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On December 4-6, 1864, a hundred Ural Cossacks under the command of Esaul V.R. Serova took a heroic battle against more than ten thousand army of Khan Mulla-Alimkul, near Ikan (20 versts from Turkestan). A detachment sent to conduct a reconnaissance encountered hundreds of times superior
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Grand Duke Svyatoslav the Brave. Artist I. Ozhiganov War of attrition The siege of Dorostol dragged on until July 971. Neither the Emperor Tzimiskes nor Svyatoslav were able to achieve a quick victory. The Greeks, despite the surprise of the attack and the large numerical superiority, were unable to crush the Russian squads
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About Rozhdestvensky's incompetence as a naval commander We’ll talk about tactics later, but now I’ll just quote the words of the British historian Westwood: For coal steam ships of the pre-turbine era, the voyage from Libau to the Sea of Japan, with no friendly bases along the way, was a real feat
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A still from the film "Emergency on a regional scale" (1988). Very realistic motion picture. The nomenclature is on vacation! “… And it started raining, and rivers overflowed, and the winds blew, and rushed to that house, and it did not fall, because it was based on a stone. And everyone who hears these words of mine and does not fulfill them will become like
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Yes, who does not know (okay, someone may not know) the gallant partisan, poet, swordsman, hussar Denis Davydov? Many people know from the films. But I bet that many have not read Davydov, it is not fashionable in our time. In general, the poetry of Denis Davydov is original. A lot of poems are read, say
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A caricature of President Taft's "dollar diplomacy". American imperialism throughout its history has used various methods in foreign policy: from overt military aggression to financial enslavement. If the negotiations did not give the Americans the desired results, then the intractable
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"The last battle of Svyatoslav's squad in the battle of Dorostol, 971". Artist M. Ivanov 1050 years ago, the Byzantine army struck a surprise blow at the allied Bulgarian-Russian squads. The Romans took the Bulgarian capital Preslav by storm and laid siege to Dorostol, where the camp of Svyatoslav Igorevich was located. Greeks
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Napoleon with the headquarters. Painting by Jean-Louis-Ernest Meissonier (Wikimedia Commons) Regardless of Napoleon's Headquarters, the Grand Army had headquarters of different levels. In wartime, several corps formed into an army that could sometimes act independently on the periphery of Europe: in Spain or Italy. For
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Swordsmanship. "The Bible of Matsievsky", 1224-1254 Paris, France. Pierpont Morgan Library "… took his sword and drew it from its scabbard" (1 Kings, 17:51) History of weapons. Last time we finished looking at medieval swords on swords "type XII", noting that they begin to change shape
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On September 19, 1609, the defense of Smolensk began. The siege of the fortress lasted 20 months, becoming one of the glorious pages in the history of our Motherland. The city began to be subjected to methodical shelling, to which the Smolensk gunners responded not without success. A mine war began. Poles let down underground mines
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The first salvo of the Second World War. Source: www.rech-pospolita.ru As noted by V.M. Falin, “it is usually omitted that the Soviet side, after the signing of the Moscow - S.L. the treaty tried to maintain contacts with London and Paris. Molotov told the French ambassador Najiar: “A non-aggression pact with
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Bonnie and Clyde. Still from 2013 movie You read Jesse Jamesao's story of how he lived and died, but if you want to read more, here's the story of Bonnie and Clyde. (Poems by Bonnie Parker) Weapons and firms. Last time we got acquainted with the original John Browning M8 rifle and today we will continue
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A number of Russian historians, researchers of the 18-20 centuries and modern times believed and still believe that the so-called. Scythians and related peoples (Cimmerians, Sarmatians, Roxalans, etc.) are directly related to Russia, the Russian people, the super-ethnos of the Rus. For example, Boris Rybakov believed that
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The White movement failed primarily on the fronts of the Civil War. Scientists still cannot give an unambiguous answer to the question of the reasons for the defeat of the white armies, meanwhile, it is enough to look at the balance of forces and means of the parties during the decisive operations of the Civil War, and it will become
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Before us is a frame from the Spanish-American film "Black Arrow" (1985). But in fact, we see before us … the revived effigy! “And he said to them: thus says the Lord, the God of Israel: put each of your sword on your thigh, go through the camp from gate to gate and back, and each kill his brother
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If only he himself had the Inca Thin food and coca leaves. Our llamas perish when crossing the sandy highlands. And our legs are tormented by thorns, And if we do not want to die of thirst in military service, We must drag water over great distances on our backs. (Poem "Apu-Ollantai". Stingle
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A terrible state - to order, without having real power to ensure the execution of the order, except for his own authority. From a letter from A.V. Kolchak to L.V. Timereva, Alexander Vasilyevich Kolchak, his fate in a few years made many sharp turns. At first he commanded the Black Sea Fleet
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Not so long ago in the publishing house "Eksmo / Yauza" in the series "The best warriors of history" my book "The Crusaders. The first complete encyclopedia”. It tells in detail about all the crusaders of Europe, but … there was no place for the conquistador of the New World. And, in general, there is nothing terrible in this. These are
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The fact that the political leadership of the USSR had a crisis in the first days of the Great Patriotic War has not been in any doubt since the XX Congress of the CPSU. After that, the testimonies of the direct participants were published, and starting from the 80s. last century and documents confirming the fact
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Napoleon in his carriage after the battle. Painting by John Chapman Napoleon's wartime headquarters was built from four autonomous teams, organized so that the emperor could easily move from place to place and work freely in the field regardless of the circumstances
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A scout from God: a scalpel to remove a tumor of fascism Scout from God: he was the first to find Hitler's lair in Ukraine A tip from Koch The secret information obtained sometimes helps to save thousands of lives. Sometimes it is not so much the discovered papers or long conversations that are valuable for the intelligence officer, but
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One of the most terrible opponents of the heroes of Russian epics - Snakes, judging by the descriptions, were still lizards, since they had paws. If you believe the storytellers, these monsters could fly, spewed fire, were often many-headed. Serpent Gorynych and Koschey the Immortal. Novosibirsk Snake Gorynych in the park "Kudykina
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Haters of the Soviet past, who demolish monuments to V.I. Lenin, for some reason they forget that Ukraine itself within the borders of 2013 is a product of Lenin's nationality policy, supplemented by a generous Khrushchev gift. New Russia, claiming which the Kiev authorities do not stop
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During the Great Patriotic War, the main combat load fell on the Soviet "mosquito" fleet - torpedo boats, armored boats, patrol boats and small hunters, smoke launchers, minesweeping boats, air defense boats. The most difficult was the work of small hunters, MO-4, who fought underwater
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Emperor Joseph II with his generals. I. Brand The Austro-Turkish War The Austrians and Turks fought for centuries for domination in Hungary and in the northern part of the Balkan Peninsula. The wars of the 17th century were successful for Vienna. According to the Karlovytsky Peace Treaty of 1699, the vast lands of Hungary were transferred to Austria
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The story that will be discussed ended in 1946 in the city of Nuremberg, during the international Tribunal, which tried the Nazi elite. One of the defendants was the Grandadmiral, Commander of the Reich Submarine Fleet (1939-1943), Commander-in-Chief of the German Navy (1943-1945), head
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A Clash between Two Elites and Two Economies The war between North and South was a clash between two American elites. The northerners claimed dominion over all of North America, then all of America (North and South), then - world domination. White and black were just "cannon fodder" in this war
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So, in the first part "Scout from God: a scalpel to remove a tumor of fascism" we talked about the fact that Nikolai Kuznetsov was taken to the capital. He was registered as a secret special agent. But it was not so easy to set it up in Moscow. The fact is that even more senior
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The "Afghan Peace", conditional, of course, was signed on April 14. Soon after the agreements entered into force, in January 1989, Soviet troops left Afghanistan. Among the many reasons that led to this, the split in the pro-Soviet bloc is considered not the most significant. About him today in general
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Warriors of the 67th Rifle Division on the exercises. Liepaja (Libava), already in the Middle Ages famous for its trade port, which did not freeze even in the most severe winters, in the years preceding the war, became the third largest city in Latvia (population 57 thousand in 1935). At sea In 1940 became the forefront
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Among the countries of the "socialist camp" that emerged in Eastern Europe after the victory of the Soviet Union in World War II, Albania has occupied a special place since the first post-war years. Firstly, it was the only country in the region that freed itself from the Nazi invaders and local
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Albania is a country that is rarely and little written and talked about. For a long time, this small state in the southwestern part of the Balkans existed in almost complete isolation and was a kind of European analogue of North Korea. Despite the fact that Albania was included in the list of "countries of socialist
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"Lecturer from the Dissemination Society" from the movie "Carnival Night". A very evil satire. Personally, I have not met such here. But … I met a lot of those who were just hard to listen to. Especially at the grassroots level, such as factory political informers and agitators on farms … “Next Saturday
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Antoine Charles Horace Vernet (1758-1836). "Napoleon Giving Orders Before the Battle of Austerlitz, December 2, 1805". Versailles “… And with a cry, formation falls down on formation; In an instant, the swearing meadow is Covered with hills of bloody bodies, Living, crushed, headless,”A. S. Pushkin "Ruslan and Lyudmila" The greatest battles in
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The tragedy in Uglich still causes heated debate among historians. There are several versions of the development of events in this little-known period of the life of the Russian state. The last son of Ivan Vasilyevich was born from the seventh marriage, not consecrated by the church, with Maria Naga and was considered illegitimate
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200 years ago, on April 1, 1815, the first chancellor of the German Empire, Otto von Bismarck, was born. This German statesman went down in history as the creator of the German Empire, the "iron chancellor" and the de facto head of foreign policy of one of the greatest European powers. Politics
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The holiday of May 9, the 76th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War, is approaching. The Red Army, armed with the advanced military equipment of that time, made a decisive contribution to the Victory. But this Victory would have been impossible without the appropriate ideological support, without the formulation of value
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The greatest mystery of our history remains how the person who called himself Tsarevich Dimitri left Ukraine with a detachment of Cossacks and became the "Emperor of Muscovy". Kiev-Pechersk Lavra. False Dmitry spent some time here before declaring himself "the son of Ivan the Terrible" and asking for support from
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This is how Ramses II the Great could have looked during his lifetime already in old age. A still from the movie "Pharaoh". On the screen is his distant descendant, but also Ramessides - Ramses XII “Listen to what I tell you, So that you can be king over the earth, So that you can be the ruler of countries
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70 years ago, on October 29, 1944, the strategic Budapest operation began. The fierce battle for Hungary lasted 108 days. During the operation, the troops of the 2nd and 3rd Ukrainian fronts defeated 56 divisions and brigades, destroyed almost 200 thousand. enemy grouping and liberated the central regions