From June 28 to July 1, 2011, the fifth international military-industrial exhibition Partner 2011 was held in Belgrade (Serbia). Despite the declared "international" character, the exhibition was actually a local show of the Serbian military industry led by the Yugoimport-SDPR association.
In general, not too many new weapons developments were presented at the exhibition - most of the exposition was well known from previous exhibitions and advertisements of Yugoimport-SDPR and Serbian developers.
Among the new systems, a modular MLRS LRSVM (Lanser Raketa Samohodni Višecevni Modularni) developed by the Military Technical Institute in Belgrade, previously developed on the Lanser theme, was demonstrated in full-scale form.

MLRS LRSVM is capable of using quick-change modular packages with 128-mm "short" missiles MLRS "Plamen" M63 (option A with a maximum firing range of up to 8.6 km and option D with a firing range of up to 12.6 km), 128-mm "long "Ogan" M77 MLRS missiles (with a firing range of up to 22.6 km), BM-21 122-mm MLRS missiles (including new long-range Serbian design with a firing range of up to 35 km) and 107-mm missiles. The system accommodates two packages of missiles (16 each in the module with M63 missiles and 12 each in the module with M77 missiles). A system with two firing modules with 128-mm missiles "Ogan" M77 MLRS was presented at the exhibition. The chassis of the Serbian car FAP 1118 with a 4x4 wheel arrangement, the installation has an awning camouflage. Placement on other chassis, including armored ones, is possible.
MLRS is used in combination with a modern fire control system.



Project image of a variant of the MLRS LRSVM on the Serbian wheeled armored chassis SOKO:

Developed for the UAE, the 107mm LRSVM variant, mounted on a 6x6 Nimr chassis:
