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The development of technology leads to the emergence of promising combat systems, which become almost impossible to resist with existing weapons. In particular, promising air-to-air (V-V) anti-missiles and laser systems can radically change the format of a war in the air
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Image: Film company VKS and the Russian Navy As stated by some media (and some thoroughly discussed this news), "the promising long-range aviation complex (PAK DA), will receive the most advanced defense complex that will protect the aircraft from all types of weapons." Here, of course, there is something about
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The leadership of the military department gets acquainted with the new UAV. Photo of the RF Ministry of Defense The domestic defense industry is working on new concepts and solutions in the field of unmanned aircraft. Recently it became known that the Kronstadt company, which has already created several unmanned systems, is working on a project
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The Orion complex, handed over to the troops in 2020. Photo by Kronstadt Until recently, the situation with domestic reconnaissance and strike unmanned aerial vehicles left much to be desired. It was reported about the development of several new samples, but their arrival at
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Over the past few weeks, a number of news has appeared about the progress of the promising Mi-28NM project. The goal of this project is to modernize existing attack helicopters using new systems, components and assemblies. The emergence of new messages contributed to the beginning of flight tests
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So, let's summarize the interim results for the supply of aviation equipment for the first 7 months of 2013 in the RF Air Force. The numbers for the aircraft are rather weak reflecting what will happen at the end of the year. The reason is in the traditional December deliveries, for example, in December 2012, the Air Force delivered 18 new aircraft out of 35
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Unlike the shipbuilding program, the aircraft industry is showing steady growth in all respects. The state defense order was fulfilled almost 100%, and in a number of positions it was overfulfilled. New equipment en masse went to the troops. So, in 2012, 40 aircraft of all types came to the troops, and this is already 77! By
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When it comes to the conduct of hostilities in the air, then most often they talk about the range - the range of detection of the enemy by reconnaissance means, radar and optical location stations (radar and OLS), the firing range of air-to-air (V-V) or air-to-ground missiles ( B-C). It would seem that
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The military conflict between Armenia / Nagorno-Karabakh Republic (NKR) on the one hand and Azerbaijan / Turkey on the other hand clearly showed the increased importance of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) on the battlefield. If to strike with anti-tank guided missiles (ATGM) using
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The shortage of our UAVs from the moment the armed conflict began between Azerbaijan and the unrecognized Nagorno-Karabakh Republic (NKR), the topic of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) does not leave the pages of specialized publications. Previously, UAVs showed themselves excellently in conflicts in Syria and Libya, successfully
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Having considered the consequences of a global nuclear war, as well as weapons that can be used in a war on land, let's move on to considering the aviation and navy of the post-nuclear world. Once again, recall the factors complicating the recovery of industry after a nuclear war: - population extinction due to
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Milestones in development The presence of a state of strategic bomber aircraft can be attributed to one of the signs that characterize the country's global ambitions. They are in the arsenals of the United States and Russia (USSR), China is in the laggards, but it makes great efforts to acquire these types
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Helmet-mounted targeting systems are not new to the world of weapons. The first helmet-mounted sighting devices appeared in the 1970s. New generations of seeker of heat-guided air-to-air missiles made it possible to lock the target in wider angles of visibility, and as a result appeared
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The idea of writing this article arose out of endless disputes about the effectiveness of air defense and the obligation of air cover for air defense missile systems. Many stubbornly insist that a fully echeloned air defense system is practically impenetrable, opponents object to them, claiming that air defense is "the air force for
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Unmanned systems continue to improve. Local conflicts in recent years clearly demonstrate the importance of using flying drones. The fighting in Syria and the war in Nagorno-Karabakh prove the effectiveness of UAVs for solving reconnaissance and strike
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The first flight prototype of the KF-21 Boramae On April 9, 2021, the official presentation of the fully completed flight prototype of the promising South Korean fighter KF-21 Boramae took place in Sacheon. A multifunctional fighter that is endowed with some of the capabilities of fifth generation fighters
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The First World War gave an unprecedented impetus to military science. Man in his ability to kill other people has never been equal. The war only confirmed this thesis. Having started a conflict with rather primitive aircraft, which often did not carry any weapons at all and performed mainly
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Experts today continue to argue about the prospects for biofuels in the aviation industry. Opinions on this matter are different, while it is obvious that so far there is more politics than economics on the issue of biofuels. Biofuels are important primarily for the environment and programs aimed at reducing the amount of harmful
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On February 21, a major international exhibition and conference in the field of the defense industry IDEX 2021 opened in Abu Dhabi. Companies representing the Russian defense industry are traditional participants in this exhibition. The exhibition is held in the United Arab Emirates two
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In the pre-war period, the concept of a heavy escort fighter with two engines was quite fashionable. However, the actual course of hostilities has shown that twin-engine fighters are themselves very vulnerable to attacks from more maneuverable and high-speed light single-engine fighters. In connection with
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In the two previous parts of the series, devoted to the Japanese air defense system, it was about anti-aircraft artillery, which, due to its weakness, was unable to counter the American long-range bombers B-29 Superfortress. In the next two parts we will talk about Japanese
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Turboprop anti-guerrilla attack aircraft: In the 1970s and 1990s, the Americans supplied the OV-10 Bronco and A-37 Dragonfly anti-guerrilla attack aircraft to their allies. However, not all countries where there were problems with various kinds of insurgents and armed groups of the drug mafia could politically
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Turboprop anti-guerrilla attack aircraft. After the end of the war in Indochina, interest in turboprop anti-insurgency attack aircraft did not disappear. To combat national liberation movements, all sorts of rebel groups and armed groups of drug cartels, governments
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The very successful use of the OV-10A Bronco in Southeast Asia has fueled interest in this turboprop attack aircraft from countries that have problems with all sorts of insurgents. Simultaneously with the sale of the basic version of "Bronco", used in Vietnam, for foreign buyers were created
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Currently, the air forces of a number of countries operate light turboprop attack aircraft, which are primarily designed to intercept light aircraft, patrol borders, fight all sorts of insurgent movements and illegal armed groups
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The "limited contingent of Soviet troops" introduced to Afghanistan on December 25, 1979 (the later famous Fortieth Army), was almost immediately reinforced by helicopter units and fighter-bombers of the 49th Air Army (VA) from TurkVO bases. Like the whole operation to "render international
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The very first experience of using aviation in Afghanistan has shown its insufficient effectiveness. In addition to the pilots' unpreparedness for conducting counter-guerrilla warfare and shortcomings in tactics, the planes themselves did little to match the nature of combat operations. Supersonic fighter-bombers
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For fire support and ground attack, the 40th Army Air Force had well-armed and protected Mi-24s. True, their number at first was extremely small and in the newly formed 40th Army Air Force in the first war months there were only six units. You can see this as shortsightedness
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Photo: NTG842, Flickr To commemorate the tenth anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China in 1958, the Military Museum of the People's Revolution of China was built in Beijing. It is currently the largest museum of its kind in China. It has permanent and temporary exhibitions. Among
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Due to the wide operating frequency range of the Zhuk-AME airborne radar, as well as an advanced signal converter, it is possible to implement a bistatic mode of detecting and tracking surface and ground targets. This mode consists in the fact that one of two or more fighters
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Planar AFAR have significant advantages in terms of weight and size compared to other solutions. The weight and thickness of the AFAR web is significantly reduced. This allows them to be used in small-sized radar homing heads, on board UAVs and for a new class
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The Lockheed P-38 Lightning is an unusual fighter. And the Lightning story will begin with an unusual question: Why does Lightning have such a hefty cockpit? And this gondola is connected with one
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The future, its harbingers and false prophets The jet fighters of the Third Reich had nothing to do with their descendants. The Me.262 "Schwalbe" was created under the influence of its predecessors and combined the features of the piston era aircraft, unacceptable for jet aircraft. First of all, this is noticeable in his
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The battle illuminates the clouds "Skipper 190s on a starboard … roger … (bursts of burst) … comes from behind … gunner you mine … gunner …" the entire tail section was torn off by a cannon burst. The debris rushed to the ground: “Mayday! Mayday
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Dedicated to connoisseurs of aviation history. Selection criteria are important when compiling ratings. A recent opus on the most dangerous fighters of the Second World War turned out to be quite comical, because the author used a win-win logic. Take five aircraft of the final period of WWII, which in force
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Questions about the use of US carrier-based aircraft in Vietnam (with answers). The number of aircraft carriers that took part in the hostilities? (Answer - 17 aircraft carriers). The number of military campaigns of aircraft carrier strike groups to the shores of Vietnam? (Answer - 66 military campaigns.) The total number of days spent by aircraft carriers on
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Not so long ago, D. Rogozin announced the creation of a new light fighter in Russia. Let's try to figure out how justified this statement is. To begin with, let's define the terminology, what exactly can be understood as a light fighter and what kind of fighters exist in the world. Can be distinguished
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After the end of the Great Patriotic War, in accordance with the decision of the Crimean Conference on the territory of Germany, it was forbidden to carry out work on military topics. In the Soviet zone of occupation, they were carried out in an atmosphere of complete secrecy, but the Allies knew about it. Council Resolution
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At the beginning of 2021, the 279 separate shipborne fighter aviation regiment of the Northern Fleet naval aviation and 100 separate shipborne fighter aviation regiment of the Northern Fleet naval aviation included 18 Su-33 fighters, 19 MiG-29K fighters and 3 aircraft
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This text is a continuation of an abridged translation of the book Luftwaffe'45. Letzte Fluge und Projekte”by a colleague of NF68 who has translated many interesting topics related to the German Air Force. Illustrations taken from the original book, literary processing