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The republics of Novorossiya were waiting for provocations. We have been waiting since the beginning of May. Waited for all the holidays. There was something in the air: "Something will happen." The people went to huge demonstrations, showing fortitude, but many in their hearts understood that any tragic unexpectedness could happen at any moment
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Today we will once again celebrate the Day of the complete liberation of Leningrad from the Nazi blockade. Recently, for the sake of interest in Yandex, I typed the words "Blockade of Leningrad" and received the following answer: "After breaking the blockade, the siege of Leningrad by enemy troops and navy continued until September 1944
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British Navy Misses On June 18-19, the French fleet left Malta and moved to the shores of North Africa. Life was in full swing on board the flagship: the commander of the expedition, as usual, worked from early morning. For lunch, scientists, researchers, officers gathered in his cabin. After lunch, lively
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Russia is ready to hand over to Israel an Israeli tank located in Kubinka near Moscow since 1982, world news agencies report. This information has already made a lot of noise in the Russian public. Why on earth is this done? What will Russia get in return? And what kind of tank is this in general?
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The foreign intelligence service of Late Rome and Early Byzantium, which was regarded by contemporaries almost unanimously as exemplary, no doubt deserves our attention, although this topic, for unknown reasons, has been extremely poorly studied by Russian historical science. First, let's say that the late Roman
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What is Dmitry Ivanovich Mendeleev famous for? I immediately recall the periodic law discovered by him, which formed the basis of the periodic system of chemical elements. His "Discourse on the combination of alcohol with water", which laid the foundation for the myth of the invention of Russian vodka by scientists, may also come to mind. However, this is only
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Memories of a military translator 1. Soviet missile men at the Egyptian pyramids 1 Egypt burst into my life unexpectedly in 1962. I graduated from the Pedagogical Institute in Magnitogorsk. In winter, I was summoned to the military registration and enlistment office and offered to become a military translator. In the summer I was awarded the military rank of junior
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As we said in the first part, the army of conquerors, which successfully landed at the Rock of Gibraltar, captured several cities and repelled an attempt to counterstrike the border Visigothic contingent. But here, at the time of finding the forces of Tariq ibn-Ziyad at Salt Lake (Largo de la Sanda), to his headquarters
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To his native Spain, Julian called the Moors. The Count decided to take revenge on the king … A.S. Pushkin On July 20, on the same hot summer day as the current one, only 1307 years ago, in the battle of the Guadaletta River, an army of Christians who defended Spain met with a jihadist army that invaded the Iberian
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Not many of our contemporaries know the personality of Lieutenant-General and Count Egor Frantsevich Kankrin (1774-1845), but this man undoubtedly deserves close attention even in our time, if only because he held the post of Minister of Finance for 21 years, from 1823 to 1844
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THE STORY OF HOW THE REVOLUTION IN MILITARY CASE LEADED TO THE REVOLUTION IN MILITARY MEDICINE AND TO THE APPEARANCE OF MODERN SURGERY “The gloomy face of the surgeon often saturates the patient's wounds with more poison than bullets and trills.” “There is nothing more certain than death, but nothing is less than death. definite than her hour. "
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Nowadays, few people know the name of this figure of the Middle Ages, and those who know about him, in the majority (following the science fiction writer Kir Bulychev) consider this very controversial personality "bastard No. 1 in the Middle East." Renaud de Chatillon or in another reading of Reynald de Chatillon
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40 years ago, on July 4, 1976, one of the most successful Israeli Special Forces hostage rescue raids took place at Entebbe airport in Uganda. The beginning of this amazing saga was laid on June 27, 1976, when the Airbus A-300 of Air France
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Continuation of the material about the unique victory of the Palestinian crusaders over a much larger army of Islamists moving to Jerusalem. The course of the battle So, at the end of November 1177, the huge Sultan's army, successively defeating several Christian detachments, several
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Probably, there is no such person who would not know about the former Russian lands in America and did not hear anything about the sale of our Alaska to the United States. However, few people know about the unique financial system that formed in these territories at the time when they belonged to the Russian Empire. Let's say right away
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The presented article tells about an amazing, but little-known in our time, battle that took place in the distant era of the Crusades in the Middle East. Oddly enough, little is said about this battle by the descendants of both sides of the conflict: for Muslims, this is a shameful page from the life of their hero
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One of the most enduring myths of the Cold War is the theory that on July 18, 1972, Egyptian President Anwar Sadat "unexpectedly expelled Soviet military advisers from the country." The theory is described in many memoirs and scientific works, from which readers will learn that the Egyptian president
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Not so long ago, the Voennoye Obozreniye website published an article on how in recent years there have been numerous attempts to link the strategy and tactics of warfare by the Soviet (Russian) army with unnecessary and unjustified sacrifices. Like, the Russian generals have one
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In recent years, the Russian army has been criticized even by those who have nothing to do with it and have absolutely nothing to do with it. If you take 10 of any newspaper, magazine or Internet publications offhand, you can see that 7-8 of them will contain criticism of anything related to the army
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The Great Byron once remarked: "A thousand years is hardly enough to create a state, one hour is enough for it to crumble to dust." For the USSR, such an hour came on December 8, 1991, then in Belovezhskaya Viskuli, Russian President Boris Yeltsin, Ukrainian President Leonid Kravchuk and chairman
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The interest that my previous article on the Belovezhsky conspiracy aroused in readers testifies that many Russians are still worried about the collapse of the Soviet Union. On the eve of the 26th anniversary of this date, I consider it appropriate to talk about the secret reasons that guided Gorbachev when he
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1135 years ago, the founder of the Russian dynasty, Prince Rurik, passed away. In those days, the present East Germany was inhabited by the Slavs - cheered, lyutichi, Ruyans, Luzhichians, etc. And on the lands of our country there was a Russian Kaganate, an alliance of several Slavic and Finnish peoples: Slovenes, Krivichi, Chudi, Vesi
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1050 years ago, in the summer of 965, the great Russian prince Svyatoslav Igorevich defeated the Khazar army and took the capital of the Khazar Kaganate - Itil. The lightning strike of the Russian squads with the support of the allied Pechenegs led to the collapse of the parasitic Khazar state. The Russians performed sacred revenge
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320 years ago, on October 30, 1696, at the suggestion of Tsar Peter I, the Boyar Duma adopted a resolution "There will be ships …". This became the first law on the fleet and the official date of its foundation. The first regular formation of the Russian Navy was the Azov Flotilla. It was created
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On January 25, Russian servicemen, whose service is associated with laying the courses of ships, ships, aircraft and helicopters of the Russian Navy, navigation and monitoring the operation of navigation devices, celebrate the Day of the Navigator of the Russian Navy. Navigator's Day
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On September 21, the Day of Military Glory of Russia is celebrated - the Day of the victory of the Russian regiments led by Grand Duke Dmitry Donskoy over the Mongol-Tatar troops in the Battle of Kulikovo in 1380. Terrible disasters brought the Tatar-Mongol yoke to the Russian land. But in the second half of the 14th century, disintegration began
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The advent of firearms greatly changed the principles of the use of cavalry in battle. The armored horsemen ceased to be an unconditional force, while the infantry acquired an effective weapon to fight the once invulnerable enemy. The best defense of the cavalry was speed, it was also the main
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“To heal the new generation from a blind, rash addiction to the superficial and foreign, spreading in young minds a cordial respect for the homeland and the full conviction that only the adaptation of general, world enlightenment to our national life, to our national spirit can bring
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On September 8, Russia celebrates the Day of Military Glory of Russia - the Day of the Battle of Borodino. It was established in 1995 by the Federal Law of the Russian Federation "On the Days of Military Glory (Victory Days) in Russia". On August 26 (September 7), 1812, a general battle of the Russian army took place under
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On January 27, 1944, one of the most terrible pages in the history of mankind was closed. We are talking about the blockade of Leningrad, organized by the Nazi invaders. It was on January 27, 72 years ago that the blockade of the city on the Neva was completely lifted, and today this memorable day is celebrated as the Day of the Military
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About the bloody path of one of the leaders of the Ukrainian nationalists, Hauptman Roman Shukhevych, the deputy commander of the Nachtigal sabotage and terrorist battalion of the SS Galicia division and other police and punitive formations in the Lviv region, Belarus and Volyn, and after the war - the leader
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The fact that big politics is only a definite, and perhaps even far from the first, derivative of the global economy is a fact that today can be confidently taken as the basis of reality. There are enough examples in history of how using tools
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Wars at different times helped to win not only infantrymen, cavalry, tanks, guns and aircraft, but also at least one more element, which can be called information processing of the population. Hitler's car, which in June 1941, moved to the Soviet Union, before that had managed to crush
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At the end of last week, an event took place that was largely ignored by the Russian media. This event is the transfer of Ali Taziev's case to court. Most readers may have a reasonable question about this: who is this Ali Taziev in general, so that the media
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The history of the 20th century for our country is a kaleidoscope of events, among which there are both great triumphs: the Great Victory over fascism, the flight of the first man into space, and huge tragedies that affected millions of people. One such tragedy is the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant 26
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There are many tragic pages in the history of new Russia, which still leave an opportunity for broad discussion and new assessments of state policy. One of such tragic milestones in the formation of the new Russian state is the Chechen war - the First Chechen one. So far, no department
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The history of post-Soviet chaos teaches the new Russia what real independence is; teaches how not to repeat the political mistakes of the past and not to step on the old rusty rake that someone stubbornly throws underfoot. One of the painful points on the map of Russia, which barely managed to take shape
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The last years of the existence of the Soviet Union are a real kaleidoscope of details, which, with their negative essence, do not cease to amaze even today. The change in the political, economic and social state of a huge country, which was built over several decades, took place with
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By the current moment, the so-called Nuclear Club, made up of eight countries that have nuclear weapons, has managed to form in the world. Such countries, in addition to Russia and the United States of America, include France, Great Britain, China, North Korea, Pakistan and India. Many experts say that also
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More than 16 years have passed since the signing of the so-called Khasavyurt agreement. Aslan Maskhadov and Alexander Lebed signed the document on behalf of the presidents of the Republic of Ichkeria and the Russian Federation. It is officially believed that it was Khasavyurt'96 who put an end to the bloody war