
Macedonia: the bitter taste of independence

Macedonia: the bitter taste of independence

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

On September 8, the Republic of Macedonia celebrates its Independence Day. Independence from a single state - Yugoslavia, the collapse of which entailed not only a series of bloody wars on the territory of several post-Yugoslav states at once, but also a significant deterioration in the socio-economic

How Kerensky became the destroyer of Russia and the Russian army

How Kerensky became the destroyer of Russia and the Russian army

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

100 years ago, on July 21, 1917, Alexander Kerensky became the head of the Provisional Government. One of the active Februaryist Westernizers, destroyers of the Russian Empire and autocracy, he finally destabilized the situation in Russia. In particular, by his actions he completely demoralized

Non-classified materials - the truth is somewhere nearby (Part 1)

Non-classified materials - the truth is somewhere nearby (Part 1)

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Not classified materials, the truth is somewhere near The tragic events on the Dyatlov pass are already more than 50 years old. But this mysterious incident has not been forgotten, thousands of links on this topic on the Web are proof of this. The mysterious death of nine young people in the mountains of the northern Urals still does not give many

Integration of the island of Puerto Rico into the US political system

Integration of the island of Puerto Rico into the US political system

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

The Free Associated State of Puerto Rico is a territory under the control of the US government, the status of which is not definitively determined: residents are US citizens, but the US Constitution is not fully valid here, since the Constitution of Puerto Rico is also in force here. And such a situation

Battle on the Volga. The fight between Moscow and Kazan

Battle on the Volga. The fight between Moscow and Kazan

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

The capture of the Tatar prison by the Russians near Kazan. Miniature of the Obverse Chronicle Code. 1530 Death of Mehmed-Girey After the simultaneous invasion of the Crimean and Kazan hordes in 1521 (Crimean tornado), Sovereign Vasily Ivanovich came to the conclusion that it was impossible to continue the war on several fronts. Proposed

Once again to the question of the weight of knightly armor

Once again to the question of the weight of knightly armor

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

“Oh, knights, get up, the hour has come! You have shields, steel helmets and armor. Your dedicated sword is ready to fight for the faith. Give strength to me, oh God, for new glorious slaughter. I, beggar, will take a rich booty there. I don’t need gold and I don’t need land, but maybe I

Poor choice of Admiral Nebogatov

Poor choice of Admiral Nebogatov

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

A truly honest person should prefer his family, his family, his fatherland, his fatherland, mankind. Jean Leron d'Alembert If there is among our naval officers who participated in the Russo-Japanese War, a person whose ambiguity of actions could rival the ambiguity of actions

Causes of the Tsushima disaster

Causes of the Tsushima disaster

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Battle On May 23, 1905 Rozhdestvensky's squadron made the last loading of coal. The reserves were again exceeded the norm, as a result, the battleships were overloaded, deeply immersed in the sea. On May 25, all the extra transports were sent to Shanghai. The squadron was put on full alert

General Napoleon Bonaparte

General Napoleon Bonaparte

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Napoleon in 1806 The painting by Edouard Detaille represents the canonical image of Napoleon Bonaparte: a large bicornecoat, a gray overcoat over the uniform of a colonel of horse rangers and a right hand hidden over the side of the camisole. In contrast to other monarchs of his era, who, with the exception of the king

Destruction of the destroyer "Wrathful"

Destruction of the destroyer "Wrathful"

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

On the night of June 22-23, simultaneously with the operation of laying mines at the entrance to the Gulf of Finland, a detachment of light forces under the command of Captain Second Rank Ivan Svyatov left through the Irbensky Strait. The task of the detachment was to provide long-range cover for laying mines at the central mine-artillery position. V

Scout from God: a scalpel to remove a tumor of fascism

Scout from God: a scalpel to remove a tumor of fascism

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

The atrocities of the fascists on Soviet soil during the occupation could not but arouse indignation, which is why a directive was developed in the USSR ordering the start of a partisan movement in the enemy rear. The essence of such work was in the words: "Let the earth burn under the feet of the fascists." According to historians

Border guard Boris Khorkov - retreated across the whole of Ukraine, but reached the Elbe

Border guard Boris Khorkov - retreated across the whole of Ukraine, but reached the Elbe

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Originally from the Moscow region There is an old Russian village Pokrovskoe in the Moscow region. It is located near the city of Volokolamsk. It was first mentioned in the 16th century. Later, at the end of the 18th century, the Church of the Intercession of the Most Holy Theotokos raised its domes here, which from an early age

"I have a kilogram of a sword, please!"

"I have a kilogram of a sword, please!"

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Knights are very effective at slashing each other with swords. Manuscript "The Story of Julius Caesar", 1325-1350. Naples, Italy. British Library, London “… Each took his sword and boldly attacked the city.” (Genesis 34:25) The history of weapons. This material appeared spontaneously. Just met on VO remark about

Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact - the policy of pragmatism

Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact - the policy of pragmatism

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

The Munich agreement, about which we wrote in the last article, freed Hitler's hands. After Czechoslovakia, Romania was the next victim. On March 15, 1939, German troops invaded Czechoslovakia and approached the Romanian borders with a cannon shot. The next day, Hitler demanded that Romania

Russian armored trains

Russian armored trains

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

The appearance and construction of armored trains in Russia was associated primarily with the development of railway troops. The birth of the latter in Russia practically coincided with the opening of the Petersburg-Moscow railway: on August 6, 1851, Emperor Nicholas I signed the “Regulations on the composition of the

Crimean tornado. How the Crimean and Kazan hordes destroyed Moscow Russia

Crimean tornado. How the Crimean and Kazan hordes destroyed Moscow Russia

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Facial annalistic set. 1521 year. The invasion of the Crimean Khan Mehmed-Girey The Kazan inheritance of Moscow The Kazan Khan Muhammad-Amin (Muhammad-Emin) was formally considered independent, but in fact he was the henchman of the Russian Tsar Ivan III. In 1487, Moscow Russia organized a large campaign against Kazan and

"The task is to smash to smithereens the formidable mass of the Pan-Slavic empire"

"The task is to smash to smithereens the formidable mass of the Pan-Slavic empire"

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Foreign Minister Joachim von Ribbentrop and German Reich Chancellor Adolf Hitler at Hitler's main headquarters "Wolfschlucht - Wolf's Gorge" in Belgium. 1940 First task to undermine Slavic fertility. The second is to create and firmly root a German master class. This will shatter

Petersburg sphinxes

Petersburg sphinxes

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

“Embankment of the Neva at the Academy of Arts. View of the pier with the Egyptian sphinxes in the afternoon.”1835. Vorobiev Maxim Nikiforovich (1787-1855). Russian Museum "Eyes to eyes, keeping silent, Filled with holy longing, They seem to hear the waves of Another solemn river. For them, children of millennia, Only a dream is a vision

The Truth About Dachau - Immorality Cubed

The Truth About Dachau - Immorality Cubed

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

March of the prisoners of the Dachau concentration camp. Source: waralbum.ru The first Nazi concentration camps appeared before the war. In a small ancient German city in southern Germany, near Munich, back in 1933, the first experimental site for anti-human

Vadim Volozhinets - he was called "our border doctor"

Vadim Volozhinets - he was called "our border doctor"

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Originally from Sukharevo Our new hero - Vadim Felitsianovich Volozhinets was born in a large family on January 25, 1915. On this frosty winter day, six kilometers from Minsk in the Belarusian village of Sukharevo, a strong boy was born into a peasant family. They named him Vadei, Vadik, Vadim. In 1929

Exchange of experience in Detroit: visit of Soviet engineers to the armored production of "Ford"

Exchange of experience in Detroit: visit of Soviet engineers to the armored production of "Ford"

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Source: kingsford.com Strategic technologies Before getting acquainted with the features of armored production at the Michigan plant "Ford" in Detroit (USA), it is worth briefly explaining the conditions under which the armored industry was established in the USSR. As you know, everything is learned by comparison

Russia's Lost Lands: Russian Hawaii

Russia's Lost Lands: Russian Hawaii

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Many people know that Russia for a long time in the XVIII-XIX centuries. owned a vast territory in North America - Alaska (Russian America), but few people remember that among other failed territories of the Russian state were the Hawaiian Islands, part of California, Manchuria-Yellow Russia, Kara

The strategic mistake of St. Petersburg: the construction of the Chinese Eastern Railway

The strategic mistake of St. Petersburg: the construction of the Chinese Eastern Railway

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

The brilliant victory over China and then the military-diplomatic humiliation, when Japan had to yield under pressure from Russia, Germany and France, caused an explosion of surprise, hatred and a thirst for revenge in the Japanese Empire. Part of the Japanese military was even ready for a suicidal battle with three world

Russians in California

Russians in California

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

The Russian colonies in Alaska, an area with a harsh climate, suffered from food shortages. To improve the situation, expeditions to California were organized in 1808-1812 to search for land on which an agricultural colony could be organized. Finally, in the spring of 1812

Ivan Kuskov's expedition

Ivan Kuskov's expedition

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

The advance of the RAC in California After NP Rezanov visited California on the Juno and established diplomatic contacts with the Spaniards, the Russians continued to move south. Baranov continued mutually beneficial cooperation with the Americans. In 1806, three American ships fished sea otters off

How Westerner Nesselrode ruined the Russian Hawaii project

How Westerner Nesselrode ruined the Russian Hawaii project

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Defeat of the Schaeffer colony The calculations of Dr. Schaeffer to approve of his actions in the Hawaiian Islands and to provide real help to Baranov and St. Petersburg did not materialize. Baranov said that he could not approve the agreements concluded by him without the permission of the main board, and forbade further work in this

For the fate of Russian California, the transition to peasant colonization would be salvation

For the fate of Russian California, the transition to peasant colonization would be salvation

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Russians in California For the first decade of its history, Fort Ross was under the control of its founder I. A. Kuskov (1812-1821). At the same time, Baranov closely followed the formation of the Californian colony, giving detailed instructions on its structure. Ross was created as a field and future

How the Spaniards tried to oust the Russians from California

How the Spaniards tried to oust the Russians from California

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Although the Spaniards considered California to be their zone of influence, the Russian-American company pointed out that the border of their possessions north of San Francisco was not defined, and the local Indians were not under the control of the Spaniards. Spanish Foreign Minister Jose Luyand did not want to spoil relations with the Russian

Friendly relations with the Indians were a strategic advantage for the Russians in California

Friendly relations with the Indians were a strategic advantage for the Russians in California

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

The advancement of the Russian-American company in the southern direction, which became in the 1800s. strategic task, needed legitimization and support from the Russian government. The RAC itself did not have enough strength to succeed in such an expansion. Baranov addresses the main board of the RAC and the head

"Zheltorosiya". How Russia tried to become the "Great Eastern Empire"

"Zheltorosiya". How Russia tried to become the "Great Eastern Empire"

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

At the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries, trying to forestall the threat of Chinese and Japanese expansion, Russia decided to implement the Zheltorosiya project. The basis of the project was the Kwantung region with the Dalny port and the Port Arthur naval base (created in 1899), the CER exclusion zone, Cossack military guards and

1941: a disaster that never happened

1941: a disaster that never happened

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Didn't want to fight, weren't ready to fight back? Let's go back to the beginning of the war. Kurt von Tippelskirch, author of "History of the Second World War", who held a prominent post in the German General Staff on the eve of the Eastern Campaign, was sure that the Soviet leadership was taking urgent measures to protect the country: "Soviet

How Russia challenged Japan

How Russia challenged Japan

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Korea Between Russia, China and Japan was a relatively small Korean kingdom. Korea has long been in the sphere of influence of China, was afraid of the Japanese, and at the end of the 19th century it began to come under the influence of European powers and Russia. The Japanese, on the other hand, traditionally viewed the Korean Peninsula as

How German paratroopers stormed Crete

How German paratroopers stormed Crete

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

The plan of the operation The concept of the 11th Corps operation involved the simultaneous landing of airborne assault forces and the landing of gliders at several points on the island. The Germans did not have enough aircraft to land all the troops at once, so it was decided to attack in three waves. In the first wave (7 a.m. May 20, 1941

Armor and weapons of the Tudors

Armor and weapons of the Tudors

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Here it is: King Henry VIII. He is known for his polygamy and the fine knightly armor that remained after him, and the fate of his wives is learned by English schoolchildren with the help of an amusing mnemonic phrase: "divorced - executed - died - divorced - executed - survived." Portrait by Hans

Defenders of the frontiers of the empire. From the history of the Separate Border Guard Corps

Defenders of the frontiers of the empire. From the history of the Separate Border Guard Corps

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

On May 28, Russia celebrated the Day of the Border Guard. The people defending the borders of our Motherland have always been and will be the elite of the armed forces, an example to follow for the younger generations. The festive date dates back to the day the RSFSR Border Guard was established. May 28, 1918, in accordance with the Decree of the Council of People's

KNIL: on guard for the Dutch East Indies

KNIL: on guard for the Dutch East Indies

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

In the 17th century, the Netherlands became one of the largest maritime powers in Europe. Several trading companies, responsible for the country's overseas trade and engaged in essentially colonial expansion in South and Southeast Asia, in 1602 were merged into the Dutch East India Company. On the island of Java

"Petersburg" company

"Petersburg" company

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

No one now remembers that in 1995 the maritime tradition of the Great Patriotic War was revived - a Marine Corps company was formed on the basis of more than twenty units of the Leningrad Naval Base. Moreover, it was not an officer of the Marine Corps who had to command this company

Mysteries of the last hours of the Reich Chancellery

Mysteries of the last hours of the Reich Chancellery

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

How they tried to steal victory from us At dawn on May 1, 1945, at the command post of the commander of the 8th Guards Army, Colonel General V.I. The German general handed Chuikov a document about his

Great Victory in photographs

Great Victory in photographs

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

May 9, 1945, is moving further and further away from us, but we still remember at what cost our fathers and grandfathers got that day and every year we celebrate this wonderful and tragic holiday together with the veterans. The photographs capture the last moments of the war, happy moments and joyful faces

World War II: The Fall of Nazi Germany, photo

World War II: The Fall of Nazi Germany, photo

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

After the Allied invasion of western France, Germany assembled a reserve force and launched a counteroffensive in the Ardennes, which fizzled out by January. At this time, Soviet troops, moving from the east, entered Poland and East Prussia. In March, the Allies crossed the Rhine, capturing hundreds of