The Beriev company, together with TsAGI, began the development of a gigantic super-transport aircraft called Project 2500. The creation of the aircraft, according to the designers, may take 15–20 years. What technical characteristics it will have is not reported.
On Sunday, at a press conference dedicated to the end of the work of "Hydroaviasalon-2010", the general director of the Taganrog aviation scientific and technical complex named after Beriev, Viktor Kobzev, announced a new development.
This is a giant aircraft, which is being created in conjunction with the Central Aerohydrodynamic Institute.
The superplane was named Project 2500. Its creation will take 15 to 20 years. If the project is completed successfully, the brainchild of aircraft manufacturers will be able to carry out a non-stop transatlantic flight with a large cargo.
“Previously, these were dreams, but now the necessary technologies have appeared for their implementation,” Kobzev noted. "There are even engines, although still abroad, capable of carrying such an aircraft."
According to him, the cargo-passenger transportation market is growing, even despite the crisis, by 3-5% per year, so soon global transport companies will not be able to do with traditional cargo planes.
“We are looking not only at the market of oversized cargo, but also at the maritime market for container shipments: with this aircraft we will be able to take part of it from the sailors,” RIA Novosti quotes Kobzev.
At the same time, Kobzev did not specify even the approximate characteristics of the liner being created.
For reference: the world's largest serial transport aircraft is Ruslan, capable of carrying up to 130 tons of cargo over a distance of more than 3 thousand kilometers. It was created at the Antonov Design Bureau in Ukraine in 1982. Modifications An-124-100 and An-124-100M-150 were produced in Kiev and Ulyanovsk until 1995, a total of 56 such machines were produced. Of these, 25 aircraft remained in service, the price of each of which is more than $ 100 million. At the same time, in terms of most of the flight and operational characteristics, the An-124 surpasses the American C-5, which has been in the lead in this class since the late 1960s.
Experts previously interviewed by the VZGLYAD newspaper assured that the demand for such equipment is high in any country - sometimes it is necessary to transport such goods that only An-124 can handle.
# {small_popular} It is worth noting that other developments in the aviation industry are underway in Russia. The first Russian fifth-generation fighter is currently being tested.
Compared to fighters of previous generations, the PAK FA (T-50 Advanced Frontline Aviation Complex) has unique features, combining the functions of a strike aircraft and a fighter.
It is planned that it will be able to reach speeds of up to 2, 6 thousand kilometers per hour and fly over a distance of up to 5, 5 thousand kilometers. The fighter will be armed with a 30mm cannon, and will also receive 10 suspension points in the internal bomb bays.

The super-heavy transport seaplane Be-2500 will find application in the field of transportation of commercial and special cargo on transoceanic routes. The concept of a super-heavy seaplane provides for flights both on-screen, over the ocean surface, and in high-altitude modes. The Be-2500 will become an ideal platform for delivering spacecraft to the upper atmosphere of the Earth's equatorial zone. It is also possible to use the Be-2500 for the delivery of rapid response landing units, for rescue operations at sea, as well as in the process of exploration and mining in the shelf zone and archipelagoes. Operation and basing of a seaplane can be carried out within the framework of the infrastructure of large existing seaports. Aircraft characteristics Wingspan, m 125, 51 Wing area, m2 3184 Aircraft length, m 115.5 Aircraft height, m 29, 12 Takeoff weight, t 2500 Maximum payload, t up to 1000 Cruising flight speed, km / h at high altitude 770 in screen mode 450 Maximum flight range, km 16000