Air defense
Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01
We thought for a long time about whether it is worth talking in detail about the world-famous anti-aircraft gun of the Germans, which was noted in many wars, in various armies of the world and at the same time remained one of the best in its class. We apologize in advance to everyone who is used to millimeter calibration, but we
Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01
The deeper I go into American reality, the more pity I get for the American military. And not soldiers and officers, but generals. Oh, and a hard lot to be an American general in the modern world! No, I'm not talking about any tests for aptitude or physical
Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01
German 20-mm anti-aircraft guns have proven to be a fairly effective means of dealing with aircraft operating at low altitudes. However, the rate of fire of the Flak 28, FlaK 30 and Flak 38 single-barreled anti-aircraft guns was not always enough to hit fast-moving targets, and
Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01
Anti-aircraft guns caliber 37 mm were popular not only in the Wehrmacht and Luftwaffe, but also in the Kriegsmarine. However, the German admirals were not satisfied with the ballistic characteristics of anti-aircraft guns developed for the ground forces. The sailors believed that deck 37-mm anti-aircraft guns should have the best
Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01
In the second half of 1943, after the failure of the summer offensive on the Eastern Front, Germany was forced to go over to strategic defense. In the face of ever-increasing pressure in the East and the growing scale of bombing by British and American aircraft, it became abundantly clear that
Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01
After the defeat of Germany in the First World War by the Treaty of Versailles, it was forbidden to have and develop anti-aircraft artillery. Anti-aircraft artillery units recreated in the early 30s for the purpose of conspiracy until 1935 were called "railway battalions", and anti-aircraft artillery systems
Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01
On April 19, 2019, Voennoye Obozreniye published an article "Breakthrough of air defense by exceeding its capabilities to intercept targets: solutions." The author, Andrey Mitrofanov, raised an extremely important and very interesting topic and highlighted the problem that in the very near future will "drive" classic air defense systems into
Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01
Several years ago, the German military and political leadership decided to modernize the existing tactical air defense system. By the end of the next decade, it is planned to replace the existing anti-aircraft missile systems with promising weapons. Deep modernization
Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01
One of the clear examples of the confrontation between the sword and the shield can be considered the counteraction of air attack weapons (SVN) and anti-aircraft missile systems (SAM). From the very beginning of the appearance of the air defense system, they began to pose a huge threat to combat aviation, forcing the aircraft to climb as high at first
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Some tasks in the context of air defense can only be effectively solved by anti-aircraft systems with combined weapons - missiles and cannons. Complexes of this kind are of interest to different customers, and therefore are being developed in several countries. One of the newest
Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01
During World War II, the armed forces of Nazi Germany had a significant number of anti-aircraft machine gun installations. But the main role in providing air defense in the frontal zone was played by 20-37-mm rapid-fire towed and self-propelled anti-aircraft guns. Work to create
Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01
In this part of the review, we will talk about weapons that did not formally exist. Many domestic and foreign experts who wrote about the machine-gun armament of the Wehrmacht pointed out in their works that during the Second World War in the armed forces of Nazi Germany, large-caliber machine guns were not
Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01
The Russian army is armed with anti-aircraft missile systems of various classes and types. Regardless of their characteristics and purpose, they all attract the attention of foreign experts and journalists. So, a few days ago, his vision of the Russian air defense system "Tor-M2U" and the entire family of "Tor"
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Israeli territory is regularly bombarded with mortars and homemade unguided rockets, and special means are required to defend against such threats. The Israel Defense Forces already have several missile defense systems that use special
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The Russian 9K333 Verba portable anti-aircraft missile system is today one of the most modern MANPADS in the world, being a further development of the domestic line of portable systems that are traditionally in demand on the international arms market. MANPADS "Verba" is designed
Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01
Over the past several years, the Russian industry has been developing the promising S-500 Prometey anti-aircraft missile system. So far, not too much is known about him, and the bulk of the data is generally not subject to disclosure. However, there were regular reports of the S-500, with
Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01
The advent and proliferation of lightweight unmanned aerial vehicles poses new challenges for the industry. Such items can be dangerous, but they are difficult to find and destroy. Various systems are proposed to protect objects from UAVs. One of the novelties of this kind is
Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01
In recent years, special attention has been paid to the development of means of warning of aerospace and missile attacks. A significant number of radar stations have already been built, and the deployment of new ones continues. Recently, another representative of this class took over on experimental combat duty
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During the Great Patriotic War, small-caliber anti-aircraft artillery and anti-aircraft machine-gun installations were the main means of enemy air defense in the front-line zone. It was from the fire of the MZA and ZPU that Soviet attack aircraft and short-range bombers suffered the main losses during
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In the leading countries, various models of laser weapons are now being developed, designed to solve certain problems. Such weapons have great potential in the context of combating air targets and can be used in military air defense. Several projects of such systems have already been created in the USA
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In 1943, the "machine gun famine" began in the Wehrmacht. The Eastern Front mercilessly grinded the human and material resources of Nazi Germany. Due to the overload of military orders, a shortage of raw materials, qualified personnel and machine tool equipment, factories in German-occupied Europe are no longer in
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For more than 30 years, the HQ-2 anti-aircraft missile systems, together with batteries of 37-100 mm anti-aircraft guns and J-6 and J-7 fighters (copies of the MiG-19 and MiG-21), formed the basis of the air defense forces of the People's Liberation Army China. During the Vietnam War, the HQ-2 air defense system repeatedly
Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01
Currently, the United States is working to find promising ways to develop air defense. A new concept of an echeloned complex is being worked out, which includes several main components of various kinds. The key element of such air defense should be a promising anti-aircraft missile
Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01
Almost 25 years ago, the US Army began introducing Patriot PAC-3 anti-aircraft missile systems. This air defense system differed from previous samples of the family with a number of new components and corresponding capabilities. In the recent past, an MSE modernization program has been carried out. Now work is underway on the project
Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01
Over the past several years, the Iranian industry has been developing a new long-range anti-aircraft missile system "Bavar-373". On Thursday, August 22, Iran celebrated the Day of the Defense Industry, during which the first official demonstration of the newest air defense system in full
Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01
Several years ago, the 9K333 Verba portable anti-aircraft missile system was adopted by the Russian army. It is intended for the organization of air defense units and is gradually replacing older models. Technical, operational and combat advantages over the complexes
Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01
Strategic failure We must pay tribute to those who planned and carried out a targeted strike on the territory of Saudi Arabia. All risks and consequences were meticulously calculated. Firstly, it was the infrastructure for preparing oil for further transportation and sale that turned out to be the most vulnerable in
Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01
Israel is armed with several types of anti-missile defense systems, and new models may appear in the foreseeable future. The main novelty of recent times in this area is the I-Dome project. He proposes to transfer funds of the stationary complex "Kipat Barzel" to a self-propelled chassis and
Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01
On July 8, our country celebrates the Day of the Anti-Aircraft Missile Forces of the Russian Armed Forces. This is an unofficial holiday, which is directly related to the date of the appearance of anti-aircraft missile forces. The date of foundation of the domestic anti-aircraft missile forces is July 8, 1960. It was on this day of special
Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01
In the structure of the military air defense of the ground forces and the US Marine Corps, the AN / TWQ-1 Avenger anti-aircraft missile systems occupy an important place. Self-propelled vehicles with guided missiles provide protection for troops on the march and in positions in the near zone and are able to cope with various threats. SAM
Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01
Our media spoke so synchronously about the fact that Saudi Arabia was unable to protect its refineries and wells from semi-literate militants that one should inevitably think about it. And not only on the topic of what the Saudis tried to defend themselves with, but in general on the topic of protection from these self-made UAVs
Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01
Iran has shown its ability to create promising air defense systems for a long time, and regularly presents new evidence of this. In early June, it became known about the completion of development and testing, as well as the adoption of the new air defense system "Khordad-15". To that
Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01
The US defense industry is currently actively engaged in the subject of laser combat systems for various purposes. One of the latest developments in this area is Boeing's CLaWS complex. It appeared several years ago and is currently in limited use in the army. V
Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01
Over the past decades, the United States has managed to build a large, developed and echeloned strategic missile defense system necessary to protect against ballistic missiles of a potential adversary. Understanding the limited capabilities of its missile defense system in its current form and observing the development of foreign
Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01
Within the framework of the fifth international military-technical forum "Army-2019", the Russian and foreign public for the first time was shown a new domestic anti-aircraft missile-gun complex "Pantsir-SM", which is a modernized version of the "Pantsir-C1" complex. Development deep
Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01
Japanese anti-tank artillery. All Japanese small-caliber anti-aircraft guns from the moment of development were considered as dual-use systems. In addition to fighting low-altitude air targets in the front-line, they, if necessary, had to fire at armored vehicles
Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01
The development of all types of Russian air defense continues, and in this context, the current 2019 is one of the most important periods. In recent months, officials have several times disclosed plans for new developments, including the S-350 Vityaz anti-aircraft missile system
Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01
Increased attention is being paid to the protection of silo launchers for ICBMs. In this case, it is possible to combine both passive (means of fortification protection) and active means of protection (for example, air defense and missile defense systems). In the last years of the existence of the Soviet Union in
Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01
To date, the Starstreak MANPADS is the most advanced portable anti-aircraft missile system in service with the British army. The complex, like other modern MANPADS, is designed to combat a wide range of air attack weapons, including low-flying shock
Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01
Currently, the main Chinese long-range air defense system is the HQ-9 complex. It was HQ-9 that became the first Chinese air defense system capable of intercepting ballistic missiles. At the same time, the external similarity of the Chinese air defense system with the Soviet / Russian S-300 system is very