In the first half of the 80s, the command of the US Navy came to the conclusion that it was necessary to reduce the types of submarine strategic missile carriers and unify their weapons. So, in 1985, the fleet included: first generation SSBNs of the George Washington type and Etienne Allen with Polaris A-3 SLBMs, Lafayette type with Poseidon missiles, second generation SSBNs of the James Madison type and the Benjamin Franklin with Poseylon and Trident-1 missiles, as well as the first six Ohio-class third-generation submarines armed with Trident-1 SLBMs. In terms of the main indicators: stealth, immersion depth, overhaul life and striking power, the new Ohio-class submarines were significantly superior to other types of SSBNs. Against the background of the imminent decommissioning of the hopelessly outdated and exhausted missile boats of the first generation and the refusal in the next decade from the boats of the second generation, it was quite obvious that strategic missile carriers of the Ohio type would become the basis of the naval component of the American strategic nuclear forces in the medium term. At the same time, the high modernization potential of the Ohio-type boats made it possible to operate them for several decades, which was later confirmed in practice.
As you know, the characteristics of the UGM-96A Trident I missile were limited by the need to fit into the dimensions of the second-generation SSBN missile silos of the previously armed UGM-73 Poseidon C-3 SLBMs. During the design of the third generation boat, the standard size of the “D” missile silo was adopted for it - with a diameter of 2.4 m and a length of 14, 8 m. and newly built boats with new, much heavier and longer missiles. The missile shaft is closed from above by a robust, hydraulically operated steel cover to seal the shaft with the same pressure as the robust hull
Despite a significant increase in the launch range of the UGM-96A Trident I SLBMs relative to the previous UGM-73 Poseidon C-3 and UGM-27C Polaris A-3 missiles, the range of American SLBMs in service in the 80s was still inferior to the silo ICBM based LGM-30G Minuteman III and LGM-118A Peacekeeper. To reduce the lag in launch range from ballistic missiles at the disposal of the Strategic Aviation Command, in the late 70s, Lockheed Corporation began developing a rocket weighing about 60 tons. territorial waters, outside the zone of operation of the Soviet fleet and anti-submarine aviation. This increased the combat stability of submarine missile carriers and made it possible to abandon the use of forward basing points abroad. In addition, when designing a new missile, designated UGM-133A Trident II (D5), the task was to increase the throw weight, which made it possible to equip it with a large number of individually guided warheads and missile defense breakthroughs.
Initially, the new SLBM was planned to be maximally unified with the LGM-118A Peacekeeper ICBM. However, calculations showed that in the case of a "single" rocket, it would not be possible to achieve the planned characteristics, and eventually they refused to unify. The time and resources allocated for research into the possibility of creating a unified ballistic missile suitable for deployment on submarines, railway cars and underground mines were actually wasted, which negatively affected the design and development time of a promising SLBM.

Flight tests of the Trident-2 rocket began in 1987. For this, the LC-46 launch pad of the Eastern Missile Range at Cape Canaveral was originally used. From here, in the past, test launches of Poseidon and Trident-1 SLBMs were carried out.

In the spring of 1989, the first test launch took place from the USS Tennessee submarine (SSBN-734). This ninth in a series of Ohio-class SSBNs, which entered service with the US Navy in December 1988, was originally built for a new missile system.

In total, before being put into service, 19 launches were made from the ground test site, and 9 launches were made from the submarine. In 1990, the UGM-133A Trident II SLBM (also used the designation Trident D5) was officially adopted. Compared to the Trident - 1, the new rocket has become significantly larger and heavier. The length increased from 10, 3 to 13, 53 m, diameter from 1, 8 to 2, 3 m. The weight increased by about 70% - up to 59, 08 tons. At the same time, the launch range with a minimum combat load was 11 300 km (range with a maximum load - 7800 kg), and the throw weight - 2800 kg.

The first and second stage engines were jointly created by Hercules Inc and Thiokol, which already had experience in the design and manufacture of engines for Trident - 1. The housings of the engines of the first and second stages are made of carbon-epoxy composite according to the technology developed in earlier models of rockets. The third stage engine was developed by United Technologies Corp. and was originally made of kevlar thread glued with epoxy resin. But after 1988, it was also made from carbon fiber and epoxy.

Solid fuel engines use a mixed fuel consisting of: HMX, ammonium perchlorate, polyethylene glycol and aluminum powder. The binding components are nitrocellulose and nitroglycerin. To reduce the total length of the rocket in the engines of all three stages, recessed nozzles are used, with inserts made of a thermo-wear-resistant material based on a carbon composite. Pitch and yaw are controlled by tilting the nozzles. To reduce aerodynamic drag when moving in dense layers of the atmosphere, a telescopic aerodynamic needle, tested on the Trident-1, is used.

Structurally, it is a 7-part sliding bar with a disc at the end. Before the start, the boom is folded in the head fairing in the third stage engine recess. Its extension takes place with the help of a powder pressure accumulator after the rocket leaves the water and the first stage engine starts. The use of an aerodynamic needle made it possible to significantly increase the flight range of the rocket.
When launching the Trident-2 rocket, traditionally for American strategic missile carriers, a dry launch method was used - from a missile silo, without filling it with water. The principle of launching Trident 2 is no different from Trident 1. The missiles can be launched with an interval of 15-20 seconds from a depth of no more than 30 meters, at a boat speed of about 5 knots and a sea state of up to 6 points. Theoretically, the entire missile ammunition load of the Ohio-class SSBNs can be fired in one salvo, but in practice such firing has never been carried out.
The control system "Trident - 2" during the entire flight is under the control of the onboard computer. The position in space is determined using a gyro-stabilized platform and astrocorrection equipment. Autonomous control equipment generates commands for changing the angle of the thrust vector of the engines, enters data into the warhead detonation units, cocks them, and determines the moment of warhead separation. The dilution stage propulsion system has four gas generators and 16 "slot" nozzles. To accelerate the dilution stage and stabilize it in pitch and yaw, there are four nozzles located on the upper part, and four on the lower part. The remaining nozzles are designed to generate roll control forces. Due to the better guidance accuracy of warheads and in connection with an increase in the efficiency of the SSBN navigation system, the KVO for Mk.5 blocks is 130 m. According to American data, if the NAVSTAR satellite navigation system is used in the guidance process, more than half of the warheads fall into a circle with a diameter of 90 The UGM-133A Trident II SLBM is capable of carrying up to 8 warheads equipped with 475 kt W88 thermonuclear warheads, or up to 14 units with 100 kt W76 warheads.

Compared to the Mk.4 warheads used in the Trident-1 missile, the hitting accuracy of the Mk.5 blocks has increased by about 2.5-3 times. This, in turn, made it possible to significantly increase the likelihood of hitting "hardened" (in American terminology) targets, such as: silo launchers, underground command posts and arsenals. When firing at missile silos, the use of the so-called "two by one" method is provided - in this case, two warheads are aimed at one target from different missiles. According to American data, the probability of destroying a "hardened" target is at least 0.95. Considering that the fleet ordered about 400 warheads with W88 warheads, most of the Trident-2 missiles were equipped with Mk.4 warheads with warheads W76, which were previously used on the UGM-96A Trident I SLBM. In this version, the probability of destroying silos using the “two by one” method is estimated at no higher than 0.85, which is associated with a lower charge power.
In addition to the US Navy, the Trident 2 missiles are in service with the Royal Navy of Great Britain. Initially, the British planned to arm their Vanguard-class submarines with Trident-1 missiles. However, in 1982, British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher asked US President Ronald Reagan to consider the possibility of supplying only the Trident-2 missiles that were being developed at that time. I must say that the British made the right decision, betting on more advanced SLBMs.

The Vanguard-class SSBNs have replaced the Resolution-class submarine missile carriers. The head British missile submarine HMS Vanguard was laid down in September 1986 - that is, even before the start of tests of the Trident-2 rocket. Her entry into the Royal Navy took place in August 1993. The fourth and last boat in the series was delivered to the Navy in November 1999. Each Vanguard-class strategic missile carrier has 16 missile silos. The missiles purchased by the UK are equipped with proprietary warheads. According to the media, they were created with American support and are structurally close to the W76 thermonuclear warheads, but differ from them in the ability to stepwise adjust the explosion power: 1, 5, 10 and 100 kt. Maintenance and modernization of missiles during operation are carried out by American specialists. Thus, the UK's nuclear potential is largely under US control.
Relatively recently, the British edition of the Sunday Times published information about the incident that occurred in June 2016. The missile without nuclear warheads during the control test was launched from the British SSBN HMS Vengeance. According to the Sindi Times, after the launch of the Trident-2 SLBM, it "lost its course", heading towards the United States, which "caused a terrible panic." The rocket fell off the coast of Florida, but the British leadership tried to hide it from the public. However, after the incident became public, it was used by the British Department of Defense as an argument at a parliamentary hearing, where the issue of allocating funds to modernize the British nuclear potential was discussed.
In total, Lockheed Martin delivered 425 US Navy Trident 2 missiles and 58 British Navy missiles between 1989 and 2007. The most recent batch of 108 missiles was delivered to the customer in 2008-2012. The cost of this contract was $ 15 billion, which gives $ 139 million per missile.

Due to the fact that the Trident-2 missile, designed in the mid-1980s, is in fact the basis of the naval component of the American strategic nuclear forces, and will remain in this status for at least the next 10 years, a comprehensive modernization program has been developed. In particular, according to expert estimates, it is necessary to create a new inertial and astrocorrection equipment on a modern element base, which requires the development of high-speed microprocessors that are resistant to ionizing radiation. In addition, in the near future, rockets built in the 90s will need to replace solid fuel, which requires more efficient formulations that can increase throw weight.
In the early 2000s, admirals, as part of the Enhanced Effectiveness program, requested funds from Congress to create new warheads with the W76 warhead. A promising maneuvering warhead was to be equipped with a GPS receiver, a simplified inertial guidance system and control in the final section of the trajectory using aerodynamic surfaces. This would make it possible to correct the trajectory of the warhead while moving in dense layers of the atmosphere, and to improve accuracy. However, in 2003, congressmen rejected the allocation of funds for this program and the military did not return to it.
As part of the Prompt Global Strike concept, Lockheed Martin in 2007 proposed to create a variant of the SLBM, designated CTM (Conventional TRIDENT Modification). It was envisaged that by equipping the rocket with conventional warheads corrected in the atmospheric section of the trajectory, it would solve non-nuclear tasks. The command of the Navy hoped, with the help of a new combat unit, corrected in the atmospheric sector according to GPS data, to obtain a CEP of about 9 meters, which would make it possible to solve both tactical and strategic tasks without the use of nuclear weapons. At a congressional hearing in 2008, the Navy requested $ 200 million for this program, emphasizing the possibility of using conventional warheads in solving "anti-terrorist" tasks. American admirals proposed replacing two missiles with nuclear warheads with missiles with conventional warheads on each Ohio-class SSBN on combat patrol. The total cost of refitting 24 missiles as of 2008 was approximately $ 530 million. The technical details of the program were not disclosed, but it is known that research was conducted on the creation of two types of warheads. To defeat highly protected targets, it was planned to create an armor-piercing high-explosive warhead with the possibility of air detonation, and a variant of a kinetic warhead in the form of a tungsten arrow was also considered. It is quite obvious that such warheads are primarily intended for pinpoint strikes on command bunkers, communication centers and silo launchers of ICBMs, and excuses about the "fight against terrorism" are needed to calm public opinion.
The program for creating SLBMs with conventional high-precision warheads has been criticized by a number of American specialists dealing with international security problems. According to these experts, a launch from a submarine conducting combat patrols of a ballistic missile could provoke the outbreak of a nuclear conflict. This point of view is based on the fact that the early warning systems of Russia and China are not able to identify conventional or nuclear warheads carried by an intercontinental ballistic missile. In addition, the ability of conventional warheads to destroy strategic targets blurred the line between nuclear and conventional weapons, since the conventional Trident, capable of destroying ICBM mines with a high probability, is suitable for delivering a disarming strike. As a result, Congress rejected funding for the CTM program. However, Lockheed Martin, with the support of the Navy, continued in 2009 on an initiative basis research aimed at developing high-precision warheads intended for the conventional Trident. In particular, as part of the LETB-2 test cycle (Life Extension Test Bed-2 - Test program for extending the life cycle - 2), the possibility of using modified Mk.4 warheads dismantled from decommissioned UGM SLBMs was investigated. 96A Trident I.

"Trident - 2" is the pinnacle of the evolution of American SLBMs. The example of this missile clearly shows how simultaneously with the increase in range, throw weight and accuracy, mass and dimensions grew, which ultimately required the creation of third-generation Ohio-class submarines, which currently leave the basis of the American naval component of strategic nuclear forces. It is very indicative to compare the Trident-2 with SLBMs produced in the USSR / Russia, France and the PRC.
The most advanced in terms of throw weight and firing range of the Soviet missile, designed for arming SSBNs and brought to mass production, was the R-29RM. The official adoption of the rocket, developed at the Mechanical Engineering Design Bureau (now JSC "State Missile Center named after Academician V. P. Makeev"), took place in 1986. The liquid three-stage SLBM of the D-9RM complex was intended for the missile carriers of the project 667BDRM with 16 launch silos. The R-29RM missile could carry four blocks with 200 kt charges or ten blocks with 100 kt warheads. With a throw weight of 2,800 kg, the launch range is 8,300 km (11,500 km - with a minimum combat load). Thus, with the same throw weight, the firing range of the R-29RM is higher than that of the Trident-2. At the same time, the launch weight of the R-29RM is 40.3 tons versus 59.1 tons for the American SLBM. As you know, liquid-propellant rockets have an advantage in energy perfection, but they are more expensive to operate and are susceptible to mechanical damage. Due to the use of toxic fuel (unsymmetrical dimethylhydrazine) and a corrosive oxidant (nitrogen tetroxide) that ignites flammable substances, in the event of a leak of these components, there is a high risk of accidents. To launch Soviet liquid-propellant SLBMs, it is required to fill the mines with water, which increases the prelaunch preparation time and unmasks the boat with a characteristic noise.
In 2007, the R-29RMU2 "Sineva" SLBM was put into service in Russia. The development of this missile was largely forced, and was associated with the expiration of the service life of the R-39 missiles and with problems in the development of new complexes "Bark" and "Bulava". According to open sources, the launch weight of the R-29RMU2 and the throw weight remained the same. But at the same time, resistance to the effects of an electromagnetic pulse has increased, new means of overcoming missile defense and warheads with improved accuracy have been installed. In 2014, OJSC Krasnoyarsk Machine-Building Plant started the serial production of R-29RMU2.1 Liner missiles, which carries four individual targeting warheads with a capacity of 500 kt with an air defense of about 250 m.
Soviet submariners and designers were well aware of the shortcomings of liquid-propellant SLBMs, and therefore repeated attempts were made to create safer and more reliable solid-propellant missiles. In 1980, the boat of project 667AM with 12 mines loaded with two-stage solid-propellant SLBMs R-31 was taken into trial operation. The missile with a launch weight of 26800 kg had a maximum range of 4200 km, a throw weight of 450 kg and was equipped with a 1 Mt warhead, with a KVO - 1.5 km. A rocket with such data would have looked decent in the 60s and 70s, but for the beginning of the 80s it was already morally obsolete. Since the first Soviet solid-propellant SLBM was significantly inferior in all respects to the American Polaris A-3, which was put into service in the United States in 1964, it was decided not to launch the R-31 missile into mass production, and in 1990 it was removed from service.
In the first half of the 70s, the mechanical engineering design bureau began the development of a Soviet three-stage intercontinental SLBM. Since the Soviet chemical and radio-electronic industries were not able to create solid fuel formulations and guidance systems similar in their characteristics to the American ones, when designing the Soviet missile, a much larger mass and dimensions were initially laid down than that of the Trident-2. The D-19 missile system with the R-39 missile was put into service in May 1983. The rocket with a launch weight of 90 tons, had a length of 16.0 m and a diameter of 2.4 m. The throw weight was 2550 kg, the firing range was 8250 km (with a minimum load of 9300 kg). The R-39 SLBM carried 10 warheads with thermonuclear warheads with a capacity of 100 kt, with KVO - 500 m. That is, with such a significant mass and dimensions, the R-39 did not have superiority over the much more compact American Trident-2 missile.
Moreover, for a very large and heavy rocket R-39, it was necessary to create "unparalleled" SSBNs of pr. 941. The submarine with an underwater displacement of 48,000 tons had a length of 172.8 m, a width of 23.3 m and carried 20 missile silos. The maximum submerged speed is 25 knots, the working depth of immersion is up to 400 m. Initially, it was planned to build 12 boats, project 941, however, due to the extremely high cost and in connection with the collapse of the USSR, the fleet received only 6 heavy missile submarine strategic cruisers. At present, all TRPKSNs of this type have been withdrawn from the combat strength of the fleet. First of all, this was due to the development of the guaranteed resource of the R-39 SLBM and the cessation of the production of new missiles. In 1986, at the KB im. Makeev began developing the promising R-39UTTKh SLBM. It was assumed that the new rocket with a launch weight of about 80 tons and a throw weight of more than 3000 kg, will carry 10 thermonuclear warheads with a capacity of up to 200 kt and have a flight range of 10,000 kilometers. However, in the mid-90s, due to the collapse of economic and technological ties and the cessation of funding, work on this rocket was curtailed.
In 1998, the Moscow Institute of Thermal Engineering, instead of the almost finished SLBM R-39UTTKh, began the creation of a lighter R-30 Bulava-30 missile intended for use as part of the D-30 complex on the new 955 SSBNs. According to information published in the Russian media Despite the not very favorable statistics of test launches, the SLBM "Bulava" was put into service. A solid-propellant three-stage rocket weighing 36.8 tons, 12.1 m long and 2 m in diameter has a declared range of up to 9300 km. Throw weight - 1150 kg. Most sources say that the Bulava carries 6 warheads with a capacity of 150 kt each, with a KVO - 150 m. Frankly speaking, the characteristics of the Bulava against the background of American SLBM data are not impressive. The new Russian missile has characteristics comparable to the UGM-96A Trident I SLBM, which was put into service back in 1979.
The French with their M51.2 SLBM came closest to the Trident-2. The French rocket with a launch weight of 56 tons, a length of 12 m and a diameter of 2.3 m has a firing range of up to 10,000 km and carries 6 individually guided warheads with 100 kt warheads. But at the same time, the KVO is approximately two times inferior to the Americans.
Solid-propellant SLBMs are being actively developed in China. According to open sources, in 2004, the Chinese Navy entered service with the JL-2 ("Juilan-2") missile, which is part of the ammunition load of the 094 "Jin" SSBNs. Each boat of this project has 12 missile silos. In China, until 2010, 6 boats were built, which outwardly and in their data strongly resemble the Soviet SSBNs of project 667 BDR. According to unconfirmed reports, the JL-2 missile has a launch range of about 10,000 km. Its weight is about 20 tons, length is 11 m. The declared payload is 700 kg. The missile allegedly carries 3 warheads with a capacity of 100 kt each, with a KVO - about 500 m. However, a number of American military experts express doubts about the reliability of the data presented in Chinese sources. The firing range of the JL-2 is most likely greatly overestimated, and the low throw weight allows the missile to be equipped with only a monoblock warhead.
From a comparison with other missiles, it follows that the UGM-133A Trident II (D5) SLBM, which entered service in 1990, still surpasses all missiles of a similar purpose created outside the United States. Thanks to the high-tech groundwork and the use of the most advanced achievements in the field of materials science, chemistry and solid-state radiation-resistant electronics, the Americans managed to create a very successful rocket, which did not lose reserves for further improvement even 28 years after the start of mass production. However, not everything in the Trident 2 biography was perfect. So, due to problems with the reliability of the safety-executive automatic warheads in 2000, a very costly LEP program (Life Extension Program) was launched, the purpose of which was to extend the life cycle of a part of the 2000 W76 thermonuclear warheads in stock and improve them electronic filling. According to the plan, the program was calculated until 2021. American nuclear physicists criticized W76 for a number of inherent shortcomings: low energy yield for such a mass and size, high vulnerability to neutron radiation of electronic components and fissile materials. After eliminating the defects, the upgraded warhead was designated W76-I. In the course of the modernization program, the service life of the charge was extended, its radiation resistance was increased, and a new fuse was installed, allowing for a buried detonation. In addition to the warhead itself, the warhead has undergone revision, which received the designation Mk.4A. Thanks to the modernization of the detonation system and more accurate control of the position of the warhead in space, in the event of a flight, a command is given for an earlier high-altitude detonation of the warhead.
Modernization of warheads, warheads, control systems and replacement of solid fuel should ensure that Trident-2 is in service until 2042. For this, in the period from 2021 to 2027, the fleet is planned to transfer 300 updated missiles. The total value of the contract with Lockheed Martin is $ 541 million. Simultaneously with the modernization of the Trident D-5, the go-ahead was given to the development of a new missile, tentatively designated Trident E-6.
It is reported that the command of the US Navy has expressed interest in equipping some of the modernized SLBMs with high-precision warheads with a capacity of no more than 10 kt, which can be detonated after being buried in rocky ground. Despite the decrease in the power of warheads, this, by analogy with the free-falling aviation thermonuclear bomb B-61-11, should increase the ability to destroy highly engineering-protected targets.
Despite doubts about 100% warhead performance, the UGM-133A Trident II SLBM has generally proven itself to be a very reliable product. In the course of test checks of control equipment and detailed examination of missiles removed from combat duty, carried out in the naval arsenals of the Bangor (Washington state) and Kings Bay (Georgia) bases, it was found that more than 96% of the missiles are fully operational and capable of guaranteed fulfillment of a combat mission. This conclusion is confirmed by test and training launches regularly carried out from SSBNs of the "Ohio" type. At present, more than 160 Trident-2 missiles have been launched from American and British nuclear submarines. According to the US Department of Defense, these tests, as well as regular test launches of LGM-30G Minuteman III ICBMs from the Wandnberg missile range, indicate a fairly high combat readiness of the American strategic nuclear forces.