When a year ago I managed to get acquainted with the "Tulip" and appreciate its capabilities and layout (Mortars. Self-propelled mortar 2С4 "Tulip". The most-most …), I did not think that there would be an opportunity to evaluate it in action.

I cannot but say thanks to the press service of the Western Military District for this opportunity, because only in such conditions it is possible to understand and appreciate the essence of the Weapon with a capital letter.
Speaking of some three letters "M" in relation to the mortar … However, be patient a little, everything will become clear.
Indeed, the power can only be assessed by being on the same site with these monsters. Not a single video (by the way, I recommend ours, it turned out very well, even though I messed up a little there in terms of the title, filmed the introduction at the end of the working day, already "tulip") will give the correct understanding.

Let me explain why.
Rumble is, of course, yes. But not very loud. Louder and "Carnation", and "Msta", and T-72. The truth is louder. But this is how the earth trembles after the volley of the Tulips battery … This can be felt only after visiting the position.

Plus to see what holes in the perfectly calcined and dried earth the mortar base plate leaves.


It's just powerful. When you understand that this thing, which weighs 137 kg, calmly flies out of the barrel, gains an altitude of 3-4 km, and then slowly begins its way to the goal … And the thing, that is, the mine, does not care deeply about electronic warfare, concrete, rolls, the ground … Yes, the "Tulip" had atomic charges. But you will not oppose anything to this mine. She is, she flies, and when she arrives, everyone around will be sad.

Of course, up to this point you have to do more than just work. And the second letter "M" could easily become "masochism". At least, the position, albeit with a certain hint of a shadow at +32 Celsius, is not the best place where you can really spend time. However, they do it.

Teaching. The one in which it is difficult, but after it it is easy in battle. Target designations are received from the brigade command post, the battery commanders process them, issue settings to the gun commanders, charge the crews, direct them, command sounds …

Combat security. Probably the hardest job is to sit at a machine gun in 30-degree heat and do nothing.
The loading process is well shown in the video, here you can also see the faces of the soldiers.

Next, gunners and spotters come into play. Moreover, this is the third "M" - "mathematics". Without her, really nowhere. Constant calculations of corrections, adjustments, coordinates … Moreover, it was amazed that nowadays people easily multiply two-digit numbers in their minds and on paper, calculators are also in use, but as experts said, sometimes it is faster this way.
And what can you hear when the wind suddenly changes its direction …

And this is the headquarters. The brain center of the battery, issuing calculations for mortars. Looks modest.

The main characters plus the battery commander.

And this is a mediator. The one who is silent, but evaluates the battery's actions and reports directly to the brigade commander.

And these are the commanders of the crews. Sergeants. It is clear that they are contractors. I don’t know how the master sergeants in the US army look in such conditions, but ours are clearly not inferior to them. And in terms of psychological impact, whoever you want to scare. Although, in general, they are very pleasant people and very easy to talk to. But I wouldn't anger them.

The result is known.

And by the way, one more thing. Mandatory change of position, the so-called anti-fire maneuver. This is when everyone is quickly removed from position, moved to the side and deployed in a new place.

And the soil part of the calculations only needs to collect the property … As usual, however.

What can be said as a conclusion when leaving the scene?
It is clear that the ancestors knew how to tinker for centuries. It is clear that "Tulips" were created God knows when, that is, from 1971 to 1988 about 600 of these machines were produced. Seeing them at work, evaluating the work of the calculations, one can only express satisfaction with the fact that only us and the Kazakhs have these monsters. This, you know, is encouraging and gives some confidence.