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He was often called in the Russian way - Igor Kharitonovich. But his real name is Ibrahim Khatyamovich. He was originally from the Mordovian village of Surgadi. How did he learn German? He had an uncle - Alexei Nikolaevich Agishev, who lived in the city of Engels, before the war - the capital of the Autonomous Republic of the Germans
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With de Gaulle's departure, both France and Europe turned out to be completely dependent on the United States. If de Gaulle's France had not, it would have passed into the category of minor European powers already in 1940. But was it only charisma and unbending will that allowed this man to become the last paladin of the former Europe?
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In economic construction, L.I.Brezhnev did not make serious mistakes, but at the same time in foreign international policy he repeated the same mistakes that all the leaders of the Soviet state who had come to power after the death of I.V. Stalin made before him. I. Brezhnev believed in the possibility
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On April 22, 1854, a single four-gun battery prevented the Anglo-French squadron from landing in the Odessa port. The Crimean War of 1853-1856 is known primarily to the majority of the inhabitants of Russia for the heroic defense of Sevastopol. A much smaller number of our compatriots will remember
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Exactly 99 years ago, under the signature of Lenin who had returned from emigration, an article was published known as the "April Theses". For this article he was criticized and even ridiculed by his closest associates. It almost caused a split between Ilyich and other Bolsheviks, including Stalin. But how did it happen
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Fate brought us to the fateful “Komsomol” days of the second Chechen war and tied us tightly with a grenade that exploded under our feet. “They beat the tank from the Fly,” Pevtsov breathed, when, bouncing over the seventy-two, we fell to the ground. A minute later, forgetting about the danger, he leaned out from behind the tank and continued
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For two decades, the authorities of post-socialist Poland have officially supported the pseudo-heroic myth about the anti-Soviet underground of the times of the Polish People's Republic (PPR). To designate the members of this underground, which was actively operating in 1944-1947, a special
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On April 12, 1951, the Soviet Air Force staged a “Black Thursday” for American bombers. Obama said the other day that he believes that his main mistake is the rash destruction of Libya from the air, while earlier he considered one of the main mistakes of his predecessor Bush
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On April 16, 1945, the submarine L-3 sank the Nazi transport Goya. The submarine war as an integral part of the Second World War throughout its entire length was distinguished by an unprecedented tragedy - almost greater than the one that accompanied everything that happened on land. And it should be noted that, first of all, the blame for
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Where did the Soviet mountain riflemen come from One brigade is in the North Caucasus. This is all we know about the mountain troops of the modern Russian army. Meanwhile, they have a rich history
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If anyone showed an example of skillful maneuvering and the finest diplomacy in World War II, it was Turkey. As you know, in 1941, Turkey declared its neutrality and strictly observed it throughout the war, although it experienced tremendous pressure from both the Axis countries and
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April 8, 1986, General Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee M.S. Gorbachev paid a visit to the city of Togliatti. It was then, during a speech in front of the staff of the Volga Automobile Plant, that the need for restructuring was first clearly announced. True, even before that, during a visit to Leningrad (May 15-17, 1985
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Over the three centuries of the existence of the global drug trade, gold has always played a significant role as a means of payment in the drug market. Moreover, in those days when the world drug trade was just taking shape, the main goal of the potion traders was to obtain the "yellow metal"
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Germany wanted Ukraine back in 1940 How did the Western pacification policy of Hitler lead to the birth of a monster? What lessons follow from this? Volumes have been written on this topic. But until now, many questions remain unanswered. At the end of the First World War, French Marshal F. Foch said
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The right to fight must be "knocked out" A company is sent from our unit to Kabul to carry out government assignments. But all my hopes were dashed. Moscow appointed four group commanders. It was worse than the stress of my first college failure. A few months later, a vacancy appeared in the company. Turned to
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The Cold War of the 20th century gave historians and specialists a wealth of factual material about the confrontation between two ideologies, about political, economic and informational large-scale battles and secret battles behind the scenes. The latter can be safely attributed to the operations of the special services, among which the most active
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On May 10, 1941, at about 11 pm, in the skies over Scotland, Hitler's deputy for the Nazi Party, Rudolf Hess, turned off the engine of his Messerschmitt-110 and jumped out of the cockpit with a parachute. Soon, guarded by members of the local self-defense squad, he was taken to a nearby farm. Before the estate
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On April 9, 1906, a training detachment for diving of the Russian Imperial Navy was formed in Libau. In the history of the Russian Navy, and primarily in the history of its submarine forces, 1906 occupies a very special place. He became the time from which these forces actually lead
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During the reign of Leonid I. Brezhnev, our country had a socialist social system, or, as it is now called, Russian communism. And we continued to amaze the world with our successes in the most knowledge-intensive industries that require the highest level of development of industry and science. To such industries, in
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As soon as some archival materials about the head of the 5th department of the GUGB of the NKVD of the USSR (from February 26, 1941, respectively, of the 1st Directorate of the NKGB of the USSR), that is, Soviet foreign intelligence, were declassified, newspaper articles and TV programs were filled with headlines such as: "Legendary Alex", "Boss
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1969 year. I am five years old. Garrison "Ozernoe" in Ukraine. Hot short summer nights. I fall asleep and wake up to the roar of aircraft engines. Father leaves for flights before dark, and returns late at night. I hardly see him, like most of the boys and girls in our airplane town. Therefore, my father
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A specialist in the fight against rioters was returned from retirement twice One of these is Mikhail Nikolaevich Muravyov, known to the older generation from school history books as a hanger
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On March 30, 1856, the Crimean War ended, which was unsuccessful for the state, it became an example of selfless courage and heroism of the Russian people.In the history of Russia, the people's militias of the era of the Time of Troubles and the invasion of Bonaparte are widely known. The heroic militias of 1941 are not forgotten. But few
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"No, Comrade Commander, the history of this war will not be written even in fifty years." Intelligence, by definition, is associated with secrets - big and small. Some part becomes known only after the failure of the operation or the agent. There are deliberate leaks of information - on an operational need or in
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Arguments that the Chekists indiscriminately imprisoned "defenders" are at least groundless The question of the scale of repressions first arose publicly in the USSR at the beginning of 1938. On January 19, in No. 19 of Pravda, an informational message about the ended Plenum of the Central Committee and the resolution “On mistakes
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"Russian Planet" recalls a resident of Tomsk who bought a tank for the front and became the first woman as a tank driver Danish director Gert Friborg visited Tomsk, where he shot some scenes for his short film "Fighting Friend" - a biographical tape about the life of Maria Vasilievna
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Exactly 99 years ago, an event took place that essentially legitimized the process of the country's disintegration: the Provisional Government announced its agreement in principle to grant independence to Poland. Following this, Finland, Ukraine and other regions demanded independence. But why are people known as patriots
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In the war between North and South, the USSR was aided by both of the 30-year Soviet military presence in the region began with the support of Egypt, which intervened in the civil war in Yemen. Moscow encouraged Aden more, who chose the socialist path, nevertheless, it maintained military ties with the traditionalist Sanaa
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Turkey's hostility to Russia has been fueled by the West for two centuries.The confrontation with Turkey began almost from the moment of the emergence of Russian statehood. Only the last half century has passed bloodlessly, when both sides tried to demonstrate that they can mutually cooperate. But
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Great powers love to grab what lies poorly. As soon as a country weakens, unexpected guests on warships or in the form of an invading ground army immediately appear, and there are also more subtle methods of enslavement. Bribe officials, stuff the ruling elite with their agents
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The Union of the Russian People (URN), one of the largest national-monarchist parties of the conservative persuasion, emerged in November 1905, largely as a reaction to the emergence in Russia of liberal and radical left political parties, which set the task of changing the state system
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Hitler seemed closer and more understandable to "Western democracies", and his clash with the Soviet Union was an ideal variant. 75 years separate us from the tragic date of June 22, 1941. This is the day of the beginning of the bloodiest war in world history, which cost the peoples of our country huge losses and losses
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Literally a year and a half after the end of World War II, a new so-called Cold War began, in which the former allies in the form of the Angloaxes and their satellites, on the one hand, and the USSR and its allies, on the other, were involved. The unfolding confrontation was carried out against the background
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By igniting the Caucasus, Britain thereby set fire to Russia's southern borders. The tenacity and persistence of the British elite in defending their interests is a well-known thing. It begins active actions when the enemy, or those whom the British believe to be, do not even think to threaten Britain
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“On January 9, 1996 at 9.45 in accordance with the instructions of the Director of the FSB of Russia, General of the Army MI Barsukov. the personnel of directorate "A" was raised on alert to receive further instructions. " The ancient and wise Sun Tzu advised: “Feed a soldier a thousand days to use one hour in
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Before the arrival of the general, Russia was, as it were, a tributary of the mountaineers, paying salaries to local authorities In the fall of 1816, Alexei Petrovich Ermolov arrived at the command center of the North Caucasus, the city of Georgievsk, a man whose name is associated with a whole era in the history of this region
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As the centenary of the revolution approaches, the attention of scientists is increasingly turning to the events of a century ago in an attempt to comprehend their essence and causes, connection with the present day, to learn the lessons of history. One of the pressing issues associated with comprehending the experience of the revolution is the question of the degree
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During the Russian-Turkish War of 1877-1878. the protection of Emperor Alexander II was carried out by a specially created Guards detachment of His Majesty's honorary convoy. The Emperor treated the ranks of this unusual unit warmly, generously rewarded the officers and participated in the destinies of these people
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The transition of the tsarist army to the side of the provisional government was the reason for its end On February 27, 1917, after the manifesto on the dissolution of the Duma, a Provisional Committee was formed by part of the deputies of opposition views. He announced that he was taking over the restoration of state and public order and
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20 years ago, the Day of Internal Troops was established and first celebrated. In the USSR, almost everyone who wore shoulder straps had their own red days in the calendar: border guards, tankmen, missilemen, sailors, pilots, policemen, security officers … And only the servicemen of the internal troops were deprived. Though