1. Workers. The average wage of a worker in Russia was 37.5 rubles. Let's multiply this amount by 1282, 29 (the ratio of the exchange rate of the tsarist ruble to the current one) and we get the amount of 48,085 thousand rubles at the modern recalculation.
2. Janitor 18 rubles or 23,081 rubles. on modern money
3. Second lieutenant (modern analogue - lieutenant) 70 rubles. or 89 760 p. for modern money
4. Policeman (ordinary police officer) 20, 5 p. or 26 287 p. for modern money
5. Workers (Petersburg). It is interesting that the average salary in Petersburg was less and amounted to 22 rubles 53 kopecks by 1914. Multiply this amount by 1282.29 and get 28890 Russian rubles.
6. Kukhka 5 - 8 rubles. or 6.5.-10 thousand for modern money
7. Primary school teacher 25 p. or 32050 p. for modern money
8. Gymnasium teacher 85 or 108 970 p. for modern money
9.. Senior janitor 40 p. or 51,297 p. for modern money
10. A puncher overseer (modern analogue - sectional) 50 rub. or 64 115 for modern money
11. Paramedic 40 p. or 51280 p.
12. Colonel 325 rub. or 416,744 p. for modern money
13. Collegiate assessor (middle class official) 62 rubles. or 79,502 p. for modern money
14. Privy councilor (high-class official) 500 or 641,145 for modern money. The same amount received an army general
And how much, you ask, did the groceries cost then? A pound of meat in 1914 cost 19 kopecks. The Russian pound weighed 0, 40951241 grams. This means that a kilogram, if it were then a measure of weight, would cost 46.39 kopecks - 0.359 grams of gold, that is, in today's money, 551 rubles 14 kopecks. Thus, the worker could buy 48.6 kilograms of meat with his salary, if, of course, he wanted to.
Wheat flour 0.08 rubles (8 kopecks) = 1 lb (0.4 kg)
Rice pound 0, 12 p. = 1 pound (0, 4 kg)
Sponge cake 0, 60 p. = 1 lb (0, 4 kg)
Milk 0.08 rubles = 1 bottle
Tomatoes 0, 22 rub. = 1 lb
Fish (pike perch) 0.25 rub. = 1 lb
Grapes (raisins) 0.16 p. = 1 pound
Apples 0.03 r. = 1 lb
Now let's see how much it cost to rent a house. Housing rent in St. Petersburg cost 25, and in Moscow and Kiev 20 kopecks per square yard per month. These 20 kopecks today amount to 256 rubles, and a square arshin is 0.5058 m². That is, the monthly rent of one square meter in 1914 cost 506 today's rubles. Our clerk would rent an apartment of one hundred square yards in St. Petersburg for 25 rubles a month. But he did not rent such an apartment, but was content with the basement and attic closet, where the area was smaller, and the rental rate was lower. Such an apartment was rented, as a rule, by titular advisers, who received a salary at the level of an army captain. The bare salary of the titular counselor was 105 rubles a month (134 thousand 640 rubles) a month. Thus, a 50-meter apartment cost him less than a quarter of his salary.
Well, now let's talk about how the recalculation for modern money was made using the example of the salary of a clerk (petty official). In rubles, his salary was 37 rubles and 24 and a half kopecks. In those years, there was a gold standard, and each ruble contained 17, 424 shares of pure gold, that is, 0, 774235 g in terms of metric measures. Therefore, the clerk's salary is 28.836382575 grams of gold. If we divide this weight by the current gold content of the ruble as of January 28, 2013, we get 47,758 rubles and another 89 kopecks. As you can see, the royal ruble is equal today to 1282 modern rubles 29 kopecks.