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Of the main participants in World War II, the United States was probably the only country that did not have an Air Force as an independent branch of the armed forces. As such, the US Air Force was only formed on September 18, 1947. Nevertheless, despite various formal and informal absurdities
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Back in August 1914, Staff Captain Pyotr Nesterov, world famous for his loop, for the first time in the world decided on a deadly risky trick - he struck down the Austrian "albatross". And - he died … But the tragic seal of death from a risky admission was removed on April 1, 1915 by the captain Alexander Kazakov:
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After the unsuccessful Prut campaign of 1711, which almost ended with the capture of Peter and the entire Russian army by the Turks, the consequences of which for the Russian award system we spoke about in the article about the Order of St. Catherine, the main military operations were again transferred to the shores of the Baltic Sea
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Afghanistan, Iran, Yemen, Mongolia, Tuva helped the Soviet Union free of chargeDuring the Great Patriotic War, many countries and peoples provided assistance to the USSR, even being officially neutral in that war. Brief reports about this can be found in the Soviet press during wartime. There were several very
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From the tropical islands and the Far Eastern coasts we will be transported to Europe, where in the middle. In the first decade of the 19th century, Russia and its allies in the anti-Napoleonic coalition found themselves, to put it mildly, in a difficult situation
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In our time, when no one knows exactly how many homeless children there are in our country (and the count is already in the millions!), This story, which happened during the Great Patriotic War, is striking in its mercy. Maybe we are so hard and live today because we have lost his great secret. But exactly
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Commander Yudenich was able to stop only 1917. In his appearance there was neither the chivalrous beauty and entourage inherent in Lieutenant General Baron Pyotr Wrangel, nor the refined intelligence inherent in the cavalry general Alexei Brusilov, nor the romance and mystery that many saw in
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Summaries of the first days of the war sparingly report on the bombing of dozens of our cities. And - unexpectedly, already on June 24, they inform about the Soviet (!) Bombing of Danzig, Koenigsberg, Lublin, Warsaw
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215 years ago, the first monument to Suvorov was openedToday, few people remember one of the very first military posters - it appeared in June 1941 - "Suvorovites - Chapaevtsy": We are fighting great, Kolm desperately - Suvorov's grandchildren, Chapaev's children. The verse is simple and intelligible. The then new combination of the names of Suvorov and Chapaev connected
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The fighter against the revolution, who sent out punitive expeditions, was not a supporter of autocracy. Pyotr Nikolaevich Durnovo is among the discredited and forgotten state and political leaders of imperial Russia during the Soviet period. He was remembered in connection with the centenary of the beginning of the First World War, about
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Again, on May 9, wreaths and flowers will be laid at the monuments erected in honor of the feat of the Soviet people. In many places, such monuments are the famous T-34 tanks, which have become symbols of the great Victory
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June 10 would have marked the 110th anniversary of the Hero of the Soviet Union, Colonel Anton Petrovich Brinsky (1906-1981), commander of the intelligence and sabotage Operational Center of the Intelligence Directorate of the General Staff of the Red Army "Brook". Eleven temporarily occupied regions of Belarus and Ukraine, three Polish
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“Our troops held each of the positions for several days, sometimes for weeks.” Against the background of the grandiose battles in Poland, the battle for the Dniester looks like an episode. But the actions of the 11th Army of the Southwestern Front provided the most valuable resource - time, which in the situation that developed after the Gorlitsky breakthrough was the main
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Honored Artist of Russia and Ukraine Nikolai Dupak was born on October 5, 1921. He studied with Yuri Zavadsky, filmed with Alexander Dovzhenko, for a quarter of a century he was the director of the legendary Taganka Theater, where he brought Yuri Lyubimov and where he recruited Vladimir Vysotsky … But today's conversation
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"Kushki will not be sent further, they will not give less platoon" - an old proverb of officers of the imperial and later Soviet army. Alas, now the name Kushka does not say anything for 99.99% of our senior pupils and students. Well, until 1991, our schoolchildren knew Kushka as the southernmost point of the USSR, a place “where
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The Soviet commanders had undeniable advantages over the Germans. The Great Patriotic War showed how important the role of commanders of fronts and armies was. Let's talk about fifteen leading military leaders on both sides. Information about the Soviet command is taken from the new 12-volume edition "Great
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I, who served almost equally on both "diesels" (as they were condescendingly called in the early 70s) and the newest at that time nuclear-powered ships, I would like to pay tribute to the memory of the officers and sailors of the 182nd submarine brigade of the Pacific Fleet ( Pacific Fleet), not marked with high awards and
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Next year, on March 17, General Alexei Alekseevich Ignatiev will turn 140 years old. In the encyclopedia you can read about him: “Count Alexei Alekseevich Ignatiev (March 2 (14), 1877 - November 20, 1954) - Russian and Soviet military leader, diplomat, adviser to the head of the People's Commissariat for Foreign Affairs, a writer from the Ignatiev family
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The author of these lines, perhaps one of the few researchers, had a chance to hold in his hands a genuine personal file of the Hero of the Soviet Union Stepan Andreevich Neustroev, which was kept in one of the closed archives under the heading "Secret". Thanks to this, intricate details were revealed, not
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80 years ago, on June 1, 1936, flights between Moscow and Vladivostok began. Flights were carried out from the Frunze Central Aerodrome, better known as Khodynka. However, in the same 1936 it was closed for major reconstruction, during which it was necessary to build a concrete
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"There were so many prisoners that the squadrons of hussars drowned among them" On April 27, 1915, the attack of the 3rd Cavalry Corps destroyed the enemy's combined arms army. The actions of the Russian cavalry in the First World War were sometimes of strategic importance, but they remain a solid blank spot
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“When I just moved here, in 1989, my little daughter and I went together to the Krasnaya Gorka fort. I started climbing concrete debris in the blown-up casemate and got stuck. When I shone forward, I saw what made me work on the fort all my life … in front of me
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Why the United States and Turkey are starting a new stage of hostilities in Syria A new wave of exacerbation of the Syrian conflict is inevitable. The United States does not have any puppet regimes under its control in the region. The only chance to retain influence is to change the government in Syria
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The Russian military is improving the basing system in the Far East and, in particular, in the Kuril Islands. So, in April, a three-month expeditionary voyage of a detachment of ships of the Pacific Fleet began to the islands of the Great Kuril ridge. "The main goal is to study the possibilities of the prospective basing of forces
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Alexander Matrosov and Oleg Koshevoy were deleted from school textbooks Ideological war is a struggle for the ideological foundations of states and communities. A targeted negative impact on the system of educational standards qualitatively changes the mentality of the people, their values and priorities, leads
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Oddly enough, there have always been political parties in Russia. Of course, not in the modern interpretation, which defines a political party as a "special public organization", the guiding goal of which is to seize political power in the country. Nevertheless, it is known for certain that, for example, in the same
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To the 100th anniversary of Lieutenant General Boris Semyonovich Ivanov One of the most important components of national security is state security, whose tasks include identifying and eliminating external and internal threats to the state, counteracting their sources, protecting state
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The role of Beria in the creation of atomic and rocket weapons has not yet been properly assessed Seventy years ago, in the spring of 1946, events took place in the USSR that marked the beginning of the implementation of two most important defense projects - atomic and missile. 9 April, Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the USSR No
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In just a month, seven transport ships of the first allied caravan arrived in Arkhangelsk. Until the end of the year, the ports of the USSR received seven such caravans - from "PQ.0" to "PQ.6", consisting of 52 vessels. Thus, in 1941 alone, 699 aircraft were delivered to Arkhangelsk from England and the USA, 466
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The January 1945 offensive of the troops of the 1st Belorussian and 1st Ukrainian fronts, launched on the Vistula, went down in history as the Vistula-Oder strategic offensive operation. One of the bright, bloody and dramatic pages of this operation was the elimination of a group of German troops surrounded by
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More than two decades have passed since the day when the news fell on the heads of the citizens of the USSR, already disappointed in Gorbachev's perestroika, that Vadim Bakatin, the last chairman of the KGB, made an unusual gift of 74 drawings and a short description on one sheet to the American ambassador in Moscow. Most of all
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On a rainy March day in 1869, an officer was buried in St. Petersburg. Behind his coffin to the very gates of the city Lutheran cemetery was Tsarevich Alexander Alexandrovich, the future Emperor Alexander III. The deceased committed suicide. Suicide is a grave sin for a Christian. For him
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Today, May 13, is the 70th anniversary of the Kapustin Yar training ground. The military historian Vladimir Ivanovich Ivkin told the NVO correspondent how this complex test complex was created, who stood at the origins, what work was carried out on it. Of particular interest are previously unknown facts from
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On February 9, 1995, the Golden Star was brought to the hospital by two generals. Chief of the General Staff of the Russian Armed Forces, General of the Army Mikhail Kolesnikov, and Chief of the Main Intelligence Directorate of the General Staff, Colonel-General Fyodor Lodygin. Kolesnikov read out the presidential decree and handed over to Chernyak
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On April 30, 1945, senior sergeant Nikolai Masalov, risking his life, brought out a German girl from under fire, which became the plot of the monument to the Liberator Soldier in Berlin The monument in Berlin's Treptower Park is widely known not only in our country and not only in Germany. But not everyone knows what the idea is
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Cities and factories, tanks and ships were named after Kliment Voroshilov. Songs were composed about him, and every pioneer dreamed of earning the honorary title of "Voroshilov shooter". He was a symbol of the Soviet dream - a simple locksmith who became the people's commissar of defense and even the head of state. But the recent
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The older generation remembers this day - April 26, 1986, exactly 30 years ago. And he remembers the first weeks after … I, for example, was 13. I, still a girl, trained with a group of climbers in the Crimea in May, mastering the rocky route of Mount Kush-Kaya near Foros. Once I heard how adults
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May 3, 1946 began the Tokyo trial of the main war criminals If we are to judge for the outbreak of wars, then we should start with the main driving force of armed conflicts - politicians. However, they themselves consider such a formulation of the question unacceptable, because, from their point of view, they go to
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The Great Patriotic War of the Soviet people against the German fascist invaders was worthily crowned with the Victory Parade. On June 24, 1945, twelve consolidated regiments of the fighting fronts, sailors, the troops of the Polish and Moscow garrisons marched along Red Square in a solemn march. Front regiments consisted of
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To hide the fact that the United States lagged behind the USSR, today's liberal "historians" write that the Americans allegedly had more strategic charges, that is, nuclear warheads, than the USSR and cite data with a sixfold superiority of the United States, but they immediately make a reservation and point to the sources