HAARP (High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program) is a program of high frequency active auroral research. This is an American research project to study the interaction of the ionosphere with powerful electromagnetic radiation. The project was launched back in 1997 near the village of Gakona near the river of the same name in Alaska. But due to the termination of funding after the completion of the contract or under pressure from the public due to a series of scandals, the project was closed and mothballed.
This expensive facility was operated by the US Air Force until August 2015, when the ownership was transferred to the Geophysical Institute of the University of Alaska at Fairbanks. It was believed that all active work on it was stopped. On the university website, you can read that "the scientific instruments installed at the HAARP observatory can also be used for various ongoing studies that do not involve the use of IRR, but are strictly passive." In general, nothing interesting.
Suddenly, information appears on the network that the lead researcher of this project, Chris Fallen, will conduct a series of externally funded experiments with HAARP from April 6 to April 14, 2018. He announced this on his page, and also invited all interested radio amateurs to join this project on his Twitter.
Chris Fallen also adds that this is not the ideal time for such experiments due to the current period of the solar cycle. In Gakon, Alaska, it is not dark enough at this time to observe the glow of the ionosphere caused by HAARP radiation. But the customer doesn't seem to want to wait.

The main idea of the scientist was to attract as many radio amateurs as possible with their equipment. These enthusiasts around the world will monitor the signals transmitted by HAARP in the frequency bands of 2.7 to 10 MHz, with various dynamic characteristics. Each participant will be able to tweet about their success on Chris Fallen's Twitter account, and he himself will schedule the broadcasting sessions and coordinate all the work. In addition, there will be an opportunity to photograph the artificial "aurora" created by HAARP.
It became interesting to me: after all, this is no longer "passive research", but the most active ones. The scientist sets the direction, frequency and shape of the signal, and the observers report on who managed to fix this signal and all its parameters.
Note that HAARP signals were caught not only by radio amateurs in North America, but also in South America, Europe, Russia, Ukraine, Japan and Hawaii.

Even if Chris Fallen himself says: “This is a difficult question. Nobody says that the science of radio and space plasma is simple. But, having analyzed the nature of the signals, their frequency and the messages of radio amateurs about receiving signals, we can draw some conclusions.
In military terms, "fire adjustment" is carried out with the recording of "shooting results" and equipment alignment. In the course of the experiments, the frequencies, the configuration of the transmitted signals, the direction and duration of the exposure (from 20 minutes to 2 hours) were selected. In addition, as far as I know, such variable signals with a certain periodicity can cause resonant oscillations of the ionosphere. Still, it's not in vain that I graduated from the Radio Engineering Institute.
Our Earth is a spherical capacitor, one part of which is a conducting ionosphere, the other is the Earth's surface, and between them the dielectric is the atmospheric layers. This whole system is in dynamic equilibrium. If a wave process is caused in this spherical capacitor, then under the influence of solar radiation it can be enhanced by superimposing waves. Under certain conditions, this will lead to self-generation due to the pumping of energy from the Sun. A rather powerful wave process will arise in the ionosphere, which will have a significant impact on the formation of the weather. And the magnetic pole of the Earth is shifted towards Canada and Alaska, and the lines of tension of the magnetosphere converge there. This position can be called strategic. In this way, it is possible to influence the auroral flows of charged particles in the North Pole region, which are distributed along the Earth's magnetic lines of force over great distances.
I would like to remind you that we are talking about the world's most powerful high-frequency generator.
Currently, 720 radio transmitters are involved in the work of HAARP, which provide power to 5 locomotive diesel generators. In one hour of operation of the station, the generators burn 600 gallons (about 2.27 tons) of fuel.

The power of HAARP, according to various sources, is estimated at 3, 6-4, 8 MW. And the system uses highly directional transmitting antennas like a phased array antenna capable of focusing all this enormous energy into a narrow beam.

If an ultra-high intensity of electromagnetic fields occurs in a limited area, this leads to additional ionization of the ionosphere. The so-called ionic lens is formed, through which the solar fluxes going to the Earth are amplified. They cause surface temperatures to rise, leading to droughts, fires, etc. In other cases, on the contrary, lenses are created that provoke heavy rainfall. According to conspiracy theorists, the impact of HAARP can lead to the initiation of an earthquake by affecting the zones of tension in the earth's crust at the joints of the plates.
It must be said that the created artificial plasmoids with certain parameters of the pump radiation are used as a huge mirror reflecting the radiation focused on it in a certain direction. Such mirrors, created at a considerable height above the Earth, allow the reflected signal to be directed far beyond the line-of-sight horizon.

Here are some US patents for your reference, where similar technologies are used:
1. Patent US4686605. Method and device for changing part of the earth's atmosphere, ionosphere and (or) magnetosphere.
2. Patent US4999637. Creation of artificial ionized clouds over the Earth.
3. Patent US4712155. Method and device for creating a plasma region by means of artificial electronic and cyclotron heating.
4. Patent US5777476. Global tomography of the Earth using modulations of electron flows in the ionosphere.
5. Patent US5068669. Radiating power system.
6. Patent US5041834. Artificial ionospheric mirror made of plasma layer that can be tilted.
HAARP is also associated with the Sea-Based X-Band Radar platform (SBX) towed surface radar, which can move freely in the Pacific or Atlantic Ocean under the cover of an aircraft carrier group (AUG). Its main radar, weighing 1820 tons with an active phased antenna array (AFAR), operating in the X-band (8-12 GHz) and protected by a dome with a diameter of 31 m, can consume more than 1 megawatt of power.

Also connected with HAARP four unmanned spacecraft "Multifunctional Magnetosphere Mission" (MMS) for the study of the ionosphere and magnetosphere, launched in 2015. Officially, they are collecting information about the nature of the so-called magnetic reconnection and all the processes that occur in astrophysical plasma. In working order, the installation, consisting of four automatic stations, must maintain the shape of a tetrahedron - a polyhedron, all the faces of which form regular triangles. In other words, an installation was launched into orbit using the principles of tetrahedral geometry, one of the functions of which is to receive and transfer practically inexhaustible volumes of energy.

The activities of scientists at the University of Alaska Geophysical Institute and the ongoing work with HAARP are now practically not covered. What are they doing there, we do not know. Chris Fallen explains this by the lack of funding and the employment of the scientists who work there. And they, allegedly, do not want to publish the results of their work ahead of time, fearing competition in the scientific world. If there was no need for volunteers for his experiments, we would not have learned anything at all. There is an association with the "crazy professor" from Hollywood films, working with a super-powerful secret installation capable of destroying the entire planet.
Or maybe the United States is planning to use its climate change technologies in the near future?

In modern society, all information is immediately laid out on the network, and you can see that people around the world record clouds of unusual shape, strange sounds in the atmosphere, unusual glow in the sky, etc. Maybe, of course, these are all coincidences, but very often we have recently heard informational messages about abnormal weather and climatic cataclysms. Before an earthquake, eyewitnesses sometimes notice an unusual rainbow glow of clouds, but scientists explain everything by tension in the layers of the earth's crust. Perhaps they know better than it is caused, although …
A book on this topic was published - "The program" HAARP ". The Weapons of Armageddon, "by Nicholas Begich and Gene Manning. Our science fiction writer Vasily Golovachev has a work "The HAARP War", in which he describes in detail the use of climate weapons.
In general, we do not relax, we observe and share information.