Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01
October 4, 1957 became an important incentive for the United States - after the launch of the first artificial Earth satellite in the USSR, American engineers decided to adapt space to fulfill navigation needs (with the practicality characteristic of the Yankees). At the Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory APL
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The first generation of navigation satellite systems in the Soviet Union received the name "Sail" and was developed on the basis of the Scientific Research Hydrographic Navigation Institute (NIGSHI) of the Navy. The very idea to use artificial earth satellites as the main element of navigation came
Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01
An attacking armored vehicle, probably like no other combatant, needs thermal imaging equipment. And the point here is not only in finding targets from the category of their own kind, but in the timely detection in the day and night in any conditions of tank-hazardous infantry, which is sometimes equipped with extremely
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The key problem of individual thermal imagers as part of the instrumentation and sighting complex is the stringent requirements for weight and dimensions. It is impossible to place a system for cooling the matrix with liquid nitrogen, so new engineering solutions have to be looked for. And why bother to fence the most complicated and expensive
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In early August 2016, the US Navy successfully tested the Osprey MV-22 tiltrotor. This aircraft itself is not unusual. The twin-rotor vehicle has been in service with the American Navy for a long time (it was put into service in the second half of the 1980s
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Currently, 3D printing technology is developing at a very fast pace. In just 2-3 years, a 3D printer will become as commonplace in our world as a personal computer, laser printer or scanner is today. It is for this reason that people today are more and more worried about
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Samples of hypersonic weapon systems, which will reach Mach 6-8, should appear before the end of 2020. Boris Obnosov, the general director of the Tactical Missile Armament Corporation, announced this the other day. - These are new prohibitive speeds. Hypersound starts at Mach 4.5. One Mach is 300 m / s
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Self-improving artificial intelligence (AI) in the future can enslave or kill people if he wants to. This was told by the scientist Amnon Eden, who believes that the risks from the development of a free-thinking and highly intellectual consciousness are very high, and, “if you do not take care of questions
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Drawing of the moment of separation from the carrier of a hypersonic missile HSSW. The US Air Force intends to move from development to a deployment program for this weapon system after the planned demonstration flight in 2020 Hypersound is becoming the next key parameter of weapon platforms and
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Not so long ago, a ten-minute animated video showing the capabilities of a certain combat robot began to spread on the Internet. It tells how a compound of three remotely controlled vehicles breaks through enemy positions and takes out the wounded, simultaneously destroying
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The latest events related to the scandalous film "Innocence of Muslims" showed how firmly modern information technologies have entered the life of the entire planet. The story with this film has several unpleasant characteristics. First, it is not yet clear if there is something other than the trailer
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For several years now, scientists in the United States of America have been working on a rail gun project (also referred to as the English term railgun). A promising type of weapon promises good indicators of the initial velocity of the projectile and, as a result, the firing range and penetration indicators. However on
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A new direction for practical space exploration was proposed by the inventor "Nikolay Agapov". Unlike well-known promising concepts, such as the extraction of helium-3 on the Moon or space tourism, the scenario for the development of the space industry published on the website of the International
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The US Navy creates weapons on new physical principles However, some military experts doubt that these defenses will be able to withstand the winged and
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Shortly before the May holidays, the leading world media, referring to each other, reported on the successful test of a hypersonic missile in our country. The fact that the development of such a particularly promising weapon is being carried out in the United States, Russia, China and, it seems, in India, on
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Unmanned aerial vehicles have "mastered" reconnaissance for a long time and are now actively used in this area. Nevertheless, with rare exceptions, we are talking about observing the terrain using optoelectronic means. At the same time, new developments in the field of
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Heavyweights: Sherpa infantry … A category of ground robots has emerged that will finally shed the burden from the shoulders of an infantry unit. These systems are capable of carrying heavy loads, they can follow the squad, leaving the soldier only his small backpack with the most necessary and at the same time carrying
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On December 10, the US Navy conducted a test of the railgun, an electromagnetic cannon in which electromagnetic impulses give acceleration to a projectile. The development of this weapon has been going on for several years, it is expected that it should be received by promising ships of the fleet, primarily the already laid down destroyers of the project
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During the application in Syria in real combat conditions, the Russian multi-functional combat robot "Uran-9" was identified with a number of shortcomings. This is reported by the RIA Novosti agency with reference to the report of the third central research institute of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation
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Recently, a railgun was tested in Turkey. The country is preparing to conduct field tests of weapons built on new physical principles, in particular, Turkish professor Ismail Demir, Doctor of Technical Sciences, wrote on his Twitter account. Lately all over the world
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Pulsed electromagnetic weapons, or so-called. "Jammers" is a real type of weapons of the Russian army, already undergoing testing. The United States and Israel are also conducting successful developments in this area, but have relied on the use of EMP systems to generate the kinetic energy of the U
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The IAEA's latest quarterly report on the Iranian nuclear issue reported recently that the fortified underground enrichment plant in Fordow has received two new cascades of advanced centrifuges, 174 each. In total, it is planned to place 3000 centrifuges at this facility for
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Modern AFVs, such as the M1117 ASV in the photo, are usually protected by basic structural armor of steel and aluminum plus additional protection components made from various alloys, ceramics, composites, or a combination of both. For the United States and its strategic partners, the need for improved
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With the onset of the new year, users of social networks have unearthed an old filmstrip (a kind of slideshow with captions) "In 2017" in their stash. Its authors in an intelligible form tried to tell Soviet kids what the world will be like 57 years later on the anniversary of the Great October Revolution: robots
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Commenting on the article of the air defense in the fourth generation, "clashed" with the TOP2 on the issue of remote wireless power supply of small and ultra-small UAVs (UAVs) (see here), as well as on the topic: the swarm algorithm (agents) for the UAV and the prospects for air defense "4- th generation ". I will try
New anti-drone "multi-barrel" laser system for ship placement from "Rheinmetall Defense Electronics"
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Drones are the headache of our time. There are more and more of them, and they have already become a big problem for the armed forces around the world. They (UAVs, UAVs) are small, cheap, difficult to detect, difficult to shoot down (and costly to shoot down). They are used by armies and PMCs, terrorist groups
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This is the second article on the topic of using resonances to destroy physical objects. The first article "The Russian footprint of the Stuxnet virus" was introductory and was intended for a wide non-professional audience. Now is the time to familiarize yourself with this method in detail, but first, take a look
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FSUE "Science and Technology Center" Atlas "solved the problem of secure communications for 115,000 rubles. common framework for
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12,000 BC Holloman airbase lights swayed under the wing. The government Boeing was landing, shaking the night desert with the roar of its engines. A soft touch, and the silvery liner froze in the spotlights. - Airborne VVS-1, 00:45 MST. Right on schedule. - The President has arrived. Can
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“We will be able to see the enemy day and night, in any weather. And we will persecute him mercilessly. "- General Gordon Sullivan In 1996, the US Air Force report" Weather as a Power Multiplier: Mastering the Weather in 2025 "was published, which gave rise to many subtle conspiracy hypotheses and
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The sons and daughters of the blue planet Soar upward, disturbing the stars of peace. A path to interstellar space has been established For satellites, rockets, scientific stations. *** A Russian guy flew in a rocket, he saw the whole earth from a height. Gagarin was the first in space. What will you be? In 1973, a working group of the British
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Exactly 50 years ago, on November 1, 1962, the Soviet space station … Mars is located on the border of the so-called "zone of life" - climatic conditions on the planet are much harsher than terrestrial ones, but still acceptable for organic forms of life. In summer, at the equator at noon, the temperature reaches + 20 ° C, a long
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Researchers at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory were deprived of their quiet rest for a long time. Excited by the discoveries, they slept in fits and starts, and when they woke up, they hurried back to the Mission Control Center of the automatic interplanetary station Voyager. Here, digital
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The ring in the mountains It lies in the spurs of the Greater Caucasian ridge, in the two rivers of Bol'shoi Zelenchuk and Khusa. Huge, white. From a bird's eye view, it looks like a fragment of the mysterious "Nazca drawings" on the coast of Peru. And like those drawings left by an ancient civilization, it seems that this
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Venus: Welcome to Hell! "The planet Venus is surrounded by a noble air atmosphere, such (if only not more), which is poured around our globe" … in 1761 M.V. Lomonosov discovered a halo around the disk of the planet and, unlike the enlightened European scientists, made absolutely
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The new planet was discovered on January 4, 2010. Its size was determined to be 3,878 Earth radii; orbital elements: semi-major axis - 0.0455 AU. That is, the inclination is 89.76 °, the orbital period is 3.2 Earth days. The temperature on the planet's surface is 1800 ° C. The paradox of the situation is that
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Any new knowledge usually goes through three stages: 1. "Nonsense!" 2. “And if really …” 3. “Who doesn't know that!” Reliable and high-quality radio communication plays an important role in ensuring the safety of navigation and for the successful conduct of hostilities. A group of specialists from the scientific
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Keep in mind that only five percent of intelligence reports are true. A good leader should be able to distinguish these percentages. / Douglas MacArthur / One of the conditions that ensured the successful offensive of the German army in the summer of 1941 was the fact that the Wehrmacht was superior to
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Until the second decade of this century, three directions of development passed and are now being pursued in the industry of the planet - steam, electron, atom. “Currently, the world is moving to the fourth level, based on photon technologies,” noted the well-known head of the Russian defense
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The production and use of domestic composite materials has recently been growing at an average annual rate of three to five percent. These are foreign assessments. Very complex technological processes for the manufacture of raw materials, semi-finished products and the actual composites cannot be replaced overnight