The history of the CIA is a long list of betrayals, meanness, atrocities and murders. It is no coincidence that, under pressure from the public, the archives of the American special services began to be gradually declassified, a movement arose in the United States for the complete abolition of the CIA, since this misanthropic institution cannot be reformed in principle.
The first serious CIA case (then still under the name OSS) - Operation PAPERCLIP - dates back to 1945. While other Allied intelligence services tracked down Nazi war criminals for arrest and trial, the CIA smuggled them into America for use against the USSR.
In 1947, Harry Truman signed a document on the creation of the Central Intelligence Agency - bypassing Congress, it becomes accountable only to the President of the United States. And, literally, immediately Truman throws the intelligence community to the forefront - all European agents flock to Greece, where they begin an active armed struggle against the communist opposition.
In 1948, the "Greek scenario" successfully unfolds in Italy, where the CIA disrupts democratic elections because the Communists have too high a chance. Agents bribe election commissions and journalists, beat up leftist leaders.

1949 year. The CIA creates its first major propaganda tribune, Radio Free Europe (better known as Radio Liberty). The ideological brew prepared here is so obviously deceitful that at some point the transcripts of this radio were even banned from publication within the United States itself.
Simultaneously, as part of Operation MOCKINGBIRD, the CIA begins recruiting American journalists, led by the Washington Post publisher Philip Graham. By the beginning of the 90s. The CIA's media assets will include ABC, NBC and CBS, Time and Newsweek magazines, the Associated Press, United Press International and Reuters. At the same time, at least 400 well-known journalists will become CIA activists.
1953, Iran. The CIA is replacing Prime Minister Mohammed Mossadegh, who has threatened to nationalize the Anglo-American oil fields, with Shah Pahlavi, whose secret police, SAVAK, have shown themselves to be no less brutal than the Gestapo.
1954, Guatemala. As a result of a military coup, the CIA overthrows President Jacob Arbenz, who promised to nationalize American companies, where even CIA Director Allen Dulles had his stake. Arbenz is replaced by a series of dictators who have tortured more than 100,000 Guatemalans over the course of forty years.
1954-1958, North Vietnam. For four years, the CIA has been trying to overthrow the socialist government. When all intelligence opportunities have been exhausted, the CIA recommends the White House to begin open military intervention.
1956, Hungary. Radio Free Europe incites opposition to an uprising, hinting that American aid will come if the Hungarians take up arms. The Hungarians are being led to this provocation, and the country becomes the arena for the invasion of the armies of the Warsaw Pact.
1957-1973, CIA intervention in Laos. Democratic elections do not give the result that Washington wants, and the CIA annually annuls their results and appoints new ones. To drive the left opposition into the jungle, the CIA is creating "secret armies" of Asian mercenaries. When this gamble fails, the American Air Force is connected - as a result, they will drop more bombs on Laos than in all the years of the US participation in World War II.
1959, Haiti. The CIA brings Father Duvalier to power. The brutal dictator first of all creates his own police "Tonton Macutami". More than 100 thousand local residents will become its victims.
1961, Cuba. The CIA equips 1,500 fighters to overthrow Fidel Castro. However, Operation Mongoose fails due to poor planning. This is the first public defeat for the CIA, resulting in President Kennedy's removal of Allen Dulles.
In the same year, the CIA assassinates the bloody Dominican dictator Trujillo, whom Washington has supported since 1930. However, the dictator's family gradually took over 60 percent of the country's economy, which began to pose a threat to American interests …
In the same year, in Ecuador, the CIA, with the help of the local military, forces democratically elected President José Velasco to resign. The new government is controlled by US henchmen.
In the same year, in the Congo, the CIA assassinated national leader Patrice Lumumba. Nevertheless, his public support is so high that the United States cannot put its own satellite in the presidential chair. A four-year civil war begins …
1963, Dominican Republic again. With the help of the local military and the American army, the CIA overthrows democratically elected President Juan Bosch and establishes power by a fascist junta.

In the same year, in Ecuador, the CIA removed from power President Aroseman, who dared to declare a policy independent from Washington. The junta takes command, cancels elections, imprisons hundreds of its political opponents.
1964, Brazil. A military coup orchestrated by the CIA overthrows the democratically elected government of João Goulart.
1965, Indonesia. After eight years of fruitless attempts to oust President Sukarno, who declared his neutrality in the Cold War, the CIA is finally succeeding. US satellite General Suharto will torture about 1 million of his fellow citizens accused of sympathizing with the communist ideology.
In the same year, a popular uprising in support of Juan Bosch breaks out in the Dominican Republic. On the recommendation of the CIA, the White House is sending US Marines to the island.
In the same year, a CIA operation called "Phoenix", designed to deprive the support of the communist leaders in South Vietnam, leads to the death of 20 thousand civilians …
1967, Greece again. A military coup, planned by the CIA, brings to power the so-called. "Black colonels". The next six years will be marked by massive use of torture and murder against political opponents.
1968, Operation CHAOS. The CIA, which has spied on American citizens since 1959, is significantly expanding the depth of its surveillance. Undercover agents are looking for pacifists and opponents of the Vietnam War. More than 7,000 Americans will be hooked on their denunciations.
In the same year, the CIA organized an action to capture and kill the legendary guerrilla Che Guevara in Bolivia.
1969, Uruguay. In a country torn apart by political strife, the CIA is creating death squads. They are led by the emissary of Washington, Dan Mitrione, who preaches fascist methods of torture. His motto: "Point pain, in the exact place, in the exact amount - for the desired effect."
1970, Cambodia. The CIA overthrows Prince Sihanouk, who negatively perceived the American aggression in Vietnam, and replaces him with the puppet Lon Nol, who immediately throws Cambodian troops against his neighbors.
1971, Bolivia. The CIA overthrows leftist President Juan Torres and handed over power to dictator Hugo Banzer - in the next two years, he will destroy more than 2,000 of his political opponents.
In 1972-1974. CIA agents are actively involved in the Watergate affair. President Richard Nixon instructs them to install listening equipment in the office of the US Democratic Party. They also do other dirty work, including helping to launder illegal donations made by mafia bosses to Nixon's election campaign.
1973, Chile. CIA overthrows democratically elected President Salvador Allende. Power is given to the fascist junta of General Augusto Pinochet, who executes tens of thousands of his compatriots.
1975, Angola. Henry Kissinger sends the CIA to a country of no strategic importance in the Cold War. Agents bet on the brutal leader of the "Unit" group, Jonas Savimbi. This brings his opponents into the arms of the Soviet Union. A completely senseless war will last ten years, more than 300 thousand Angolans will become its victims.
1979, Afghanistan. The CIA begins supplying weapons to any local faction willing to oppose the Soviet limited contingent. Washington's shortsightedness will lead to the civil war going on for another decade and a half when Soviet troops leave Afghanistan - and even today it does not see an end. It is here that the CIA will raise the genie who will blow up the Twin Towers in New York …
In the same year, the CIA supported a group of young officers who carried out a military coup in El Salvador. It will result in repression and execution of peaceful demonstrations.
In the same year, the power of the dictator Somoza, affectionately called "our scoundrel" in Washington, falls in Nicaragua. The CIA is deploying massive financial and technical support to the remnants of the Somoza Guard. Contras training camps are being set up in neighboring Honduras. The civil war in Nicaragua will last ten years …
1980-1994 El Salvador finally plunges into the abyss of fratricidal massacre. The "death squads" trained by the CIA specialists, like Hitler's punishers, roam the countryside, committing massive atrocities and murders. By 1992, thus, 63 thousand Salvadorans had been killed.
1986, Haiti. The popular uprising throws off Duvalier the son, but Washington puts another semi-fascist leader in his chair. The new regime is reeling, and the CIA is forming local counterintelligence militias that suppress the people with torture and murder.
1989 year. The US Army invades Panama to overthrow its own dictator, General Manuel Noriega. By that time, he had been receiving a salary at the CIA for 23 years. However, by the end of the 1980s, the growing independence of Noriega ceased to suit Washington …
1990, Haiti. Priest Jean-Bertrand Aristide gets 68 percent in the elections. Eight months later, the military, with the support of the CIA, overthrows him. Thousands of Haitians are fleeing the island for fear of reprisals. The public calls for the return of Aristide, but the CIA declares him mentally unstable.

In 1991 and 2003. The United States has twice fought Iraq, whose leader Saddam Hussein is another creation of the CIA. American diplomats in 1980 persuade Hussein to attack Iran. During that eight-year war, the CIA pumped weapons into his army, trained officers, and provided money. All of this allowed Saddam to crush many domestic opponents, and also untied his hands for new military adventures, such as the occupation of Kuwait.
Interestingly, no one in the CIA was able to predict the most important event of the second half of the twentieth century - the collapse of the Soviet Union. The leadership and agents of American intelligence were so busy with subversive activities in various parts of the world that they failed in their main work - collecting and analyzing information. It would seem that the fall of the USSR should have deprived the CIA of the very reason for its existence. No, no! The CIA focuses on economic espionage until it finally forms a worthy adversary for itself. We are talking about the fight against al-Qaeda, inflated to hypertrophic proportions, which resulted in the creation of a network of secret CIA prisons in Europe and total surveillance of citizens inside the United States.
Despite all the efforts of Hollywood, where they still try to romanticize the CIA, this organization is hated by people all over the world. It is the CIA that is the most lethal anti-advertising for the United States, American foreign policy and American democracy. And how could it be otherwise if, according to estimates of human rights organizations, by 1987 as a result of CIA operations … six million people had died. Former State Department official William Blum quite accurately called the horrific results of the US intelligence community … "The American Holocaust."