Gas cartridges have been on everyone's lips since the early 90s. But is it really such an effective means of self-defense? What types of gas cartridges are there and in what situations should they be used? And besides, how to apply? How to choose a gas cartridge for yourself? We have considered these and other questions in the new material of the cycle "For urban self-defense".

The advantage of gas cartridges is that they are a legal means of self-defense and can be purchased at any specialized store. But there are also disadvantages that we will consider in this article.
At the moment, there are 5 types of gas cartridges:
- Aerosol - the classic version that allows you to create a wide cloud of irritating gas, a kind of "curtain". Ideally effective against a group of attackers.
Cons: When used in a confined, confined space, will have the same effect on the defender as on the aggressors. And it is not a fact that the defender will be able to better transfer the effects of irritants on his body. It will be very disappointing.
- Jet - a narrow, directional jet, which can only "fill" the enemy, without causing harm to others (even in a subway car).
Cons: Requires precision and a steady hand, which automatically reduces the number of users. An average girl (if her last name is not Lotkova) is unlikely to be able to hit a jet exactly in the eyes of a Zlochin citizen. And in general, due to stress, an untrained person will shake hands, which will also prevent him from getting into the eyes of the aggressor. Do not forget that the defender will most likely have only one attempt, limited to a couple of seconds - the opponent will no longer allow it. Realization of this will also give adrenaline, which does not contribute to firmness of hands.
- Aerosol jet (directional cone; as a rule, coarse droplet spraying) - the "golden mean" between the two above. Easier to hit, but also less respiratory than aerosols.
Cons: in comparison with other types of GB (gas cartridges) less.
- Foamy - refers to new types of GB. Getting into the eyes of the aggressor, closes them up, depriving them of the opportunity to see, which makes it possible not only to continue self-defense (within the permitted, of course, limits), but also to escape from the swearing source of danger. The plus is that it can also be used indoors.
Cons: the same as for a jet spray - in an extreme situation you need to have time to pull it out, and even get into the eyes.
- Gel - the latest generation of gas cartridges, an engineering marvel. The gel is more difficult to wash off the eyes. Can also be used in strong winds. Distance of defeat - up to 3 meters.
Cons: the same as in the previous species.
Usually only one irritant (tear irritant) is included in the mixture of a gas cartridge, but there are also cartridges with two irritants. You should carefully read the label on which the composition is indicated.
Also, gas cartridges are divided by volume:

- 25 ml - the smallest, enough for 1-2 applications. But you don't need more, and such a spray can best fit in a regular pocket. In addition, the concentration of irritants in a small canister may be higher.
- 65-75 ml - medium size, also fits in the hand.
- 100-650 ml - these are unlikely to fit in a handbag. Probably, instead of such a large GB, it is better to advise another means of self-defense. For example, an ax. Joke.
- First, you should buy a cheap gas cartridge, similar in its parameters to the one you want to use in case of danger. Or even buy the same one. And experiment - see somewhere in the fresh air how it will act. Extremists can even be advised to enter the edge of the aerosol cloud in order to feel the effect of the gas on themselves. And then go out.
- Secondly, the spray button should be pressed not with your index finger, but with your thumb. This will allow you to better aim and hold the GB in your hand more firmly.
- Thirdly, when using a jet (gel, foam) can, it is worth spraying it onto the target, having also tested the application distances for yourself. It's one thing to read the instructions, it's another to try it yourself, getting visual and other sensations. It is also worth spraying the can in the wind to see the effect of the wind on the jet.
- Fourthly, in our time, some manufacturers have begun to produce training gas cartridges, which are identical to the real ones in appearance and volume, but do not contain irritating substances. These training cartridges are very useful and you can do various exercises with them:
1. Just learn how to pull out a can and apply it on a living person, since practice, subjective sensations are needed everywhere - while in safe conditions and without consequences. It's one thing to imagine how you are doing something, and another thing to do it.
2. Try to use it against a partner imitating an aggressively pushing / attacking "gopnik" - many illusions about their skills will immediately dissipate, and, perhaps, this will make you think about a more thorough practice of pulling out and aiming. Agree with your partner that if you do not have time to "fill" him with training gas, he can "punch" your solar plexus - to create a stressful environment, excitement.

3. It can also be a mutual practice of skills - after all, any person can be attacked with a gas canister. On assignment, two partners stand opposite each other. The first one has GB in his pocket. At first, the distance is greater so that the taker can learn, then it is reduced. At the signal, the first one should pull out the training gas cartridge as quickly as possible and try to spray it, the second one at first performs only one action - trying to fix the hand with the GB. Then it acts on the Adam's apple (fork, grip, backrest), or groin (knee blow). Then the second, for example, tries to strike with all his strength on the lower leg (so that the first feels real pain, which gives a feeling of danger, increases the desire to pull out the training gas cartridge faster - in general, creates motivation).

At a later stage, the second tries to strike a light blow on the head (the first in a helmet that protects against blows). Also possible actions: fixing a hand with a GB (and generally with a weapon), a kick on the lower leg, an elbow strike on the head. Or: arm fixation with GB, knee blow to the groin, throat capture. All at the same time.

Neutralization of the consequences of poisoning with lacrimal irritants:
1. If you just got into a room where someone sprayed gas, you need to either leave it, or open the windows and ventilate. You can even open the windows on public transport. You can also wrap your face in several layers of clothing and breathe through this makeshift "respirator". In this case, you need to breathe superficially, shallowly.
2. If the gas gets into your eyes, you need to sit down on a chair, bench or just squat. The gas closes your eyes and can cause you to fall or bump into something.
- remove the remains of the irritant from the face with a dry napkin or cloth
- rinse your face abundantly with warm water
- or even better, wash off the leftovers with milk, or soak a paper towel with it and wipe your eyes and face
- you can also use vegetable oil - apply on face, and wipe off gently
- you can also drip antiallergic drops into your eyes
- the irritant must be washed from the face with an unstained area of the towel every time
- eyes and face should not be rubbed with hands
To summarize, let us say that hand-to-hand combat trainers are usually skeptical about the use of a gas cartridge for self-defense - this is too unreliable a means. The gas cartridge does not work with everyone - even the vaunted "pepper" one. It may not work on drunk or "drugged" aggressors. A gas cartridge works worse in winter due to a decrease in pressure and a thickening of the substance. In addition, in winter, it acts worse on people - sometimes irritants begin to act only after half an hour. For effective aerosol spraying, you need to be close to the aggressor - which is also fraught. As for the use of GB to scare away dogs, it can help, but it also depends on the situation. Of course, dogs may not like a more developed sense of smell and a pungent smell. But will GB work against a trained border dog, for example? The conclusions and the choice is yours.