The Americans are working to create an emitter that makes the detonators of all mines and bombs in the surrounding area go off.
In recent years, there have been reports of the development of top secret weapons in the United States, which automatically detonate the detonators of improvised mines and bombs - the main culprits in the deaths of American soldiers in Afghanistan and Iraq. The project was named NIRF (Neutralizing Improvised Explosive Devices with Radio Frequency, "Neutralization of improvised explosive devices using radio waves").
Apparently, such a tool would be really useful in the fight against extremists, but it seems that it is still far from widespread use. First, such installations are not yet reliable enough in the field. Secondly, it is impossible to predict the consequences: no one is safe from the fact that the included weapon will cause the detonation of the ammunition at the moment when a group of civilians is nearby.
By the way, today almost every Hummer of the American army operating in Iraq and Afghanistan is equipped with a radio frequency jammer for the remote control of the explosive mechanism. They really turned out to be useful. And in 2005 and 2008. installations causing the detonation of radio-controlled ammunition were field tested. Then their size was unacceptable - each of them required a powerful tractor with a trailer.
And judging by recent reports, today, still in an atmosphere of strict secrecy, work continues with might and main to reduce and improve these devices. One of the top officials of the Pentagon, General James Mattis (James Mattis) dreams of installing them even on airplanes: "This is an offensive tool that will change the face of the entire war," he writes.
At what stage the work is today is unclear. During testing in 2005, the generator created radiation that destroyed its own electronics. But, as far as is known, in the planned milestone 2008, the NIRF project was not only not closed, but also received additional funding. Let's wait to see how it all ends.