The full-size model of the unmanned helicopter "Korshun" was first presented to the general public at the exhibition "Unmanned multipurpose complexes" UVS-TECH 2010 "in Zhukovsky. on the plans of helicopter builders to create other unmanned rotorcraft.
A model of the Korshun unmanned helicopter is presented at the exhibition today. Tell us more about the new product
- Today, most of the projects under development for unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) provide for the dual use of the complex - both for the civilian sphere and for solving combat missions. And at the exhibition we are focusing on the option for commercial use, for example, for monitoring, work in conditions of man-made and natural disasters, for the transportation of goods. Naturally, we are ready to offer the customer a military version that can solve reconnaissance, strike and transport tasks, as well as be used in special operations such as electronic warfare, chemical, bacteriological and radiological reconnaissance, and so on.
According to its characteristics, this is a medium-range vehicle, the radius of its use is about 300 km with the duration of the task in the target area of about three hours. The maximum take-off weight of the helicopter will be 500 kg, and the payload - up to 150 kg.
A coaxial scheme was chosen for the helicopter. What is the reason for this?
- When choosing a design scheme, we analyzed domestic and world experience in creating unmanned helicopters, application features, a list of tasks that the complex will have to solve. It is fundamentally important that we need to create a universal machine that can be used with equal success both on land and at sea. And from this point of view, the coaxial scheme is preferable. It allows you to reduce the negative effect of wind during takeoff and landing. The automatic control system of a helicopter of such a scheme is somewhat simpler; since there is no tail rotor, control algorithms are easier to implement. Coaxial helicopters are more maneuverable and have better altitude characteristics. Actually, these advantages also predetermined the choice of the scheme.
You said that it is possible to create a percussion version. Are we talking about a remotely controlled complex, or will elements of artificial intelligence be implemented in the Korshun, allowing it to use weapons on its own?
- To date, the achieved level of systems for detecting and recognizing objects does not allow completely solving the problem of selecting targets, determining the degree of their danger and deciding on the advisability of using weapons. And in real combat operations, when the mobility of subunits and equipment is very high, the situation is changing very dynamically, and all decisions must be applied in real time. Therefore, drones can confidently solve the problem of hitting stationary targets, the coordinates of which are known in advance. Or reconnaissance is possible.
Artificial intelligence is being developed not only in Russia, but also in many other countries. The problems of recognition and categorization of goals have yet to be solved. Today, the software that would allow completely replacing a person has not yet been found, so one cannot do without an operator yet. But there are already some developments in this direction. For example, group actions are possible when a manned aircraft or helicopter controls a group of unmanned aircraft.
For a multipurpose complex, it is important to have an extensive set of target load options that could cover the largest possible number of tasks. Are there any developments in this area now?
- The composition of the target load is always dictated by the customer, and we are ready to integrate almost any equipment on board. The choice is wide enough today, and there are developments, both domestic and foreign. For example, for reconnaissance, a complex can be formed, which will include a television camera, an infrared camera, a camera and a laser rangefinder. In this case, the equipment is placed on a gyro-stabilized platform. It is possible to implement a "night" option, in which the detection systems will be optimized for operation at night. The strike version can have a sighting station and a suspension for guided weapons. Well, specific options are also possible: for chemical, bacteriological reconnaissance, and so on.
We are planning to create a universal platform of a modular type, with a changeable load. An interface unit will be mounted on the platform, which will allow the board to be linked to various equipment options. Thus, we intend to solve the problem of multifunctionality and flexibility of use.
One of the most difficult tasks in creating a helicopter-type UAV is the implementation of the automatic landing function. Will the Korshun be able to land in automatic mode?
- Yes, this opportunity is provided. But this imposes serious requirements on the automatic control system, primarily in terms of its reliability. We put a number of solutions into it. First, redundancy and duplication of basic systems, sensors and actuators. For example, there should be at least two computers, and they should use different operating systems to improve reliability. Secondly, it is self-testing, a constant determination of the health of all components. If a failure occurs during flight, the system must independently detect the problem unit and perform reconfiguration - turn off the failed device, exclude it from the control system, and turn on the reserve. At the same time, we provide for at least two levels of reconfiguration, at which it is possible to continue the task, and the third level is to ensure a return or emergency landing. Another important innovation is the "electronic pilot" function. The fact is that when training pilots, much attention is paid to practicing actions in emergency situations when a failure occurs. The pilots learn the sequence of actions by heart, practice it on simulators and stands. Here, in case of failure, the automation must perform all actions according to a previously worked out algorithm in order to prevent the loss of the UAV.
And, of course, the operator will be able to insure the automation, who will be able to take control, especially in the take-off and landing modes.
When will we be able to see the flight prototype of the Kite?
- Of course, it depends on how interested the customers are in the device. Today, work is underway to formulate the State Arms Program, and we hope that the unmanned topic will be adequately reflected there. Accordingly, if a competition is announced by the Ministry of Defense, and Russian Helicopters are declared the winner in this competition, then we will be ready to create a flight prototype as soon as possible. In two years, we would be able to lift it into the air, and the entire development and testing cycle will take about four years.
Will Russian Helicopters offer customers a helicopter-type UAV of a different dimension, lighter or, on the contrary, heavy?
- We have studies on various models. For example, the Kamov company has developed a complex weighing 300 kg, with a range of 80 km. Its target load is about 80 kg. This model may be of interest, for example, to special forces, paratroopers, for whom small dimensions and mobility are important. If funding is available, in three to four years, the developer can bring the UAV to the stage of flight tests. There are other projects as well.
However, since we define the most likely order for ourselves, we have concentrated on this dimension. The fact is that for solving tactical problems, machines of this dimension are most applicable. The helicopter is still not that high-speed, its speed will be about 150-200 km / h, therefore, at a great distance from the target, it will lose out to an aircraft-type UAV. And directly over the battlefield, when solving fire support tasks, such a large apparatus would be quickly shot down. We focus on solving problems in a depth of 100 to 300 km, where such important targets as enemy reserves, missile launchers, control and communications posts, and so on are located.
At this range, the helicopter has advantages over the aircraft. First, it can hover, be in ambush behind natural shelters, folds of terrain, and quickly take up a position to strike. Second, it can be used to illuminate a target with a laser beam. Unlike an airplane, a helicopter can illuminate a target for a long time, being on a certain line, at a given angle. Another advantage is that the helicopter has a voluminous fuselage, where antennas, equipment, and cargo can be placed. For helicopters, the problem of boarding a ship is much easier to solve. Finally, the "Kite" can be an invaluable assistant when acting in isolation from the main forces. Remember the movie "The Ninth Company", where the unit is left without ammunition, medicine, food. By launching several helicopters, hundreds of kilograms of cargo can be delivered, and the wounded can be evacuated by return flight. Such tasks cannot be solved by the aircraft.
In addition to the target load, could other Korshun developments, for example, a control system, be used on unmanned helicopters of a different dimension?
- It makes no sense to create your own automatic control system for an individual helicopter each time. A universal system is being created that can be used in the entire promising line. The hardware part, in principle, can be unified: a computer, sensors, a number of systems can be used for several different complexes. Also, the ground component, including radio links and ground command posts, will be unified. The differences will lie in mathematical models and control algorithms.
Do you plan to create optionally piloted helicopters based on the machines that are currently being produced or designed by Russian Helicopters?
- This task is real, and such work is being carried out not only abroad, but also in our country. It should be noted that the United States has set a task that by 2020 all helicopters, without exception, are made in a pilot-unmanned version. But there is one more direction associated with facilitating the work of the pilot, while maintaining his presence on board. The onboard systems must take over flight stabilization so that the pilot only gives left-right and up-down commands, without worrying about keeping the unbalanced car.
Is it possible to assess how much demand for unmanned helicopters can be?
- There are no detailed marketing studies on this issue yet, but there are a number of estimates that can be guided by. By 2020, the number of UAVs will be in the tens of thousands, excluding micro-UAVs. As for helicopter-type vehicles, the demand for them is estimated at about 7 thousand vehicles. The Russian market is, of course, more modest - about 1-1.5 thousand units.
We have every chance to compete for this market. I would like to draw your attention to the fact that during the times of the USSR, we occupied a leading position in the world in unmanned vehicles, both in terms of the range, quantity and quality of vehicles. We not only did not lag behind - we were literally ahead of the rest of the planet. And if today, due to well-known reasons, we have lost leadership in a number of areas, in unmanned aircraft we have significantly lagged behind Israel and the United States, then in helicopter technology, due to the complexity of creating unmanned helicopters, especially in automatic control systems, there is no such lag. Nowhere in the world has a developed serial helicopter complex been created yet. Accordingly, with due attention from the state, with the support of the customer, we will be able to break into the leaders again.