Secrets of Non-Verbal Communication

Secrets of Non-Verbal Communication
Secrets of Non-Verbal Communication

But you know yourself: senseless rabble

Changeable, rebellious, superstitious, An easily empty hope betrayed

Obedient to instant suggestion, To the truth is deaf and indifferent, And she feeds on fables.

(Boris Godunov. A. S. Pushkin)

Yes, yes, this is exactly what our great Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin himself wrote about our people in his time. Many years have passed, but opinion polls show that people have changed very little. And if so, it would be a sin not to take advantage of it. Moreover, in order to have an impact on outsiders, it is often not at all necessary to talk to them. It turns out that in the domination of one person over another, gestures, and facial expressions, and posture, and your scent, and how you dress, and even how you call on a mobile phone, matter. All this is called non-verbal communication and, like everything else, they can be studied and … used to your advantage! And just today we will tell you about their secrets!

Secrets of Non-Verbal Communication!
Secrets of Non-Verbal Communication!

Bronze is a great material to show or emphasize your status. What can you say, for example, about such a statuette, standing on the table of … well, say, the local leader of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation? Firstly, that he is a man (or woman) with humor, and secondly, there is an unobtrusive and non-trivial allusion to the past in her. Like, bad - yes, but there was good! The subconscious mind reads all this from this statuette as if from a book!

The more movements the better

To begin with, people are very envious. They envy your marital status, wages, apartment and car - in one word there would be a man, and there is a reason to envy him! And there is no need to be afraid of this, but it should be borne in mind. But is it possible to use this envy of you for your own good? It turns out that you can, if you know how. Well, for example, everything that is more in you and less in another, makes him subconsciously feel your dominance. And if so, then have more than others and … dominate your health! Don't brag! Bragging is stupid! But do not so obsessively show that you have both, that you can afford what others cannot and … people will respect you even against their will!


If you are a politician, then … keep just such a bronze figure of Trotsky on your desk, and this will help you “break the ice” in conversation (“Why does he get a boomerang in the head if Marcadere killed him with an ice pick?”), And, again - to demonstrate your love for high art.

Let's say that you are a lady and you are talking to another lady. And just at this moment you hear the call of your mobile phone. It would seem a banal situation, however, it also conceals a lot of "pitfalls" on which you can either stumble, or … gain yourself additional points in dominating your interlocutor or interlocutor. It is clear that a well-mannered person in this situation, first of all, will apologize to him, but what next? And then … you need to make as many reasonable movements as possible that he or she cannot do! That is, it is impossible for your mobile phone to hang around your neck (as was the case quite recently) or be in your hands. This characterizes you as an insignificant person, or even a "call-girl". A lady should always have a phone in her purse, and she should hang on her arm at the elbow when talking. Apologizing, she has to put the bag on the table, open it, get the phone … and after the end of the conversation, do the same in reverse order! Remember - all your movements should be logically justified, that is, you should not fuss in any case. However, the more movement, the better. That is, the more movements there are, the better, but remember that there should be no unreasonable movements. That is why it is advisable that you have either a folding phone or with a cover. Fashionable today "iPads" today in this regard equalize everyone. In addition, finger movements on the screen look fussy, so when talking with someone, try not to use such devices. In this case, you will immediately become "like everyone else", and it is this dominant personality that should be avoided!


Imagine that you are a perfume dealer. Then such a bronze figurine will not be superfluous on your table …

Lord of Things

Even the ancient Egyptians wrote that “the lord of things is impartial, for he has them”! And so, let's say that you have an office for a company engaged in the production of steel and rolled products, and … how to show that “you have everything” right here and now, and not fall into bad taste and philistinism at the same time? It's very simple: to start, re-read A. Tolstoy's novel "The Hyperboloid of Engineer Garin", especially the place where the office of the "aniline king" Rolling is described. What did he have there by the fireplace? And in your case, it is quite possible on the wall behind your chair to place a semicircle of … three-line rifle bayonets, model 1891. First, it is shiny steel, and therefore a hint of your production. Secondly, this is a "collection", and if so, then everyone will see that you are also a human and nothing human is alien to you. Well, and thirdly - there are a lot of them! Anyone can get one such bayonet. But so much is already domination. And it is, of course, pure coincidence that when you sit, they form something like a halo over your head! Likewise, daggers, broadswords of English dragoons, Malay kris with wavy blades, or flintlock pistols can be positioned. The main thing is that there are a lot of them, and they would be located behind you in a circle!

This will especially affect a person of "status" - there is a type of personality for whom the main thing is to deal with the very best, buy the most, and be the most, the most!


Do you sell vodka? Again, this figure of D. I. Mendeleev!

You can, of course, and should, if you are the boss, buy yourself an expensive car. But … this, in principle, can be done today by everyone who has money, and you can not only earn it, but also steal it! But to get hold of something "such" can only be those who, in addition to money, also have intelligence, and a person with intelligence, of course, will dominate everyone else!

For example, in one of the offices of an oil company in the Emirates, a simply gorgeous model of one of the oil fields was installed with all the equipment, rigs, pipes and service personnel, and even figures of donkeys of local residents in 1/35 scale. At the same time, for some reason, the figurine of one of the workers, who, in a secluded place, performed a small need, aroused special joy among those who viewed this diorama. Such is the everyday trifle, but … it was she who gave the layout some special charm, contributed to the psychological relief of the local specialists, and … everyone knew that the owners of this company had "it"! That is, they could afford it, while everyone else could only envy and lick their lips!

Of course, it is silly to decorate the office with souvenir Japanese swords made of "kitchen steel", but real antique armor will decorate (and add weight to both you and your business!) In any case.

It is known that bronze is "forever"! And why not decorate your desk in your office with a custom bronze sculpture? Let it depict anything and anyone, even you, but at the same time it is distinguished by the originality of the idea and execution. Remember the words from the poem New Traveler by Hillar Ballock: “Everything will be the way we want it. In case of various troubles / We have a Maxim machine gun / They don't have Maxim. " Here you also have such a statuette, but the one who came to you does not! And this, believe me, will subconsciously affect him!

It is clear that it is not worth setting up the Hermitage from your study, but it is absolutely necessary to add a few strokes in favor of its owner, because you cannot create a positive image for yourself with facelessness!


Well, this composition is really created for the office of the owner of the production of condoms of various types. It turns out that the inhabitants of New Guinea did not shy away from such delights, only now they put the pods of a local tree on their penis. The younger the young man, the larger the pod, so he had to be tied with a string around his neck. But the old people were distinguished by a very small pod!

Dunhill, Crown Coronas and ivory mouthpiece

Smoking is a bad habit, especially when women smoke. However, you can even use it to dominate other people, you just need to know how to do it correctly. Well, first of all, it should be remembered that in no case (even if you are the boss!) Should you direct a burning cigarette or cigar towards the interlocutor, as well as blow smoke over his head. This is a sign of complete disdain for him and complete bad manners!

However, you can show your democracy (if you are the boss!) As follows. Let's say a visitor has entered your office, and you … get up to meet him! You shake hands, talk to him and … open the closet next to the table, where we have several very spectacular-looking pipes. Taking one of them, you lead the visitor in the most friendly way through the entire office to another cabinet where you have a container with tobacco, fill it, and then again lead him to the table, smothering the tobacco in the pipe and at the same time talking to him. As you can see, all your actions are completely natural, which means that you cannot be suspected of something “like that”.

Then you light it with a large table lighter, which looks like the American Statue of Liberty - you show him that "you have it" - and, since you keep it going out, you light it again over and over again. Then you say, "Well, I have listened to you, now you can go!" That is, you both warmed up after sitting at the table, and took care of your prostate gland, and besides, and this is also important, showed the visitor that you are a VIP, and can do what others cannot. And all this with a simultaneous demonstration of complete friendliness to him on your part!

If you are a lady who does not treat the “stronger sex” too well (and there are more and more such ladies among managers every year!), Then a lacquer box with cigars will help you dominate them. Keep it on your table and offer it to your visitors, well, for example, during business negotiations. This is not accepted in our country, so 80% of men will be extremely embarrassed by this! They will refuse, and at the same time "lose face", but even if someone takes your cigar, then out of excitement he may well put it in his mouth without biting off the tip, and you will need to "tactfully" point out this ! The effect, believe the experience, is simply amazing, and you are unlikely to ever see a more pitiful sight than a man disgraced in this way. Well, if he does everything right or just refuses, well, okay - keep talking!


It is clear that if your friend is a physicist and a famous physicist or director of the Institute for Physical Measurements, then … he will be pleased to receive such a gift.

A terrible woman in red

Remember that different colors in clothes also affect people in different ways. Moreover, its quality is one thing, but the color scheme is something completely different. For example, try to avoid all sorts of shades of lilac in your clothes and not drive lilac cars, especially if you are "far beyond" because it is the color of … erotic fantasies, and people subconsciously feel it perfectly!

Red - well, everyone knows that: the color of blood, the color of fire, the color of life, but also the color of domination! That is why American psychologists strongly discourage girls from wearing red underwear for their first intimate date. This causes embarrassment to many young people, so to prevent this from happening, the colors should be delicate and pastel. It is interesting that the cadets of the Russian Imperial Naval Corps at the beginning of the twentieth century for a trip to a "merry place" used exclusively red official pants, called "death to girls", while "out into the world" they went exclusively in bodily, silk ones. That is, they knew about the dominance of red even then and, accordingly, they used it. Moreover, psychologists have proved that many men are simply afraid of women dressed in red, and in any case, "a woman dressed in red always has something to say!"


This figurine is actually a bell. Depicts Robespierre. For a history lover, this figurine is just that.

This is why you shouldn't wear red for your diploma, PhD, PhD, or press conference unless you want reporters to bombard you with questions. But at a briefing, where questions are not asked, the "woman in red" will look very appropriate. Moreover, in this case, journalists themselves can write for her even what was not said there, and you will only have to look at their writings and choose what is good and what is bad, and, accordingly, react to this: by and large you were silent there!

However, a red underwear strap visible through a wide neckline - fortunately, today's fashion allows this quite well, - on the contrary, someone may even like it, because today there are more and more weak men looking for a strong female shoulder, and here it is they will get a hint from you that you are one of them!

Blikfang on the lapel of the jacket

There is another easy way to distract people's attention from your words. To do this, you just need to put on a blikfang: a shiny brooch on the right lapel of a jacket or on a dress. The brooch must be large enough, clearly visible and shiny! Well, and on the right, it should be because we read from left to right and our eyes first of all turn in this direction. While on the podium, slightly turn left and right and those who will look at you at this time will be downright "zombified" by the magical brilliance of this blikfang of yours. They will want to take a closer look at your brooch, they will begin to think whether it suits you or not, and whether they have something similar, but not about what you are talking about. As a result, when you finish your speech, most of the listeners will simply have a “ringing emptiness” in their heads, and the majority will not even say what they were talking about. That is why blikfang should be worn for the defense of a thesis or, say, a dissertation, as well as for a completely empty and useless, but necessary for you for some reason, public speech. This is how people will become obedient to your "instant suggestion", and even suggestion … without words!


And here is the author of an article in the early uniform of Soviet tankmen of the 30s of the last century. A trifle, as they say, but nice, besides, it looks good on a desk and immediately reflects the essence of his passion for the history of armored vehicles.

P. S. In the photographs presented here you can see the author's works of the Penza artist Igor Zeynalov.
