The myth of the "bloody genocide of Stalin" in Ukraine

The myth of the "bloody genocide of Stalin" in Ukraine
The myth of the "bloody genocide of Stalin" in Ukraine

One of the most terrible and destructive myths about the Soviet Union is the lie about Stalin's “bloody regime”, which allegedly destroyed tens of millions of innocent people. Few people know that this myth was created back in Nazi Germany, and only later was it used by the United States in an information war against Soviet civilization.

Despite a number of fundamental studies based on factual material from archives that showed the inconsistency of Joseph Stalin's accusations of mass repression and terror, the false myth, supported by slanderers like Solzhenitsyn, Radzinsky, Suvorov-Rezun, continues to dominate the information field of Russia and the world community. The dirty work of denigrating Russian and Soviet history continues, within the framework of the global historical and informational confrontation between Russian civilization (Rus) and the West. Citizens of Russia (especially young people), not to mention Ukraine and other post-Soviet republics, continue to be stuffed with horrible stories of death and murder in labor camps of the GULAG (Main Directorate of Camps and Detention Centers), stories of millions who died of hunger and were deliberately exterminated in the USSR. about the alleged premeditation of the Holodomor in Ukraine, about the inhuman cruelty of the Soviet punitive system, "the bloodiest in the world." The repressions against the kulaks and the "fifth column" acquire an absolutely fantastic character in these stories, and Stalin becomes a villain of literally galactic proportions. All this is superimposed on the image of the USSR-Russia in the world - as an "empire of evil" and "Russian Mordor", where "ferocious" Muscovites live, socks-jackets, ready at the first opportunity to drown in blood all dissidents in Russia itself, as well as drive to your "concentration camp" and the surrounding peoples.

The myth of the "bloody Stalinist regime" was created in Nazi Germany. After the Nazis came to power in Germany, they used information and psychotechnology to properly process the population. The minister of propaganda was Joseph Goebbels, who instilled dreams of a racially pure people living in Greater Germany, an empire with a vast living space. This living space included the territory to the east of Germany, Russian lands, including Little Russia-Ukraine. The conquest of living space meant a big war, a war with the USSR. Therefore, the Nazi Ministry of Propaganda, headed by Goebbels, launched an information campaign around the alleged genocide organized by the communists in Ukraine, the terrible famine (Holodomor), organized personally by Stalin. The goal of Nazi propaganda was to prepare the world community for the "liberation" of Ukraine by German troops from the "bloody Bolshevik yoke." Later, the same lie about the artificial famine was used by the Ukrainian Nazis (Bandera) to sit on the neck of the people of Little Russia-Ukraine.

In the United States, the same information campaign against socialism, the USSR and Stalin personally was led by the largest media mogul, founder of the Hearst Corporation, leading newspaper publisher William Randolph Hirst. He created the news industry and came up with the idea of making money from gossip and scandals (the so-called "yellow press"). Hirst became one of the richest people on the planet and one of the most influential personalities. Thus, in the 1940s, Hirst owned 25 daily newspapers, 24 weekly newspapers, 12 radio stations, 2 world news agencies, one enterprise producing new topics for films, the Cosmopolitan film studio, etc. His newspapers were sold in millions of copies daily. … He formed the opinion of tens of millions of Americans. In addition, millions of people around the world received information from the Hirst press through news reports, films and newspapers, which were translated and printed in huge quantities around the world.

In 1934, Hirst traveled to Germany, where he was received by Hitler as a guest and friend. After this visit, American newspapers were filled with stories of horrors taking place in the Soviet Union - murder, torture, genocide, slavery and hunger among the people. One of the first campaigns by the Hirst information industry against the Soviet Union was the continually raised issue of the millions who starved to death in Ukraine. The American press announced 6 million people died of hunger in the USSR.

The myth of
The myth of

Joseph Goebbels


William Randolph Hirst

In fact, a terrible tragedy occurred in the USSR in the early 1930s, associated with the peasant question in the Russian Empire, the events of the Revolution and the Civil War, the peasant war during the turmoil of 1917-1920. and the class battle in Soviet Russia. This led to the instability of agricultural production (plus mistakes and, possibly, sabotage of some Trotskyite managers, hidden enemies of Stalin and his project), and a reduction in food production in a number of regions of the USSR, including Ukraine. The lack of food weakened people, which in turn caused epidemics. It is worth remembering that mass diseases were widespread then. So, in 1918 - 1920. the Spanish flu epidemic, which was superimposed on the exhaustion of people during the World War, unsanitary conditions, overcrowding in the conditions of military camps and refugee camps, led to the infection of more than half a billion people and the death of 50-100 million people (2, 7-5, 3% of the world's population).

As a result, with the filing of the Nazi regime in Germany, a huge myth was created in the world that the Bolsheviks deliberately killed millions of people, starved them to death, and even on a national basis - they allegedly starved mostly “Ukrainians”. In the wake of the campaign unleashed by the press against the "famine organized by the communists" no one was particularly interested in Moscow's counterarguments and exposing lies

Nothing has changed in this method of information warfare and in the modern world. For example, the Skripals case. Obviously, the West is lying. The British authorities' version collapsed almost immediately. However, the reasoning from Moscow is of no interest to anyone. The masters of London and Washington control the main world media, and they can create an information picture for the majority of Westerners and the entire world community. And all Moscow's excuses are in vain - the victim has already been appointed. One more pebble in the overall mosaic - "Russia - the empire of evil", "Russian Mordor".

Thus, the United States provided not only material, financial, economic, and technological support to the Nazi regime in Germany, but also informational support. With the full support of Washington and London, the "Hitler" project gained strength in Germany, subjugated most of Europe, in order to then go on a "crusade" against the USSR. In the West, they created a myth about the "red plague", allegedly preparing a blow to Europe and destroying the people in the subordinate territories by millions, tens of millions. So, the masters of the West tried to maintain dominance over most of the planet, and their own cannibalistic, predatory-parasitic essence. The Nazi regime at this time received colossal informational support, Hitler himself was the most popular person. And all in order to denigrate the Soviet development project to create a "solar civilization", a society of the future and incite the then "world community" against it.

It is worth remembering that despite the false world propaganda that blames everything on the losers of the world war, Germany and Japan, the United States and England sponsored the Nazis in Germany, helped them come to power, financially helped to create a powerful military-industrial complex, the Munich Agreement made it clear to Hitler that Europe at his complete disposal, and that the road to the East is open. Hitler was allowed to form a strong coalition against communism and the USSR. It was the United States and Britain that allowed Hitler to start the world massacre. And the real masters of France, knowing perfectly well the alignment and tasks of a new world war, surrendered to Germany almost without a fight, after the so-called. "Strange war", providing the Third Reich with steel rear for aggression against Russia-USSR. England, on the other hand, secretly promised not to open a "second front" (R. Hess's mission) while Hitler was fighting in the East.

Thus, we must always remember that it was England and the United States that unleashed World War II (as before, World War I, and dozens of other small and large wars, uprisings, coups and revolutions around the planet), a deadly war for the complete destruction of the Russian civilization and the Russian superethnos. That exactly London and Washington were and still are our main enemies. Germany, like Japan, were only "battering cudgels" in their hands. Russia, Germany and Japan do not have fundamental contradictions, their strategic alliance could stop the aggression and predatory aspirations of the Anglo-American octopus. Therefore, London and Washington are trying with all their might to set the Russians, Germans and Japanese at odds, pit them against each other, receiving from this a lot of benefits and the main prize - dominance on the planet.

The lie about "Bolshevik-organized famine" lasted until the 1980s, when it got a new lease on life. Several generations of people in the West grew up on this lie, having a negative view of socialism and the Soviet Union. In the 1980s, the fate of the West and the United States was decided. The Western project, a system of capitalism, based on the constant expansion of living space for plunder and the sucking of resources, was on the verge of death. The West was dying because the socialist camp did not allow Westerners to suck resources and energy out of it. The USSR was at the peak of its military space power, it was impossible to defeat it by military means. The population of the USSR was morally stable, the economy as a whole was self-sufficient. The only way to victory was in the disintegration, "re-coding" of the Soviet elite, so that it would itself destroy the Soviet project and civilization. Therefore, the West launched a new large-scale information campaign against the Russian "empire of evil". This new "crusade" was led by US President Ronald Reagan.

A new period of incitement to Russophobia begins. One of the most popular American authors who described the mass terror in the USSR was Robert Conquest. Reagan even commissioned him in 1984 to write material for his presidential campaign to "prepare the American people for the Soviet invasion." The text was titled “What to do when the Russians come? Survival Guide ". A former intelligence officer and diplomat, Conquest was a professional propagandist. He worked in the Information Research Department of the Foreign Office, created to combat Soviet propaganda, then became a "free" writer and historian, but continued to work in the same anti-Soviet direction. He became famous after the publication in 1968 of the book The Great Terror: Stalin's Purges of the 30s. The work was based mainly on information released during the Khrushchev Thaw (when de-Stalinization began in the USSR under Khrushchev), it also contained information received from Soviet émigrés and exiles, including fugitive Ukrainian Nazis and war criminals. Conquest estimates that the Stalinist famine and purges led to the deaths of 15 to 20 million people. In 1986, Conquest published The Harvest of Sorrow: Soviet Collectivization and Terror by Hunger, dedicated to the famine in Ukraine and other parts of the USSR. The work stated that millions of peasants died from starvation, deportations to labor camps and executions.

Conquest's deception was later discovered. For example, Canadian journalist Douglas Tottle exposed the falsifications of a retired British intelligence officer and professional propagandist in the book “Fraud, Hunger and Fascism. The myth of the genocide in Ukraine from Hitler to Harvard. This book was published in Toronto in 1987. In it, Tottle pointed out that frightening photographs of hungry children were taken during the famine in the Civil War. Another example exposing Conquest's lies was the fact that Thomas Walker, a journalist who had long supplied the American historian with photographs and reports from the hungry regions of Ukraine, had never been to Ukraine himself.

Thus, the lie about the many millions who died from the "specially organized by Stalin" famine was exposed in the West. But the deed was already done, the true story could not break through the sea of lies. In the West, they waged an information war against the USSR and used fakes invented back in the Third Reich.


Robert Conquest
