Armored vehicles

Russian BTR-82 - deep modernization of "eighties"

Russian BTR-82 - deep modernization of "eighties"

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Sergei Suvorov, the press secretary of the Military Industrial Company LLC, a reserve colonel, candidate of military sciences, talks about the Russian modernized armored personnel carrier BTR-82. - We were given the task in July by the end of November to make two samples of such a machine (options with 14.5-mm

Object 188M

Object 188M

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

On December 8, 2009, the "Object 188M" tank was presented to Vladimir Putin before a meeting on the development of Russian tank building, which took place in the "tank capital" of Russia - the city of Nizhny Tagil. Coverage of the visit of the Prime Minister, the journalistic fraternity rattled a lot about the commander's version of the serial

New developments of domestic tank builders

New developments of domestic tank builders

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

The development of a promising Russian tank (object 195) was carried out by the UKBTM (OJSC Ural Design Bureau of Transport Engineering, N-Tagil) within the framework of the Improvement-88 theme, but for a number of reasons it did not succeed. The issue of equipping Russian thermal imaging tanks

"Leopard" with a transparent tower

"Leopard" with a transparent tower

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Foreign tank builders have demonstrated their latest achievements The largest in the world exhibition of ground weapons Eurosatory-2010, held in mid-June near Paris, turned out, more than ever, rich in novelties in the field of armored vehicles. The main stars of the salon were two new

BMPT (Tank support fighting vehicle) "Frame 99" - Terminator

BMPT (Tank support fighting vehicle) "Frame 99" - Terminator

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Tanks are not afraid of mud and puddles by themselves. But so that they would not be afraid of a sniper with a grenade launcher sitting in a tree, this tank support vehicle was invented. Although it would be more honest to call "Frame-99" all the same a death machine. TTX BMPT "Frame-99" Combat weight - 47 t Crew - 3 people Engine

One of the symbols of victory

One of the symbols of victory

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

The modernized T-34 was recognized as the best medium tank at the final stage of World War II History ordered that one of the greatest victories of the Red Army in the Great Patriotic War - near Kursk - was won at a time when the Soviet armored and mechanized troops

Russia without its own tanks

Russia without its own tanks

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Unlike other countries, Russia refused to create a new tank; On April 7, 2010, Deputy Defense Minister - Chief of Armaments of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation Vladimir Popovkin announced the termination of funding for the development of the T-95 tank and the closure of the project. No country in the world has yet

Russian tank fell victim to intrigue

Russian tank fell victim to intrigue

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

The Uralvagonzavod corporation intends to present a new T-95 tank at the Russian Expo Arms-2010 arms exhibition. These plans may be hindered by the RF Ministry of Defense, whose representatives announced the closure of development work in this area. Instead of T-95, obsolete

Otokar presents ARMA 6x6 armored vehicle at Eurosatory 2010

Otokar presents ARMA 6x6 armored vehicle at Eurosatory 2010

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Otokar, a leader in the design and manufacture of armored tactical vehicles in the Turkish defense industry, showcased its new ARMA 6x6 tactical wheeled armored vehicle at Eurosatory. Otokar also presented its worldwide

BAE Systems unveils new 8x8 combat vehicle at Eurosatory

BAE Systems unveils new 8x8 combat vehicle at Eurosatory

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

BAE Systems unveiled the latest 8x8 from the battle-proven RG armored vehicle line at Eurosatory in Paris. The new vehicle, known as the RG41, is on display at Eurosatory for the first time. The RG41 BMP wheeled armored infantry vehicle has a unique modular design

Ugly "Buffalo"

Ugly "Buffalo"

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Somehow, rummaging through the expanse of the Internet in search of information about the jacket of a Belgian paratrooper bought on the occasion (for some reason the jacket was called "Congo"!) mechanic

The project of a heavy two-link armored personnel carrier DBTR-T

The project of a heavy two-link armored personnel carrier DBTR-T

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Frequently used abbreviations and abbreviations in the article: BTR - armored personnel carrier; TBTR - heavy armored personnel carrier; DBTR - two-link armored personnel carrier; PU - launcher; DU - remotely controlled installation; MTO - engine compartment; EMT - electromechanical transmission. Photo 1

Goblin Sanctuary. Tanks in layouts and in pictures

Goblin Sanctuary. Tanks in layouts and in pictures

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

By the way, the first project of the A7V tank did not provide for cannon armament at all. Only machine gun! About tanks with love. The readers of VO liked the first material of the new cycle about tanks, and they expressed many wishes that it would be continued, and as soon as possible. Here, however, not only everything depends on me

FT-17. Reflections near the tank in the museum

FT-17. Reflections near the tank in the museum

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Tanks and creativity. For a long time I have not written something about tanks, but here, one might say, the topic itself came into my hands. In the Army Museum in Paris, on the first floor, right at the entrance, one of the few surviving tanks of this type was found, and in good condition. The Renault FT-17 tank of the 1918 model with a cast turret

Tanks D and DD (second part)

Tanks D and DD (second part)

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

In the interwar years, namely in the 30s of the twentieth century, the designers of many countries of the world almost simultaneously decided that their armies needed amphibious tanks. "Valentine" Mk IX DD. The experience of their creation was only the British (tanks "Pig" and "Medium D"), but everyone understood that to follow their path means not to go

Tanks D and DD (first part)

Tanks D and DD (first part)

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

The history of these tanks, in general, is interconnected, albeit in a very intricate way. To begin with, each British tank unit in France had its own repair shop. Lieutenant Colonel Philip Johnson worked in one of these workshops. He took up

McPhee tanks: sketched diagrams and technical problems

McPhee tanks: sketched diagrams and technical problems

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Very often it used to happen like this: a man made a drawing with ink drawing pen with a drawing pen (before, everyone knew what a drawing pen was, now my students do not know this!) And … he had such thoughts - "I am an inventor, I can offer something interesting for production." There was even such a profession - "draftsman" - who himself

"Spied Tank"

"Spied Tank"

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

How did tanks get into service with the armies of different countries of the world in the past? In some countries, they were invented and created independently from beginning to end. Some countries bought other people's developments, but installed, for example, their own cannon. And for some countries it was enough to "peep" how

"Dyrenkov's tank": everyone strives for their own ceiling ?

"Dyrenkov's tank": everyone strives for their own ceiling ?

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

"Dyrenkov's Tank" - photo. It is known that sometimes penetrating qualities and self-confidence, or even just arrogance, help where there should be completely different talents. But the consequences are usually always sad, if not tragic. Such examples are known in the history of armored vehicles

Tank "Vickers Medium" - if we are to fight, then with comfort

Tank "Vickers Medium" - if we are to fight, then with comfort

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Tank "Vickers Medium" MK.IIA in the open area of the Aberdeen training ground in the USA. Everyone knows that one should not expect much comfort from military service. So it was, so it is and, probably, it will be so in the future too. After all, various restrictions and even hardships are associated with it, and a military man is obliged to

They called him "Rheinmetall"

They called him "Rheinmetall"

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

And it so happened that somewhere in the 70s of the last century I came across the book "Strike and Defense" published by the "Young Guard" publishing house, in which, in addition to stories about armored vehicles, there were also memoirs of veterans of tank forces. One of them described his encounter with German tanks

The most "cannon tanks" in the world

The most "cannon tanks" in the world

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Already the very first tanks in the world (of those that actually participated in battles) had cannon armament, the purpose of which was to destroy enemy machine guns. “Shoot fast, shoot low! - indicated in the memo - instructions to the British tank artillerymen. - Better to let your shell pour sand into

AMPV, M2A4 and Stryker-A1. Build or upgrade?

AMPV, M2A4 and Stryker-A1. Build or upgrade?

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

The US Armed Forces have a large fleet of various armored vehicles designed to transport and provide fire support for infantry. In service are tracked and wheeled vehicles of various types - primarily, relatively old ones. To extend the resource and maintain their characteristics at the required

The Bradley family of war machines keeps pace with the times

The Bradley family of war machines keeps pace with the times

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Bradley with additional armor removed Although the Bradley family of combat vehicles was conceived for European combat scenarios, but its development did not stop there. The upgraded vehicles have performed well in desert combat and modern stabilization operations

Tank engine V-2: modernization and life after the war

Tank engine V-2: modernization and life after the war

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

IN 2. Source: "Ural Turbine Works. 80 Years of Creating Energy" Experiments and Evolution In the world tank building, the use of high-speed diesel engines for tanks became the gold standard only in the late 50s. NATO countries have realized that it is time to get rid of gasoline power

Tank diesel V-2: fine-tuning and the Aberdeen proving ground

Tank diesel V-2: fine-tuning and the Aberdeen proving ground

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

B-2-34 in Kubinka It was a V-shaped 12-cylinder diesel with a cast 4-valve head, power bearing steel studs for added strength, and a centrally located fuel injector. There were also similarities with

В-2: "obstinate horse" of the Soviet tank industry

В-2: "obstinate horse" of the Soviet tank industry

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

B-2 is not an aircraft diesel engine From the very beginning, it is worth making a reservation and dispelling all doubts: the B-2 was not originally born as an aircraft engine. The situation with this unit is a little more complicated than it seems. At the beginning of the 30s at the Kharkov steam locomotive plant, the process of developing a whole

"Order B". Satisfying the motor hunger of Soviet tanks

"Order B". Satisfying the motor hunger of Soviet tanks

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Diesel, necessary as air The Soviet Union's tank-building program provided for the appearance in the army of several types of armored vehicles at once - from light T-37A to giants T-35. But the T-26 and a series of high-speed BTs were to become truly massive. If in the first case it was enough

"Pests" in the tank industry. The history of the industry

"Pests" in the tank industry. The history of the industry

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

"Purge as soon as possible" In the previous part of the cycle on the formation of the tank industry, we only partially touched upon the issue of using repressive organs in this area. However, this topic is worth separate consideration. Ivan Pavlunovsky Already in 1929, the Politburo of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks adopted

"We will press and help - they will adapt!" The Soviet Union is mastering the production of tanks

"We will press and help - they will adapt!" The Soviet Union is mastering the production of tanks

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Total deficit The practice of attracting other people's developments for the development of our own technological capacities, which we talked about in the first part of the story, was widespread in tsarist Russia. By August

The era of import substitution. How the Soviet Union learned to make tanks

The era of import substitution. How the Soviet Union learned to make tanks

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

During the First World War, there were many types of tractor equipment in service with the army of the Russian Empire during the First World War, among which one can single out the fully tracked heavy Holt-Caterpillar and the Allis-Chalmers half-track truck tractor. These machines are largely

How to make a tank invisible

How to make a tank invisible

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Experts compare the effectiveness of the use of WTO with tactical nuclear weapons - they can inflict such damage on enemy equipment. For example, in Iraq, 121 Sadarm self-targeting cluster warheads destroyed 48 tanks and self-propelled guns at once, and tests of the Smart 155 cluster element showed

Combat use of tanks of the T-64 series by the Ukrainian army

Combat use of tanks of the T-64 series by the Ukrainian army

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Tanks in Ukraine as part of the armed forces were in an extremely unsatisfactory condition at the beginning of the conflict. Combat readiness tended to zero largely due to the technical condition: the overhaul of most machines took place back in the USSR. Key points that directly reduced

Ural armor in the Syrian conflict. Part 2

Ural armor in the Syrian conflict. Part 2

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

The T-55 remains the most massive armored vehicle in Syria. This is an armada of about 1200 tanks, which were in storage before the civil war. Some of the T-55s were modernized in the early 1980s with the help of North Korea, during which they installed a fire control system with an atmospheric sensor

Infantry armor in Syria. Part 1

Infantry armor in Syria. Part 1

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

The specificity of the armed forces of the Syrian Arab Republic lies in the dominance of tracked armored vehicles: all light armor on wheels by 2011 was withdrawn to storage bases. Perhaps the reason is in the preferences of the country's leader Bashar al-Assad (formerly a tanker). Therefore, along with the tanks, the first

Ural armor in the Syrian conflict. Part 1

Ural armor in the Syrian conflict. Part 1

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Since the initial period of the war (winter 2012 - summer 2013), militants in Syria have tried to use tactics tested in the Chechen campaign in urban battles

Infantry armor in Syria. Part 2

Infantry armor in Syria. Part 2

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

One of the leaders among wheeled armored vehicles in Syria is the BTR-80 and its further modifications. For the first time on the territory of the Arab Republic, cars came in 2013 from Russia. The main purpose of the 30 delivered armored personnel carriers was the protection of convoys carrying the destroyed stocks of chemical

Erdogan's armored fist. Tank Altay

Erdogan's armored fist. Tank Altay

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Throughout the 20th century, Turkey bought tanks abroad: in the USSR (T-26 in 1935), in France (Renault FT-17 and R35) in Great Britain (Vickers Garden Loyd and Garden Loyd M1931, Vickers 6ton Mk E and 13 Vickers Mk VIb ), in fascist Germany (PzKpfw III and IVG), in Germany (Leopard I and II), in Israel (М60Т Sabra) and in

Tank argument caliber 152 mm

Tank argument caliber 152 mm

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

It is worth highlighting the accents right away: in its current state, the Armata tank will not be able to take on board a 152 mm gun. There are several reasons for this. Firstly, the length of the BPS of a larger caliber significantly exceeds the length of a similar projectile of 125 mm caliber, and the T-14 hull is designed just for the height

T-64: anti-hero of the South-East of Ukraine

T-64: anti-hero of the South-East of Ukraine

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

A full-scale baptism of fire in the conflict was received by the Kharkov T-64 vehicle and its numerous modifications in the territory of the South-East of Ukraine. And, as it turned out, in many ways the revolutionary tank was poorly prepared for war. Since the mid-60s of the last century, many defense specialists