Titan of National Security

Titan of National Security
Titan of National Security

In November, Vladimir Putin held a series of meetings on the development of the Armed Forces. Among the current problems, the head of state focused on the development of promising military equipment based on the advanced achievements of science.

“Military science has always been the area where the advanced achievements of science and technology were used. And today, in the 21st century, the leading countries of the world are actively using the most modern scientific achievements in the development of weapons to strengthen their military potential, '' Vladimir Putin emphasized. - These are lasers, and hypersound, and robotics. Serious attention is paid to the development of so-called weapons based on new physical principles, which makes it possible to selectively, point-wise impact on critical elements of weapons, equipment, infrastructure facilities of a potential enemy.

Titan of National Security
Titan of National Security

In Russia, as in other countries, similar developments are also underway … Our task is to effectively neutralize any military threats to Russia's security, including those associated with the creation of a strategic missile defense, the implementation of the concept of a global strike, and the conduct of information wars."

Science and defense always develop simultaneously, stimulating and pushing each other. At the same time, it is important that scientists feel in demand, and the path from development to implementation is reduced to a minimum. About this - on the example of three scientific schools directly related to the military-industrial complex.

For a ticket to life - to the pool

For the second century now, all parameters of the future fleet have been largely formed at the Krylov State Scientific Center, and in unique experimental pools (for a quarter of a million cubic meters of water) and at stands, all Russian marine equipment is tested and refined. The range is wide: from the design of the hull and the main units, including nuclear power plants, to the tactical, technical and navigation characteristics that ensure reliability, efficiency and safety of navigation in various regions of the oceans, the effectiveness of weapons, secrecy and protection from the eyes and ears of potential enemies. By the way, there is only one such complex in the world - the Taylor Center in the USA, but it is in many ways inferior to our Krylov Central Research Institute. Let's say that we have the largest (1300 meters long) test pool, where any situation a ship may find itself in while sailing is simulated. On a deep-water stand, immersion under a 15-kilometer layer of water is simulated; in a circulating circular basin, the model can be accelerated to 180 kilometers per hour. It also has its own wind tunnel, a number of test benches, and its own plant. All this richest research and production potential in the devastating 90s was preserved and strengthened by the Director General of the Institute, Hero of Russia, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences Valentin Pashin. The square at the main entrance of the Krylov center is named after this outstanding scientist, engineer, organizer. For three years the team has been working without its legendary leader, trying to defend the position of the leading institute of domestic shipbuilding. Academician Pashin insisted that there should be forward-looking research centers in every strategic industry.

“The Krylov Center is multifunctional - it solves the most complex problems of hydrodynamics and strength, enhancing stealth, protection, reliability, improving the combat and operational qualities of ships and vessels, power plants, fighting noise and vibration. All developments are relevant and competitive at the global level, - said Valentin Pashin. - Another thing is how to implement our know-how more efficiently and faster. In the Soviet years, in a sense it was easier, although a lot was done under the duress. The decisions of the Central Committee of the CPSU and the Council of Ministers were such a magic "club" forcing anyone to introduce new technologies. And today, it would seem, is a market economy - business is interested in making more money and making a profit. We suggest solutions, we say: "Take it!". They don't. Why? Our market competition is still very weak with strong competition of the administrative resource. Why introduce a new development, when it is better with the help of someone to get an order, sovereign money and ensure a comfortable existence. That is, the market environment is largely crushed by the administrative environment. But we, by all industries, by the whole country, are entering the market of open competition with the leading players in the world. And like it or not, we must introduce progressive solutions and technologies. We will not do this - the industry will fail, we will not get into any market and for our own needs we will be supplied with ships from abroad.

By and large, the role of the head institution boils down to two tasks. The first is to ensure the current design: when design bureaus are being developed, and we feed them with theoretical and experimental arguments, because experience is an indicator of the correctness of decisions. The second major task is to work on defining the conceptual directions for the development of the industry, in our case, shipbuilding and the fleet. They don't always listen to us, but nevertheless we continue this line. And life shows that in the last 20 years shipbuilding was extremely lacking in “conceptualism”, which became the source of many of our, to put it mildly, irrational decisions, delays, long-term construction, failure to fulfill tactical and technical characteristics.


Likewise, with the provision of the current design of ships and vessels. Very often, a designer comes to the test benches of the Krylov Institute with one project, and comes out with an optimal one.

This is especially evident when creating the shape of the case. Unfortunately, without experiment you cannot really design the outlines of the ship. Tests are necessarily carried out on scale models in pilot pools. Because electronic design is about perfect, which may or may not fit in the real world. Today, very advanced computer programs have appeared, but they do not give an optimal result, but rather allow us to consider various options, from which the most viable and effective ones are formed in the process of numerous runs and measurements on the stands and in the experimental pools. Only in a physical experiment is the picture of the liquid flow around the hull, the behavior of the ship in waves, its controllability most fully reproduced …

For example, when developing the shape of columns for platforms that carry out offshore production, it is very important that the floating structure does not have large heave angles, since drilling equipment cannot withstand extreme loads. Based on our experience and knowledge, we were able to create such shapes to reduce the pitching angles in strong waves and to minimize the likelihood of accidents. Two such platforms, Polar Star and Northern Lights, are successfully operating in the Far East.

We can receive any propeller operating modes at the stands, up to 900 rpm, and take appropriate measurements. It can cause cavitation - liquid boiling at low temperatures. Because of this, the submarine, as the Americans used to say, "roars like a cow over the entire ocean." Thanks to the experiments of the institute, it was possible to obtain the optimal shape of the propeller, and now our submarines are known for their low noise.

There is a promising development that increases efficiency and saves fuel - the use of air lubrication when moving ships. If a cavity forms under the bottom of the case - an air film that reduces friction against water, the savings can reach 30 percent. Previously, it was not possible to keep air lubricant under the hull during excitement, now we have learned how to do this.


In the working portfolio of the institute there are many proposals related to electromagnetic fields. This is relevant not only for warships, where this indicator affects mine danger, stealth, weapon guidance system and other important characteristics, but also for any ships. Modern technology is literally stuffed with electronic equipment. However, all electronics generate a certain amount of radiation that can interfere with the operation of other systems. We have developed special approaches to ensure, on the one hand, electromagnetic compatibility, and on the other, to protect a person from radiation. Here are radio-absorbing, and special nanostructured film coatings, and construction materials that protect the crew from the harmful effects of electronics.

All over the world there are systems for stimulating scientific research, and we must have something. It is impossible to freeze science, otherwise we will immediately lag behind our competitors. There is no way to lose potential, you have to develop it all the time. If we do not get hurt, we will slip into the position of if not a tertiary, then by no means a first-rate developed power."

Under Valentin Pashin, the scientific center organized the production of rubber reinforced acoustic coatings for noise absorption and noise damping, anti-corrosion protection systems, electronic equipment and devices using high technologies. This year, a modern ice pool was commissioned, and the "ocean" offshore one is being completed.

The computing cluster of the supercomputer center for mathematical modeling of the Krylov Institute is the second in terms of productivity - in St. Petersburg and the thirty-fourth - in Russia. It is used, among other things, for solving hydrodynamic problems. These are calculations not only of the viscous fluid flow around the hulls of ships and propellers, but also of the wind regime at the designed facilities.

The Krylov Center gave a start in life to the active use of hydrocarbon steels for the construction of ships, with the light hand of scientists at the Sredne-Nevsky plant, the hull of the minesweeper is made of non-magnetic composite materials.

Icebreaker Pies

In mid-November, the staff of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise “Central Research Institute of Composite Materials“Prometheus”celebrated the 60th anniversary of the creation of the titanium direction. Valery Leonov, the head of the research and production complex "Titanium Alloys", spoke about the main historical stages of the work. The staff who stood at the origins helped to recreate the details of how the history of the titanium direction in Prometheus began.


“Creation of materials for nuclear submarine and surface fleets, nuclear icebreakers, nuclear power plants is a marine titanium project. In our country, the first solid titanium nuclear submarines were built, because titanium is such a material that by nature itself is intended for shipbuilding. It is lightweight, absolutely corrosion-resistant, non-magnetic. The institute made it strong and, what is most important for shipbuilding, very well welded,”recalled Academician Igor Gorynin, who had headed Prometheus for almost 35 years and kept the scientific school. Now the institute bears his name.

It so happened that historical epochs are determined by the materials that a person wields. Stone Age, Bronze, Iron … At the beginning of this century, a new era is emerging - materials with desired properties, the development of which is being carried out by the state scientific center "Prometheus"

The institute was formed from the laboratory of the Izhora plant, which, back in tsarist times, created alloys for Russian battleships. In the 30s, emphasis was placed on the development of tank protection. The Institute was called then Bronev. The new welding technology, thanks to which the hulls of ships began to be made not riveted, but all-welded, was the first post-war victory of the scientific team. Since then, Prometheus has been developing materials for the Russian fleet, power engineering, including nuclear power, and for equipment operating in extreme conditions.


The hull is formed from durable steel alloys, and the superstructure is made of aluminum. This is the practice of world shipbuilding. Aluminum and steel are not welded, the problem arises of how to connect the superstructure to the hull. We have learned how to make so-called comic materials of different thicknesses and profiles. Outwardly, they resemble a puff pastry. One side is steel, the other is aluminum. As a result, the hull is welded to steel, and the superstructure is welded to aluminum.

The institute has developed a unique welding technology. Its essence boils down to a sharp increase in the rate of transfer of particles. Under normal conditions, these are subsonic speeds, and "Promethean" technologies make it possible to transfer particles more than twenty times faster. “This allows, as we say, to spray everything on everything, that is, completely dissimilar materials,” said Academician Gorynin. One of the promising developments is the creation of special steels for offshore production.

“Extreme polar conditions require a material that can withstand ice friction for 300 days, temperatures down to minus 60 degrees. Initially, plastic steels were used, they are strong, but at the same time they withstand some deformation and do not crack. The first icebreakers were created from such materials. But at very low temperatures and high ice density, small ice crumbs form around the hull, which is very aggressive. After passing through such fields, the ship turned out to be as if eaten away. And besides, the hydrodynamic resistance of the hull increased, the icebreaker lost up to 30 percent in power,”Valery Leonov introduces. - Our experts invented and created clad steel. What's the secret? Structural steel is covered with a thin layer of another, with higher mechanical properties for wear, corrosion resistance, etc. Now there are no problems on icebreakers. "Prometheus" is a multifunctional materials science center. We use almost the entire periodic table, we deal with metals, non-metals, fiberglass, carbon fiber, adhesives, sealants, paints and so on. And every day more and more new directions appear”.

Specialists of Prometheus familiarized themselves with promising structural materials for the Navy at their research and production site in Gatchina, where a meeting of the Council of the Military-Industrial Collegium of the Russian Federation for shipbuilding was recently held.

Fundamental defense

The Scientific and Production Association for Special Materials (NPO SM) was formed on the basis of the armored laboratory of the Central Research Institute of Materials of the USSR Ministry of Defense Industry in 1991. At present, NPO SM includes a research institute, a special materials plant, a testing and scientific-methodological center. Has all the necessary licenses and permits for work to ensure protection and security. Accreditations of Rosstandart and the Interstate Aviation Committee allow 85 types of testing of materials and products, including bullet, explosion and burglary resistance.

The main customers of NPO SM are the Ministry of Defense, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the FSB, the Federal Penitentiary Service, the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, Rosatom enterprises, leading banks and transport facilities, infrastructure. The products are exported to 35 countries.

Mikhail Silnikov, Director General of NPO Special Materials, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Academician of the Russian Academy of Rocket and Artillery Sciences, Doctor of Technical Sciences, says: “We protect everything that needs it, from objects and structures to soldiers. The main problem is that we do not know what threats a warrior will face in a given situation. Here it is necessary to predict in some way, it is necessary to work closely with those who calculate the likelihood of a particular threat, develop weapons and means of destruction, and determine the scenario of possible clashes. We are working with a reserve for the future. In the formation of protection systems, an integrated approach is important, which is determined by a combination of factors. For example, the higher the armor resistance, the greater the mass of protective equipment. This means that the car develops a lower speed, and it is more difficult for a fighter to move around, to camouflage himself, he again becomes more vulnerable. In short, a reasonable definition of the level of protection based on a specific task is necessary. It is important here not to overdo it and not to overcomplicate it - to maintain a certain balance so that, on the one hand, you do not dig too deep, and on the other hand, so as not to go over the top and not draw conclusions without sufficient grounds. As the brilliant Russian designer Mikhail Timofeevich Kalashnikov said: "Everything you need is simple, everything complicated is not needed."


Of course, we closely follow everything that appears in the world of protective materials and technologies, we conduct our own research and experiments. Although, it would seem, what else can be invented here. Typically, steel, aluminum and titanium alloys are used for armoring. Recently, kevlar and ceramics have been used more actively. True, while ceramic inserts are effective only as part of a combined protective structure. We are always in search and to say that in the 21st century we are "going" on the Soviet groundwork is still an exaggeration.

Recently NPO of special materials was included in the Top-10 innovative enterprises of the country. Of course, we strive, as far as the means allow, to update equipment and technologies with the most modern ones. We try to ensure that all know-how, having passed the necessary tests and certifications, is introduced faster. Science and production are inseparable. And in this regard, the most effective is the organizational form of our enterprise - research and production.

True, the financing of developments, especially fundamental ones, leaves much to be desired. Moreover, academician Zhores Ivanovich Alferov likes to repeat: “All science is applied. But there are scientific results that are used immediately, and there are developments that will be applied after many years. Fundamental research, of course, should be carried out at the expense of the state. The possibilities of any commercial structure are limited, and the business will invest in development with only a short payback cycle. Therefore, strategic, prospective research should be provided by the treasury.

But the consumer will appreciate everything new, albeit not immediately. He does not use reports or scientific journals, but products that must meet certain parameters.


By the way, our requirements for protective equipment are among the most stringent in the world. Nevertheless, it is extremely difficult to break into the international market - one has to compete with the world's leading manufacturers. We are trying to win our niche at the expense of quality combined with a reasonable price, functionality and the ability to do what others cannot. Among such products are anti-explosive devices "Fountain" for suppressing the destructive effect of an explosion. The explosive charge is covered with a special container and, when triggered, does not harm even on board the aircraft."Fountains" have been produced for a long time, but so far no one in the world can get a result like ours.

All our know-how is concentrated in the creation of special protection kits for the warrior of the XXI century. The concept is simple and draws on the rich combat experience of previous generations. It is an obvious fact that special groups, partisan detachments, during clashes, sometimes inflicted more damage on an enemy superior in strength than at the front. The likelihood that a global war will break out with head-on collisions in an open field, wall to wall, is not too high. It is not without reason that increased attention is now being paid to the training of relatively compact, well-trained divisions of professionals. They need both modern, powerful, ultra-precise, all-weather weapons, and reliable all-penetrating means of communication and monitoring, and, of course, equipment - lightweight, comfortable, durable, waterproof, windproof, "breathable" that does not hinder movement, but at the same time reliably protects the fighter. … We are working on such items of uniform together with our colleagues-gunsmiths and manufacturers of special equipment.


We are provided with orders. But observing the process of public procurement, sometimes we are surprised. Undoubtedly, the competitive system is among the most advanced. However, it is important not to mindlessly give the order to those who promise to fulfill it at a cheaper price, but first carefully analyze whether the given contractor is able to do everything on time with proper quality. Do competition laws too often work against common sense? And when someone tries to put in a word for recognized professionals, the antimonopoly service immediately activates - as it is, the only manufacturer wins. We seem to forget about the division of labor accepted throughout the world, when everyone does his part of the work, but with optimal costs and the highest quality. There is no need for many enterprises of the same type that produce the same products for a very narrow market, otherwise each of them will not achieve profitability, will not ensure the development of production.

There is a special technique for solving specific problems. There are manufacturers who know all the intricacies of manufacturing, application and maintenance. And here science has to say its word, the devotees of which are able to determine whose product is better, to whom to fulfill the order. And one more thing we expect from scientists - to look into the future, create a groundwork in order to move forward. Then our weapons and means of protection will be the most effective, and soldiers and important objects will be reliably protected. This also applies to the safety of the population and civilian facilities, for which we produce innovative technical means of counterterrorism dual-use."
