It is known that the Armed Forces - the army - is the most conservative institution of the state. This is facilitated by the very specifics of the formation of the organization. The corporativeness of the officer corps, which is educated in educational institutions closed from society, is strictly brought up on the system of values that is currently accepted as the state one. Ordinary and non-commissioned officers, under the constant, close scrutiny of officers serving the state, for a long time cut off from civil society. The duty, if necessary, with arms in hand, to defend the country from encroachments by other states. The specificity of the tasks solved by different types of the Armed Forces and combat arms brings to the fore the interests of the corresponding service arm or arm. A special oath (Oath), obliging a soldier to faithfully serve the state, imposes additional restrictions on him in comparison with a civilian. All these factors together create a specific military environment in society. Even the payment of military labor at all times (until relatively recently!) Was called not wages, but content (monetary, clothing and food). From time immemorial, this has emphasized that the warrior is supported by society in payment for his readiness to defend the Fatherland at any time.
Years of service in the army form the personality of a specific person (an officer and a super-conscript), who differs from a civilian not only in appearance, but also in internal content - world outlook and, above all, greater firmness of convictions - conservatism.
Realizing the specificity and conservatism of this state institution, any new regime that has come to power in the country begins to strengthen with transformations in the army, quite reasonably fearing its action in defense of the previous state system. This has happened in all states and at all times. For example, the first decree of the Provisional Government of Russia in February 1917 was a decree concerning the army. The veneration of rank, the courts of the military tribunal were abolished, the activities of elected soldiers' committees were allowed, etc. With this decree, the Provisional Government, fearing its action in defense of the monarchy, finally destroyed the army, exposed the front and allowed the Germans to occupy a significant part of the territory of Russia. (What can you not do for the sake of retaining power!) By the way, this decree greatly contributed to the coming to power of the Bolsheviks!
An analogy can be seen at the beginning of the bourgeois transformations in Russia after the seizure of power by the liberal democrats. Unlike the Bolsheviks, who enjoyed the wide support of the country's population and had real strength in the form of the Red Guards, and therefore could dissolve the remnants of the tsarist army collapsed by Kerensky and immediately begin to form a new one, corresponding to the tasks of the new state, the Liberal Democrats in 1993 were the most combat-ready army peace - the Soviet army did not dare to dissolve immediately. They used a more sophisticated way of its gradual, slow, savage decay and destruction. Since the end of the eighties, they waged a fierce struggle with her, using economic and informational methods.
The media captured by the liberals began to actively throw mud at its command staff, to find and publicize cases of army riots (often greatly exaggerating and even "sucking it out"!). The population was taught that the cause of national disasters - the lack of food and industrial goods - is the large unjustified expenditures of the state for the maintenance of the army. (As it turned out later, this shortcoming was created artificially by the Liberal Democrats striving for power). A wide rift was drawn between the embittered, hungry people and the army. The servicemen began to literally hide behind the fences of their towns from the civilian population. The officers were ordered not to appear in public in military uniform. By the special measures taken, in a short time in society, the social status of an officer was lowered "to the plinth", which has never happened in Russian history. Service to the Motherland has become not only not honorable, but even evidence of the parasitic, "not advanced" position of a person in society. The officer's shoulder straps have turned from a subject of pride into a symbol of the low, unworthy respect of their owner. And the main "merit" in this belongs to the media biased by the bourgeoisie, free from all and most importantly from moral censorship, but not free from the power of the "golden calf" media.
Many officers began to feel ashamed of their belonging to the military class. In order to clear the army of the most active officers who were dissatisfied with the changes, they began to be fired for the smallest reason. Not receiving the due allowance, the officers themselves began to leave the army in thousands, replenishing the ranks of the unemployed, guards of the nouveau riche and just bandits. Since the pay was delayed for months and years, officers and warrant officers were allowed to earn extra money on the side. For the vacant soldier and sergeant positions, women began to be recruited, most often the wives of the same impoverished officers and warrant officers, who, according to their physiological capabilities, could not perform all soldier functions. This contributed not to an increase in the combat power of the Armed Forces, but to their further collapse.
Distracted from official duties by the search for additional income, the commanding staff of the army began to pay less attention to combat training and internal order in subunits. Discipline dropped sharply, and hooligans appeared in the barracks. As in any closed collective, the leaders emerged, robbing and humiliating weaker soldiers. In the end, the army ceased to be engaged in planned combat training altogether. It is clear that a soldier who is busy with business has neither the time nor the opportunity to be distracted from service by looting and internal squabbles! The authorities felt that anything could be expected from a poorly managed army. For their safety, they even collected all the small arms in warehouses. Nuclear warheads were removed from the carriers and securely locked in storage facilities. What if some commander of the unit realizes that the country, the Russian civilization is collapsing and decides to put an end to the culprits by firing a missile, or moves his military unit to establish order in the state !? It must be admitted that in the nineties many Russian citizens were looking forward to this!
As in the whole of society, morale fell sharply in the army. Trade in weapons, ammunition, and military equipment began. In the early 90s, the country received a cry: "Get rich, whoever can!" As you know, corruption has ideological roots. Is it worth blaming the generals who traded in arms, military equipment and property !? After all, he, like all citizens of Russia, received the installation: “the meaning of life is in getting pleasure, in consumerism,” and this can be realized only with the help of power or money! It's all about the worldview. In Soviet times, the meaning of an officer's life was to serve the Fatherland. And whether he was bad or good and served him. When service to oneself became the meaning of life, he forgot about the Fatherland, but he loved himself more and, like his fellow citizens, began to look for ways to enrich himself! Those who invented and allowed this should be blamed!
From idleness and lack of control in the barracks, hazing, theft, drunkenness flourished, soldiers and cadet gangs of robbers of the local population appeared, etc. The garrison service "ordered to live a long time": the guardhouses were closed, the patrol service was canceled. Violators of military discipline, like all antisocial elements, were given great concessions. The authorities needed to create a class of owners for their support as soon as possible! No attention was paid to the methods. Even the physical insult of an officer outside the unit began to be considered nothing more than petty hooliganism. Officers and warrant officers who still wanted to continue their service lost control levers for their subordinates.
Corruption appeared in military registration and enlistment offices. Thousands of dodgers paid off or simply hid from military service. The army as a militant organization, in fact, gradually ceased to exist. Russia disarmed. Once the best army in the world, which defeated all of Europe in 1945, has lost the strength necessary even to defeat the small but belligerent Chechnya! This circumstance is shyly concealed by the Kremlin authorities, but openly announced by Western politicians. Today, as they say, you can take Russia with your bare hands! The West does not do this only because, in fact, our country is already under its protectorate.
The old, the best in the world, the Soviet army has ceased to exist, the new one has not yet been created. The authorities are in no hurry: they do not see the external enemy, they are more afraid of their population! The Ministry of Internal Affairs is now a much more powerful organization than the army!
V. I. was absolutely right. Lenin, arguing that the state with all its institutions is of a class nature. In Soviet times, we had a state of the whole people, and the army was a state of the whole people. Almost all men served in one capacity or another. Since 1993, the state became bourgeois, and the army began to serve the ruling class - the new bourgeoisie, and its tasks became completely different. Now the task of the Russian army is not only to protect the state from an external aggressor, but also from an internal enemy - its people, who are dissatisfied with their position, the existing power! A striking example is the Chechen war, the use of troops to disperse demonstrations, to fight the coastal "partisans", etc. At the present time, other armed actions of the people are also very likely. Can you imagine a case of serving in the army of the children of millionaires, especially oligarchs? Even small traders and high-paid office workers buy their children off of military service. The army became mostly peasant! Most of the peasants do not even have those thirty or forty thousand rubles that fraudulent businessmen demand for a "white ticket" that exempts a young man from service. Along the way, we note that according to official data, every tenth soldier is illiterate today! The Democrats' term of office has been reduced to one year. Tell me: is it possible to train a ship's sailor, radar operator or other specialist associated with the maintenance of modern complex military equipment in a year from an illiterate person !? The answer is obvious! And the service life was reduced to the detriment of the combat capability of the troops, of course, not out of the special love of the ruling bourgeoisie for peasant children, but out of fear of rallying the soldiers' masses!
Today, a lot is said and written about the army, especially in connection with the innovations carried out by the Minister of Defense Serdyukov (a furniture dealer in his real specialty!), Who chose as his assistants women - accountants who plan the combat training of troops, leading military education and military science. Isn't this a mockery of the officers !? Isn't this a frank desire to destroy the army, to deprive it of at least some combat capability !? Apparently, Serdyukov was an unimportant student at school and the leaders of the military department were like him: they do not remember the instructions of Krylov's grandfather, who explained what would happen if "a shoemaker bakes pies, and a pastry man makes boots!" This is what the grief - the reformers - has already led the Russian army to! How can they be considered patriots of Russia !? Already from such a personnel policy, it clearly follows that the current authorities do not want to have a powerful army, and, consequently, to see Russia as a Great Power. However, the President of Russia himself recently spoke about the need to stop puffing out his cheeks! Although everyone knows that even at the household level, strong people are respected (of course, not necessarily physically!). Also in the international arena.
I hope our authorities and Serdyukov in particular are aware of the following data: the explored natural resources in Russia account for 160 thousand dollars per person, in the USA - twelve, in Europe - six! Russia possesses one third of all natural resources of the planet, forty percent of all fresh water! At the very least, it is naive to think that there will never be applicants for this wealth. Today, potential aggressors are not talking about the seizure of territory, but about natural resources! M. Thatcher, who was recently so honored in our country, on the occasion of her next anniversary and who always did not hide her dislike for Russia, repeatedly said that it is unfair for our country alone to possess Siberia, that in Russia it is enough to have only fifteen to twenty million inhabitants (necessary for servicing oil and gas pipes!). Z. Brzezinski, a world-famous Russophobe and adviser to several American presidents, in his book "The Great Chessboard" has long divided the territory of Russia between Europe, the USA, Japan and China. The book even contains a map with marked boundaries! Eyewitnesses claim that the brigades of Chinese construction workers working in our Far East are suspiciously similar to military formations ready to conduct hostilities. Japan does not give up its claims to the Kuril Islands. Even Estonia claims part of the Pskov region! The "friends" of our authorities - the Americans - surround our country with their military bases, locating them on the territory of the former Soviet republics. NATO, violating all agreements, is approaching our borders. And our government decides to allow foreign armed forces with weapons to enter the territory of Russia, to transport military equipment and equipment through our territory.
It is interesting to note that on October 24 this year. on the portal “Genocide. no "Galina Panina, a message appeared as if:" In 2007, Putin signed Treaty No. 410940-4 with NATO [1] that in the event of popular unrest and technical disasters, NATO troops can freely occupy the territory of Russia and conduct military operations on it ". No refutation followed. The contract itself has not been published. If this is really so, then does it not seem to you, reader, that the “patriots” of Russia also expected the Germans in 1918 to protect themselves from the power of the “coming boor”?
And in this alarming for every citizen who is not indifferent to the fate of his homeland, the stoolman Serdyukov, who has no moral right to head the Ministry of Defense, breaks the strategic structure of the Russian Armed Forces, following the American model; under the approval of his American colleague, he cuts the officer corps of the Russian army, which is already incapable of combat, by three hundred thousand; St. Petersburg. The land there is very expensive!), Effectively destroying them in such a Jesuitical way, for the teaching and research staff will clearly refuse to move to the provinces; reduces the number of military schools, academies and research organizations; restricts or stops altogether the admission of students to military educational institutions; transforms Suvorov schools into "boarding schools for noble maidens", entrusting the education of future officers to women nannies; Undermining the educational capabilities of commanders, he admits controllers - mothers of soldiers - to military units, allows them, like little children in a nursery, to accompany recruits to the very barracks. He should have asked the honored old people: at what age were young people called up to the fronts of the Great Patriotic War and how these young men behaved in battle. The then seventeen-year-old recruits felt like adults, responsible people. Not only did they not have the opportunity, but they would be ashamed to hide behind their mother's back or discuss the commander's order with their mother !. That is why we won that war. The morale of the people was extremely high. Vladimir Vysotsky said absolutely right: even small children - schoolchildren - were then ready to rush with grenades under fascist tanks! And how many guys really ran away from school to the war, and after graduation they proudly wore military awards! You can ask, Serdyukov, my peers. They will confirm! All this was not experienced by the "Minister of Defense" on his own experience and did not want to use the experience of his elders. Therefore, there is no place for him in the ministry. Let him do his own thing - sell furniture. It is a pity that the generals who have surrounded him, according to the worldview of the Liberal Democrats, fearing to lose their place at the trough, will never tell him about it. It was a shame to hear how one day the newly made Democrats Deputy Chief of the General Staff V. Smirnov (I can't call him a general!) Called Serdyukov, who has no military education, a high military professional and added that the army was very lucky that it human. Well, if Serdyukov, who has not received any military education, is an outstanding professional, then Smirnov has not been taught anything at the school and academy and he is clearly not in his place! It was not for nothing that this "outstanding" person and minister was demanded literally a few days later to expel from the ministry the veterans of the Airborne Forces, the Union of Cosmonauts and the 500,000 Veteran Organization of Russian Navy Seamen. Many smaller military veteran organizations immediately joined them. I am afraid that this chorus of guardians of Russia and its army will not be heard in the Kremlin. After all, Serdyukov is their protege and conductor of ideas not only for the Kremlin, but also for its foreign masters!
For the sake of establishing liberalism in our country, the Kremlin authorities sacrificed its military security, and not only military!
Imagine yourself, dear reader, as the commander of a military unit, which is controlled and given "valuable instructions" by a militarily illiterate minister, his female retinue and the parents of your soldiers. Is it possible in such conditions to implement the principle of one-man command, which at all times held the power of the Armed Forces?
Thirty-eight thousand women serve in the Russian army today! Yes, undoubtedly, this contributes to the normalization of the sexual life of officers and soldiers, about which our liberals care so much, but hardly - to increase their combat effectiveness. Even telephone operators and typists were absent in the tsarist army, and the presence of a woman on the ship was considered an emergency. Today, no one is surprised to see a sailor cadet or even a general in a skirt! In the late fifties - early sixties of the last century, when the last war sharply reduced the birth rate, for a short time, girls replaced soldier positions in the air defense forces,but the Soviet command quickly stopped this practice. Even those chaste girls brought up by the Komsomol, being in men's teams, contributed to an increase in the number of violations of discipline, and, consequently, to a decrease in the combat readiness of units. I do not think that the current leadership does not understand this. The question involuntarily arises: maybe this is done intentionally?
The liberal attitude towards violators of military discipline, the abolition of the patrol service and the mitigation of the punishment system tested over the centuries, the transformation of the guardhouse (where they reappeared) into a rest home - deprives the command of units and subdivisions of the levers of control of subordinates. The attitude of the state towards all servicemen, the demotion of social status to the impossible, finally deprives them of their desire to work! Where does military discipline come from, without which a combat-ready army is inconceivable !?
An interesting fact is that Serdyukov took the US Army as a role model, which, being the most technically and financially equipped, did not win a single war. During the Great Patriotic War, the Soviet army saved her from complete defeat. In the postwar years, it was unable to overcome the industrially underdeveloped Vietnam and Afghanistan. Well, “our” authorities do not want to have a mighty army of the Soviet model! Maybe they are simply not allowed to do so by foreign owners?
As for the mercenary army, the formation of which the liberals so want to go over. Now they call her professional. By the way, the question arises again: And that the Soviet army was amateur? And in this case, honor and praise to her, because she won the professionals! The army reformers should have known that even the ancient Romans did not rely on mercenaries and behind their legions in the most crucial areas of the battle there were always Roman legions, fighting not for money, but for the honor of Rome. Even the half-educated Chechen general Salman Raduyev understood that mercenaries could change at any time, as long as they were tempted with big money. But "our specialist of the highest class" Serdyukov knows nothing about it. Or does he know and, going over to the mercenary army, does so deliberately !?
The whole point, apparently, is that our authorities do not see an external danger for the current bourgeois state of the Russian Federation. Enemy number 1 for them is their own people, which are increasingly beginning to show dissatisfaction with the regime imposed by the Liberal Democrats, and they need a police-type army. However, it is hard to believe that peasant children in green English greatcoats will shoot their fellows - the poor urban population, advocating for their right to live like a human being! The remnants of Christian morality will not be eliminated in the peasant environment for a long time, despite all the power of modern media. And Orthodoxy is raising its head ever higher, reviving the morality lost under the democrats.
Naturally, Serdyukov's monkey behavior, illiteracy and disrespectful, boorish behavior arouse indignation among Russian military and civilian patriots. Eyewitnesses unanimously speak of his bad manners and arrogant disdainful attitude towards officers and generals, to which he has no moral right. Rudeness crossed a critical line when visiting him in October this year. Ryazan Airborne Military School. A furniture maker in the rank of sergeant cursed in the presence of his subordinates the head of the school - the Honored Colonel Hero of Russia. The indignant paratroopers - the pride of the army - sent a collective letter, signed by the Chairman of the Council of Veterans of the Airborne Forces, to President Medvedev demanding satisfaction and dismissal of Serdyukov from the post of defense minister as not meeting her by any criteria.
A similar letter to the President and Supreme Commander-in-Chief Medvedev was sent by the Russian Federation of Cosmonautics. Here are the lines from this letter:
“We fully support the appeal of the Union of Russian Paratroopers to the citizens, the President, the Federal Assembly of Russia, the Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia on this egregious case of rudeness and hazing of the Minister of Defense A. E. Serdyukov, who in a rude form with obscene language insulted the Hero of Russia of the Guards Colonel Andrei Krasov, humiliating his professional and personal dignity in front of his subordinates. … The Russian cosmonautics faction appeals to you, dear Dmitry Anatolyevich, as the Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces, with a proposal to remove the Minister of Defense A. E. Serdyukov from his position."
Signed by Vladimir Kovalenok, Colonel General of Aviation, President of the Russian Cosmonautics Federation, twice Hero of the Soviet Union, pilot-cosmonaut of the Soviet Union. " (Newspaper "Zavtra" # 43 (884), October 2010)
And here are the lines from the appeal of military sailors to the President of the Russian Federation:
“We insist on the immediate dismissal of Defense Minister Serdyukov and all his deputies, conducting a thorough investigation of their activities with the involvement of real military experts who have not smeared their names with the land trade of the Ministry of Defense, the criminal sale of fleet ships and army property, competent specialists who can distinguish white from the black, true patriots of our Motherland. " (Newspaper "Zavtra" # 43 (884), October 2010)
As noted above, the appeals were supported by numerous military organizations, outraged by Serdyukov's sabotage activities.
Of course, it is hard to believe that an illiterate minister will be removed. After all, he is only fulfilling the important task of the Russian government and its foreign mentors (albeit showing the lowest human qualities) to build a new bourgeois army of the Russian state! It can turn a blind eye to "small" costs! However, the signal has been sent to the government. And it will make the authorities think about the possible outcomes of the reforms. Whatever it is, but the army, even today, is still a more or less organized mass of people and an explosion of emotions can always be expected from them. And then the Ministry of Internal Affairs will not save the regime! The police are only suitable for fighting unarmed people. It is not suitable for real combat!
In conclusion, I would like to say that if the government wants to preserve Russian sovereignty, Russian civilization, then it must take care of creating an army on the model of the Soviet one, taking all the best from its experience (and not from the American!). He should understand that a Russian military man does not accept civilian, especially female, bosses over himself. It will never enjoy authority in the eyes of the officers, that is, it will not have spiritual power over them. This is the Russian tradition and this is the Russian mentality!
Patriots of Russia should serve in the army, ready to make sacrifices for the sake of their Motherland, the land of their ancestors, and the Fatherland. Any serviceman, especially an officer, should be proud of his profession, and society should see him as its defender, ready for self-sacrifice in the name of the Motherland and respect him for this. In other words, the defender of the Patronymic must have a high social status. An officer in all respects must belong to the middle class of society. By the way, even the first democrats in ancient Athens understood this. Only a person who was ready to defend the state received the status of a citizen! In the upbringing of such citizens today, the decisive role belongs to the media, literature and art, which should heroize the military profession, create images of patriots, heroic defenders of the Fatherland. And it is the responsibility of the state to direct and control their activities!
In the article, we deliberately did not touch upon the issue of material supply of the army, its rearmament. Here, too, the reformers have nothing to boast of. Rather, they have something to repent of. However, this is a separate big topic.
Military reforms in our country have been going on for about twenty years. All this time, the army is continuously broken through the knee, humiliated and robbed. Defense Minister Ivanov several years ago already announced the end of the reforms. Serdyukov chose the percentage of introduction of new technology into the armed forces as the criterion for the completion of reforms: the first stage - 2015 (30%), the second stage - 2030 (70%).
It seems that the criterion was chosen incorrectly. Clausewitz also said that the army is strong not in the number of soldiers and the quality of military equipment, but in the spirit of the troops. Will our reformers be able to raise the social status of a serviceman, the spirit of the Russian army to the required height, equip it with modern weapons and create the Armed Forces corresponding to the needs of the time? So far, everything says otherwise! High military professionals and patriots of Russia should deal with army issues, and not profane accountants!
[1] Recently, more and more often in the Internet there are injections of a wide variety of lies. Its goal is simple: to discredit the Russian leadership. Any methods are used, any information is served under the sauce of "betrayal".
Especially often I began to come across such a "DUCK"
"In 2007, Putin personally signed an agreement No. 410940-4 with NATO that, in the event of civil unrest and man-made disasters, NATO troops can freely occupy the territory of Russia and conduct military operations on it."
And this nonsense is replicated letter by letter in all kinds of forums.
And here's what it really is.
Electronic registration card for bill No. 410940-4
And here is the law itself.
What do we end up with?
1. There is no agreement between Russia and NATO No. 410940-4. There is a bill (not even a law!) Under this number. From this bill came the Federal Law No. 99-FZ, which is called:
"On the ratification of the Agreement between the states parties to the North Atlantic Treaty and other states participating in the Partnership for Peace program, on the status of their Forces of June 19, 1995, and the Additional Protocol to it."
The agreement of 1995 is being ratified, with minor clarifications! That's the whole point of the document.
We are talking about the status and rules of the stay of foreign military personnel on the territory of other countries during joint exercises. At the same time, we read directly in the text of the document:
“In order to implement the Agreement between the states parties to the North Atlantic Treaty and other states participating in the Partnership for Peace program on the status of their Forces dated June 19, 1995, the Russian Federation proceeds from the following understanding of the following provisions of the Agreement between the Parties to the North Atlantic Treaty on the status of their Forces dated June 19, 1951.
2. We are talking about the principles of jurisdiction and punishment over deserters and military personnel who have committed a crime, while they are on foreign territory. Not only their soldiers with us, but also our soldiers with them!
3. We are talking about customs and transit of goods.
4. In this law, there is not a word "that, in the event of popular unrest and man-made disasters, NATO troops can freely occupy the territory of Russia and conduct military operations on it." Not even close.
Do not believe any delirium. Check it out.
And the main thing is to think.
Next time, remember that spreading such nonsense is either a fool or an intelligent worker "not of our state."
In any case, you shouldn't listen to it.