The United States Navy strike aircraft carrier plays a significant role in any regional conflict of any scale. The US Navy aircraft carrier strike forces combine multipurpose aircraft carriers, aircraft carrier aircraft, as well as multipurpose submarines and surface missile ships. They are one of the main components of the fleet and represent a specific type of the Navy. They are used at almost every stage of the conduct of hostilities.
According to the US military doctrine, at the initial stage of confrontation, aircraft carrier strike forces are designed to contain the enemy through a demonstration of force, as well as to help build up military power in the area of hostilities, both at the preliminary stage and during them.
In the event of offensive or counter-offensive actions, carrier strike groups and formations assume the role of a forward combat echelon, which contributes to the rapid defeat of enemy forces and the achievement of stabilization of the situation in the zone of operations. In addition, they are often used for blockade, security and protection of ships, as well as for amphibious operations with airborne support.
Note that the beginning of the new century has changed the very nature of the use of naval forces, since the bulk of operations and combat operations are conducted in the coastal sea zone, and not in open ocean waters. Many experts are confident that in modern conditions, the need to achieve dominance in coastal waters along with the establishment of airspace control over enemy territory is acquiring particular importance. This alignment of forces will help support aviation and ground forces.
So, if located in the coastal advanced areas, the AUG will act as part of the first echelon, performing tasks to contain enemy forces and providing conditions for operations by other combat components.
The conquest of supremacy (in the air, at sea and on land) in coastal areas is of great importance for ensuring the freedom of action of one's own or allied forces by striking the coast and limiting the actions of enemy forces during counteroffensive operations.
The US Navy intends to make more effective use of the benefits that can be gained from achieving air superiority and supremacy at sea. Therefore, among the main tasks that it sets before the aircraft carrier strike groups, one can note the conduct of maneuverable and decisive actions associated with the delivery of decisive strikes against the main strategic targets and enemy forces through the use of their vulnerabilities. It is these attacks that must strike the most significant targets for the enemy, without which the conduct of further hostilities would be impossible. Such objects may include not only military components, in particular, command and control systems, concentrations of troops or military equipment, but also objects that are of economic or administrative-political importance, and which are capable of affecting the combat potential of the enemy.
In order to more effectively achieve the intended goals, it is planned to use not only fire, but also radio-electronic means with the aim of disabling enemy forces control systems.

Based on the practice of using AUG, at present, three main echelons can be distinguished for delivering air and missile strikes. The first echelon is made up of sea-based missiles, the main purpose of which is to destroy the most important defensive targets of the enemy. The second echelon consists of ground attack aircraft and electronic warfare aircraft, which strike at enemy air defense systems. The forces of the third echelon are air strike groups. The interval between echelons is approximately 20-25 and 10-15 minutes, respectively. In addition, early warning aircraft are used to control aviation operations.

However, this procedure for the use of strike aircraft carrier groups must change. These changes will be associated primarily with the development of information technologies, thanks to which the command will be able to control the actions of carrier-based aircraft and sea-based unmanned aerial vehicles, as well as to retarget sea-based cruise missiles in real time.
Instead of the existing three echelons, two will remain: breakthroughs of air defense systems and shock echelons. The first echelon will include reconnaissance and strike UAVs, which will be able to be in the area of hostilities for a significant period of time without the risk of detection and strike enemy air defense systems. This will also include hypersonic and cruise missiles, which will be used to destroy the most important defensive targets of the enemy.

There will be no interval between the actions of the echelons, since the entire command of the combat operations will be carried out in real time.
To achieve these goals, the US Navy is currently undergoing rearmament. So, to date, the naval forces include 11 multipurpose nuclear aircraft carriers, 10 of which are of the Nimitz type and 1 of the Enterprise type. One of these ships of the Nimitz-class, George Bush, entered service in 2009. Certain structural elements were introduced into the design of this aircraft carrier, which allow us to consider it as a kind of transition to the construction of new aircraft carriers - the CVN-21 type. One of these ships CVN-78 "Gerald R. Ford" was laid down in 2008. It is planned to be handed over to the Navy in 2015.
In 2013, it is planned to withdraw from the naval forces of the aircraft carrier "Enterprise" CVN-65, therefore, within a year and a half, the combat strength of the Navy will have 10 ships. The extension of the service life of this ship was recognized by the command as inexpedient.
Over time, aircraft carriers of the Nimitz class will be replaced by ships of the Gerald R. Ford series as their service life expires, this will make it possible to ensure the presence of 11 strike aircraft carrier groups in the fleet.

If earlier it was assumed that all aircraft carrier ships of the Gerald R. Ford series would be built with an interval of 5 years, today there is an option that their construction will be slightly accelerated (for the construction of each of the ships - 4 years). Thus, this will allow within the next 30 years to timely replace ships whose service life is nearing completion and to maintain their number at the level of 11 units.
According to the designers, the hull of the new Gerald R. Ford will be similar to the CVN-77 aircraft carrier, but at the same time it will be equipped with a new nuclear power plant and electromagnetic catapults that will help increase the take-off speed of aircraft from the deck of the ship. In addition, the take-off deck will be enlarged, which will make it possible to use almost any aircraft, helicopters and drones that will be part of the air wings. The crew of this type of aircraft carriers will also be reduced and will be 4, 3 thousand people (instead of 5, 5 thousand).
The second aircraft carrier of the series - CVN-79 - will have certain changes in the hull, and will also be equipped with a new system of aerofinishers, which ensure better landing of aircraft on the deck of the aircraft carrier.
On all new generation aircraft carriers, changes will be made to the maintenance of helicopters, airplanes and unmanned aerial vehicles, which will make it possible to reduce the time for their preparation for departure. The number of sorties will also increase - up to 160 (instead of 120).
The most important combat component of the naval air force is aviation. Today, its combat strength includes 1117 helicopters and aircraft, and another 70 are in reserve.
The improvement of aircraft and helicopter fleets is carried out on the basis of several programs. The most important of these is associated with the development of the Lightning 2 F-35B and F-35C multipurpose fighters. They are created as part of the JSF program for vertical landing and short takeoff. Provision is made for the purchase of 480 of these machines, which will replace the outdated F / A-18 Hornet and Harrier AV-8B attack aircraft.

At the same time, purchases of modifications of the Super Hornet fighters F / A-18, F / A-18F, F / A-18E, which are designed to replace the F / A-18C / D, continue. At the moment, more than half of the assault squadrons have been transferred to new combat vehicles (and this is 280 aircraft).
The F / A-18F fighter-attack aircraft became the basis for a new electronic warfare aircraft - "Growler" EF-18G. It is planned to purchase 90 such aircraft to replace the outdated EA-6B Prowler aircraft.
By 2015, the fleet should receive 75 E-2D Super Hawkeye long-range radar aircraft, which will replace the E-2C Hawkeye aircraft.
The helicopter fleet will also be updated. By 2012, it is planned to purchase 237 MH-60S "Night Hawk" helicopters, which will replace the transport helicopters HH-1N, UH-3H, CH-46, NN-60H. By 2015, the naval forces will also have 254 MH-60R Strike Hawk multi-role helicopters, which will replace SH-60FSH-60B anti-submarine helicopters and NN-60N combat support helicopters. To date, only 12 MH-60Rs are in service with the fleet.
Thus, if we talk about the quantitative composition of the AUG of the American Navy, then no significant changes will occur. But at the same time, an almost complete renovation of the aircraft and helicopter fleets will be carried out. The appearance in service of new combat vehicles, electronic aviation equipment and new high-precision weapons will make it possible to significantly increase the strike potential.
Thus, it provides for the possibility of performing shuttle flights, in which aircraft will fly from one aircraft carrier to another through enemy territory, simultaneously hitting enemy targets. Therefore, interaction is carried out between the naval forces, strategic aviation and others, which ensure the actions of the joint operational formation.
In addition, massive strikes against enemy forces will be delivered regardless of weather conditions. And the use of guided missiles will make it possible to completely destroy supply and support systems, individual settlements and fortified facilities. This will allow blocking enemy warships in bases and ports, since there will be a real threat of being hit by high-precision weapons for them.
It must be said that carrier-based strike aircraft and ships with Tomahok cruise missiles are the main instrument of the combined formations, with the help of which it is possible to achieve dominance in the coastal zones. These types of missiles are used to destroy enemy control systems, as well as air and missile defense systems, in particular, anti-aircraft missile systems. The destruction of these systems will make it possible to strike at the enemy's forces, being out of the reach of his air defense systems.
Once dominance in coastal zones is established, carrier strike groups can begin systematic hostilities.
Thus, in general, the methods and forms of conducting combat operations by strike aircraft carrier groups remain the same. In the future, a faster deployment is possible, the interaction of all components, as well as obtaining complete information about enemy forces using space assets, using high-precision weapons, and joining efforts to prevent an offensive threat.
But, despite the fact that periodically the programs for improving the strike aircraft carrier groups of the naval forces are criticized by American military analysts, the budget programs of the Navy do not change their focus.