Exotic Hitler's Palace in Ukraine "Werewolf" with aqua entertainment and a casino was built as the most gigantic elite office and residential complex in Europe in wartime format, consisting of at least 80 buildings. How is Hitlertown?
In the previous article "Hitler's Palace in Ukraine: Secret Trips" we managed to tell you in detail about only one visit of Hitler to Ukraine. But Hitler had many such tours in Ukraine.
Hitler's endless tours of Ukraine
The Nazi chief visited the Ukrainian city of Uman on August 28, 1941, to meet there personally the Italian military units, who rushed headlong to his aid to capture the Donbass.
Among Hitler's numerous trips to Ukraine, his bodyguard Johann Rattenhuber indicated the following cities during interrogations:
“In 1941-1942, during the war with the Soviet Union, Hitler flew (to Ukraine) to the cities Uman, …v Mariupol to Field Marshal Kleist, v Poltava to Field Marshal Reichenau.
In 1943, Hitler arrived at Zaporizhzhia to Field Marshal von Manstein."

Indeed, in the public domain of the German photo archive, we found photographic documents confirming Rattenhuber's words.
We would like to remind that the photographs of Hitler's visit to Ukraine in Uman from the Italian photo archive were also previously posted by us in the first article of this series “The Legend of the Battle of 150 Border Dogs with the Nazis. And Hitler's arrival in Ukraine in 1941”.
But, as it turns out, apart from the city of Uman, Hitler personally visited a lot of things in Ukraine. And each of his visits to Ukraine is quite worthy of a separate story on VO.
Therefore, for now, we will only very dottedly and briefly document (with an archive photo fact) only the first five locations of the presence of the Nazi leader in Ukraine.
Here in this photo from a German photo archive, for example, the leader of the Nazis inspects life on the beautiful Ukraine he takes care of in the city of Berdychev, Zhytomyr region (August 6, 1941).

And this is how he tramples the Ukrainian soil with his boots in the city of Mariupol, Donetsk region (early December 1941).

Moreover, as Hitler's guard recalled, the Nazi chief spent the night in Mariupol:
"In Mariupol, Hitler spent the night in a house set aside for him, it seems, in a former hotel on the seashore."
And the next morning, as the locals noted, Hitler, admiring the Azov coast from the window in December 1941, suddenly remembered his native united Europe and exclaimed in his hearts:
"Soon all of Europe will be resting here!"
Then, as you can see in the next photo, he leads the Nazis directly from Poltava (June 1, 1942) and plans to almost take the Caucasus and Stalingrad.

It was the 345th day of the war. Hitler needed a nosebleed of Grozny's oil. And he tore and threw at that meeting in Poltava. According to Paulus ("Nuremberg Trial." Collection of materials, vol. I. Publishing house of legal literature, 1945, p. 378), the Fuehrer declared in a fury that
"If he does not receive oil from Maikop and Grozny, he will have to end this war (with the USSR)."
And in Zaporozhye, Hitler stopped by on February 17, 1943 and stayed there for two days.
This became known from the testimony of the dictator's personal guard:
"In Zaporozhye, he (Hitler) lived for two days in the premises of the aviation barracks."

And, finally, let us pay special attention to one more authentic photographic document about the visit of the Nazi leader to Vinnitsa in the summer of 1942, which is of interest to us. He flew there on July 16, 1942, to the headquarters settlement that had just been built for him under the auspicious name "Werewolf". Live.

Let's take a closer look at this residence of Hitler today.
It is no coincidence that Hitler's translator Paul Schmidt sneered about the long journey from Berlin to Ukraine and back:
"For the sake of a short meeting with Hitler, almost always on trivial and insignificant issues, ambassadors or other important persons spent three days and four nights on the road."
And this is only one way from Berlin to Vinnitsa. The train from the capital of Germany actually ran along the route Berlin - Warsaw - Brest - Kovel - Rivne - Berdichev - Vinnitsa. Also, every day a plane took off from Berlin, which landed right at the headquarters. The same course, only in the opposite direction, took off another.
Hitler's eight-room suite in a village of 80 log houses in Ukraine
I must say that at that time in Ukraine, near Vinnitsa, the largest office and residential complex in Europe during the war of 80 buildings (not counting auxiliary ones) was erected for Hitler in an open field from scratch and on a turnkey basis. By the hands of slaves and at record speed.

Reichsminister of armaments and ammunition Albert Speer in the book "Memoirs" (p. 70) wrote:
“Less than three weeks after the start of the operation, Hitler moved to the headquarters, equipped near the Ukrainian city of Vinnitsa. The Russians were rather passive in the air, and the West, even for the cautious Hitler, was too far away, so this time it did not demand the construction of special bunker structures.
Instead of concrete fortifications, a very a pretty village of houses scattered in the woods ».

It is worth recalling that the Werewolf was part of a much more extended top-secret headquarters zone, stretching more than 100 kilometers from Vinnitsa to Zhitomir and known under the combined code name Oak Grove (Eichenhain, Eichenhain).

For the construction of an elite village for Hitler, a bare piece of land north of Vinnitsa with a total area of 16, 2 hectares was chosen.
We repeat, Hitler's military headquarters "Werewolf" became the largest object of this kind not only in Europe, but also in the history of World War II. It occupied 162,000 square meters of total area.
Is it a lot or a little?
If measured in acres that are understandable to every Russian, then it will be 1620 acres.

But what if we measure this Hitler's fiefdom in Ukraine “in palaces”? And compare the area of Hitler's dwelling with the dimensions, for example, of the most famous and largest 15 palaces in the world?
It turns out that Hitler's Ukrainian residence is, in terms of area, like 5 Royal Palaces in Brussels (33,000 sq. M). Or almost 3 Windsor Castles (55,000 sq. M). Or, again, 3 Winter Palaces (60,000 sq. M). Well, or as much as 3 Versailles (67,000 sq. M). Or 2 Buckingham (77,000 sq. M). But, in any case, definitely more than the Royal Palace in Madrid (135,000 sq. M). And even larger than the Imperial Palace Forbidden City of Beijing (China) (150,000 sq. M).
Moreover, as it turned out, the area of the newly built Ukrainian patrimony of Hitler is smaller than only the three most famous palace buildings: the Louvre (210,000 sq. M), the Brunei Palace (200,000 sq. M), as well as the Romanian Palace of the Parliament (330,000 sq. M) …
But here's the most interesting thing. Hitler's complex "Werewolf" in Ukraine was completely identical in area only one and only one of all the top 15 palaces in the world - the Apostolic Palace (Pope's residence in the Vatican, 162,000 sq. m.).
Rochus Misch, the telephone operator at the rate, recalled in his book I Was Hitler's Bodyguard:
“The Ukrainian headquarters was located in the forest. Most of the buildings were made of tree trunks (log cabins), there was only one bunker for personnel and friends of the Fuhrer in case of an air raid.
Hitler had his own blockhouse, a fairly large wooden structure. There was a study, a living room with a fireplace, a kitchen, a bathroom, a small servants' quarters and a sparsely furnished bedroom.

The leader of the Nazis in Ukraine, among 80 different premises and buildings, had a personal detached eight-room log house.

Military historians Martin Bogaert (Belgium) and Andrew Shvachko (Ukraine) carried out a historical 3D reconstruction of the ground premises of this Hitlerite residence in the Ukrainian Werewolf complex (Eastern Front. Führerhauptquartier Wehrwolf), "After the buttle", 2016, No. 171, pp. 38–56).

These historians offer a short video clip (3:27) in which, using computer graphics, they tried to reconstruct with documentary accuracy the interior space of Hitler's eight-room villa near the village of Strizhavka in Ukraine. The video is in English. In a short video, you can see the house and bunker of the Fuhrer. There is a street lamp at the entrance, as well as a thermometer hanging on a tree (by order of Hitler). Inside, using photographs and archival documents, historians have reproduced the interior of several rooms of this Ukrainian residence of Hitler.

It is officially documented that Hitler lived in Ukraine in 1942–1943. a total of 4–5 months in periods. Different researchers indicate different numbers: one way or another, but the fascist leader definitely spent in Ukraine, one might say, in his personal estate near Vinnitsa, at least from 118 to 138 days.

This is what his room looked like with a huge white fireplace, reserved exclusively for official photos. Most of the archival photographs from the Hitler-village "Werewolf" were taken from this office.

The magazine "Der Spiegel" published a document declassified in Russia, which was drawn up in house number 11 in the "Werewolf" complex. This is a transcript of Hitler's conversation with high-ranking officers. The meeting lasted 85 minutes. Hitler ordered his conversations with senior officers to be recorded in shorthand. Most of these records have been lost. German historians have published this document, which was once captured by the Red Army. This is page 59 of the transcript of a conversation that took place on September 18, 1942. The document testifies to the tensions between the dictator and some of his high-ranking military leaders.

During the retreat of the Germans, this secret object "Werewolf" was blown up by them.

As a rule, after the explosion, the general public knows little or nothing about this object today. For some reason it is not customary to talk about him.
Like, there was and no. And silence.
But it's not that simple.
The Werewolf project, from our point of view, was much more important, both for Hitler himself and for history as a whole.
And we cannot forget about him.
If only because it was there that Hitler built his terrible Nazi empire and from there he embodied his brutal plans to destroy not only the USSR, but also humanity.
So, in fact, it was not so much a military headquarters as the alma mater of a new world order and a springboard for reformatting the world.
In addition, we must not forget that this very new promised land for radical Germany (and for the united Europe of those years) was supposed to become this center for reshaping the world and, moreover, the catalyst for the true purification of the planet from biowaste, according to Hitler's plan - Ukraine.
After all, Hitler was building in Ukraine then not just his own headquarters for command and control of troops and by no means only his personal headquarters or front-line residence. No, he was building in Ukraine a kind of palace of his Nazi and fascist ideology.

Wartime Palace to the Fuhrer from Europe
The palace for the Fuhrer on the new land of Europe - in Ukraine - was then built, of course, by the whole of united Europe.
The headquarters of the leader of Europe was supposed to be modern, fashionable and comfortable. Warm, light, quiet. Invisible and so that
"No one guessed."
But in terms of safety and comfort - at least not lower than the German possessions of the Fuhrer. For example, his home in the Alps was guarded by a team of 4,000 people.

Field Marshal Erich von Manstein in his book "Lost Victories" recalled the Fuhrer's headquarters in Vinnitsa:
“It was located in a forest, and a lot of money was spent on its equipment.
She had her own water supply and power plant.
It housed Hitler and the OKW headquarters.
The work and living quarters that we now occupied were housed in wooden houses, simply decorated and furnished with taste."

In addition to the bathrooms in the complex "Werewolf" from aqua entertainment, a swimming pool and a bathhouse were also equipped.

A marble pool was specially built for Hitler.

At Himmler's Zhytomyr headquarters, a tennis court was set up on the lawn near one of the bunkers, and horseback riding was also available. Lover of gambling Goering also kept a casino in his "Quarry", where the Wehrmacht officers were often entertained. (Zhitomir journal. 24.06.2008).
In addition, Field Marshal Erich von Manstein also wrote in his book "Lost Victories":
“We were struck by the system of buried, secretly located sentry dugouts that ran around the entire forest camp.
Hitler obviously wanted to be guarded, but the guards themselves had to remain invisible to him."

During the construction of the Werewolf complex for Hitler in Ukraine, the labor of slaves was mainly used. They worked out the fascist concept of that time.
"Extermination through work."
But in addition to slaves-laborers, qualified personnel were also required?

It was here that the whole of Europe helped Ukraine with specialized specialists.

Various specialists of all stripes were delivered to Ukraine straight from all European countries: from Prague - bridge builders, from Warsaw - cabinetmakers, etc. Handymen, electricians, installers, heating technicians, etc. were brought from the concentration camps.
But at the end of the construction of the Werewolf residential complex, all these European assistants, as well as electricians, cabinetmakers, bricklayers, and handymen - all were brought together by the fascist executioners into one pit along with many thousands of unnamed prisoners of war who worked day and night on the construction of the monastery for the leader of the Nazis, and destroyed.
How many hundreds of thousands of innocent people were liquidated during the construction process and immediately after the construction of this gigantic elite cottage settlement for Hitler in Ukraine near the village of Strizhevka, near Vinnitsa?
There is still no exact answer to this question.
The work was carried out at a super-urgent accelerated pace. The aims and purpose of the construction were carefully classified. The Nazis deliberately spread rumors that they were building rest homes for German soldiers and officers who were fighting on the Eastern Front. Outwardly, the legend was confirmed by rumors about barracks for almost wounded Fritzes. The project's codename was "a rest house, a boarding house or a sanitary clinic." Therefore, to strengthen the legend, even a sign was made, as it remained in the memories:
In a short period of time (over a year), the following were built here: Hitler's villa with an extension-bunker (personal), auxiliary premises for the services of Hitler's residence, a bomb shelter, a power plant, two radiotelegraph stations, a dining room for senior officers, a cinema, a casino, a swimming pool, a bathhouse, a press center, a runway, a security room, a hotel, a tea house and many other buildings - about 80 buildings and structures in total. A railway and a highway were also built. And the armored cable laid underground provided reliable communication with Berlin, Kiev, Kharkov and Rovno.
Beautiful lanterns were installed around the paths in the Werewolf complex.

From the testimony of Hitler's guard:
The "Werewolf" (Werewolf) headquarters near Vinnitsa was disguised as a rest home for wounded officers.
A separate bunker was built for Hitler, while a common bunker was available for the rest of the staff of the headquarters.
All staff members lived in ordinary village huts."

Some are persistently trying to impose on us the idea that Hitler himself was supposedly a modest vegetarian, and he seemed to live almost like an ascetic.
But was it really so?
The propaganda myth of the poor sheep from the Berghof Palace
Was Adolf ascetic and modest in everyday life?
It looks like it was a great and meticulously cobbled together myth. A magnificent and pure product of Nazi propaganda.
In total, Hitler had at least 3 nests in Germany: Berlin - Munich - Bavarian Alps. And all of them were carefully polished by design retouching by special architects of German propaganda.
So, during the Third Reich, Hitler maintained three German residences: the old chancellery in Berlin, his Munich apartment and the Wachenfeld house (later Berghof castle) in the Berchtesgaden valley in the Bavarian Alps. There was, however, and the fourth "house". But about him a little later.
We will not argue that the Berlin Chancellery is a pure palace. It goes without saying. Hitler was advised to make a renovation there. Which he did. And his German people really liked this, I must say.

And in Munich, this fascist wolf also lived like a true oligarch and just like a king.
The Fuhrer's guard during interrogation reported:
"Hitler also instructed me to organize the security of his apartment in Munich, located on the 2nd floor of a private house at 16 Prinzregentenplatz".
The British newspaper Daily Telegraph on April 25, 1935 published an article about the completion of the renovation (stylists-propagandists were the same) in the Munich apartment of the Nazi leader:
"The décor of his apartment matches the German heroic color scheme of blue, gold and white, famous in Wagner's operas, and the whole furnishings are in the same style."

Hitler's third house in Germany was a villa, which also looked more like a palace than a dacha for a modest and ascetic in the Alps.

This house, bought by him and renovated by propaganda architects, was decorated with expensive Persian carpets and tapestries, as well as exquisite antique furniture, mostly German.
Although some researchers also argue that those, by no means modest, the interiors of the Nazi leader - were also nothing more than a product of pure propaganda. And that they were created exclusively by political strategists and with the expectation of "emotional bribery" of certain layers of not only German, but also foreign audiences.
There was a social demand for such a leader - so the propagandists sculpted what the masses and elites "ordered". Including through the design of a special style of home interiors.
His Bavarian residence, it turns out, did not even reach the true ambitions of Hitler. Here's what he himself said about her:
“I was afraid that, because of its size, the house would not fit into the landscape, and I was very glad that it came to the right place.
Actually, I would like to have a bigger house ».

Take a look for yourself at these interiors of the alpine castle of this most bloodthirsty exterminator of peaceful people, preserved on specially printed postcards for the broad masses of the gullible German population in 1936.

By the way, it was Hitler (at the suggestion of his image architects) who pioneered the “work from home” movement, that is, the distant that is so stubbornly and so persistently today imposed on the peoples of the world and is being introduced intensively and everywhere.
They say that Hitler preferred to destroy cities and villages to zero, sitting in an armchair just in this very alpine palace. Some of the experts even claim that Adolf himself invented and founded the "remote" format. Let's not argue with that either.
One way or another, but, in fact, the large hall of his Berghof suburban palace was that ominous "remote office" from where he ran his fascist empire and practically gave a remote signal to his accomplices to turn on the "fire", including in the gas chambers of concentration camps for dissidents. And all this: sitting or lying on a comfortable sofa in an expensive and stylish living room at his Alpine German estate Berghof.
All of these three residences of Hitler were meticulously refurbished (read edited by the censorship of the Third Reich) in the mid-1930s and fully contributed to the creation of a new, sophisticated and crystal clear personality of the Fuhrer, adored by the German people.
Yes, he also had a fourth house, by the way. Also in Germany. And also in the Alps. It turns out that the Nazi party comrades-in-arms gave the Fuehrer a luxurious villa for his fiftieth anniversary (construction cost 30 million Reichsmarks).

So, this fourth residence, like a donated horse to Hitler (a gift from fellow Nazis, who, of course, do not look in the mouth and do not consider its cost), is still intact. The Americans accidentally forgot to blow up this house of Hitler. So today this cute and cozy nest of the Nazi leader and assassin is still shamelessly exposed. Sensitive German tourists, who are still admired by the incorruptibility of the leader of the fascists, continue to visit it in droves.
This is how professional image architects everywhere and always sculpted a lamb out of this sadistic wolf. Including through artificially created interiors, both outside and inside his personal residences.
The same was done, in essence, with the Werewolf project, with the very elite village of Hitler in Ukraine, outwardly disguised as a supposedly modest rest home for German soldiers.
By the way, the Germans in Ukraine during the occupation published 190 propaganda newspapers with a total circulation of 1 million copies. In addition, there were also radio stations and a cinema network.

7-storey underground palace of Hitler in Ukraine?
And now we want to present to you the version that everything that was located on the surface, so to speak, of Hitler's estate near Vinnitsa - this, it turns out, was only a cover for something more grandiose. Namely, those premises that were underground.
This is, as you know, not about those concrete bunkers that rose above the surface (and were blown up). And about something else.
Various sources run a version about a certain seven-story underground room under the Werewolf. Three entrances from the surface allegedly led into it, and all of them have been blown up to date. In addition, it is argued that these premises are flooded with water.

According to one of the published schemes, Hitler's secret apartments were located on the minus fifth floor (if you count from the ground level downwards). In the drawings, they are designated as on the third (out of seven) floor, if we count from the underground foundation upwards.
Information about multi-storey buildings underground was first provided by the military commandant of Vinnitsa I. Bekker in September 1944. He also drew a diagram of the underground base "Werewolf", indicating seven underground levels and the same mysterious compartment, where the Red Army men could not enter during the capture of the object.
It is curious that the dimensions of the floor of Hitler's lair closest to the surface of the earth coincide with the scheme that was restored by the Vinnitsa lawyer and staff member of the state security agencies, Major General Ivan Maksimovich Zagorodny in his book "Hitler's headquarters" Werewolf "in space and time".
Here it is - this diagram.

This general writes that the meaning of the unusual dwelling facility of the Nazis "Werewolf" was precisely that it was built not upward, but inward. That is, on the contrary, contrary to common sense.
Referring to the information made public in the public domain, as well as the opportunity to professionally study some documents, he reports that the topic of the Werewolf complex (Ukraine), after many years of oblivion in Vinnitsa, came up again in 1989.
On the territory of the former headquarters, search and research work was launched within the framework of the complex Hermes program of the USSR Ministry of Higher Education, to which 14 universities of the Soviet Union joined at once.
“With the help of satellite imagery, important data were obtained: underground structures, branches of cable lines, water supply, heating, drainage systems were outlined, possible locations of passages and emergency exits from underground labyrinths were indicated.
Unique instruments revealed voids - underground premises, the area of occurrence of which is huge: seven hundred by three hundred meters (700x300 m).
Preparations were made for drilling wells - through them it was planned to lower television cameras underground, which were supposed to inspect and check the communications, explore the galleries, including for the presence of explosives and chemicals in them.
Thus, according to the data obtained by scientists, I. M. Zagorodny concludes that the reinforced concrete blocks scattered over the territory of the Werewolf (Werewolf) are just the remains of ground structures after a ground explosion.
THEM. Zagorodny writes:
“The main premises, as well as the communication passages, were carved into superhard granite at a depth of 10-15 meters under a layer of sandy soil.
There is every reason to hope that they survived.
By the way, there is an opinion that when the bunkers are opened, an explosion will occur, which will turn Vinnitsa into ruins. And even the Southern Bug will change its direction.
This development of events is assumed, since it is not known whether all the charges went off when the Werewolf was detonated.
However, until the end of the research work was not carried out - there was not enough technology and finance.
And then the Union collapsed."
This author from Vinnitsa also reports that he learned from reliable sources that the territory of this former village of Hitler in Ukraine is now the Germans who are keenly interested in … In particular, the territory of the "Werewolf" is almost ready to purchase the BMW concern on any terms … However, of course, "Pedantic Germans were waiting for the land in Ukraine to become a legal commodity."
And since a significant part of the territory of Hitler's ex-village in Ukraine (the so-called Zone II) after the collapse of the USSR, as experts write, has already been privatized there by private individuals, it seems that it will not present much difficulty to the Germans today from Ukrainian competitors.
So we just have to wait a little, watching the Germans soon return to Ukraine for the treasures left there or the secrets of Hitler.
Instead of a conclusion: Hitler's throne was found in the USA
In 2021, the world and Russian media reported that the cover of his personal toilet bowl, stolen in 1945 from Hitler's house in the Alps, was finally found. Surfaced at an auction in the States.
75 years later, it turned out that this detail, among other trophies, was then stolen from the Fuhrer by an American soldier Ragnwald Borch, who, together with the French army, was one of the first to be then at Hitler's residence. And this year, the son of that same soldier put this item from the Nazi leader's toilet up for sale at an auction in the United States. Moreover, this American earned almost one and a half million rubles on a purely outhouse throne of the Fuhrer.
And world newspapers, as usual, immediately came out with headlines about the fact that the stolen "Throne of the Dictator" is now being resold in the United States.

The lot description said:
"You can hardly imagine what the tyrant was planning, contemplating the world from such a height!"