China seeks to develop its armed forces, and for this it needs new weapons. New concepts are regularly proposed that can be implemented in promising projects with certain advantages. Recently it became known that Chinese scientists are working on a new version of missile weapons that can compare favorably with existing samples. The main characteristics of the rocket are planned to be increased by launching with the help of an electromagnetic catapult.
A few days ago, the Chinese popular science magazine Keji Ribao published an article about a new proposal from scientists in the field of missile weapons. The author of the idea, Han Junli, told the journalists about it. He works for an unnamed research institute affiliated with the People's Liberation Army of China. It is reported that this scientific organization is now working on an original idea and should determine its real prospects. In addition, the development of a full-fledged missile system using such ideas has already started.

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Han Junli said that the new idea came up shortly after the end of last year's clashes in Tibet on the Doklam plateau (Chinese name Donglang). China and Bhutan have not been able to divide this territory for a long time, which from time to time leads to certain problems. In the summer of last year, tensions nearly erupted into a direct clash, into which India could be dragged. Nevertheless, the situation was corrected peacefully.
Chinese rocket experts observed the course of the confrontation, and also viewed it from the point of view of the use of missile weapons. An important conclusion was made: the size of the Donglan Plateau imposes great restrictions on the use of existing missile systems. In fact, disputed territories cannot be controlled even with the most advanced PLA multiple launch rocket systems.
Taking into account the existing challenges, Han Junli and his colleagues proposed an original way to improve the basic performance characteristics of existing and future missiles. The new concept involves the use of a completely new component. Currently, the rocket is launched using a sustainer or a separate starting engine. There is also a so-called. mortar launch using a special powder charge. The use of a starting or sustainer engine during launch and acceleration limits the energy efficiency of the rocket, and at the same time reduces its flight range and some other characteristics. In this regard, according to Chinese scientists, a separate means is required for the initial acceleration of the rocket to high speed.
Chinese experts propose to supplement missile launchers with electromagnetic acceleration systems. Thus, the initial acceleration of the product should be carried out by a catapult. After leaving it, having some speed and reaching the required trajectory, the rocket can turn on its own propulsion engine. With the help of the latter, it is proposed to maintain the obtained speed or perform additional acceleration. Further flight should be carried out in the same way as in the case of existing complexes.
It is argued that launching a rocket using an electromagnetic catapult has several advantages. First of all, the rocket turns out to be more efficient in terms of the use of engine energy. It does not consume its fuel supply at the start of movement, acceleration and exit from the launcher. A third-party source of electrical energy is actually responsible for these operations, and the rocket is able to use all its fuel only in flight.
An increase in the efficiency of fuel use, first of all, should lead to an increase in the flight range. In addition, the energy reserve can be used to increase the payload of the product while maintaining the same performance data. In any case, according to Chinese experts, a rocket with a fundamentally new launcher has advantages over existing systems.
Another positive feature of the proposed concept can be revealed when using promising weapons in high mountain areas. So, the electromagnetic catapult quickly accelerate the rocket, as a result of which the efficiency of the stabilizers in the thin air increases. As a result, the deviation from the specified trajectory at the start decreases, which can have a positive effect on the shooting accuracy.
The idea of electromagnetically launching a rocket can find application in various fields. First of all, it is considered in the context of multiple launch rocket systems. Such complexes face certain difficulties that limit the growth of their characteristics. So, with an increase in the firing range above certain limits, an unguided missile begins to show unacceptably low accuracy. The dispersal of salvo missiles becomes excessive and excludes effective engagement of targets.
At present, the issue of increasing the accuracy of long-range MLRS is being solved by using simple control systems that keep the missile on its trajectory. The new Chinese idea is believed to eliminate the need for complex and expensive control systems on board the rocket. At the same time, some increase in flight performance is expected.

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According to the proposed concept, a multiple launch rocket system with electromagnetic catapults can have several advantages over existing technology. The specific appearance allows you to get an increase in the range and accuracy of fire without serious reworking of the missile. In addition, all new units remain on the launcher, which reduces operating costs.
Han Junli mentioned that the new proposal is already being used in one of the promising projects of the surface-to-surface missile system. It is proposed to build a self-propelled vehicle with a missile launcher, to some extent reminiscent of the existing MLRS. Moreover, such a sample should have some new units that ensure the operation of catapults. In the future, it is possible to create other launchers for mounting on other carriers.
The idea of electromagnetic acceleration of a rocket can be used in various fields. In theory, the original launchers can be used with missiles of all major classes. They can be used as part of multiple launch rocket systems, operational-tactical missile systems, etc. Moreover, there are already suggestions about the possible use of such systems on promising ships for the PLA Navy. However, it is not specified with which missiles such equipment will be used.
The publication "Keji Ribao" also pointed to the strategic implications of the emergence of new missile systems with an electromagnetic catapult. So, one of the most advanced and long-range MLRS in the PLA is the PHL-03, which is a modified version of the Soviet / Russian 9K58 "Smerch". The maximum firing range of this system is 130 km. The authors of the new idea believe that launching the same missiles with a new catapult will lead to a significant increase in the range. However, the exact figures are not given.
Chinese scientists and journalists do not specify the characteristics of the future missile system, but at the same time indicate its combat qualities. A system with a firing range of hundreds of kilometers is capable of keeping large areas at gunpoint and poses a danger to the troops and infrastructure of a potential enemy. Such weapons can be useful in a hypothetical border conflict, for example, on the Donglan plateau.
It is argued that the project of a promising missile system using an electromagnetic catapult is already at the design stage. Perhaps in the near future, the construction of prototypes will begin with subsequent tests. It takes several years to carry out all the required work, after which the army will have to resolve the issue of the need for such weapons. Time will tell whether unusual systems will enter service.
To improve the main characteristics of missile weapons, Chinese scientists propose using non-standard launchers based on electromagnetic catapults. Such a proposal is of obvious interest and, probably, may well come to use in practice. However, it must be considered objectively. It is quite possible that upon careful study, a curious concept will lose its seeming "charm".
First of all, it should be noted that the principle of launching an air-to-air rocket using an ejection device has been known for a long time. For example, such launchers were used with the German V-1 rocket during the Second World War. Catapults were used later, but then they were abandoned due to the lack of serious advantages with excessive complexity. Now Chinese experts are proposing to return to rejected ideas, but to implement them with the help of modern technologies.
Talking about their new development, Chinese scientists are in no hurry to reveal the main technical solutions. In particular, they do not even indicate the type of catapult proposed for use with missiles. There are several main options for accelerating an object using an electromagnetic field, and it is not known which of them will be used with missiles. Apparently, we are talking about a linear electric motor of one type or another. Such devices can combine high performance with acceptable dimensions and relatively simple design.
Electromagnetic catapults of all known types have a significant drawback that complicates their use in practice. To accelerate the load, they need an adequate power supply. Talking about their development, Chinese engineers recall the catapults of the new American aircraft carrier USS Gerald R. Ford. It should be noted that a large ship has a nuclear power plant capable of operating powerful linear motors.

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Obviously, to disperse relatively light missiles, less power is required, but even in this case, the missile system needs its own power supply. In addition to the launcher, a generator with the required parameters will have to be mounted on a combat vehicle, which may impose new requirements on the chassis and other elements of the complex. A launcher with overclocking devices cannot be simple either. To justify such an increase in the complexity of the design, a serious increase in combat qualities is required. Whether it will be possible to obtain such results is unknown.
Unfortunately, the Chinese scientists, who have proposed a new missile launch option, are in no hurry to reveal the technical details of the project and announce specific numbers. As a result, it is not yet possible to assess the real potential of the electromagnetic launcher and compare it with traditional means. In the field of missile flight performance and the combat potential of such a system, so far it is necessary to rely only on estimates.
The authors of the concept argue that an electromagnetic catapult will be able to accelerate the rocket and throw it out of the guide at high speed, which will reduce the deviation from a given trajectory. Indeed, unguided rockets in the first moments of their flight may deviate slightly from a given direction, which worsens the firing accuracy. Increasing the speed during the acceleration phase will, in theory, reduce the deflection. However, such calculations need to be confirmed by tests comparing the same missiles and different launch methods.
In general, at the moment the concept of launching missiles using an electromagnetic catapult looks interesting, but nothing more. Obviously, its real prospects may be very limited. The catapult needs a powerful source of electricity, as a result of which it cannot be effectively used on a land chassis. At the same time, it can be installed on a ship with suitable power systems. In this case, you can get rid of problems with the dimensions of the units and the power supply of the systems. However, this does not remove the questions related to expediency. So, if there is enough space on the ship for a catapult, then why can't these volumes be used for larger missiles with a greater range?
The connection of the new project with the recent confrontation, as well as the numerous problems of the proposed concept, may raise some suspicions. From this point of view, the MLRS project with a catapult launcher may look like an attempt to “play” on the actual topic of confrontation with neighboring states and knock out a budget for development work without a definite result. If such suspicions are true, then the project may stop at one of the stages without giving a real result.
A curious and promising missile proposal should not be dismissed. It needs to be studied in theory and possibly in practice, after which conclusions should be drawn. The unnamed institute, where Han Junli and his colleagues work, decided to get ahead of events and is already developing a full-fledged missile system based on new ideas. The results of this project may appear over the next few years. It is hoped that the Chinese military and scientists will not keep the new development secret and will tell the public about it as soon as possible.
In fact, Chinese scientists have proposed reviving the long-forgotten idea of launching missiles from a catapult installation, but now the latter should use the most modern units. Whether such a concept will be able to justify the expectations placed on it, and whether a new sample of rocket artillery with increased characteristics will appear will become known in the future.