With all this, the image of the army as a protector was also cultivated in the civilian population. And now the people all over the country are waiting for the army to finally stand up for its people. And the servicemen are not going to do anything. First, there is no order. And there is no one to give such an order.

Secondly, each of those who fell or falls under the reduction continues to think with the stubbornness of a maniac that it was only with him and with his part that happened.

The paradox: the remaining officers and servicemen continue to wait for an attack from an external enemy, absolutely not wanting to understand that this enemy is inside the country. All this is very reminiscent of the relationship between the two religions: militant Islam, for which all Christians are unclean and must be exterminated or kept in check. So the military looks at their people: they say, there is nothing to listen to, discipline and submission are needed. up there they know better.

And at the top they really have a plan, probably the same one of Putin. The Stavrapol Territory was given to Chechen fighters. Chechens are settling all over Russia. In the highest echelons of power in each region, they have the best posts (administration, police, prosecutor's office). we lost the war with Chechnya. Or rather, most likely, we were simply sold. The whole country along with the army.

From the East, our lands were given for development to China - practically all of Siberia. The borders of the state were left without strengthening.

And, it seems, desperate people like Dymovsky appear on the Internet. But he is a child, by God. He invited everyone to go to a silent rally near the Kremlin on November 12. Who will let him go there? Internal troops will tax the entire Kremlin. And why silent? As far back as I remember, the opposition has been organizing silent actions since 2006. Gathered, were silent, dispersed. And those who were noticed in this action were photographed by the "E" department, in the following days the employees of the specialized power department and "Ai-yay-yay" came to such silent people - they shook their fingers. This is enough for the bulk of the silent people not to go out anywhere else. A silent action is like letting off steam, breathing fresh air.

But what I am most offended is that over the past 10 years, military personnel have been so brain-filtered that they themselves consider their people to be extremists, and they consider protests of all kinds to be paid from America.

Brainwashing is colossal.

What's in the bottom line? But nothing. The people all over Russia are rallying on their own, creating movements or joining existing protest movements. And the servicemen are now busy creating Military Unions in order … to keep in touch with colleagues, correspond, find out how things are and cry to each other in their vests. Well, invite each other to solemn events in order to re-enter the dear system, where they will be praised, rewarded with something, and tell them how wonderful they are. And then with friends to drink "bitter", remember the service and complain about fate.

So the servicemen are only worried about their careers, getting housing, a good pension and new employment. One by one.

The Russian army is defeated. Bald.
